Friday, 11th February, 2022


Page 6DAILY ANALYST Friday, 11th February, 2022The Ministry of Gender,Children and SocialProtection, says anamount of GHS 67,841has been retrievedfrom proceeds of the sale ofapplication forms for schoolfeeding caterers in 2017.This follows arecommendation by the AuditorGeneral for the Ministry toaccount for an amount of GHS89,000 accrued from the saleof application forms to thecaterers.Speaking at the PublicAccounts Committee, theInternal Auditor of the Ministryof Gender, Children and SocialProtection, Abdul Karim, saidplans are underway to retrievethe remaining amount.“We have so far accountedfor or retrieved GHS 67,841since the issue was raised bythe auditors. What happenedwas that the forms were sold bythe District Assemblies but notall the proceeds were returnedto the Ministry. Therefore,Vice President ofthe Ghana MedicalAssociation, DrJustice Yankson haslamented the rateat which well trained doctorsand other medical professionalsare leaving Ghana for greenerpastures.Dr Yankson said Ghanawas losing many competent,well-trained health careprofessionals due to the pooreconomic conditions in thecountry, according to a report disclosed that manyof his colleague doctors hadalready left the country or wereplanning to leave.“We keep seeing numbersin professions that ideally wethink is absurd but that’s thereality. You go to work andyou overhear professionalsdiscussing their exit – eitherthey are preparing themselvesor in the next couple of daysthey may be leaving and you seeAteacher union, AllTeachers AllianceGhana, says it isunhappy with theGhana EducationService’s decision to organizebasic ICT training for teachersGender Ministry recovers GHS 67K from saleof school feeding caterers forms in 2017following the audit report, wewrote to the District Assembly,and then we got a total of GHS67, 841.”In 2017, the Ministry ofGender, Children and SocialProtection invited applicationsto recruit caterers underthe Ghana School FeedingProgramme for the provisionof catering services for basicschools in the country.The recruitment wasdone through the variousMetropolitan, Municipal, andDistrict Assemblies nationwide.Interested applicants wereto apply by obtaining a formfrom any of the MMDAs at GHS50.“In 2020, we wrote again asa way of follow up to the earlierletters we wrote that resulted inthe retrieval of that amount. OnJanuary 14, 2021, another followupwas written to the Ministerof Local Government and theLocal Government Service tohelp us retrieve that amount”,Abdul Karim added.Many doctors are leaving Ghana dueto poor working conditions – GMAit all the time,” Dr Yankson wasquoted by from showthat there were 3,236 doctorsin Ghana in 2019. However, theUnited Kingdom alone has 3,395doctors of Ghanaian origin,according to a document by theHouse of Commons Library.In 2020, Ghana was ranked14th in Sub-Saharan Africa interms of doctor to patient ratio.Ghana has a 1:10,450 doctor topatient ratio which is belowthe World Health Organisationrecommended 1:1, a fee of GH300,the training is to aid teachers touse various e-learning resources.The training is expected tobe executed with the laptopsdistributed to teachers underthe one-teacher one laptopinitiative.The laptops are aimed atbridging the ICT gap betweenteachers in urban areas andtheir colleagues in rural areas.However, the Union saysthe decision will not achieve itsintended purpose since mostteachers are yet to receive theirlaptops.They further indicatedthat teachers living in ruralareas may not benefit fromthis training due to the lack ofinternet accessibility.Isaac Ofori, President of the‘All Teachers Alliance Ghana’in an interview with Citi Newssaid: “We were there and GESbrought a statement indicatingthat we’ll be attending onlinetraining prior to the laptopsthat have been given to us.The GH300 component ofthe training that will be doneonline, the question is, how areTwo Camerooniannationals, WilliamMbenso, 37, and MbahCaleb also 37, havebeen remanded bythe Akwele Magistrate Courtpresided over by His worship,E. A. Ocloo for dealing incounterfeit currency.The two were arrestedat their hideout at KasoaOpeikuma by the Central EastPolice Command.Police sources say oneBenjamin Agyemang cameinto contact with the twoCameroonian Nationals throughsocial media with a promise todouble GHs 50,000 for him.they going to provide technicaltraining for teachers who needto practice with the machine,how will the practicality of thetechnicality in the IT training beachieved.”“Many teachers are yet toreceive the laptops, so if you aregoing to organize online trainingfor teachers on the laptop, thequestion is, those who havenot received it, how will theyparticipate. Some teachers toofind themselves in remote partsof the country where internet isnot fast and reliable”.Mr. Ofori has further calledon teachers to boycott thetraining and demand a physicalsession instead.“We have realized that GESis not being fair to teachers. Wehave suggested to teachers thatthey should boycott the onlinetraining so that the original planfor in-person training should bedone”.The union has howeverthreatened to “petitionPresident Akufo-Addo and otherinternational organizations toensure that teachers are treatedfairly in the country”.Two Cameroonian nationalsarrested for dealing incounterfeit cedisBut upon suspecting thatthe two could be fraudsters, hereported the incident to thepolice.Speaking to Citi News,Central East Police Commander,DCOP Okyere Boapeah, said:“The police were able to tracethem and arrest them.”“The police retrieved abigger amount of money fromthe two cut to the sizes of GHS200 denominations to the tuneof GHS64,000 and a printingmachine.”The suspects were arraignedon Wednesday and wereremanded to reappear in courton February 16, 2022.

