Friday, 11th February, 2022


Page 2US consumer prices riseat fastest rate since 1982Price rises in the USaccelerated by morethan expected lastmonth, pushing annualinflation up to 7.5% - thehighest rate since 1982.Food and energy costs helpedto drive the increases, which leftfew spending categories untouched.The rising prices are squeezinghousehold finances as wagesfail to keep pace.Washington is under pressureto address the issue, with the UScentral bank expected to raiseinterest rates.The Bank of England hasalready raised interest ratestwice in the last three months ina bid to dampen down consumerspending by making borrowingmore expensive.In the US, consumer spendingheld strong for much of lastyear despite the rapidly risingReligious police inNigeria have destroyednearly four millionbottles of beer in acrackdown on alcohol.The bottles were crushed intothe ground by bulldozers in thenorthern city of Kano in front ofcrowds cheering "Allahu Akbar"(God is Great).The predominantly Muslimcity is in one of several northernNigerian states that prohibitalcohol under Sharia law.The beers had been seizedfrom trucks coming from themainly Christian south, officialstold AFP news agency.Shariah police, known as Hisbah,frequently destroy confiscatedalcohol and drugs but Wednesday'shaul was one of the largestyet in an intensifying crackdown.Officials say they rolled over3,873,163 bottles of beer and othertypes of alcohol in bulldozers ata wide open space as part of awar against intoxicants. Officialsthen lit the crushed remainsFour million bottles ofprices, which analysts say havebeen caused by a mix of robustdemand, government spending,supply chain hold-ups and payincreases following labour shortages.Amazon, Netflix and Procter& Gamble are among the manyfirms that have announced pricerises in recent months, citinghigher costs. They have saidthey expect most households toabsorb the increases.But the issue is increasinglya key issue for voters, hurtingPresident Joe Biden's popularitydespite strong economic growthlast year.In a statement, Mr Bidenpledged that his administrationwould "be all hands on deck towin this fight", acknowledgingthat "Americans' budgets are beingstretched in ways that createreal stress at the kitchen table".On a monthly basis, consumonfire and allowed the blaze toburn into the night, according tovillagers who watched."Kano is a sharia state and thesale, consumption and possessionof alcoholic substances are prohibited",the head of the religiouspolice Haruna Ibn Sina declaredat the ceremony.Alcohol has been prohibitedin Kano since 2001, one of dozensof states in Nigeria's mainly Muslimnorth to have reintroduced astrict version of Sharia law sincethe country returned to civilianrule over two decades ago.The ban on alcohol has recentlybeen a source of tension inthe state's capital.In December, young people inone of Kano's Christian neighbourhoodsclashed with religiouspolice when officials raideddrinking spots in the area.Non-religious police had to bebrought in to restore order aftera mob was formed and begansetting bonfires alight on thestreets.DAILY ANALYST Friday, 11th February, 2022er prices climbed 0.6% in January,the US Labor Department said.The rent index rose 0.4%,while grocery prices jumped 1%,driven by increases in the cost ofbakery and cereal products.Detra Thomas, a 60-yearoldhuman resources assistantwho lives in New York, says sherecently stopped shopping at thesupermarket, opting to order inbulk online or visit street vendorsin hopes of finding lower prices."I just can't afford to buy allmy food from the regular grocerystore," she told the BBC.She has been delayingclothing purchases, clippingcoupons and taking other stepsin an effort to make her moneygo farther. Though she receiveda small pay raise last year, it doesnot match the rapid increases inthe cost of living, she says."You have to worry aboutwhat am I going to buy, what amI not going to buy, can I do withoutthis for a while," she said."I would like the stability ofknowing that the supplies aregoing to get through in a timelyFormer US PresidentDonald Trump has toldassociates he remainsin contact with NorthKorea's leader Kim Jongun,according to the author of anew book.Journalist Maggie Habermansaid Mr Kim was the only foreignleader Mr Trump had said heremained in touch with.But, she added, the claimscould not be verified and mightnot be true.In 2018, Mr Trump famouslysaid he and Mr Kim "fell in love"after exchanging letters. But theyfailed to seal a deal to denuclearisethe Korean peninsula.Communications between aformer US president and Mr Kimwould be highly unusual, givenNorth Korea's international isolationbecause of its nuclear andmissile programme."As we know, [Mr Trump] hada fixation on this relationship,"Haberman, a New York Timesjournalist, told CNN. The revelationis in her upcoming book onMr Trump, The Confidence Man."What he says and what'sactually happening are not alwaysin concert, but he has been tellingpeople that he has maintainedsome kind of a correspondenceor discussion with Kim Jong-un,"she said.Mr Trump held two summitswith Mr Kim aimed at curbingNorth Korea's nuclear programmewhich failed to produce an agreement.The country has continuedto carry out ballistic missile tests,in breach of UN resolutions.Correspondences from Mr KimGlobal Newsmanner and that we're not goingto have to pay an arm and a legfor them."Analysts said the LaborDepartment's report held somesigns that inflationary pressuresmay start to cool, noting thatprices for new cars - one of thekey drivers of inflation over thelast year - were unchanged overthe month, while the increasesfor used cars slowed.Rates for hotel rooms alsodropped a hefty 3.9%, which mayhave been driven by the impact ofreduced travel due to Omicron.But given the jumps in foodwere among the documents in15 boxes of papers retrieved fromMr Trump last month by the NationalArchives, the governmentagency that manages the preservationof presidential record.The documents should havebeen turned over to the agencywhen Mr Trump left the WhiteHouse but, instead, were taken tohis residence in Florida.The National Archives askedthe Department of Justice toexamine Mr Trump's handling ofWhite House records, accordingto the Washington Post. A justicedepartment spokesman did notcomment.and shelter costs, the financialpressures for most householdsare not going away, said AndrewHunter, senior US economist atCapital Economics."A rapid cyclical accelerationin inflation is underway and,with labour market conditionsexceptionally tight, it is unlikelyto abate any time soon," he said."While we still expect morefavourable base effects and apartial easing of supply shortagesto push core inflation lower thisyear, this suggests it will remainwell above the Fed's target forsome time."beer destroyed in NigeriaTrump says he is in touch withNorth Korea's leader Kim - bookThe northern Nigerian city of Kano operates under Sharia law andSeparately, a committee at theHouse of Representatives said ithad opened an investigation.In her interview to CNN,Haberman also said White Housestaff periodically found documentsclogging Mr Trump's toiletin the White House during hispresidency.Staff, she said, would thenfind "wads of clumped up, wetprinted paper... either notes orsome other piece of paper thatthey believe he had thrown downthe toilet".Mr Trump denied the claim as"categorically untrue".to reach a deal to denuclearise the Korean peninsula

