Friday, 11th February, 2022


Page 8The Minister of HealthKwaku Agyemang-Manusays, although 1,426people have died asa result of Covid-19,government’s management ofthe pandemic has been a successstory.The Health Minister says,although millions of lives werelost globally due to the pandemic,the government managed toHealthcontain the situation, making itone of two countries that bettermanaged the pandemic.Giving updates on theCOVID-19 situation, Mr.Agyemang-Manu indicated thatthe country now has an activecase count of 527 cases. Fivepeople are in critical conditionand 1, 426 persons have so farsuccumbed to the virus.He was speaking at a pressDAILY ANALYST Friday, 11th February, 2022– Health Ministerconference in Accra on Wednesday,February 9, 2022.“We couldn’t stop COVID-19impacting negatively on thenation. First of all, government’sfinances did not budget forCOVID-19. We didn’t have anymoney as emergency funds tocater for the pandemic, but therehave been successes.”The Health Minister furtheradded that, the country was doingwell in the area of COVID-19vaccinations, stating that 6,000vaccination teams have beendeployed across the country tomake sure that this is achieved.“We will vaccinate as manyas we can within a very shorttime. So, we have started withthe vaccine day to make surethat, people get vaccinated. Inthe process, we have set up about6,000 teams across the countryvaccinating people. So far, Ghanahas received 27.4 million dosesof vaccines and we have administered11.8 million doses out ofwhich 8.3 does are one shot.”The government declaredDecember 2021 as the monthof vaccinations, amid growingconcerns of vaccine hesitancyamong Ghana’s population.This has been accompaniedby vaccine mandates like thedirective to all persons to be vaccinatedon arrival at the KotokaInternational Airport beforethey can be permitted to enterthe country.This has coincided with theemergence of groups kickingagainst vaccine mandates, citingthe potential of fatal adversereactions.Korle Bu successfullyconducts corneatransplants for six patients'Abandoned ' La General Hospitalsproject to commence this year- Minister assuresThe Health Minister,Kwaku AgyemangManu, has givenassurances that theconstruction of the LaGeneral Hospital will commencethis year.The hospital was closeddown in March 2020 to paveway for its redevelopment dueto the dilapidated nature of thestructures.Two years on, work at theproject site is yet to see anysignificant progress.But speaking at a mediaengagement in Accra, theHealth Minister said the workhad been delayed due to theCOVID-19 pandemic and otherdocumentation issues in China.He however said most of thehurdles have been cleared andthe contractor is currently onsiteto begin work.