DAILY ANALYSTFriday, 11th February, 2022 Page 7The National Councilof Zongo Chiefs hascommended the ChiefExecutive Officer of theZongo DevelopmentFund (ZoDF), Obrempong Dr.Arafat Sulemana Abdulai, forspearheading developmentprojects in Zongo communities inthe country.The Council noted thatIt also lauded Vice PresidentDr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumiafor his continuous supportto Zongo communities, andconveyed “appreciation andrecognition” of the valiantperformance of ObrempongDr. Abdulai as Chief ExecutiveOfficer.The eminent Chiefs madethis declaration through theirNational Public Relations Officer,Alhaji Imoru Baba Issah, at ameeting with the Chief Executiveand management of ZoDF, at theZoDF secretariat in Accra lastWednesday.Speaking on behalf of thevenerable chiefs representingvarious ethnic groups inZongo Communities, AlhajiStay off Community Mining Scheme- Lands Minister warns foreignersSamuel A. Jinapor, theMinister for Lands andNatural Resources hascautioned communitiesbenefiting from theCommunity Mining Scheme(CMS) not to engage the servicesof foreigners in their activities.The Minister emphasisedthat the CMS is the preserve ofGhanaians and that any attemptby foreigners to infiltrate thesector will not be tolerated.He vowed to revoke thelicense of any firm found toengage foreigners at its site.The Minister furtherexplained that government holdsthe position that Ghanaiansmust benefit from the country’snatural resources and the CMSis the surest way of manifestingthat belief.“We want natives and theElders of Asante Akyem South toenjoy maximum benefits so I ampleading with you not to allowforeign nationals to engage in it.This should not happen at theexpense of the natives of thistown”, he maintained.“This Community MiningScheme is for the people ofTokwae and Asante Akyem South.Foreigners are not allowed toparticipate in it. If one foreigneris found working in this miningoperation, the mining licensewhich I have signed as Ministerwill be revoked”, he warned.Hon. Jinapor issued the sterncaution during the launch ofthe Tokwae Community MiningScheme on Thursday, February10, 2022.He disclosed that governmentas part of its job creation strategyis seeking to establish at least 50CMS in 2022.He stated that the newmodule will replace thearchaic and more harmfulgalamsey practices and alsoempower mining communitiessince his assumption of office,Obrempong Dr. Abdulai hasworked tirelessly in ensuringthat the impact of the projectsexecuted by ZoDF were felt in“every corner of Ghana."The Council thereforeexpressed gratitude to PresidentNana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addofor the establishment of theZongo Development Fund.economically.“So far, we havecommissioned sevencommunity mining schemesand this year under thedirection of the President,we intend to commission 50Community Mining Schemes.Agenda 50 Mining CommunitySchemes begins with Tokwae”,he said.“Community Mining Schemewhich is done responsibly andhas regard for the environmentwhich employs the teemingyouth of the country is indeedan alternative to illegal smallscalemining and that is thestrategy of the Ministry.”The Member of Parliamentfor Asante Akyem South,Hon. Kwaku Asante Boatengeulogized the Sector Minister forshowing exemplary leadershipin his role.He urged the leaders andresidents of the community toheed to the counsel by Hon. AbuJinapor and obey the regulationsgoverning the CMS.Hon. Kwaku Asante Boatengwas happy with the schemewhich he reckons will relieve theconstituency of some headachewith respect to unemployment.Nana Eyim Kum Nipa II,Omanhene of Gyadam, expressedgratitude to the government forthe initiative which would offerjob opportunities to the teemingyouth in the area and improveupon their living standards.He pledged the support ofthe chiefs and other traditionalleaders in promoting safetyand enhancing security in theoperations of the scheme.The Municipal ChiefExecutive of Asante Akyem South,Alexanda