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maximum smoothness. Carburetor heat also serves as an alternate induction air

source, in case of blockage of the primary engine air intake.

NOTE: Partial carburetor heat may be worse than no heat at all,

since it may melt part of the ice, which will refreeze in the intake

system. Therefore when using carburetor heat, always use full

heat and when the ice is removed, return the control to the full

cold position.

NOTE: Additional aircraft systems information can be found

in Section 7 of the Cessna 172 Pilot's Operating Handbook,

available in the ATP Training Library and ForeFlight Documents.

ATP training videos reviewing this material are available on the

Ground School Support Videos page.

Garmin G1000

Some Cessna 172s are equipped with the Garmin G1000 electronic flight deck.

G1000 Components

The G1000 is comprised of several main components, called Line Replaceable

Units (LRUs):

• Primary Flight Display (PFD)

• Multi Function Display (MFD)

• Integrated Avionics Units

• Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS)

• Air Data Computer (ADC)

• Engine/Airframe Unit

• Magnetometer

• Audio Panel

• Transponder

The PFD (left screen) shows primary flight information in place of traditional

pitot-static and gyroscopic instruments, and also provides an HSI for navigation.

8 • Aircraft Systems

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