Friday, 11th February, 2022


Page 4DAILY ANALYST Friday, 11th February, 2022EDITORIALKeep onmembers, GJA!We want to commend theGhana Journalists Association(GJA) for taking oninstitutions and individualswho continue to abusethe rights of journalists and radio presenterswhose only crime is doing their jobs.The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA)has condemned the recent attack on a journalistworking with Connect FM, Eric NanaGyetuah, by some policemen in Takoradi.According to reports, some policemenbrutally assaulted Eric Nana Gyetuah who is aProducer at Connect FM in Takoradi for filmingthem in a public place.The victim finds it difficult to hear withthe right ear which also experiences occasionaldischarge.In a statement, the GJA applauded the dispatchwith which the IGP directed that a policeinvestigation be carried out into the case."We, however, expect nothing but speedyconclusion of the investigation into anotherbrazen act of impunity. Thereafter, the perpetratorsshould be punished to the fullestextent possible within the law," it stated.Furthermore, the GJA demanded an expeditiousinquiry into the alleged armed attackson Korle Adjator of Radio Ada."Again, we expect that the law will takeits course no matter how complex the issuesmight be. The magnitude and closeness of thetwo incidents send worrying signals, especially,to international media watchers whostill regard Ghana as a reference point of pressfreedom and democracy in Africa. We mustnot, and dare not slide further but rise higheron the league table of free media systems onthe continent and the world as a whole," itsaid.We on the Daily Analyst, believe this is theway to go because many individuals and organizationshave no regard for journalists in thiscountry.We believe if the GJA continues with thisaggressive advocacy, these organizations andindividuals who maltreat journalists, willcome back to their senses.The President of theECOWAS Commission,H.E. Jean-Claude KassiBrou received H.E.Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey,Chair of the ECOWAS Councilof Ministers, May 4, 2021, at theECOWAS Commission Headquartersin Abuja, Nigeria.Madam Botchwey was at theECOWAS Commission for a specialsession on the ongoing InstitutionalReforms in ECOWAS. This isin view of the upcoming mid-yearstatutory meetings in June 2021.She and her delegation werebriefed on the progress of the InstitutionalReform process by theThe largest oppositionparty in the country,the National DemocraticCongress (NDC)has assured Ghanaiansthat, it will abolish the controversiale-levy tax within 100days in office if it forms the nextgovernment in 2024.Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketia,General Secretary of the oppositionNational Democratic Congress(NDC) gave the assuranceyesterday when some membersof the party and some interestgroups hit the street to protestthe introduction of the E-levyBill in parliament.BackgroundMinister for Finance, KenOfori Atta, has called on thegeneral public to support thecontroversial Electronic Levyas it will reduce Ghana’s dependenceon loans and grants.As part of ways to revive theeconomy government introducedthe Electronic-levy to undertakedevelopmental projects.Speaking at GovernmentTownhall meetings on theThe National InsuranceCommission (NIC) hashinted that it will publicisethe names of allinsurance companiesin good standing in the country.This has become necessarydue to the growing concernsfrom the public over fake andunderperforming insurancecases in the country.This was announced by theCentral Regional Manager of theNational Insurance Commission(NIC) Mrs. Nicholina AdumuahLadzekpo at Agona Swedru in theCentral region.The NIC is the governmentalbody that regulates all insurancecompanies and related issues inthe country.The program, which wasattended by drivers, car owners,insurance companies, and thegeneral public was to educateE-levy proposal in Takoradi onWednesday 2nd February 2022,Ken Ofori Atta stated that thetotal independence and abilityto fund Ghana’s future dependson the e-levy.However, addressing protestorsat the “Yentua” demonstrationin Accra yesterday, Mr. JohnsonAsiedu Nketia, stated thatthe NPP government is insensitiveto the plight of Ghanaiansand sensitize stakeholders onthe need to adhere to insurancerules and regulations and alsoreport to them (NIC) insurancebreaches by insurance providersand drivers.She also appealed to drivershence the imposition of E-levy.“Let me tell you all right nowthat in the unlikely event thee-levy is passed, we will abolishit and it will be the first tax tobe abolished within the first 100days of a future NDC governmentbecause we don’t see it as atax, it is daylight robbery, this isnot taxation”“That is not to say we willnot be taking other taxes but weare saying this is thievery, it isnot tax based on any production,it’s not tax based on any valueaddition, it is daylight robbery,taking people’s capital fromtheir pockets because they chosenot to keep the money in theirpockets but to keep it on MOMOwallets,” he told protesters.Deputy Youth Organiserof the NDC Edem Agbana toldpressmen at the #Yentua thatthe organizers of the demonstrationhad extensive discussionswith the police the pastcouple of days to ensure that thedemonstration was violent-free.NIC to get tough oninsurance companiesto be circumspect when driving.According to the NIC CRmanager, one can authenticatethe insurance of the vehicle heor she is boarding by dialing*920*57# to ensure we are allsafe.

