Friday, 11th February, 2022

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Page 2

US consumer prices rise

at fastest rate since 1982

Price rises in the US

accelerated by more

than expected last

month, pushing annual

inflation up to 7.5% - the

highest rate since 1982.

Food and energy costs helped

to drive the increases, which left

few spending categories untouched.

The rising prices are squeezing

household finances as wages

fail to keep pace.

Washington is under pressure

to address the issue, with the US

central bank expected to raise

interest rates.

The Bank of England has

already raised interest rates

twice in the last three months in

a bid to dampen down consumer

spending by making borrowing

more expensive.

In the US, consumer spending

held strong for much of last

year despite the rapidly rising

Religious police in

Nigeria have destroyed

nearly four million

bottles of beer in a

crackdown on alcohol.

The bottles were crushed into

the ground by bulldozers in the

northern city of Kano in front of

crowds cheering "Allahu Akbar"

(God is Great).

The predominantly Muslim

city is in one of several northern

Nigerian states that prohibit

alcohol under Sharia law.

The beers had been seized

from trucks coming from the

mainly Christian south, officials

told AFP news agency.

Shariah police, known as Hisbah,

frequently destroy confiscated

alcohol and drugs but Wednesday's

haul was one of the largest

yet in an intensifying crackdown.

Officials say they rolled over

3,873,163 bottles of beer and other

types of alcohol in bulldozers at

a wide open space as part of a

war against intoxicants. Officials

then lit the crushed remains

Four million bottles of

prices, which analysts say have

been caused by a mix of robust

demand, government spending,

supply chain hold-ups and pay

increases following labour shortages.

Amazon, Netflix and Procter

& Gamble are among the many

firms that have announced price

rises in recent months, citing

higher costs. They have said

they expect most households to

absorb the increases.

But the issue is increasingly

a key issue for voters, hurting

President Joe Biden's popularity

despite strong economic growth

last year.

In a statement, Mr Biden

pledged that his administration

would "be all hands on deck to

win this fight", acknowledging

that "Americans' budgets are being

stretched in ways that create

real stress at the kitchen table".

On a monthly basis, consumon

fire and allowed the blaze to

burn into the night, according to

villagers who watched.

"Kano is a sharia state and the

sale, consumption and possession

of alcoholic substances are prohibited",

the head of the religious

police Haruna Ibn Sina declared

at the ceremony.

Alcohol has been prohibited

in Kano since 2001, one of dozens

of states in Nigeria's mainly Muslim

north to have reintroduced a

strict version of Sharia law since

the country returned to civilian

rule over two decades ago.

The ban on alcohol has recently

been a source of tension in

the state's capital.

In December, young people in

one of Kano's Christian neighbourhoods

clashed with religious

police when officials raided

drinking spots in the area.

Non-religious police had to be

brought in to restore order after

a mob was formed and began

setting bonfires alight on the


DAILY ANALYST Friday, 11th February, 2022

er prices climbed 0.6% in January,

the US Labor Department said.

The rent index rose 0.4%,

while grocery prices jumped 1%,

driven by increases in the cost of

bakery and cereal products.

Detra Thomas, a 60-yearold

human resources assistant

who lives in New York, says she

recently stopped shopping at the

supermarket, opting to order in

bulk online or visit street vendors

in hopes of finding lower prices.

"I just can't afford to buy all

my food from the regular grocery

store," she told the BBC.

She has been delaying

clothing purchases, clipping

coupons and taking other steps

in an effort to make her money

go farther. Though she received

a small pay raise last year, it does

not match the rapid increases in

the cost of living, she says.

"You have to worry about

what am I going to buy, what am

I not going to buy, can I do without

this for a while," she said.

"I would like the stability of

knowing that the supplies are

going to get through in a timely

Former US President

Donald Trump has told

associates he remains

in contact with North

Korea's leader Kim Jongun,

according to the author of a

new book.

Journalist Maggie Haberman

said Mr Kim was the only foreign

leader Mr Trump had said he

remained in touch with.

But, she added, the claims

could not be verified and might

not be true.

In 2018, Mr Trump famously

said he and Mr Kim "fell in love"

after exchanging letters. But they

failed to seal a deal to denuclearise

the Korean peninsula.

