Friday, 11th February, 2022

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DAILY ANALYST Friday, 11th February, 2022


Keep on

members, GJA!

We want to commend the

Ghana Journalists Association

(GJA) for taking on

institutions and individuals

who continue to abuse

the rights of journalists and radio presenters

whose only crime is doing their jobs.

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA)

has condemned the recent attack on a journalist

working with Connect FM, Eric Nana

Gyetuah, by some policemen in Takoradi.

According to reports, some policemen

brutally assaulted Eric Nana Gyetuah who is a

Producer at Connect FM in Takoradi for filming

them in a public place.

The victim finds it difficult to hear with

the right ear which also experiences occasional


In a statement, the GJA applauded the dispatch

with which the IGP directed that a police

investigation be carried out into the case.

"We, however, expect nothing but speedy

conclusion of the investigation into another

brazen act of impunity. Thereafter, the perpetrators

should be punished to the fullest

extent possible within the law," it stated.

Furthermore, the GJA demanded an expeditious

inquiry into the alleged armed attacks

on Korle Adjator of Radio Ada.

"Again, we expect that the law will take

its course no matter how complex the issues

might be. The magnitude and closeness of the

two incidents send worrying signals, especially,

to international media watchers who

still regard Ghana as a reference point of press

freedom and democracy in Africa. We must

not, and dare not slide further but rise higher

on the league table of free media systems on

the continent and the world as a whole," it


We on the Daily Analyst, believe this is the

way to go because many individuals and organizations

have no regard for journalists in this


We believe if the GJA continues with this

aggressive advocacy, these organizations and

individuals who maltreat journalists, will

come back to their senses.

The President of the

ECOWAS Commission,

H.E. Jean-Claude Kassi

Brou received H.E.

Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey,

Chair of the ECOWAS Council

of Ministers, May 4, 2021, at the

ECOWAS Commission Headquarters

in Abuja, Nigeria.

Madam Botchwey was at the

ECOWAS Commission for a special

session on the ongoing Institutional

Reforms in ECOWAS. This is

in view of the upcoming mid-year

statutory meetings in June 2021.

She and her delegation were

briefed on the progress of the Institutional

Reform process by the

The largest opposition

party in the country,

the National Democratic

Congress (NDC)

has assured Ghanaians

that, it will abolish the controversial

e-levy tax within 100

days in office if it forms the next

government in 2024.

Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketia,

General Secretary of the opposition

National Democratic Congress

(NDC) gave the assurance

yesterday when some members

of the party and some interest

groups hit the street to protest

the introduction of the E-levy

Bill in parliament.


Minister for Finance, Ken

Ofori Atta, has called on the

general public to support the

controversial Electronic Levy

as it will reduce Ghana’s dependence

on loans and grants.

As part of ways to revive the

economy government introduced

the Electronic-levy to undertake

developmental projects.

Speaking at Government

Townhall meetings on the

The National Insurance

Commission (NIC) has

hinted that it will publicise

the names of all

insurance companies

in good standing in the country.

This has become necessary

due to the growing concerns

from the public over fake and

underperforming insurance

cases in the country.

This was announced by the

Central Regional Manager of the

National Insurance Commission

(NIC) Mrs. Nicholina Adumuah

Ladzekpo at Agona Swedru in the

Central region.

The NIC is the governmental

body that regulates all insurance

companies and related issues in

the country.

The program, which was

attended by drivers, car owners,

insurance companies, and the

general public was to educate

E-levy proposal in Takoradi on

Wednesday 2nd February 2022,

Ken Ofori Atta stated that the

total independence and ability

to fund Ghana’s future depends

on the e-levy.

However, addressing protestors

at the “Yentua” demonstration

in Accra yesterday, Mr. Johnson

Asiedu Nketia, stated that

the NPP government is insensitive

to the plight of Ghanaians

and sensitize stakeholders on

the need to adhere to insurance

rules and regulations and also

report to them (NIC) insurance

breaches by insurance providers

and drivers.

She also appealed to drivers

hence the imposition of E-levy.

“Let me tell you all right now

that in the unlikely event the

e-levy is passed, we will abolish

it and it will be the first tax to

be abolished within the first 100

days of a future NDC government

because we don’t see it as a

tax, it is daylight robbery, this is

not taxation”

“That is not to say we will

not be taking other taxes but we

are saying this is thievery, it is

not tax based on any production,

it’s not tax based on any value

addition, it is daylight robbery,

taking people’s capital from

their pockets because they chose

not to keep the money in their

pockets but to keep it on MOMO

wallets,” he told protesters.

Deputy Youth Organiser

of the NDC Edem Agbana told

pressmen at the #Yentua that

the organizers of the demonstration

had extensive discussions

with the police the past

couple of days to ensure that the

demonstration was violent-free.

NIC to get tough on

insurance companies

to be circumspect when driving.

According to the NIC CR

manager, one can authenticate

the insurance of the vehicle he

or she is boarding by dialing

*920*57# to ensure we are all


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