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4.C. Reading Strategies: Scanning.

Scanning is a reading strategy used to find specific information,

words or phases in the text.

Look for bond print and italic

Look for words in large font size

Look for key words related to your topic

Look for pictures and numbers

The first challenge of the university application process is deciding which universities to apply to. You can choose

your selection of universities randomly, or you can spend months deciding on the best options. So here are some

tips on how to choose a university…

How to Choose a University

1. Make sure you’ve chosen the right subject

It is fundamental to be 100% sure about your subject. If you have doubts

about your choice, read as many things about it as you can. Check

job options, course contents, salaries, etc.

2. Consult university rankings

There are some which give you a general ranking, while others may

have separate tables for each subject. For me, the most important data

was the student-to-staff ratio.

3. Find out what the university library is like

One of the most important things is the library. You will spend a decent

amount of your life in the library, so it should be a comfortable environment.

4. Check the course content

You can check the course content on the university website. If there’s

an area within the subject you’re particularly interested in, check whether

the university has it “on its menu” or not.

4.D. Scan the text and find out the author’s opinion about:

a) The right subject

b) University ranking

c) University library

d) Course contentes

e) What’s the first challenge of a university student?

I think... I believe.... I feel.... I suppose.... Personally, I think....

In my view.... In my opinion.... In my eyes.... It seems to me that....

From my perspective.... From my point of view..... As far as I’m concerned....

22 22

Expressing opinion!

Livro_ChallengeOnCampus [impressão] [08-02-22].indd 22 08/02/2022 22:46:55

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