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Metaheuristics for the integration of picking and storage

location activities

D. L. Huerta-Muñoz 1 , R. Z. Ríos-Mercado 1 , and F. López 2



March 7, 2022


The aim of this paper is to study the integration of picking activities and the

storage location of products in a warehouse. A mathematical model is developed and

a metaheuristic method is implemented to solve this integration.

Keywords: Picking; Product allocation; Routing; Metaheuristic; MILP.

1 Introduction

In a supply chain, one of the most costly activities is the picking of orders inside a warehouse.

This activity is closed related to the storage location of products in a warehouse

and, even though these problems are commonly studied and solved independently, recent

studies have shown that the integration of both activities may result in greater improvements.

The expected contribution is to propose a mathematical model for the integration of

picking and storage location activities of the studied problem and a metaheuristic to solve

large size instances efficiently.

2 Literature review

According to de Koster et al. (2007), almost 55% of the costs incurred inside a warehouse

are related to the picking of orders. This activity is closed related to how the products are

located in the warehouse. Handle both activities individually incur in local optimizations

with no significant improvements. Therefore, integrating these activities can result in

better solutions.

In Silva et al. (2020), authors show that the integration of both activities may incur in

significant improvements. They propose several non-linear programming models for four

cases of integration, which have been linearized. Computational results showed that is

not practical to solve even the small instances to optimality in less than 7200s (3-5 picks,

10-60 slots). Thus, they developed a General Variable Neighborhood Search metaheuristic

to solve them.


2.1 Storage location assignment (SLAP) and order picking (OPP) ideas

Some general ideas taken from Silva et al. (2020) are the following:

• There are extensive literature for the individual study of SLAP (tactical) and OPP


• SLAP solution is an input of OPP

• OPP requires 50-75% of the total operating costs for a typical warehouse.

• SLAP is evaluated after OPP

• There are several ways to model the problem depending on the layout to be considered.

The most common one is the rectangle single-block layout with multiple aisles

(the one used for this study)

Ideas for the SLAP

• SLAP was introduced by Hausman et al. (1976) for an automated warehouse. Some

other literature to consider is Kofler et al. (2014) and Charris et al. (2018)

• Store location assignment policy (to be discussed later)

– Random: simple but not so efficient, more appropriated for e-commerce business.

– Dedicated: high-turnover products assigned to best locations, products are

sorted using a demand rule, locations are sorted based on the distance to the

depart point (similar to ABC method?).

– Class-based: divides products in classes and storage location into zones, then

assign classes to zones

– By affinity: items which are commonly ordered together are considered to be


Ideas for order picking

• For any warehouse layout, optimal OPP solution is obtained by solving a special

case of TSP (Pansart et al., 2018)

• Heuristics for the TSP like the Lin-Kernighan-Helsgaun (LKH, the most successful)

can be used to approximate the OPP.

• Picking policies (Fig. 1) that can be used depend on the problem characteristics

(warehouse shape, num aisles/cross aisles, pick list size, storage

and batching policies:

– Return: pickers arrive and depart through the same point of aisles.

– S-Shape: pickers enter and leave an aisle and traverses it until the end.

– Midpoint: picker enters and leaves from the same point of the aisle; however,

he/she goes as far as the middle of the aisle

– Largest gap: a gap (distance between two adjacent items and the closes cross

aisle) is computed. Then, pickers leave the aisle from the same point they



Figura 1: Picking policies (source: (Silva et al., 2020))

– Other policies can be found in [REF]

SLOPP - general idea

The SLOPP was proposed by Silva et al. (2020) to integrate storage locations and

order picking problems. They proposed a (non-linear) mathematical model that considers

the following elements:

• They do not assume any specific warehouse system

• S-shape (slightly modified)

• 4 routing policies

• Static pick list

• They evaluate the SLAP performance for the OPP solution

• They present a mathematical model for the SLOPP (SLAP + OPP), it does not

assume any storage layout (no assume any policy or heuristic)

• Data:

– L locations

– P products (only demanded products), each product must be assigned to a

place l in L

– O orders, each order contains a pick list

– d ij distance cost to move from place i to j

– Q unlimited capacity

• Decision vars


– x ijo 1 if (i,j) is traverse to pick items from o-th order, 0 otherwise

– y ki 1 if product k is assigned to location i (y00 = 1)

– u ko Aux var to avoid subtours (position in route)

• Objective function: min total routing cost

• S.t.