Communications between a

former US president and Mr Kim

would be highly unusual, given

North Korea's international isolation

because of its nuclear and

missile programme.

"As we know, [Mr Trump] had

a fixation on this relationship,"

Haberman, a New York Times

journalist, told CNN. The revelation

is in her upcoming book on

Mr Trump, The Confidence Man.

"What he says and what's

actually happening are not always

in concert, but he has been telling

people that he has maintained

some kind of a correspondence

or discussion with Kim Jong-un,"

she said.

Mr Trump held two summits

with Mr Kim aimed at curbing

North Korea's nuclear programme

which failed to produce an agreement.

The country has continued

to carry out ballistic missile tests,

in breach of UN resolutions.

Correspondences from Mr Kim

Global News

manner and that we're not going

to have to pay an arm and a leg

for them."

Analysts said the Labor

Department's report held some

signs that inflationary pressures

may start to cool, noting that

prices for new cars - one of the

key drivers of inflation over the

last year - were unchanged over

the month, while the increases

for used cars slowed.

Rates for hotel rooms also

dropped a hefty 3.9%, which may

have been driven by the impact of

reduced travel due to Omicron.

But given the jumps in food

were among the documents in

15 boxes of papers retrieved from

Mr Trump last month by the National

Archives, the government

agency that manages the preservation

of presidential record.

The documents should have

been turned over to the agency

when Mr Trump left the White

House but, instead, were taken to

his residence in Florida.

The National Archives asked

the Department of Justice to

examine Mr Trump's handling of

White House records, according

to the Washington Post. A justice

department spokesman did not


and shelter costs, the financial

pressures for most households

are not going away, said Andrew

Hunter, senior US economist at

Capital Economics.

"A rapid cyclical acceleration

in inflation is underway and,

with labour market conditions

exceptionally tight, it is unlikely

to abate any time soon," he said.

"While we still expect more

favourable base effects and a

partial easing of supply shortages

to push core inflation lower this

year, this suggests it will remain

well above the Fed's target for

some time."

beer destroyed in Nigeria

Trump says he is in touch with

North Korea's leader Kim - book

The northern Nigerian city of Kano operates under Sharia law and

Separately, a committee at the

House of Representatives said it

had opened an investigation.

In her interview to CNN,

Haberman also said White House

staff periodically found documents

clogging Mr Trump's toilet

in the White House during his


Staff, she said, would then

find "wads of clumped up, wet

printed paper... either notes or

some other piece of paper that

they believe he had thrown down

the toilet".

Mr Trump denied the claim as

"categorically untrue".

to reach a deal to denuclearise the Korean peninsula


Friday, 11th February, 2022 Page 3

GPCC wades into

UTAG -Govt impasse

Frontpage Stories

Story By Freeman

Koryekpor Awlesu

The Ghana Pentecostal

and Charismatic

Council (GPCC) has

waded into the ongoing

impasse between

the University Teachers Association

of Ghana (UTAG) and the


According to GPCC, the recent

unrest in the labour front,

especially in the education sector

and particularly the almost

four weeks of industrial action

by UTAG is of grave concern to

the Council.

Following this development,

the Council has called on the

government and UTAG to consider

the long-term impact of this

stalemate on the future of the

students and return to the negotiation

table with open minds,

less entrenched positions, and

commitments to respecting the

The Ghana Journalists

Association (GJA) has

condemned the attack

on one Connect FM

Journalist Eric Nana

Gyetuah, by some policemen in


It was reported that some policemen

brutally assaulted Eric

Nana Gyetuah who is a Producer

at Connect FM in Takoradi for

filming them in a public place.

As result, GJA said the victim

finds it difficult to hear with the

right ear which also experiences

occasional discharge.

In a statement, the GJA

applauded the despatch with

which the IGP directed that police

investigation be carried out

into the case.

"We, however, expect nothing

but speedy conclusion of the investigation

into another brazen

outcome of all negotiated settlements.

The Council also urged the

National Labour Commission

(NLC) in particular to at all times

demonstrate a posture of impartiality

and proactiveness in

resolving labour disputes rather

than being reactionary in their

approach to dealing with labour


"While urging government-the

employer to demonstrate

sincerity and commitment

to a lasting negotiated

settlement to this impasse,

the Council appeals to UTAG to

consider calling off its industrial

action and returning to the

negotiation table," the Council


The call was contained in a

two-page communiqué issued by

members of the GPCC at the end

of its Annual Conference held at

the Pentecost Convention Centre

at Gomoa-Fetteh in the Central


GJA condemns

attack on Connect

FM journalist

act of impunity. Thereafter, the

perpetrators should be punished

to the fullest extent possible

within the law," it stated.

