24 Seven February 2022

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.


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ecstatic. Then the weight loss

completely stopped. Nothing

for six more months! As of

today, she’s down 130 pounds.

Imagine if she had turned

around and started going in

the wrong direction. Instead

she continued to practice her

hypnosis and have faith. It’s

such a joy to get Cathy’s annual

vacation photos and see her

beaming, healthy, at her ideal


Appreciate your progress.

Instead of beating up on

yourself, begin to send yourself

some appreciation. Have you

ever watched a child learn

to walk? When it fell down,

did you want to yell, “What’s

wrong with you?” Of course,

not! Your instinct was surely

to encourage that child. In

the same way, encourage

yourself for all your efforts and successes. Don’t

only measure success by the number on the

scale. Instead measure winning by your actions

and accomplishments. Did you take the time to

prepare a salad today and bring it to work instead

of pulling into a fast food restaurant like you may

have before? Give yourself a big smile, pat on

the back, and deep encouragement, praise and


Heal your emotional patterns. See your

frustration as a great opportunity to heal your

own emotional patterns. Notice the familiarity of

the feelings you are having right now. Realize that

no matter what your life situation, your thought

habits are repetitive and predictable. This is a

great opportunity to break that old cycle. Without

judgment, open your awareness. Be brave and let

yourself experience any “dark” feelings of shame,

anger, victimhood, fear, insecurity and jealousy.

Whatever comes up for you, you no longer need

to push down again. You can bring your feelings

into the light of day to be acknowledged and healed.

It’s time to hold yourself, instead of rejecting the

parts of you that you feel uncomfortable with.

Imagine a huge, radiant sun in your heart that

can contains all your feelings — both the wanted

and the unwanted ones. Imagine that the dark

emotions passing through you can be healed by

the light that’s in the core of your being — the

light that is part of your true Spirit. Ask to release

judgment and criticism of yourself.

From The Story

“Don’t only

measure success

by the number

on the scale.

Instead measure

winning by your

actions and



Stop suppressing any discomfort within you. You

no longer need to bury your emotions with food.

Instead, summon your inner courage, breathe light

into all your emotions and let this light expand

and wash over you. You are much stronger than

you think. Also, you are not alone. The feelings that

feel unmanageable to you are simply your share

of the feelings that all of humanity experiences.

By bringing them into the light deep within you,

and witnessing them, you can channel them into

positive energy — even if that is simply compassion

for others and for yourself.

Shift your mindset. Reinstate a sense of certainty

within yourself that you are moving in the right

direction. Feel with every cell of your body the

inner knowing that you deserve to be happy and

to live the creative, happy life that your heart longs

for. Know that weight loss is only the side benefit of

living your life with authentic freedom — freedom

to choose what your inner wisdom knows is best

for you. Make a decision to release the old habits

of thought and action that no longer serve you.

Decide to love all parts of yourself, even those that

in the past you may have been ashamed of.

Embrace your humanity while more and more

embodying your divinity. Practice self-hypnosis

every day to help you get more and more connected

to your authentic self.

Never give up and know that all good things

happen in their own time. Your job is to keep

consciously moving towards living the life that

you know is best for you. That means embodying

the new habits of healthy eating, eating only just

enough to satisfy your physical hunger and moving

your body for balance, stress relief and energy.

Focus on cleansing your mind daily and nourishing

your body. And if you must look back, do so only

long enough to see how far you’ve come!

About The Author


Rena Greenberg is an author, healthcare expert,

and educator whose programs are sponsored

by over 75 US hospitals and 100 major US

corporations, including Disney, Home Depot,

and AT&T. She has helped over 200,000 people

find their journey to health. Her weight loss

and smoking cessation programs, as well as

her organic CBD line of wellness products have

been featured widely in the national press.

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