“We had cause to pull downthe hospital because it wascracking and we were scaredthat there could be a disaster.After that, we awarded thecontract, we went throughregulatory processes but wefaced challenges with COVIDand some insurance challengesin China that stopped us fromworking. Now they [contractors]are back on site and the last timethey were looking for a road thatwill help them pull their heavyequipment to the site.”Kwaku Agyemang Manusaid the contractor is howeverundertaking other projectsin Shama and at the Korle-BuTeaching Hospital which arealso ongoing.Many residents havecomplained about the slow paceof work at the site over a yearafter President Akufo-Addo cutsod for the construction.The Member of Parliamentfor the La DadekotoponConstituency, Rita OdoleySowah, also recently expresseddisappointment that work hadnot begun on the redevelopmentof the La General Hospital sincethe old structure was pulleddown.The project is being financedby a credit facility from StandardChartered Bank of the UnitedKingdom, with an export creditguarantee from Sinosure of thePeople’s Republic of China, tothe tune of €68 million with aninsurance cover of €3,860,349.18.The project will beundertaken by a Chinesecompany, Poly Changda.Upon completion, it willbe transformed into a 160-bedfacility and will be fitted withan outpatient department;inpatient wards; maternity andneonatal services; surgical unitwith four theatres; accident andemergency department; publichealth department; pharmacyunit; laboratory; administration;imaging area, with CT Scan,X-ray room, ultrasound,fluoroscopy, mammographyunits; physiotherapy unit; and amortuary.The facility, which wasformerly known as the LaPolyclinic, was established inthe early 1960s.It mainly served residentsof La, Osu, Teshie, Nungua, andits surrounding areas with theirhealthcare needs.Ghana’s premierTeaching Hospital,Korle Bu hassuccessfullyconducted a corneatransplant for six patients.Announcing what has nowbecome a third successfulsession in a series of corneatransplant surgeries, Korle Busaid the recent surgery was thefirst to be funded by partners ofthe teaching hospital.“The Hospital hassuccessfully undertaken CorneaTransplant for Six Patients.The surgery, which was done inpartnership with the Universityof Standford, is the thirdprocedure to be done in Korle Buand the first to be funded by theHospital's partners,” a statementon the Facebook page of Korle BuTeaching Hospital said.The surgery according to thestatement was led by a seniordoctor from the University ofStanford in the United Kingdomand a female doctor from KorleBu.“The Hospital is gratefulto Geoffrey Tabin, a Professorof Ophthalmology and GlobalMedicine from the Universityof Standford and the team fromKorle Bu Eye Centre, led by Dr.Gladys Fordjour, for continuallymaking Korle Bu TeachingHospital a leader in advancedmedical care,” the statement byKorle Bu added.The cornea is a clear outerlayer at the front of the eyeballand acts as a window to the eye.A cornea transplant is asurgical procedure to remove allor part of a damaged cornea andreplace it with healthy donortissue.A cornea transplant is oftenreferred to as keratoplasty or acorneal graft.It can be used to improvesight, relieve pain and treatsevere infection or damage.One of the most commonreasons for a corneatransplant is a condition calledkeratoconus, which causes thecornea to change shape.