Frimpong commendedthe government and the ministryfor completing the processeswhich has culminated to theLaunch of the scheme.He appealed to the Ministerto help deal with illegal smallscalemining activities in thearea.Prior to the Launch, theMinister paid a courtesy call onthe Omanhene of the area, NanaEyim Kum Nipa II.Baba Issah stated that as keypartners in the developmentof Zongo communities, theCouncil “supports, appreciatesand acknowledges” the historictransformation of Zongocommunities through theinterventions of the ZoDF.He said the education of theyouth in Zongo communities, theenhancement of skills training,peace building and access togainful employment remainedkey priorities of Chiefs in ZongoCommunities.In that connection, theNational Council presented aproposal for support from theFund for the construction of asenior high school (SHS) and anursing training college on landsecured by the Council at Ashiflain the Greater Accra Region. TheCouncil presented documentspertaining to the land andarchitectural drawings for theschool and the nursing college tothe CEO.Alhaji Baba Issah statedfurther that the objective ofbringing “Peace, Unity andDevelopment” by Chiefs cannotbe attained without the supportand collaboration of the Fund.The CEO of ZoDF thankedthe Council for its pre-eminentrole in Zongo communitiesand acknowledged that Chiefs“form the fulcrum of the ZongoDevelopment Agenda."He said it is recognition of theindispensable role of Chiefs inZongo communities that the Actestablishing the Fund enshrinedthe representation of Chiefs onthe governing board of the ZoDF.Teachers accuse ‘wee’ smokersof setting Ahmadiyya JHS 3classroom ablazeThe activities of some‘wee’ smokers aroundAhmadiyya Junior SecondarySchool in theKintampo municipalityof the Bono East have allegedlyled to the burning of the form3 classroom.According to the teachers ofthe school, they suspect the weesmokers who smoke around theschool at night set the schoolablaze on Wednesday, February9, 2022.Narrating the ordeal of theschool during the mid-day newson Accra 100.5 FM on Thursday,February 10, 2022, a teacher ofthe school ruled out any electricalfault as the cause of the fire.He said it is the activities ofthe said wee smokers that ledto the outbreak of the fire at theJHS form 3A classroom.“It beats our imagination asschool managers, how the schoolis being treated by the locals inthe Kintampo area.He assured the Chiefs ofthe support, cooperation andcollaboration of the Fund inkey areas such as education,peace-building, health and skillstraining.Conflict resolution, conflictmanagement and conflictprevention are additional areasof collaboration the Fund wouldpursue in collaboration with theCouncil, he added.Obrempong Dr. Abdulaistated that the Fund was in theprocess of commencing theconstruction of three modelsenior high schools this year(2022), and indicated that “seriousconsideration” would be accordedthe request from the Council. Hecommended the Council for the“laudable initiative."Obrempong Dr. Abdulainoted that the development ofZongo communities demandsthe “collective effort” of allstakeholders. He conveyed thereadiness of the Fund to improvethe capacity of Chiefs, Magajiyas(women leaders) and youthleaders in Zongo communitiesand to also support programmestargeted at “bridging the gap”between Chiefs and the youth inZongo communities.Obrempong Dr. Abdulaialso lauded the Chiefs for the“swift manner” in which theyacted to restore calm during therecent disturbances at Nima andMamobi.The National Council ofZongo Chiefs is the umbrellaorganization of Chiefs fromZongo communities throughoutthe 16 regions of Ghana.Not too long they broke intothe JHS form 2B classroom andmade away with some desktopcomputers,” he lamentedHe said since the securityman retired, the school had notseen peace with issues of theft,classroom toileting amongothers.He explained that schoolmanagers suspect some old studentsare part of the problems ofthe school in recent times.

