Prezentacia marketing aktivity


Banner ads andmobile adsBANNER ADVERTISINGEvery banner that has placed redirects you to our site.Portrait

Social mediaInstagram@zeencollagen and@zeenworld has now25 000 fans on theirprofiles• Engagement: Measure the number of people whoengaged with an item (social shares, likes andcomments).• Impressions: Measure the number of people who may have viewed an item.• Items: Measure any content (blog posts, articles, etc.)that originally appeared as digital media.• Mentions: Measure how many online items mentionthe brand, organization, or product.• Reach: Measure how far the PR campaign managed topenetrate overall and in terms of a particular audience.FacebookZEEN WORLD fan pagehas now more than 4700fans on FacebookYoutubeEducative videos is updatedon our Youtube channel.

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Every banner that has placed redirects you to our site.


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