– Assign each product to exactly one location

– Each location can have no more than one product

– link assignment and routing, and ensure we have an arc enter/exit from that


– Avoid subtours

3 Problem description

The studied problem considers the following data and assumptions:

• Data for order picking

– I a set of products or items

– P a set of workers or pickers

– Z a set of intra and inter zones

– O a set of picking orders

– V a set of homogeneous cars with a maximum capacity of Q (16 slots, 4x4).

– M pi a matrix that shows the performance of a picker p (number of items per

minute processed) of a picker p.

– A ij an affinity matrix that shows when items i and j can be attended in the

same route

– Layout of the warehouse

Figura 2: Layout

• Data for store location

– I z r Inventory levels per rack per zone


– d i : Demand of products per zone

– R: Set of racks per zone

• Assumptions

– Aisles are narrow? [DH: No], have the same lenght? [DH: Most of

the according to the layout]

– There are only aisles or aisles and cross-aisles? [DH: According to

the layout, there are cross-aisles]

– Each order must be attended by only one picker, a picker can attend several

orders in the same route.

– Each car has several slots (bagging is not consider in this study). At least one

slot per order per customer.

– Customer orders cannot be combined in the same slot.

– Units of product are considered integer

– Intra-zone items are those that are in the same

– All items correspond to a same type

– Customer demands are deterministic (to be evaluated, according to the contribution)

– There are some products, from different zones, that cannot be picked in the

same route

– Pickers departs from a specif place or depot

– If possible, allocate heavy orders first (find trade-off)

– Picking policy (to be discussed later)

∗ Return/S-Shape/Midpoint/Largest gap (Other policies can be found in


– Store location assignment policy (to be discussed later)

∗ Random/Dedicated/Class-based/By affinity (which?)

• Decision variables

– a so : Number of slots s ∈ S used per customer order øinO

– x p ij

: 1 if picker p picks the item i before j (picking route); otherwise, 0.

– lir z : 1 if item i ∈ I is located in rack r

• Objective

– Picking: Evaluate the trade-off between routing and slotting costs

– Minimize the total picking time

• Subject to

– Storage location

– Picking requirements

– Carts capacities


3.1 The pick frequency and part affinity matrix for product assignment

The pick frequency and part affinity matrix value was introduced by [REF]

Given a set of L z storage locations per zone z ∈ Z, and a set of products p ∈ P that

must be assigned to these locations, to create the PF/PA matrix assignment we need to

consider the following:

• N(p) : Number of orders in which p ∈ P occurs

• A(p, q) : Number of orders in which p, q ∈ P are requested together

• ¯q l p: Quantity of product p stored at location l

• ¯L(p) : Set of locations where product p has been assigned (where ¯q l p > 0)

• Total pick frequency value (PF)

• Total part affinity value (PA)

P A =

P A(p) =

P F = ∑ p∈P



P F (p) = N(p)

¯L z (p)|

p,q∈P :i≠j

q∈P :q≠p

P A(p, q) =

l∈ ¯L(p)

l∈ ¯L z(p)

A(p, q)

|¯L z (p)||¯L z (q)|

A(p, q)


A(p, q)


c 0,l (1)

c 0,l (2)

l∈ ¯L z(p) ¯l∈ ¯Lz(q)

l∈ ¯L(p)

l∈ ¯L(p)

Then, the total PF/PA value can be measured as follows:

c l,¯l (3)

¯l∈ ¯L(q)

c l,¯l (4)

¯l∈ ¯L(q)

c l,¯l (5)

ĉ = αP F + (1 − α)P A (6)

ĉ pq = α[P F (p) + P F (q))] + (1 − α)P A(p, q) (7)

3.2 Order picking considering precedence constraints

Precedence constraints during the picking activity have being studied in several works

Dekker et al. (2004); Lahyani et al. (2013); Chabot et al. (2017). A precedence constraint

establishes the order in which the picking routes must be performed according to certain

criteria like picking first heavy products before light products (to locate heavy products in

the lower slots of the cart and light products in the upper ones), or picking first products

from the most to the least fragile, etc.

In our problem te objective is to pick heavy products first, then light ones.


4 Mathematical model


• B: Set of bacthes {1, . . . , |B|}

• O: Set of orders {1, . . . , |O|}

• P : Set of products {1, . . . , |P |}

• L: Set of locations/racks

• A: Set of arcs e available, where e ∈ {i, j ∈ L}.