Page 6

DAILY ANALYST Friday, 11th February, 2022

The Ministry of Gender,

Children and Social

Protection, says an

amount of GHS 67,841

has been retrieved

from proceeds of the sale of

application forms for school

feeding caterers in 2017.

This follows a

recommendation by the Auditor

General for the Ministry to

account for an amount of GHS

89,000 accrued from the sale

of application forms to the


Speaking at the Public

Accounts Committee, the

Internal Auditor of the Ministry

of Gender, Children and Social

Protection, Abdul Karim, said

plans are underway to retrieve

the remaining amount.

“We have so far accounted

for or retrieved GHS 67,841

since the issue was raised by

the auditors. What happened

was that the forms were sold by

the District Assemblies but not

all the proceeds were returned

to the Ministry. Therefore,

Vice President of

the Ghana Medical

Association, Dr

Justice Yankson has

lamented the rate

at which well trained doctors

and other medical professionals

are leaving Ghana for greener


Dr Yankson said Ghana

was losing many competent,

well-trained health care

professionals due to the poor

economic conditions in the

country, according to a report by

He disclosed that many

of his colleague doctors had

already left the country or were

planning to leave.

“We keep seeing numbers

in professions that ideally we

think is absurd but that’s the

reality. You go to work and

you overhear professionals

discussing their exit – either

they are preparing themselves

or in the next couple of days

they may be leaving and you see


teacher union, All

Teachers Alliance

Ghana, says it is

unhappy with the

Ghana Education

Service’s decision to organize

basic ICT training for teachers

Gender Ministry recovers GHS 67K from sale

of school feeding caterers forms in 2017

following the audit report, we

wrote to the District Assembly,

and then we got a total of GHS

67, 841.”

In 2017, the Ministry of

Gender, Children and Social

Protection invited applications

to recruit caterers under

the Ghana School Feeding

Programme for the provision

of catering services for basic

schools in the country.

The recruitment was

done through the various

Metropolitan, Municipal, and

District Assemblies nationwide.

Interested applicants were

to apply by obtaining a form

from any of the MMDAs at GHS


“In 2020, we wrote again as

a way of follow up to the earlier

letters we wrote that resulted in

the retrieval of that amount. On

January 14, 2021, another followup

was written to the Minister

of Local Government and the

Local Government Service to

help us retrieve that amount”,

Abdul Karim added.

Many doctors are leaving Ghana due

to poor working conditions – GMA

it all the time,” Dr Yankson was

quoted by

Data from show

that there were 3,236 doctors

in Ghana in 2019. However, the

United Kingdom alone has 3,395

doctors of Ghanaian origin,

according to a document by the

House of Commons Library.

In 2020, Ghana was ranked

14th in Sub-Saharan Africa in

terms of doctor to patient ratio.

Ghana has a 1:10,450 doctor to

patient ratio which is below

the World Health Organisation

recommended 1:1,302.


Attracting a fee of GH300,

the training is to aid teachers to

use various e-learning resources.

The training is expected to

be executed with the laptops

distributed to teachers under

the one-teacher one laptop


The laptops are aimed at

bridging the ICT gap between

teachers in urban areas and

their colleagues in rural areas.

However, the Union says

the decision will not achieve its

intended purpose since most

teachers are yet to receive their


They further indicated

that teachers living in rural

areas may not benefit from

this training due to the lack of

internet accessibility.

Isaac Ofori, President of the

‘All Teachers Alliance Ghana’

in an interview with Citi News

said: “We were there and GES

brought a statement indicating

that we’ll be attending online

training prior to the laptops

that have been given to us.

The GH300 component of

the training that will be done

online, the question is, how are

Two Cameroonian

nationals, William

Mbenso, 37, and Mbah

Caleb also 37, have

been remanded by

the Akwele Magistrate Court

presided over by His worship,

E. A. Ocloo for dealing in

counterfeit currency.

The two were arrested

at their hideout at Kasoa

Opeikuma by the Central East

Police Command.

Police sources say one

Benjamin Agyemang came

into contact with the two

Cameroonian Nationals through

social media with a promise to

double GHs 50,000 for him.

they going to provide technical

training for teachers who need

to practice with the machine,

how will the practicality of the

technicality in the IT training be


“Many teachers are yet to

receive the laptops, so if you are

going to organize online training

for teachers on the laptop, the

question is, those who have

not received it, how will they

participate. Some teachers too

find themselves in remote parts

of the country where internet is

not fast and reliable”.

Mr. Ofori has further called

on teachers to boycott the

training and demand a physical

session instead.

“We have realized that GES

is not being fair to teachers. We

have suggested to teachers that

they should boycott the online

training so that the original plan

for in-person training should be


The union has however

threatened to “petition

President Akufo-Addo and other

international organizations to

ensure that teachers are treated

fairly in the country”.

Two Cameroonian nationals

arrested for dealing in

counterfeit cedis

But upon suspecting that

the two could be fraudsters, he

reported the incident to the


Speaking to Citi News,

Central East Police Commander,

DCOP Okyere Boapeah, said:

“The police were able to trace

them and arrest them.”

“The police retrieved a

bigger amount of money from

the two cut to the sizes of GHS

200 denominations to the tune

of GHS64,000 and a printing


The suspects were arraigned

on Wednesday and were

remanded to reappear in court

on February 16, 2022.

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