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In-Flight Maneuvers

NOTE: Configuration and throttle settings used throughout the

following procedures are based on an 180 HP S-Model 172 and

may vary depending on the specific airplane and prevailing

conditions. Entry speeds for performance maneuvers are based

on the S-Model 172 POH and, in high density altitude conditions,

may need to be reduced to observe engine RPM limitations.

Required maneuvers for the Commercial Pilot Single-Engine checkride are

performed the same as those for Private Pilot, with two exceptions:

• Commercial steep turns are accomplished with at least 50° of bank.

Private steep turns are performed at 45° of bank.

• Stall recovery at the commercial level is performed either at the first

indication of an impending stall or after a full stall has occurred, as

specified by the evaluator. Private stalls must be continued to a full stall.

Commercial Pilot Single Engine completion standards allow for lower tolerances

than Private Pilot standards on maneuvers. Refer to the ACS.

Clean Configuration Flow

1. Fuel selector – both

2. Mixture – enrichen

3. Flaps 0°

Landing Configuration Flow

1. Fuel selector – both

2. Mixture – enrichen

3. Carburetor heat – on (carbureted models)

4. Flaps full

58 • In-Flight Maneuvers

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