DAILY ANALYSTFriday, 11th February, 2022 Page 9OpinionOne of the mostsignificant drivingfactors whenchoosing betweena car that runs onpetrol or electricity is the cost.The cost has a multitude of variablesranging in scope, from fuelcharges to maintenance fees, tothe overall price of the vehicleitself.One of the biggest argumentsmade against electric cars is thatthey are too expensive upfront,and this is simply not true todayas more than forty differentmodels have come to marketwith many tax exemptions addedto them in other markets.In this post, we will be comparingthe charging cost of anElectric Vehicle vs filling a FuelVehicle.Electric vehicles have asignificant advantage regardingcost due to impressive federaland state EV incentives comparedto fuel vehicles. I stronglyrecommend looking into yourstate’s electric-car tax credits asthe tax incentives can drasticallylower the cost of electric cars.Buying an EV in the US seemslike the opposite of how bookinga room in a hotel works.Taxes are added to everyservice you request in the hotel,but tax credits are added to youbuying the EV from federal taxcredits of $2,500 to $7,500 toelectricity discounts and evendealership discounts since mostEV makers do not sell throughdealerships.What is the Cost to Chargean EV in kWh?“A conservative rule usedmostly is that an electric car gets3 to 4 miles per kWh,”. So, dividethe total miles you drive eachmonth by 3, to get the kWh youwould use monthly. Multiplythat number by your cost perkWh. The dollar or cedi amountyou get will most likely be lowerthan what you pay each monthto buy gasoline or petrol.To put this into perspective,let’s give an example. Let’s sayyou drive about 1,000 miles permonth. For an EV, you will use333 kWh in that timeframe.Using the U.S. household averagefrom May 2021 of 14 cents perkWh, it would cost $46.66/monthto charge an EV.The average cost per kWh forGhanaian households as of January2021 average from 32.6 Peswesper kWh for the 0-50 tariffcategory and 61.4 peswes for the51-300 tariff category. So, usingthe 51-300 tariff category becauseyour car might be chargingbetween that range per hour, itwould cost you Ghc 204.5/monthto charge an Electric vehicle for1,000 Miles or 1,609.34 kilometers.Just remember the tariffrates are different for residentialand non-residential.Do the Numbers Add Up?Again, to keep things digestible,let’s use a simple formula.Suppose you put 1,000 mileson your vehicle which is thesame as 1,609.34 kilometres eachmonth, for example, and pay 61.4pesewes in your area for eachkilowatt-hour of electricity. Inthat case, this pegs your at-homeEV recharging bill at Ghc 204.5per month (based on the calculationof 3 to 4 driving milesequaling one kilowatt-hour).Even if you increase your electricrate to 94 pesewes per/kWh, yourEV recharging cost will be Ghc313.33.So, the formula would be forcost of charging would be = (Distancein miles / 3) * Cost per Kwhin your locationHow Does the RechargeCost of Electric Vehicles vs FuelVehicle Compare?Let’s use the 2019 HondaCR-V AWD 1.5 L, 4 cyl, Automatic(variable gear ratios), Turbo,Regular Gasoline which has 30MPG combined city/highwayconsumption.The average cost per gallon is$4.088 (Ghc 24.53) in Ghana and$3.18 per gallon in the US as ofthis writing.So, let’s say your regularmonthly travel is 1000 miles or1,609 kilometers and you usethe 2019 Honda CR-V AWD 1.5L which consumes 1 gallon perevery 30 miles or 48.3 kilometers.You will need to fill the carwith 33.3 gallons of fuel overthe month or period involvedto cover the 1000 miles or 1,609kilometers.So, 33.3 gallons * $4.088 (Ghc24.53) = $136.27 (Ghc 817.67).Using the Honda CRV willcost you Ghc 817 for the wholemonth compared to Ghc 204.5 orGhc 313 if we decide to use thehighest tariff charge of 94 peswesper kWh in Ghana for theelectric vehicle. This means youwill be saving between Ghc 7,358to Ghc 6,056 every year using theEV compared to the Honda CRVin Ghana.Remember this is only anestimate since fuel prices andmileage are so variable though.But considering few cars andSUVs come anywhere close todelivering a 30-mpg combinedaverage, my conservative estimatein this scenario makes itclear that recharging will costless than keeping a car refueled.The financial gap narrows witha more fuel-efficient car, but itremains.Electric Vehicles vs FuelVehicle charging stations: availabilityand costMost electric cars nowadayscan go about 200 to 350 mileson a single charge with 400miles + expected soon, and theavailability of public electric carcharging stations is growing.