February 2022 web

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Your Mickle’s Worth

Once again, the upstairs is dark, the

basement is quiet and there are fewer vehicles

in the garage and driveway. After having all

three of the kids home at different times during

the holidays and even having all three of them

together for a brief moment, they have returned

to their new lives. Matt has his second semester

of freshman year in college underway. Kate is

wrapping up her senior year in college and Kyle

is firmly entrenched in his career 4 hours south

of us.

Having all five of us home made the

holidays extra special. Now, it’s back to empty

bedrooms and the occasional weekend home

for each of them. I think Boomer is as happy to

see them as we are. He apparently doesn’t like

being an only child!

The parenting journey never ceases to

amaze me. Just when I think my work is done, I

realize it’s not. Mainly, because I still want to be

an active participant in our children’s lives and

they have graciously accepted our participation.

With that said, I am working on how much is

“too much” involvement in their lives. Karen is

better at defining that line than I am.

Hoping 2022 is a wonderful year for all


Mike, Karen, Kyle, Kate, Matt and Boomer

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Davenport, IA

4 February 2022 I QC Family Focus

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