DAILY ANALYSTFriday, 11th February, 2022 Page 5PerspectiveEkow Quandzie writes:Detty December inGhana is simply theenjoyment level inAccra every December.It is always thattime of the year that the worldcomes to Ghana.It is a fine opportunity forthe diaspora to connect withtheir roots – cultural diversity,heritage and “new skuul”lifestyles like pop culture, musicand food.With the elevation of all thetourism value chain elementscoupled with Africa being thenew market target, many companiesare increasingly makingtheir brands relevant to the GenZ and Millennials.In no particular order, theseare the brands that came outDecember.Daily PaperDaily Paper is an African-inspiredfashion brand knownfor its ready-to-wear garmentsand accessories with a creativedirection fueled by rich Africanculture wrapped in contemporarydesigns.The brand has truly becomeone of the fastest growing fashionbrands in Africa and Europe,offering timeless designs acrossaccessories, streetwear and arange of capsules across theseason.During December, Daily Paperwhich has truly become oneof the fastest growing fashionbrands in Africa and Europe,opened its sought-after pop-upshop in Accra to drive lovers ofstreetwear to their hub.The brand collaborated withother partners such as Off-White by the late Virgil Ablorh,Surf Ghana, Afrochella, NSG,Free The Youth among others tohost a line of activities such asparties, networking hangouts,football tournament and otherspecial curated events connectedto the culture.Free The YouthFree The Youth (FTY) is acollective of young creativesdetermined to empower youngAfricans in the area of streetstylefashion and culture.Started as a social mediaGhanaian street-style movement,FTY has now developedinto a multi-branched organisationwith the grand goalof promoting an art-based,youth-oriented movement forcreative freedom and communitydevelopment. It has graduallygrown to become the creativemouthpiece for young people.During the Christmas, theFTY opened its headquartersin Accra, a really impressivespace created as a hub forAfrican youth in Ghana. Thespace, according to the FTY, wasa physical representation ofAfrica’s unmistakable creativeevolution.That grand opening saw ahost of paneled talks, the openingof a Free The Youth store,as well as studio sessions andparties which saw likes of BlackSheriff, Chance The Rapper, VicMensa, Oxlade, Rema, KwesiArthur, Fuse ODG, Kofi Mole andothers passing through to catchthevibe.Ghana Tourism AuthorityThe Ghana Tourism Authority(GTA) is the lead state agencyin charge of implementing theDecember in Ghana campaign toits highest optimal points.Since 2019, the governmenthas had a deliberate tourismcampaign championed by theGTA to make Ghana the favouritedestination for Christmasvibes.With a master brand ‘Decemberin GH’, the GTA ensured thata large number of the events inDecember enjoyed a near perfectenabling environment to attractglobal attention to the country.“Thanks to the Ministry ofTourism, Arts and Culture (MO-TAC) under the able leadershipof Dr. Ibrahim Awal, this year’sactivations were carefully crafted– focusing on more outdooractivities bearing in mind thetimes we are in,” said AkwasiAgyeman, CEO-Ghana TourismAuthority (GTA).GTA supported most of theseevents with sponsorship, marketingand promotions, and providedhealth and safety supportamong others.There is no doubt that Decemberin GH has become oneof Ghana’s successful tourismbrands and an anchor that hascreated a global wave, perhaps amovement, with people alwayslooking forward to it every year.InstagramThe picture sharing socialmedia platform was intentionalabout how to immerse itsbrand into the Christmas vibesin Ghana. Instagram partneredwith Afrochella Festival and wasalso the lead headline sponsor ofthe festival’s very first FashionNight Out event.Produced by DebonairAfrik, a Ghanaian based fashionbrand and Afrochella, theInstagram Fashion Night Outwas designed to celebrate thethriving fashion scene in Africaand showcase up-and-comingdesigners from the continent.The dazzling event included 13talented designers, two fashionexhibitions, a panel discussionand multi-brand pop up shops.It was Instagram’s way of celebratingAfrica’s diverse cultureand the vibrant work of Africancreatives and entrepreneurs.These activities were amplifiedby Instagram to its millions offollowers to gain wider reach.Martell CognacThroughout the year 2021,Martell Cognac has been busy.Most of the brand’s activationswere on the back of partnershipit had with Amapiano & BrunchParty which has become Accra’sfavorite day party. The partyis held periodically at Front/Back, a music, food, and artclub located in Accra, and it hasfeatured major artistes such asR2Bees, MzVee, Stonebwoy, KingPromise, Adenkule Gold, UncleWaffles, Tiwa Savage and manyothers.Martell, in partnership withPolo Beach Club also put togetherarguably the most-talkedabout high-end lit party knownas the Martell Blue Foam Party.It was an epic night and thepost-eventreactions on social mediawas crazy, literally everybodylooking forward to the nextparty.At any of the events