The GJA also demanded an

expeditious inquiry into the

alleged armed attacks on Korle

Adjator of Radio Ada.

"Again, we expect that the

law will take its course no

matter how complex the issues

might be. The magnitude and

closeness of the two incidents

send worrying signals, especially,

to international media

watchers who still regard Ghana

as a reference point of press freedom

and democracy in Africa.

We must not, and dare not slide

further but rise higher on the

league table of free media systems

on the continent and the

world as a whole," it added.

The communiqué which

was copied to DAILY Analyst

was issued by the leadership

of National Executive Council

in the persons of Rev. Prof.

Paul Frimpong-Manso, Most

Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah,

Apostle Eric Kwabena Nyamekye,

Rev. Emmanuel Teimah

Barrigah, Apostle Dr. Aaron

Nartey Ami-Nar, Apostle George

Yeboah, Most Rev. Dr. Charles

Agyinasare, Rt. Rev. Samuel Noi

Mensah, Rt. Rev. Dr. Nana Anyani-Boadum,

Bishop Dr. Gordon

Kisseih and Bishop Dr. Samuel

Prince Baah.

On the issue of the corrupt

practices of government appointees,

the Council expressed

grave worry about the increasing

cases of corruption and mismanagement

of public funds

as revealed by the 2020 Auditor

General’s Report on MMDAs

and some SOEs.

While Ghanaians are being

called upon to pay more taxes

to facilitate development, the

Council pointed out that the

country has public officers

embezzling, misapplying, and

misappropriating public funds

through various corrupt activities

causing the state to lose billions

of Ghana Cedis, with most

culprits going unpunished over

the years.

"We, therefore, call on the

Office of the Special Prosecutor

to take keen interest in the

reports of the Auditor-General

to save this country from the

The Deputy Minister

for Lands and Natural

Resources in charge of

Mines, George Mireku

Duker has stressed

that sanctions and fine imposed

on Maxam Ghana Limited over

the explosion at Apiatse is not

meant to cripple or intimidate

firms in the extractive industry

He maintained that the action

is to ensure that all the relevant

laws and regulations governing

the sector are adhered to

and ensure that incidents like

the Apiatse explosion is avoided.

The Deputy Minister explained

that government is

mindful of the implications of

such sanctions on mining companies

but assured that “all actions

are intended for the good

of the industry and for them to

operate safely”.

Mireku Duker said this when

he was addressing the Media

Wednesday, February 9, 2022, after

he led a delegation from the

Ministry and the Minerals Commission

on a day’s working visit

to the operation site of Maxam

Ghana Company Limited in the

Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality of

the Western Region.

The Deputy Minister and his

entourage were taken through

a presentation of the company’s

operations, safety protocols, and

contribution to the community

by the Plant Manager.

The Minerals Commission

brink of social upheavals," it


The Council in a communiqué

noted that the outcome of

the 2020 Presidential and Parliamentary

elections left no one in

doubt that Ghanaians voted for

unity and consensus building

especially in an almost hung


The Council pointed out that

recent confusion in Parliament

over the passage of the E-Levy

Bill has exposed the extreme

partisanship and lack of consensus-building

between the

Executive and the Legislature

and between the leadership of

the two main political parties in


The Council in a communiqué,

therefore, appealed to

all parties to use dialogue and

consensus building in coming to

decisions in the interest of the

collective will of the people of

Ghana whom they seek to serve.

It pointed out that the recent

political instability in West Africa,

especially in Mali and Burkihad

earlier issued a prohibition

notice on Maxam Ghana

Company Limited for it to halt

operations at its production site

in Tarkwa.

The Deputy Minister’s visit

was to ascertain if the new measures

instituted by the company

meet the regulatory standards

precedent for their resumption.

na Faso is of great concern to the

Council and many Ghanaians as

it has the potential to spill over

into Ghana and other West African

countries, thus destabilizing

the entire sub-region.

