Three Exhibitions at Godinymayin

To celebrate 2022 International Women's Day, Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre is presenting three unique exhibitions from 1`0 March to 23 April 2022. We are proud to partner with Merrepen Arts to present We are Strong Women - Ngagurr awa falmi, lurrity napa ngannim in the Lambert Gallery, and with the Strong Women for Healthy Country Network to present the photographic exhibition Healing Country and Community in the Laneway Gallery. And to round out the trio, thanks to the creative work of 30 local women, our K Space gallery is featuring the Women of Kath-ryn exhibition.

To celebrate 2022 International Women's Day, Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre is presenting three unique exhibitions from 1`0 March to 23 April 2022. We are proud to partner with Merrepen Arts to present We are Strong Women - Ngagurr awa falmi, lurrity napa ngannim in the Lambert Gallery, and with the Strong Women for Healthy Country Network to present the photographic exhibition Healing Country and Community in the Laneway Gallery. And to round out the trio, thanks to the creative work of 30 local women, our K Space gallery is featuring the Women of Kath-ryn exhibition.


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Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre was established in

2012 as the flagship cultural facility for the Katherine Region, and later

this year we will mark our 10th anniversary—with some exciting expansion

plans in store. Our founders were a visionary group of local artists, elders,

civic leaders, station adn business owners, educators, and government

partners who wanted to make a special place for the community. And they

did. We thank you for being part of our history, programs, events, and future


With these three 2022 International Women’s Day exhibitions, we offer

gratitude to the Godinymayin team—Trish Aspey, Richard Starr, Robert

Paynter, Eric Holowacz—for their work to deliver cultural events, gatherings,

and experiences. We express abundant thanks to gallery volunteers Jake

Qunlivan and Danny Murphy, as well as Jherry Matahelumual, Alec Moylan,

and Adelaide Laqere. And we give gratitude to board members and Women

of Kath-ryne coordinators Toni Tapp Coutts and Siobhan Mackay, to Cathy

Laudenbach of Merrepen Arts, and to the dozens of people involved in

making these exhibitions possible.

We would also like to acknowledge support from ANKA—Arnhem Northern

and Kimberley Artists Aboriginal Corporation, Katherine Womens

Information & Legal Service, Strong Women for Healthy Country Network,

and every wonderful artist who has work in these International Women’s Day


Here at the Centre, we are forever grateful for the ongoing support of our

principal partners the Northern Territory Government and Katherine. And in

everything we do, we acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land and

region we inhabit—the Jawoyn, Wardaman and Dagoman people—and

their Elders past, present, and emerging.

Image on Cover: Detail of photograph by Renae Saxby, from the Healing

Country and Community exhibition

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