duringDecember, guests had thechance to a sensory experienceof Martell’s finest eaux-de-vieproduced cognacs.Surf Ghana (Freedom SkatePark)For the first time, Ghanaopened its first skate park –Freedom Skate Park in Accra.The opening which happenedin December was also in honourof the late Ghanaian US-basedfashion icon Virgil Abloh whowas supporting Surf Ghana, theproject initiators, to completethe park.Unveiling the park, organiserspaid tribute to the Americandesigner of Ghanaian originwith musical performances bylocal artists and skate sessionsby both professionals and amateurs.A new sport ecosystemthat supports well-being, creativityand entrepreneurship.The Founder of Surf Ghana,Sandy Alibo, said though skatingis a lesser-known sport in Ghana,she believes it will go a longway towards boosting tourismand creating networking opportunitiesfor young Ghanaians.“We’re not talking onlyabout sports, but we’re talkingbuilding self-confidence in theyouth, about tourism and developingyouth entrepreneurship,”she told AFP.Ever-since its opening,the skate park has become aconverging point for a lot ofcreative minds to connect witheach other in sharing ideas andthoughts.TwitterThe social media giant announcedits presence in Africain April 2021. Twitter’s presenceannouncement brought a lot ofexcitement among Ghanaians.Per observations, wheneverTwitter enters new markets, itinvests in local communitiesand the social fabric throughrelevant partnerships thattouches the emotions of thelocals.Ahead of its outdoor activationsin December, Twitterpartnered Ghanaian rapperM.anifest to launch a specialemoji icon for the rapper’s latestalbum #MadinaToTheUniverse.After, Twitter debuted itsdedicated @TwitterGhana handle,bringing tweets to life onbillboards in Accra. According toAdWeek, @TwitterGhana is thesocial network’s first dedicatedhandle in sub-Saharan Africa.These Twitter billboardscovered topics and hilariousmoments that were uniquelyGhanaian, hence becomingpart of viral conversations andalso setting the tone for DettyDecember. One of the billboardscaptured the mood for Christmassaying “December in Ghanais just a two-week festival”.Lastly, Twitter partneredwith one of the biggest festivalson the continent – AfrochellaFestival which was headlinedby music superstars Wizkid andStonebwoy with other talents.The blue bird social platformset up an art installation at thefestival which really broughtthe brand to live.YouTubeYouTube has always been aplace to be entertained — fromyour favorite dance trends, newsound to exciting video contents.Over the years, YouTube hasenabled an entire generation ofcreators who have shared theirvoice and found an audience ofmore than two billion people.YouTube, for the first timebrought its brand to live inGhana. The video streamingplatform heavily pushed itsYouTube Shorts which is a newshort-form video experiencefor creators and artists whowant to shoot short, catchyvideos using nothing but theirmobile phones. YouTube Shortsis a way for anyone to connectwith a new audience using justa smartphone and the Shortscamera in the YouTube app.YouTube had the biggestbrand installation at Afrochellaby creating what it called “TheYouTube Shorts Playground” forover 10,000 revelers that attendedthe festival.The brand also engaged insome music thought leadershipprogrammes to help develop theyouth and provide assistance toaspiring music industry professionals.Ekow QuandzieYFMGhana’s number one urbanradio and leading music station,YFM launched a new initiative“Y Holiday Havoc” to supportkey December events with marketing,promotions, ticket salesand on-air talents – Presentersand DJs, all to create unforgettablememories for revelers.Through the Y HolidayHavoc, YFM partnered majorfestivals such as Afrochella,Wildaland, Tribvl Jungle Fever,concerts – Gold Coast Carnival,Bhim Concert, and parties –PineXGinja, Gold Block Party.Others include Around theWorld, Taste of Ghana and BeachLantern Festival.For the brand, December inGhana was right time to achievetwo things with YHolidayHavocCampaign – To create brandawareness and Showcase YFM’sTalents to the world. Talents likeKojo Manuel, Mensah Junior,DJ Loft, DJ MzOrstin, AD DJ, DJMicSmith became householdnames at every major event andparties during the December. Itwas one sure way of winningwith the brand.In setting the tone for Decemberin Ghana, YFM engineereda series of thought leadershipconversations on TwitterSpaces talking to stakeholders,organizers and musicians whoshared their thoughts on Decemberin Ghana.The brand also activatedits waste recycling bottle radiobooth. This was to re-enforce thebrand’s commitment to encourageplastic waste recyclingunder the YFM Plastic RecyclingCampaign championed by YCares.I want to conclude with specialshoutouts to all the eventsthat created the platform forthese brands to connect withtheir audience – Afrochella,Wildaland, Amapiano & Brunch,Polo Beach Club, Tribvl JungleFever, Gold Coast Carnival,PineXGinja, Gold Block Party,Around the World and AkwaabaUK Parties.Written by Ekow QuandzieThe writer is a Brands andCommunications