"While commending government

for reinforcing our

northern borders with additional

military presence to ward off

any potential infiltrations by the

Jihadist, and their allies, we call

on the government to take steps

to address key human security

threats such as food, economic

and livelihoods security issues

within Ghana," the communiqué


The Council reaffirmed its

strong belief in the Ghanaian

through the Church of Jesus

Christ, to rise once again to the

challenges of nation-building,

urging all to eschew all forms

of negative attitudes that draw

back national progress but

instilling in us the sense of


Writer's email koryekporfreeman@yahoo.com

Maxam $6m fine

not meant to cripple

mining companies

After a comprehensive tour

of the production site by his

delegation, Hon Mireku Duker

expressed satisfaction with the

progress made by the company.

He, however, noticed some

challenges which he promised

to bring to the attention of the

sector Minister.

Page 4

DAILY ANALYST Friday, 11th February, 2022


Keep on

members, GJA!

We want to commend the

Ghana Journalists Association

(GJA) for taking on

institutions and individuals

who continue to abuse

the rights of journalists and radio presenters

whose only crime is doing their jobs.

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA)

has condemned the recent attack on a journalist

working with Connect FM, Eric Nana

Gyetuah, by some policemen in Takoradi.

According to reports, some policemen

brutally assaulted Eric Nana Gyetuah who is a

Producer at Connect FM in Takoradi for filming

them in a public place.

The victim finds it difficult to hear with

the right ear which also experiences occasional


In a statement, the GJA applauded the dispatch

with which the IGP directed that a police

investigation be carried out into the case.

"We, however, expect nothing but speedy

conclusion of the investigation into another

brazen act of impunity. Thereafter, the perpetrators

should be punished to the fullest

extent possible within the law," it stated.

Furthermore, the GJA demanded an expeditious

inquiry into the alleged armed attacks

on Korle Adjator of Radio Ada.

"Again, we expect that the law will take

its course no matter how complex the issues

might be. The magnitude and closeness of the

two incidents send worrying signals, especially,

to international media watchers who

still regard Ghana as a reference point of press

freedom and democracy in Africa. We must

not, and dare not slide further but rise higher

on the league table of free media systems on

the continent and the world as a whole," it


We on the Daily Analyst, believe this is the

way to go because many individuals and organizations

have no regard for journalists in this


We believe if the GJA continues with this

aggressive advocacy, these organizations and

individuals who maltreat journalists, will

come back to their senses.

The President of the

ECOWAS Commission,

H.E. Jean-Claude Kassi

Brou received H.E.

Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey,

Chair of the ECOWAS Council

of Ministers, May 4, 2021, at the

ECOWAS Commission Headquarters

in Abuja, Nigeria.

Madam Botchwey was at the

ECOWAS Commission for a special

session on the ongoing Institutional

Reforms in ECOWAS. This is

in view of the upcoming mid-year

statutory meetings in June 2021.

She and her delegation were

briefed on the progress of the Institutional

Reform process by the

The largest opposition

party in the country,

the National Democratic

Congress (NDC)

has assured Ghanaians

that, it will abolish the controversial

e-levy tax within 100

days in office if it forms the next

government in 2024.

Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketia,

General Secretary of the opposition

National Democratic Congress

(NDC) gave the assurance

yesterday when some members

of the party and some interest

groups hit the street to protest

the introduction of the E-levy

Bill in parliament.


Minister for Finance, Ken

Ofori Atta, has called on the

general public to support the

controversial Electronic Levy

as it will reduce Ghana’s dependence

on loans and grants.

As part of ways to revive the

economy government introduced

the Electronic-levy to undertake

developmental projects.

Speaking at Government

Townhall meetings on the

The National Insurance

Commission (NIC) has

hinted that it will publicise

the names of all

insurance companies

in good standing in the country.

This has become necessary

due to the growing concerns

from the public over fake and

underperforming insurance

cases in the country.

This was announced by the

Central Regional Manager of the

National Insurance Commission

(NIC) Mrs. Nicholina Adumuah

Ladzekpo at Agona Swedru in the

Central region.

The NIC is the governmental

body that regulates all insurance

companies and related issues in

the country.

The program, which was

attended by drivers, car owners,

insurance companies, and the

general public was to educate

E-levy proposal in Takoradi on

Wednesday 2nd February 2022,

Ken Ofori Atta stated that the

total independence and ability

to fund Ghana’s future depends

on the e-levy.