(Currently, there is 72,000 electricvehicle charging stationsin the US, compared to 136,400gas stations, CNBC has reportedmeanwhile China has 1,680,000charging stations. But in Ghana,there is none except at individualhomes. So, it (theoretically)should be rare to find yourselfrunning out of power with novehicle chargers nearby.Many EV owners buy theircharging stations for home use.The cost of installing one in yourhome varies, and if you live in ashared apartment getting oneput in may be tricky. For thecheapest model, which gives you5 miles of charge per hour a vehicleis plugged in costs between$300 and $2,300 for the unit andinstallation, according to Fixr.Unlike a typical 240-voltLevel 2 home recharging system,Level 3 chargers are prohibitivelyexpensive for a privateindividual to have installed.Tesla has its own dedicatedSupercharger network. The ratescan vary widely depending onregion, timing, the model of Teslabeing charged and not othersEVs can charge on their networkas of now, and even if you chooseTier 1 or Tier 2 recharge speeds(the latter being quick but moreexpensive).Maintenance Cost of AnElectric VehicleWe all know EVs have fewermoving parts than their engine-poweredcounterparts.There are no engines to maintain,no belts to check, no oilto change and the list goes on.As you might imagine, havingfewer mechanicals to check andmaintain makes running EVssignificantly cheaper, and theU.S. Office Of Energy Efficiencyand Renewable Energy has recentlygiven us insight into justhow much cheaper electrics canbe as part of a look at the government’sown vehicle fleet.Electric cars aren’t exactlymaintenance-free so let’s look atthe top five electric car maintenanceneeds and things thatcould lead to repair.- Tyre rotation.It’s common to all cars buton EVs, it remains important ifnot more so because they swapout their heavy transmission enginesfor a heavy battery puttinga lot of loads on tires.- Braking system on yourcar.Not the pads but the fluidthat puts pressure on the padsto the rotors. This is key becauseif they get stagnant, pollutedit doesn’t work right. These arealso changed in fuel vehicles aswell.- The coolant in yourelectric car.Though there’s no engine,there’s a cooling system thatkeeps everything under the hoodcool. You will still change thecoolant in your internal combustionengine car, and it mightbe changed more regularly thanthe EV.- Break ServiceNow we are talking pads androtors. Same thing will be doneon your internal combustionengine vehicle.I can’t give you the numberof miles or number of monthsbefore you can get the brakesdone.- BatteryThe number one maintenanceside of your EV is themotive power battery. This isthe heart of your car’s range andtherefore its livability as well asyour car residual value whetheryou’re leasing or buying it. Well,you will have to change your carbattery in your internal combustionengine but that cost lessthan the EV.So technically, all maintenancecost associated with theEV is also associated with the internalcombustion engine exceptthey are much smaller and willnot be done regularly as in yourfuel driven car.Price of An Electric VehicleIt is obvious we don’t makeEVs in Ghana or Africa and inthe same way, we don’t have EVpolicies or tax credits here. ManyEVs are pricier, there are stateand federal tax credits totalingthousands of dollars and manyshoppers in the US look at thesetax credits as a sort of discounton the car itself.Let’s use the Chevrolet BoltEV which cost $31,995 (Ghc194,148). This can give you 259miles (416 kilometers) on a singlecharge. Remember there are“cool looking” EVs than this car.Using the current T-bill rateof 13% PA in Ghana, it would takealmost 12 years to recover thepurchase price of the car if thecost per kWh was 0.61 pesewesand almost 13 years if the costper Kwh was 0.94 pesewes.Cost Savings From Using AnEV compared to Fuel CarRemember this is only anestimate since cost per Kwh canchange at any time. But consideringwe used higher tariffs forthis estimate, my conservativeestimate might still hold whenthings change a bit. I would alsonot imagine you keeping yourcar for 12 to 13 years, but thisshows you have an opportunityto get your money back comparedto keeping an internallycombusting car that eats intoyour pocket rather. The cost savingson this car was comparedagainst the Honda CRV 2019 1.5Lmodel.Should You Buy an ElectricVehicleThe answer depends on yourcurrent financial situation, butmy advice is to buy it especiallyif you are in Africa becausegovernments have seen fuel asan easy step to taxation, but anEV is a simple way to reduce thatburden.Most countries like the USand UK offer Tax credits forEV buys which can help offsetthe high initial cost of the carwhich is currently unavailablein Ghana.The initial cost involved inbuying an EV will ultimatelybe higher than that of a combustingengine, but you mustremember it will pay off aftersome time. The technical supportand charging infrastructurewill also be a challenge for an EVuser in Ghana as of now but youcan defiantly charge at homeand use it as frequently as youuse your other cars.By: Raphael