DAILY ANALYSTFriday, 11th February, 2022 Page 3GPCC wades intoUTAG -Govt impasseFrontpage StoriesStory By FreemanKoryekpor AwlesuThe Ghana Pentecostaland CharismaticCouncil (GPCC) haswaded into the ongoingimpasse betweenthe University Teachers Associationof Ghana (UTAG) and thegovernment.According to GPCC, the recentunrest in the labour front,especially in the education sectorand particularly the almostfour weeks of industrial actionby UTAG is of grave concern tothe Council.Following this development,the Council has called on thegovernment and UTAG to considerthe long-term impact of thisstalemate on the future of thestudents and return to the negotiationtable with open minds,less entrenched positions, andcommitments to respecting theThe Ghana JournalistsAssociation (GJA) hascondemned the attackon one Connect FMJournalist Eric NanaGyetuah, by some policemen inTakoradi.It was reported that some policemenbrutally assaulted EricNana Gyetuah who is a Producerat Connect FM in Takoradi forfilming them in a public place.As result, GJA said the victimfinds it difficult to hear with theright ear which also experiencesoccasional discharge.In a statement, the GJAapplauded the despatch withwhich the IGP directed that policeinvestigation be carried outinto the case."We, however, expect nothingbut speedy conclusion of the investigationinto another brazenoutcome of all negotiated settlements.The Council also urged theNational Labour Commission(NLC) in particular to at all timesdemonstrate a posture of impartialityand proactiveness inresolving labour disputes ratherthan being reactionary in theirapproach to dealing with labourunions."While urging government-theemployer to demonstratesincerity and commitmentto a lasting negotiatedsettlement to this impasse,the Council appeals to UTAG toconsider calling off its industrialaction and returning to thenegotiation table," the Councilstressed.The call was contained in atwo-page communiqué issued bymembers of the GPCC at the endof its Annual Conference held atthe Pentecost Convention Centreat Gomoa-Fetteh in the CentralRegion.GJA condemnsattack on ConnectFM journalistact of impunity. Thereafter, theperpetrators should be punishedto the fullest extent possiblewithin the law," it stated.The GJA also demanded anexpeditious inquiry into thealleged armed attacks on KorleAdjator of Radio Ada."Again, we expect that thelaw will take its course nomatter how complex the issuesmight be. The magnitude andcloseness of the two incidentssend worrying signals, especially,to international mediawatchers who still regard Ghanaas a reference point of press freedomand democracy in Africa.We must not, and dare not slidefurther but rise higher on theleague table of free media systemson the continent and theworld as a whole," it added.The communiqué whichwas copied to DAILY Analystwas issued by the leadershipof National Executive Councilin the persons of Rev. Prof.Paul Frimpong-Manso, MostRev. Sam Korankye Ankrah,Apostle Eric Kwabena Nyamekye,Rev. Emmanuel TeimahBarrigah, Apostle Dr. AaronNartey Ami-Nar, Apostle GeorgeYeboah, Most Rev. Dr. CharlesAgyinasare, Rt. Rev. Samuel NoiMensah, Rt. Rev. Dr. Nana Anyani-Boadum,Bishop Dr. GordonKisseih and Bishop Dr. SamuelPrince Baah.On the issue of the corruptpractices of government appointees,the Council expressedgrave worry about the increasingcases of corruption and mismanagementof public fundsas revealed by the 2020 AuditorGeneral’s Report on MMDAsand some SOEs.While Ghanaians are beingcalled upon to pay more taxesto facilitate development, theCouncil pointed out that thecountry has public officersembezzling, misapplying, andmisappropriating