However, addressing protestors

at the “Yentua” demonstration

in Accra yesterday, Mr. Johnson

Asiedu Nketia, stated that

the NPP government is insensitive

to the plight of Ghanaians

and sensitize stakeholders on

the need to adhere to insurance

rules and regulations and also

report to them (NIC) insurance

breaches by insurance providers

and drivers.

She also appealed to drivers

hence the imposition of E-levy.

“Let me tell you all right now

that in the unlikely event the

e-levy is passed, we will abolish

it and it will be the first tax to

be abolished within the first 100

days of a future NDC government

because we don’t see it as a

tax, it is daylight robbery, this is

not taxation”

“That is not to say we will

not be taking other taxes but we

are saying this is thievery, it is

not tax based on any production,

it’s not tax based on any value

addition, it is daylight robbery,

taking people’s capital from

their pockets because they chose

not to keep the money in their

pockets but to keep it on MOMO

wallets,” he told protesters.

Deputy Youth Organiser

of the NDC Edem Agbana told

pressmen at the #Yentua that

the organizers of the demonstration

had extensive discussions

with the police the past

couple of days to ensure that the

demonstration was violent-free.

NIC to get tough on

insurance companies

to be circumspect when driving.

According to the NIC CR

manager, one can authenticate

the insurance of the vehicle he

or she is boarding by dialing

*920*57# to ensure we are all



Friday, 11th February, 2022 Page 5


Ekow Quandzie writes:

Detty December in

Ghana is simply the

enjoyment level in

Accra every December.

It is always that

time of the year that the world

comes to Ghana.

It is a fine opportunity for

the diaspora to connect with

their roots – cultural diversity,

heritage and “new skuul”

lifestyles like pop culture, music

and food.

With the elevation of all the

tourism value chain elements

coupled with Africa being the

new market target, many companies

are increasingly making

their brands relevant to the Gen

Z and Millennials.

In no particular order, these

are the brands that came out


Daily Paper

Daily Paper is an African-inspired

fashion brand known

for its ready-to-wear garments

and accessories with a creative

direction fueled by rich African

culture wrapped in contemporary


The brand has truly become

one of the fastest growing fashion

brands in Africa and Europe,

offering timeless designs across

accessories, streetwear and a

range of capsules across the


During December, Daily Paper

which has truly become one

of the fastest growing fashion

brands in Africa and Europe,

opened its sought-after pop-up

shop in Accra to drive lovers of

streetwear to their hub.

The brand collaborated with

other partners such as Off-

White by the late Virgil Ablorh,

Surf Ghana, Afrochella, NSG,

Free The Youth among others to

host a line of activities such as

parties, networking hangouts,

football tournament and other

special curated events connected

to the culture.Free The Youth

Free The Youth (FTY) is a

collective of young creatives

determined to empower young

Africans in the area of streetstyle

fashion and culture.

Started as a social media

Ghanaian street-style movement,

FTY has now developed

into a multi-branched organisation

with the grand goal

of promoting an art-based,

youth-oriented movement for

creative freedom and community

development. It has gradually

grown to become the creative

mouthpiece for young people.

During the Christmas, the

FTY opened its headquarters

in Accra, a really impressive

space created as a hub for

African youth in Ghana. The

space, according to the FTY, was

a physical representation of

Africa’s unmistakable creative


That grand opening saw a

host of paneled talks, the opening

of a Free The Youth store,

as well as studio sessions and

parties which saw likes of Black

Sheriff, Chance The Rapper, Vic

Mensa, Oxlade, Rema, Kwesi

Arthur, Fuse ODG, Kofi Mole and

others passing through to catch



Ghana Tourism Authority

The Ghana Tourism Authority

(GTA) is the lead state agency

in charge of implementing the

December in Ghana campaign to

its highest optimal points.

Since 2019, the government

has had a deliberate tourism

campaign championed by the

GTA to make Ghana the favourite

destination for Christmas


With a master brand ‘December

in GH’, the GTA ensured that

a large number of the events in

December enjoyed a near perfect

enabling environment to attract

global attention to the country.