Friday, 11th February, 2022 Page 9


One of the most

significant driving

factors when

choosing between

a car that runs on

petrol or electricity is the cost.

The cost has a multitude of variables

ranging in scope, from fuel

charges to maintenance fees, to

the overall price of the vehicle


One of the biggest arguments

made against electric cars is that

they are too expensive upfront,

and this is simply not true today

as more than forty different

models have come to market

with many tax exemptions added

to them in other markets.

In this post, we will be comparing

the charging cost of an

Electric Vehicle vs filling a Fuel


Electric vehicles have a

significant advantage regarding

cost due to impressive federal

and state EV incentives compared

to fuel vehicles. I strongly

recommend looking into your

state’s electric-car tax credits as

the tax incentives can drastically

lower the cost of electric cars.

Buying an EV in the US seems

like the opposite of how booking

a room in a hotel works.

Taxes are added to every

service you request in the hotel,

but tax credits are added to you

buying the EV from federal tax

credits of $2,500 to $7,500 to

electricity discounts and even

dealership discounts since most

EV makers do not sell through


What is the Cost to Charge

an EV in kWh?

“A conservative rule used

mostly is that an electric car gets

3 to 4 miles per kWh,”. So, divide

the total miles you drive each

month by 3, to get the kWh you

would use monthly. Multiply

that number by your cost per

kWh. The dollar or cedi amount

you get will most likely be lower

than what you pay each month

to buy gasoline or petrol.

To put this into perspective,

let’s give an example. Let’s say

you drive about 1,000 miles per

month. For an EV, you will use

333 kWh in that timeframe.

Using the U.S. household average

from May 2021 of 14 cents per

kWh, it would cost $46.66/month

to charge an EV.

The average cost per kWh for

Ghanaian households as of January

2021 average from 32.6 Peswes

per kWh for the 0-50 tariff

category and 61.4 peswes for the

51-300 tariff category. So, using

the 51-300 tariff category because

your car might be charging

between that range per hour, it

would cost you Ghc 204.5/month

to charge an Electric vehicle for

1,000 Miles or 1,609.34 kilometers.

Just remember the tariff

rates are different for residential

and non-residential.

Do the Numbers Add Up?

Again, to keep things digestible,

let’s use a simple formula.

Suppose you put 1,000 miles

on your vehicle which is the

same as 1,609.34 kilometres each

month, for example, and pay 61.4

pesewes in your area for each

kilowatt-hour of electricity. In

that case, this pegs your at-home

EV recharging bill at Ghc 204.5

per month (based on the calculation

of 3 to 4 driving miles

equaling one kilowatt-hour).

Even if you increase your electric

rate to 94 pesewes per/kWh, your

EV recharging cost will be Ghc


So, the formula would be for

cost of charging would be = (Distance

in miles / 3) * Cost per Kwh

in your location

How Does the Recharge

Cost of Electric Vehicles vs Fuel

Vehicle Compare?

Let’s use the 2019 Honda

CR-V AWD 1.5 L, 4 cyl, Automatic

(variable gear ratios), Turbo,

Regular Gasoline which has 30

MPG combined city/highway


The average cost per gallon is

$4.088 (Ghc 24.53) in Ghana and

$3.18 per gallon in the US as of

this writing.

So, let’s say your regular

monthly travel is 1000 miles or

1,609 kilometers and you use

the 2019 Honda CR-V AWD 1.5

L which consumes 1 gallon per

every 30 miles or 48.3 kilometers.

You will need to fill the car

with 33.3 gallons of fuel over

the month or period involved

to cover the 1000 miles or 1,609


So, 33.3 gallons * $4.088 (Ghc

24.53) = $136.27 (Ghc 817.67).

Using the Honda CRV will

cost you Ghc 817 for the whole

month compared to Ghc 204.5 or

Ghc 313 if we decide to use the

highest tariff charge of 94 peswes

per kWh in Ghana for the

electric vehicle. This means you

will be saving between Ghc 7,358

to Ghc 6,056 every year using the

EV compared to the Honda CRV

in Ghana.

Remember this is only an

estimate since fuel prices and

mileage are so variable though.

But considering few cars and

SUVs come anywhere close to

delivering a 30-mpg combined

average, my conservative estimate

in this scenario makes it

clear that recharging will cost

less than keeping a car refueled.

The financial gap narrows with

a more fuel-efficient car, but it


Electric Vehicles vs Fuel

Vehicle charging stations: availability

and cost

Most electric cars nowadays

can go about 200 to 350 miles

on a single charge with 400

miles + expected soon, and the

availability of public electric car

charging stations is growing.

(Currently, there is 72,000 electric

vehicle charging stations

in the US, compared to 136,400

gas stations, CNBC has reported

meanwhile China has 1,680,000

charging stations. But in Ghana,

there is none except at individual

homes. So, it (theoretically)

should be rare to find yourself

running out of power with no

vehicle chargers nearby.

Many EV owners buy their

charging stations for home use.

The cost of installing one in your

home varies, and if you live in a

shared apartment getting one

put in may be tricky. For the

cheapest model, which gives you

5 miles of charge per hour a vehicle

is plugged in costs between

$300 and $2,300 for the unit and

installation, according to Fixr.