public fundsthrough various corrupt activitiescausing the state to lose billionsof Ghana Cedis, with mostculprits going unpunished overthe years."We, therefore, call on theOffice of the Special Prosecutorto take keen interest in thereports of the Auditor-Generalto save this country from theThe Deputy Ministerfor Lands and NaturalResources in charge ofMines, George MirekuDuker has stressedthat sanctions and fine imposedon Maxam Ghana Limited overthe explosion at Apiatse is notmeant to cripple or intimidatefirms in the extractive industryHe maintained that the actionis to ensure that all the relevantlaws and regulations governingthe sector are adhered toand ensure that incidents likethe Apiatse explosion is avoided.The Deputy Minister explainedthat government ismindful of the implications ofsuch sanctions on mining companiesbut assured that “all actionsare intended for the goodof the industry and for them tooperate safely”.Mireku Duker said this whenhe was addressing the MediaWednesday, February 9, 2022, afterhe led a delegation from theMinistry and the Minerals Commissionon a day’s working visitto the operation site of MaxamGhana Company Limited in theTarkwa Nsuaem Municipality ofthe Western Region.The Deputy Minister and hisentourage were taken througha presentation of the company’soperations, safety protocols, andcontribution to the communityby the Plant Manager.The Minerals Commissionbrink of social upheavals," itstressed.The Council in a communiquénoted that the outcome ofthe 2020 Presidential and Parliamentaryelections left no one indoubt that Ghanaians voted forunity and consensus buildingespecially in an almost hungParliament.The Council pointed out thatrecent confusion in Parliamentover the passage of the E-LevyBill has exposed the extremepartisanship and lack of consensus-buildingbetween theExecutive and the Legislatureand between the leadership ofthe two main political parties inParliament.The Council in a communiqué,therefore, appealed toall parties to use dialogue andconsensus building in coming todecisions in the interest of thecollective will of the people ofGhana whom they seek to serve.It pointed out that the recentpolitical instability in West Africa,especially in Mali and Burkihadearlier issued a prohibitionnotice on Maxam GhanaCompany Limited for it to haltoperations at its production sitein Tarkwa.The Deputy Minister’s visitwas to ascertain if the new measuresinstituted by the companymeet the regulatory standardsprecedent for their Faso is of great concern to theCouncil and many Ghanaians asit has the potential to spill overinto Ghana and other West Africancountries, thus destabilizingthe entire sub-region."While commending governmentfor reinforcing ournorthern borders with additionalmilitary presence to ward offany potential infiltrations by theJihadist, and their allies, we callon the government to take stepsto address key human securitythreats such as food, economicand livelihoods security issueswithin Ghana," the communiquénoted.The Council reaffirmed itsstrong belief in the Ghanaianthrough the Church of JesusChrist, to rise once again to thechallenges of nation-building,urging all to eschew all formsof negative attitudes that drawback national progress butinstilling in us the sense ofpatriotism.Writer's email koryekporfreeman@yahoo.comMaxam $6m finenot meant to cripplemining companiesAfter a comprehensive tourof the production site by hisdelegation, Hon Mireku Dukerexpressed satisfaction with theprogress made by the company.He, however, noticed somechallenges which he promisedto bring to the attention of thesector Minister.