“Thanks to the Ministry of

Tourism, Arts and Culture (MO-

TAC) under the able leadership

of Dr. Ibrahim Awal, this year’s

activations were carefully crafted

– focusing on more outdoor

activities bearing in mind the

times we are in,” said Akwasi

Agyeman, CEO-Ghana Tourism

Authority (GTA).

GTA supported most of these

events with sponsorship, marketing

and promotions, and provided

health and safety support

among others.

There is no doubt that December

in GH has become one

of Ghana’s successful tourism

brands and an anchor that has

created a global wave, perhaps a

movement, with people always

looking forward to it every year.


The picture sharing social

media platform was intentional

about how to immerse its

brand into the Christmas vibes

in Ghana. Instagram partnered

with Afrochella Festival and was

also the lead headline sponsor of

the festival’s very first Fashion

Night Out event.

Produced by Debonair

Afrik, a Ghanaian based fashion

brand and Afrochella, the

Instagram Fashion Night Out

was designed to celebrate the

thriving fashion scene in Africa

and showcase up-and-coming

designers from the continent.

The dazzling event included 13

talented designers, two fashion

exhibitions, a panel discussion

and multi-brand pop up shops.

It was Instagram’s way of celebrating

Africa’s diverse culture

and the vibrant work of African

creatives and entrepreneurs.

These activities were amplified

by Instagram to its millions of

followers to gain wider reach.

Martell Cognac

Throughout the year 2021,

Martell Cognac has been busy.

Most of the brand’s activations

were on the back of partnership

it had with Amapiano & Brunch

Party which has become Accra’s

favorite day party. The party

is held periodically at Front/

Back, a music, food, and art

club located in Accra, and it has

featured major artistes such as

R2Bees, MzVee, Stonebwoy, King

Promise, Adenkule Gold, Uncle

Waffles, Tiwa Savage and many


Martell, in partnership with

Polo Beach Club also put together

arguably the most-talked

about high-end lit party known

as the Martell Blue Foam Party.

It was an epic night and the


reactions on social media

was crazy, literally everybody

looking forward to the next


At any of the events during

December, guests had the

chance to a sensory experience

of Martell’s finest eaux-de-vie

produced cognacs.

Surf Ghana (Freedom Skate


For the first time, Ghana

opened its first skate park –

Freedom Skate Park in Accra.

The opening which happened

in December was also in honour

of the late Ghanaian US-based

fashion icon Virgil Abloh who

was supporting Surf Ghana, the

project initiators, to complete

the park.

Unveiling the park, organisers

paid tribute to the American

designer of Ghanaian origin

with musical performances by

local artists and skate sessions

by both professionals and amateurs.

A new sport ecosystem

that supports well-being, creativity

and entrepreneurship.

The Founder of Surf Ghana,

Sandy Alibo, said though skating

is a lesser-known sport in Ghana,

she believes it will go a long

way towards boosting tourism

and creating networking opportunities

for young Ghanaians.

“We’re not talking only

about sports, but we’re talking

building self-confidence in the

youth, about tourism and developing

youth entrepreneurship,”

she told AFP.

Ever-since its opening,

the skate park has become a

converging point for a lot of

creative minds to connect with

each other in sharing ideas and



The social media giant announced

its presence in Africa

in April 2021. Twitter’s presence

announcement brought a lot of

excitement among Ghanaians.

Per observations, whenever

Twitter enters new markets, it

invests in local communities

and the social fabric through

relevant partnerships that

touches the emotions of the


Ahead of its outdoor activations

in December, Twitter

partnered Ghanaian rapper

M.anifest to launch a special

emoji icon for the rapper’s latest

album #MadinaToTheUniverse.

After, Twitter debuted its

dedicated @TwitterGhana handle,

bringing tweets to life on

billboards in Accra. According to

AdWeek, @TwitterGhana is the

social network’s first dedicated

handle in sub-Saharan Africa.

These Twitter billboards

covered topics and hilarious

moments that were uniquely

Ghanaian, hence becoming

part of viral conversations and

also setting the tone for Detty

December. One of the billboards

captured the mood for Christmas

saying “December in Ghana

is just a two-week festival”.

Lastly, Twitter partnered

with one of the biggest festivals

on the continent – Afrochella

Festival which was headlined

by music superstars Wizkid and

Stonebwoy with other talents.

The blue bird social platform

set up an art installation at the

festival which really brought

the brand to live.