Unlike a typical 240-volt

Level 2 home recharging system,

Level 3 chargers are prohibitively

expensive for a private

individual to have installed.

Tesla has its own dedicated

Supercharger network. The rates

can vary widely depending on

region, timing, the model of Tesla

being charged and not others

EVs can charge on their network

as of now, and even if you choose

Tier 1 or Tier 2 recharge speeds

(the latter being quick but more


Maintenance Cost of An

Electric Vehicle

We all know EVs have fewer

moving parts than their engine-powered


There are no engines to maintain,

no belts to check, no oil

to change and the list goes on.

As you might imagine, having

fewer mechanicals to check and

maintain makes running EVs

significantly cheaper, and the

U.S. Office Of Energy Efficiency

and Renewable Energy has recently

given us insight into just

how much cheaper electrics can

be as part of a look at the government’s

own vehicle fleet.

Electric cars aren’t exactly

maintenance-free so let’s look at

the top five electric car maintenance

needs and things that

could lead to repair.

- Tyre rotation.

It’s common to all cars but

on EVs, it remains important if

not more so because they swap

out their heavy transmission engines

for a heavy battery putting

a lot of loads on tires.

- Braking system on your


Not the pads but the fluid

that puts pressure on the pads

to the rotors. This is key because

if they get stagnant, polluted

it doesn’t work right. These are

also changed in fuel vehicles as


- The coolant in your

electric car.

Though there’s no engine,

there’s a cooling system that

keeps everything under the hood

cool. You will still change the

coolant in your internal combustion

engine car, and it might

be changed more regularly than

the EV.

- Break Service

Now we are talking pads and

rotors. Same thing will be done

on your internal combustion

engine vehicle.

I can’t give you the number

of miles or number of months

before you can get the brakes


- Battery

The number one maintenance

side of your EV is the

motive power battery. This is

the heart of your car’s range and

therefore its livability as well as

your car residual value whether

you’re leasing or buying it. Well,

you will have to change your car

battery in your internal combustion

engine but that cost less

than the EV.

So technically, all maintenance

cost associated with the

EV is also associated with the internal

combustion engine except

they are much smaller and will

not be done regularly as in your

fuel driven car.

Price of An Electric Vehicle

It is obvious we don’t make

EVs in Ghana or Africa and in

the same way, we don’t have EV

policies or tax credits here. Many

EVs are pricier, there are state

and federal tax credits totaling

thousands of dollars and many

shoppers in the US look at these

tax credits as a sort of discount

on the car itself.

Let’s use the Chevrolet Bolt

EV which cost $31,995 (Ghc

194,148). This can give you 259

miles (416 kilometers) on a single

charge. Remember there are

“cool looking” EVs than this car.

Using the current T-bill rate

of 13% PA in Ghana, it would take

almost 12 years to recover the

purchase price of the car if the

cost per kWh was 0.61 pesewes

and almost 13 years if the cost

per Kwh was 0.94 pesewes.

Cost Savings From Using An

EV compared to Fuel Car

Remember this is only an

estimate since cost per Kwh can

change at any time. But considering

we used higher tariffs for

this estimate, my conservative

estimate might still hold when

things change a bit. I would also

not imagine you keeping your

car for 12 to 13 years, but this

shows you have an opportunity

to get your money back compared

to keeping an internally

combusting car that eats into

your pocket rather. The cost savings

on this car was compared

against the Honda CRV 2019 1.5L


Should You Buy an Electric


The answer depends on your

current financial situation, but

my advice is to buy it especially

if you are in Africa because

governments have seen fuel as

an easy step to taxation, but an

EV is a simple way to reduce that


Most countries like the US

and UK offer Tax credits for

EV buys which can help offset

the high initial cost of the car

which is currently unavailable

in Ghana.

The initial cost involved in

buying an EV will ultimately

be higher than that of a combusting

engine, but you must

remember it will pay off after

some time. The technical support

and charging infrastructure

will also be a challenge for an EV

user in Ghana as of now but you

can defiantly charge at home

and use it as frequently as you

use your other cars.

By: Raphael Amuri

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