February 2022 web

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Everyone is feeling the

pressure from the increased costs

on everything from food to cars.

Teaching our kids about money at

a young age gives them a great

foundation to be able to manage

their money as adults.

Give them the responsibility of

a bank account.

By the time your child is a

teenager, you should be able to

set them up with a simple bank

account. Make sure they realize

what fees occur if they spend

more money than they have in

their account. This takes money

management to the next level,

and will (hopefully) prepare them

sit down and have the talk—the

for managing a much heftier

“how are we going to pay for

account when they get older.

college” talk. Let your teen know

Get them saving for college.

that student loans are an option

There’s no time like the

to fund their education but they

present to have your teen start

come at a cost and should be

saving for college. Do they plan

avoided if possible. Talk through

on working a summer job?

all the alternatives out there, like

Perfect! Too young to be hired at

going to community college,

a local store? There are still ways

going to an in-state university,

to make money- babysit, mow

working part-time while in school,

the yard in the summer or shovel

and applying for scholarships.

snow during winter months

Lots of scholarships are available

for your neighbors. Help your

if they are willing to put in the work

child decide how much of their

to apply for them.

paycheck goes to their college

Teach them the danger of credit

fund and how much can be used


for “fun” money- buying a new

As soon as your teen turns

video game, stopping at their

18, they’ll get credit card offers—

favorite coffee spot, or a new pair

especially once they’re in college.

of shoes they have been wanting.

If you haven’t taught them why

Maybe parents or grandparents

debt is a bad idea, they’ll become

will match whatever the child

yet another credit card victim.

saves in the college account to

There is plenty of time to worry

help out with school expenses.

about a credit score later so throw

Teach them to steer clear of

those offers in the shred bin.

student loans.

Get them on a simple budget.

Before your teen ever

Since your teen is glued to

applies to college, you need to

12 February 2022 I QC Family Focus

their mobile device anyway, get

them active on a simple budgeting

app. Now is the time to get your

teen in the habit of budgeting

their income—no matter how

small It is. They should learn the

importance of making a plan for

their money while they’re still

under your roof.

Introduce them to the magic of

compound interest.

We know what you’re

thinking. You can barely get your

teen to brush their hair—how in

the world are they supposed to

become investment savvy? The

earlier your teen can get started

investing, the better. Compound

interest is a magical thing!

Introduce your teen to it at an

early age, and they’ll get a head

start on preparing for their future.

By sitting down with your

teenager and having an open and

honest conversation, then they

will have a great start to managing

their money.

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