Friday, 11th February, 2022 Page 5


Ekow Quandzie writes:

Detty December in

Ghana is simply the

enjoyment level in

Accra every December.

It is always that

time of the year that the world

comes to Ghana.

It is a fine opportunity for

the diaspora to connect with

their roots – cultural diversity,

heritage and “new skuul”

lifestyles like pop culture, music

and food.

With the elevation of all the

tourism value chain elements

coupled with Africa being the

new market target, many companies

are increasingly making

their brands relevant to the Gen

Z and Millennials.

In no particular order, these

are the brands that came out


Daily Paper

Daily Paper is an African-inspired

fashion brand known

for its ready-to-wear garments

and accessories with a creative

direction fueled by rich African

culture wrapped in contemporary


The brand has truly become

one of the fastest growing fashion

brands in Africa and Europe,

offering timeless designs across

accessories, streetwear and a

range of capsules across the


During December, Daily Paper

which has truly become one

of the fastest growing fashion

brands in Africa and Europe,

opened its sought-after pop-up

shop in Accra to drive lovers of

streetwear to their hub.

The brand collaborated with

other partners such as Off-

White by the late Virgil Ablorh,

Surf Ghana, Afrochella, NSG,

Free The Youth among others to

host a line of activities such as

parties, networking hangouts,

football tournament and other

special curated events connected

to the culture.Free The Youth

Free The Youth (FTY) is a

collective of young creatives

determined to empower young

Africans in the area of streetstyle

fashion and culture.

Started as a social media

Ghanaian street-style movement,

FTY has now developed

into a multi-branched organisation

with the grand goal

of promoting an art-based,

youth-oriented movement for

creative freedom and community

development. It has gradually

grown to become the creative

mouthpiece for young people.

