GLYPHOGAN 360 SL - Makhteshim-Agan

GLYPHOGAN 360 SL - Makhteshim-Agan

GLYPHOGAN 360 SL - Makhteshim-Agan


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Perennial weeds:<br />

See Table 1<br />

19<br />

Precautions:<br />



Voorsorgmaatreëls:<br />

Prevent spray / spray mist contact with leaves, green and young bark of Voorkom spuit- of sproeinewelkontak met blare, groen en jong bas van<br />

stems as well as fruit. Allow 10 days after pruning, or the removal of stamme asook vrugte. Laat ‘n periode van 10 dae toe na snoei, of<br />

low branched and/or suckers before spraying weeds in perennial crops. verwydering van laaghangende takke en/of suiers, alvorens onkruide in<br />

meerjarige gewasse bespuit word.<br />


Allow regrowth after final harvest to 8 to 10ℓ / ha Sugarcane Suikerriet 8 to 10ℓ / ha Laat hergroei toe tot 45cm hoogte na<br />

a height of 45cm (tillering complete):<br />

Last ratoon Laaste<br />

laaste ratoen (stoelstadium voltooi):<br />

Apply 100 to 400ℓ / ha mixture<br />

eradication ratoenuitwis-<br />

Dien 100 tot 400ℓ / ha spuitmengsel<br />

when tillers have emerged.<br />

(minimum sing (minimum<br />

toe sodra halms verskyn.<br />

tillage) bewerking)<br />

Spray <strong>GLYPHOGAN</strong> on the last 4 to 8ℓ / ha. Combination Kombinasie 4 tot 8ℓ / ha. Spuit <strong>GLYPHOGAN</strong> op 35 tot 100cm<br />

ratoon when the regrowth is 35 to Use higher rate tillage -last bewerking – Gebruik die hoër hoë hergroei van die laaste ratoen. Na<br />

100cm high. Allow between 1 and on highly ratoon laaste ratoen- dosis op 1 tot 10 dae, moet die stoel op ‘n diepte<br />

10 days to elapse and shear the cane productive soils eradication uitwissing vrugbare gronde van tussen 10 en 15cm onder die<br />

stool to a depth of 10 to 15cm below where regrowth<br />

waar hergroei ‘n grondoppervlak afgesny word, met ‘n<br />

the soil surface using a blade shear or is a problem.<br />

probleem is. lem of soortgelyke implement. Hierdie<br />

similar implement. This treatment<br />

behandeling sal ook sekere gras- en<br />

will also control certain broadleaf<br />

and grass weeds.<br />

breëblaaronkruide beheer.<br />

Apply directed spray to foliage of 10% solution Spot- Kol-uitwissing 10% oplossing Dien gerig toe op blare van besmette<br />

diseased (e.g. smut) or off-type<br />

stools.<br />

eradication<br />

(bv. brand) of aftipe plante.<br />

Apply to young annual weeds that Annual weeds: Pre-plant Voorplant Eenjarige Dien toe op aktiefgroeiende eenjarige<br />

are actively growing<br />

1 to 3ℓ / ha<br />

onkruid:<br />

1 tot 3ℓ / ha<br />

onkruide.<br />

Meerjarige<br />

onkruide:<br />

Sien Tabel 1

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