• V p : Volume required by product p

• γ > 0: Maximum value of affinity required to assign products in a close location.

• Aff pq : PF/PA value between to products p, q ∈ P (see Section 3.1)

• Q L : Capacity of locations (volume)

• W : Set of pickers, {1, . . . , |W |}

• Q W : Cart capacity (volume)

• D po : Demand of product p ∈ P in order o ∈ O

Decision variables - assignment

• y l p= 1 if product p ∈ P is assigned to location l ∈ L; Otherwise, 0.

• a l p ≥ 0: Units of product p ∈ P assigned to location l ∈ L.

Decision variables - routing

• qpoi lw = Units of product p ∈ P , for any order o ∈ O that belongs to batch i ∈ B, that

must be collected at location l by picker w ∈ W

• zpoi lw = 1 if product p ∈ P of order o ∈ O of batch i ∈ B located at l is assigned to

picker w ∈ W ; otherwise, 0.

• r iw

e = 1 if arc e ∈ A is traversed by picker w ∈ W to pick batch i; otherwise, 0.

• f iw

e ≥ 0: Load of the vehicle used by picker w ∈ W at each traversed e ∈ A.


α ∑ i∈B

s.t. ∑ p∈P

w∈W e∈A

t e r iw

e + (1 − α) ∑ o∈O

¯tρ o (8)

y l p ≤ |P | l ∈ L (9)

yp l ≤


V p D po


Q L p ∈ P (10)



a l p ≥ ∑ o∈O

D po p ∈ P, (11)

V p a l p ≤ Q L yp l p ∈ P, l ∈ L (12)

V p a l p ≤ Q L l ∈ L (13)


Aff pq (yp l + yq) l ≤ 2γ p, q ∈ P (p ≠ q), l ∈ L (14)

zpoi lw ≤ yp l w ∈ W, p ∈ P, o ∈ O, i ∈ B, l ∈ L (15)

V p qpoi lw ≤ Q W zpoi lw

p ∈ P, o ∈ O, i ∈ B, w ∈ W, l ∈ L (16)

∑ ∑ ∑

l∈L o∈O p∈P

∑ ∑ ∑

i∈B w∈W o∈O

∑ ∑ ∑

l∈L w∈W i∈B

e l+ ∈A

w∈W e 0+ ∈A

e l+ ∈A

V p q lw

poi ≤ Q W i ∈ B, w ∈ W (17)

q lw

poi ≤ a l p p ∈ P, ∈ L (18)

q lw

poi = D po p ∈ P, o ∈ O (19)

r iw

e ≤ 1 l ∈ L, i ∈ B, w ∈ W (20)

r iw




e l+ ∈A



r iw

e ≤ |W | i ∈ B (21)

= ∑

e l− ∈A

= ∑

e l− ∈A

r iw

e l ∈ L, i ∈ B, w ∈ W (22)

f iw


− ∑ o∈O


V p q lw

poi w ∈ W, i ∈ B, l ∈ L (23)

≤ Q W re iw

e ∈ A, i ∈ B, w ∈ W (24)

∑ ∑ ∑

fe iw = 0 (25)

i∈B w∈W e∈A

b w oi ≤ ∑ ∑

zpoi w o ∈ O, i ∈ B, w ∈ W (26)

l∈L p∈P

b w oi = 1 o ∈ O, i ∈ B (27)




+ b w oi − 1 ≤ Mτoi ew

o ∈ O, w ∈ W, i ∈ B, e ∈ A (28)

∑ ∑

t e τoi

ew ≤ To Max

o ∈ O, w ∈ W (29)

∑ ∑

b w oi − 1 ≤ Mh o o ∈ O (30)

i∈B e∈A

w∈W i∈B

ρ o ≤ ∑ w∈W

∑ ∑ ∑

l∈L i∈B p∈P

q lw

poi o ∈ O (31)

ρ o ≤ Mh o o ∈ O (32)

ρ o ≥ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

qpoi lw − M(1 − h o ) o ∈ O (33)

w∈W l∈L i∈B p∈P

yp l ∈ {0, 1}, ā l p ≥ 0 p ∈ P, l ∈ L (34)

zpoi lw ∈ {0, 1}, qpoi lw ≥ 0 p ∈ P, o ∈ O, w ∈ W, i ∈ B, l ∈ L (35)

rie w ∈ {0, 1}, fie w ≥ 0 e ∈ A, i ∈ B, w ∈ W (36)



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