During the Christmas, the

FTY opened its headquarters

in Accra, a really impressive

space created as a hub for

African youth in Ghana. The

space, according to the FTY, was

a physical representation of

Africa’s unmistakable creative


That grand opening saw a

host of paneled talks, the opening

of a Free The Youth store,

as well as studio sessions and

parties which saw likes of Black

Sheriff, Chance The Rapper, Vic

Mensa, Oxlade, Rema, Kwesi

Arthur, Fuse ODG, Kofi Mole and

others passing through to catch



Ghana Tourism Authority

The Ghana Tourism Authority

(GTA) is the lead state agency

in charge of implementing the

December in Ghana campaign to

its highest optimal points.

Since 2019, the government

has had a deliberate tourism

campaign championed by the

GTA to make Ghana the favourite

destination for Christmas


With a master brand ‘December

in GH’, the GTA ensured that

a large number of the events in

December enjoyed a near perfect

enabling environment to attract

global attention to the country.

“Thanks to the Ministry of

Tourism, Arts and Culture (MO-

TAC) under the able leadership

of Dr. Ibrahim Awal, this year’s

activations were carefully crafted

– focusing on more outdoor

activities bearing in mind the

times we are in,” said Akwasi

Agyeman, CEO-Ghana Tourism

Authority (GTA).

GTA supported most of these

events with sponsorship, marketing

and promotions, and provided

health and safety support

among others.

There is no doubt that December

in GH has become one

of Ghana’s successful tourism

brands and an anchor that has

created a global wave, perhaps a

movement, with people always

looking forward to it every year.


The picture sharing social

media platform was intentional

about how to immerse its

brand into the Christmas vibes

in Ghana. Instagram partnered

with Afrochella Festival and was

also the lead headline sponsor of

the festival’s very first Fashion

Night Out event.

Produced by Debonair

Afrik, a Ghanaian based fashion

brand and Afrochella, the

Instagram Fashion Night Out

was designed to celebrate the

thriving fashion scene in Africa

and showcase up-and-coming

designers from the continent.

The dazzling event included 13

talented designers, two fashion

exhibitions, a panel discussion

and multi-brand pop up shops.

It was Instagram’s way of celebrating

Africa’s diverse culture

and the vibrant work of African

creatives and entrepreneurs.

These activities were amplified

by Instagram to its millions of

followers to gain wider reach.

Martell Cognac

Throughout the year 2021,

Martell Cognac has been busy.

Most of the brand’s activations

were on the back of partnership

it had with Amapiano & Brunch

Party which has become Accra’s

favorite day party. The party

is held periodically at Front/

Back, a music, food, and art

club located in Accra, and it has

featured major artistes such as

R2Bees, MzVee, Stonebwoy, King

Promise, Adenkule Gold, Uncle

Waffles, Tiwa Savage and many


Martell, in partnership with

Polo Beach Club also put together

arguably the most-talked

about high-end lit party known

as the Martell Blue Foam Party.

It was an epic night and the


reactions on social media

was crazy, literally everybody

looking forward to the next


At any of the events during

December, guests had the

chance to a sensory experience

of Martell’s finest eaux-de-vie

produced cognacs.

Surf Ghana (Freedom Skate


For the first time, Ghana

opened its first skate park –

Freedom Skate Park in Accra.

The opening which happened

in December was also in honour

of the late Ghanaian US-based

fashion icon Virgil Abloh who

was supporting Surf Ghana, the

project initiators, to complete

the park.

Unveiling the park, organisers

paid tribute to the American

designer of Ghanaian origin

with musical performances by

local artists and skate sessions

by both professionals and amateurs.

A new sport ecosystem

that supports well-being, creativity

and entrepreneurship.

The Founder of Surf Ghana,

Sandy Alibo, said though skating

is a lesser-known sport in Ghana,

she believes it will go a long

way towards boosting tourism

and creating networking opportunities

for young Ghanaians.

