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COM Radio Controls: Use the COM knob, along with the frequency

transfer key, to tune COM receiver frequencies. Turn the VOL knob to

control the volume, or press to turn the automatic squelch on or off.

CRS/BARO Knobs: Turn the outer, large knob to set the barometric

pressure setting for the altimeter. Turn the small, inner knob to select a

course on the HSI when in VOR or OBS mode.

RANGE Joystick: Turn to adjust map range. Press to activate the map


FMS Keys/Knob: Use these to program flight plans, enter waypoints,

select instrument procedures, etc.

Softkeys: There are 12 softkeys along the bottom edge of each display

with functions that vary depending on context.

NOTE: Review the G1000 Pilot’s Guide for your airplane for more

information on the G1000’s features. These are available in the

ATP Library and in ForeFlight Documents.

Standby Instruments

Cessna 172s equipped with the G1000 also have three standby flight instruments

for use in case of G1000 component failures. A conventional airspeed indicator

and altimeter are connected to the pitot-static system (note that blockages of

the pitot tube or static port will affect both the standby instruments and the

G1000). A gyroscopic attitude indicator is powered by an engine-driven vacuum

pump. Heading information is available from the magnetic compass. (There is no

backup source of rate of turn or rate of climb information.)

NOTE: The standby flight instruments are designed to allow the

pilot to safely exit instrument conditions and land the airplane in

the event of instrumentation or electrical failures. They are not a

replacement for the primary instrument displays on the G1000. If

use of the standby instruments is required, exit IMC and land as

soon as possible.

12 • Aircraft Systems

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