Friday, 11th February, 2022 Page 3

GPCC wades into

UTAG -Govt impasse

Frontpage Stories

Story By Freeman

Koryekpor Awlesu

The Ghana Pentecostal

and Charismatic

Council (GPCC) has

waded into the ongoing

impasse between

the University Teachers Association

of Ghana (UTAG) and the


According to GPCC, the recent

unrest in the labour front,

especially in the education sector

and particularly the almost

four weeks of industrial action

by UTAG is of grave concern to

the Council.

Following this development,

the Council has called on the

government and UTAG to consider

the long-term impact of this

stalemate on the future of the

students and return to the negotiation

table with open minds,

less entrenched positions, and

commitments to respecting the

The Ghana Journalists

Association (GJA) has

condemned the attack

on one Connect FM

Journalist Eric Nana

Gyetuah, by some policemen in


It was reported that some policemen

brutally assaulted Eric

Nana Gyetuah who is a Producer

at Connect FM in Takoradi for

filming them in a public place.

As result, GJA said the victim

finds it difficult to hear with the

right ear which also experiences

occasional discharge.

In a statement, the GJA

applauded the despatch with

which the IGP directed that police

investigation be carried out

into the case.

"We, however, expect nothing

but speedy conclusion of the investigation

into another brazen

outcome of all negotiated settlements.

The Council also urged the

National Labour Commission

(NLC) in particular to at all times

demonstrate a posture of impartiality

and proactiveness in

resolving labour disputes rather

than being reactionary in their

approach to dealing with labour


"While urging government-the

employer to demonstrate

sincerity and commitment

to a lasting negotiated

settlement to this impasse,

the Council appeals to UTAG to

consider calling off its industrial

action and returning to the

negotiation table," the Council


The call was contained in a

two-page communiqué issued by

members of the GPCC at the end

of its Annual Conference held at

the Pentecost Convention Centre

at Gomoa-Fetteh in the Central


GJA condemns

attack on Connect

FM journalist

act of impunity. Thereafter, the

perpetrators should be punished

to the fullest extent possible

within the law," it stated.

The GJA also demanded an

expeditious inquiry into the

alleged armed attacks on Korle

Adjator of Radio Ada.

"Again, we expect that the

law will take its course no

matter how complex the issues

might be. The magnitude and

closeness of the two incidents

send worrying signals, especially,

to international media

watchers who still regard Ghana

as a reference point of press freedom

and democracy in Africa.

We must not, and dare not slide

further but rise higher on the

league table of free media systems

on the continent and the

world as a whole," it added.

The communiqué which

was copied to DAILY Analyst

was issued by the leadership

of National Executive Council

in the persons of Rev. Prof.