“We’re not talking only

about sports, but we’re talking

building self-confidence in the

youth, about tourism and developing

youth entrepreneurship,”

she told AFP.

Ever-since its opening,

the skate park has become a

converging point for a lot of

creative minds to connect with

each other in sharing ideas and



The social media giant announced

its presence in Africa

in April 2021. Twitter’s presence

announcement brought a lot of

excitement among Ghanaians.

Per observations, whenever

Twitter enters new markets, it

invests in local communities

and the social fabric through

relevant partnerships that

touches the emotions of the


Ahead of its outdoor activations

in December, Twitter

partnered Ghanaian rapper

M.anifest to launch a special

emoji icon for the rapper’s latest

album #MadinaToTheUniverse.

After, Twitter debuted its

dedicated @TwitterGhana handle,

bringing tweets to life on

billboards in Accra. According to

AdWeek, @TwitterGhana is the

social network’s first dedicated

handle in sub-Saharan Africa.

These Twitter billboards

covered topics and hilarious

moments that were uniquely

Ghanaian, hence becoming

part of viral conversations and

also setting the tone for Detty

December. One of the billboards

captured the mood for Christmas

saying “December in Ghana

is just a two-week festival”.

Lastly, Twitter partnered

with one of the biggest festivals

on the continent – Afrochella

Festival which was headlined

by music superstars Wizkid and

Stonebwoy with other talents.

The blue bird social platform

set up an art installation at the

festival which really brought

the brand to live.


YouTube has always been a

place to be entertained — from

your favorite dance trends, new

sound to exciting video contents.

Over the years, YouTube has

enabled an entire generation of

creators who have shared their

voice and found an audience of

more than two billion people.

YouTube, for the first time

brought its brand to live in

Ghana. The video streaming

platform heavily pushed its

YouTube Shorts which is a new

short-form video experience

for creators and artists who

want to shoot short, catchy

videos using nothing but their

mobile phones. YouTube Shorts

is a way for anyone to connect

with a new audience using just

a smartphone and the Shorts

camera in the YouTube app.

YouTube had the biggest

brand installation at Afrochella

by creating what it called “The

YouTube Shorts Playground” for

over 10,000 revelers that attended

the festival.

The brand also engaged in

some music thought leadership

programmes to help develop the

youth and provide assistance to

aspiring music industry professionals.

Ekow Quandzie


Ghana’s number one urban

radio and leading music station,

YFM launched a new initiative

“Y Holiday Havoc” to support

key December events with marketing,

promotions, ticket sales

and on-air talents – Presenters

and DJs, all to create unforgettable

memories for revelers.

Through the Y Holiday

Havoc, YFM partnered major

festivals such as Afrochella,

Wildaland, Tribvl Jungle Fever,

concerts – Gold Coast Carnival,

Bhim Concert, and parties –

PineXGinja, Gold Block Party.

Others include Around the

World, Taste of Ghana and Beach

Lantern Festival.

For the brand, December in

Ghana was right time to achieve

two things with YHolidayHavoc

Campaign – To create brand

awareness and Showcase YFM’s

Talents to the world. Talents like

Kojo Manuel, Mensah Junior,

DJ Loft, DJ MzOrstin, AD DJ, DJ

MicSmith became household

names at every major event and

parties during the December. It

was one sure way of winning

with the brand.

In setting the tone for December

in Ghana, YFM engineered

a series of thought leadership

conversations on Twitter

Spaces talking to stakeholders,

organizers and musicians who

shared their thoughts on December

in Ghana.

The brand also activated

its waste recycling bottle radio

booth. This was to re-enforce the

brand’s commitment to encourage

plastic waste recycling

under the YFM Plastic Recycling

Campaign championed by Y


I want to conclude with special

shoutouts to all the events

that created the platform for

these brands to connect with

their audience – Afrochella,

Wildaland, Amapiano & Brunch,

Polo Beach Club, Tribvl Jungle

Fever, Gold Coast Carnival,

PineXGinja, Gold Block Party,

Around the World and Akwaaba

UK Parties.

Written by Ekow Quandzie

The writer is a Brands and

Communications Executive

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