Paul Frimpong-Manso, Most

Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah,

Apostle Eric Kwabena Nyamekye,

Rev. Emmanuel Teimah

Barrigah, Apostle Dr. Aaron

Nartey Ami-Nar, Apostle George

Yeboah, Most Rev. Dr. Charles

Agyinasare, Rt. Rev. Samuel Noi

Mensah, Rt. Rev. Dr. Nana Anyani-Boadum,

Bishop Dr. Gordon

Kisseih and Bishop Dr. Samuel

Prince Baah.

On the issue of the corrupt

practices of government appointees,

the Council expressed

grave worry about the increasing

cases of corruption and mismanagement

of public funds

as revealed by the 2020 Auditor

General’s Report on MMDAs

and some SOEs.

While Ghanaians are being

called upon to pay more taxes

to facilitate development, the

Council pointed out that the

country has public officers

embezzling, misapplying, and

misappropriating public funds

through various corrupt activities

causing the state to lose billions

of Ghana Cedis, with most

culprits going unpunished over

the years.

"We, therefore, call on the

Office of the Special Prosecutor

to take keen interest in the

reports of the Auditor-General

to save this country from the

The Deputy Minister

for Lands and Natural

Resources in charge of

Mines, George Mireku

Duker has stressed

that sanctions and fine imposed

on Maxam Ghana Limited over

the explosion at Apiatse is not

meant to cripple or intimidate

firms in the extractive industry

He maintained that the action

is to ensure that all the relevant

laws and regulations governing

the sector are adhered to

and ensure that incidents like

the Apiatse explosion is avoided.

The Deputy Minister explained

that government is

mindful of the implications of

such sanctions on mining companies

but assured that “all actions

are intended for the good

of the industry and for them to

operate safely”.

Mireku Duker said this when

he was addressing the Media

Wednesday, February 9, 2022, after

he led a delegation from the

Ministry and the Minerals Commission

on a day’s working visit

to the operation site of Maxam

Ghana Company Limited in the

Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality of

the Western Region.

The Deputy Minister and his

entourage were taken through

a presentation of the company’s

operations, safety protocols, and

contribution to the community

by the Plant Manager.

The Minerals Commission

brink of social upheavals," it


The Council in a communiqué

noted that the outcome of

the 2020 Presidential and Parliamentary

elections left no one in

doubt that Ghanaians voted for

unity and consensus building

especially in an almost hung


The Council pointed out that

recent confusion in Parliament

over the passage of the E-Levy

Bill has exposed the extreme

partisanship and lack of consensus-building

between the

Executive and the Legislature

and between the leadership of

the two main political parties in


The Council in a communiqué,

therefore, appealed to

all parties to use dialogue and

consensus building in coming to

decisions in the interest of the

collective will of the people of

Ghana whom they seek to serve.

It pointed out that the recent

political instability in West Africa,

especially in Mali and Burkihad

earlier issued a prohibition

notice on Maxam Ghana

Company Limited for it to halt

operations at its production site

in Tarkwa.

The Deputy Minister’s visit

was to ascertain if the new measures

instituted by the company

meet the regulatory standards

precedent for their resumption.

na Faso is of great concern to the

Council and many Ghanaians as

it has the potential to spill over

into Ghana and other West African

countries, thus destabilizing

the entire sub-region.

"While commending government

for reinforcing our

northern borders with additional

military presence to ward off

any potential infiltrations by the

Jihadist, and their allies, we call

on the government to take steps

to address key human security

threats such as food, economic

and livelihoods security issues

within Ghana," the communiqué


The Council reaffirmed its

strong belief in the Ghanaian

through the Church of Jesus

Christ, to rise once again to the

challenges of nation-building,

urging all to eschew all forms

of negative attitudes that draw

back national progress but

instilling in us the sense of


Writer's email

Maxam $6m fine

not meant to cripple

mining companies

After a comprehensive tour

of the production site by his

delegation, Hon Mireku Duker

expressed satisfaction with the

progress made by the company.

He, however, noticed some

challenges which he promised

to bring to the attention of the

sector Minister.

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