YouTube has always been a

place to be entertained — from

your favorite dance trends, new

sound to exciting video contents.

Over the years, YouTube has

enabled an entire generation of

creators who have shared their

voice and found an audience of

more than two billion people.

YouTube, for the first time

brought its brand to live in

Ghana. The video streaming

platform heavily pushed its

YouTube Shorts which is a new

short-form video experience

for creators and artists who

want to shoot short, catchy

videos using nothing but their

mobile phones. YouTube Shorts

is a way for anyone to connect

with a new audience using just

a smartphone and the Shorts

camera in the YouTube app.

YouTube had the biggest

brand installation at Afrochella

by creating what it called “The

YouTube Shorts Playground” for

over 10,000 revelers that attended

the festival.

The brand also engaged in

some music thought leadership

programmes to help develop the

youth and provide assistance to

aspiring music industry professionals.

Ekow Quandzie


Ghana’s number one urban

radio and leading music station,

YFM launched a new initiative

“Y Holiday Havoc” to support

key December events with marketing,

promotions, ticket sales

and on-air talents – Presenters

and DJs, all to create unforgettable

memories for revelers.

Through the Y Holiday

Havoc, YFM partnered major

festivals such as Afrochella,

Wildaland, Tribvl Jungle Fever,

concerts – Gold Coast Carnival,

Bhim Concert, and parties –

PineXGinja, Gold Block Party.

Others include Around the

World, Taste of Ghana and Beach

Lantern Festival.

For the brand, December in

Ghana was right time to achieve

two things with YHolidayHavoc

Campaign – To create brand

awareness and Showcase YFM’s

Talents to the world. Talents like

Kojo Manuel, Mensah Junior,

DJ Loft, DJ MzOrstin, AD DJ, DJ

MicSmith became household

names at every major event and

parties during the December. It

was one sure way of winning

with the brand.

In setting the tone for December

in Ghana, YFM engineered

a series of thought leadership

conversations on Twitter

Spaces talking to stakeholders,

organizers and musicians who

shared their thoughts on December

in Ghana.

The brand also activated

its waste recycling bottle radio

booth. This was to re-enforce the

brand’s commitment to encourage

plastic waste recycling

under the YFM Plastic Recycling

Campaign championed by Y


I want to conclude with special

shoutouts to all the events

that created the platform for

these brands to connect with

their audience – Afrochella,

Wildaland, Amapiano & Brunch,

Polo Beach Club, Tribvl Jungle

Fever, Gold Coast Carnival,

PineXGinja, Gold Block Party,

Around the World and Akwaaba

UK Parties.

Written by Ekow Quandzie

The writer is a Brands and

Communications Executive


Page 6

DAILY ANALYST Friday, 11th February, 2022

The Ministry of Gender,

Children and Social

Protection, says an

amount of GHS 67,841

has been retrieved

from proceeds of the sale of

application forms for school

feeding caterers in 2017.

This follows a

recommendation by the Auditor

General for the Ministry to

account for an amount of GHS

89,000 accrued from the sale

of application forms to the


Speaking at the Public

Accounts Committee, the

Internal Auditor of the Ministry

of Gender, Children and Social

Protection, Abdul Karim, said

plans are underway to retrieve

the remaining amount.

“We have so far accounted

for or retrieved GHS 67,841

since the issue was raised by

the auditors. What happened

was that the forms were sold by

the District Assemblies but not

all the proceeds were returned

to the Ministry. Therefore,

Vice President of

the Ghana Medical

Association, Dr

Justice Yankson has

lamented the rate

at which well trained doctors

and other medical professionals

are leaving Ghana for greener


Dr Yankson said Ghana

was losing many competent,

well-trained health care

professionals due to the poor

economic conditions in the

country, according to a report by


He disclosed that many

of his colleague doctors had

already left the country or were

planning to leave.

“We keep seeing numbers

in professions that ideally we

think is absurd but that’s the

reality. You go to work and

you overhear professionals

discussing their exit – either

they are preparing themselves

or in the next couple of days

they may be leaving and you see


teacher union, All

Teachers Alliance

Ghana, says it is

unhappy with the

Ghana Education

Service’s decision to organize

basic ICT training for teachers

Gender Ministry recovers GHS 67K from sale

of school feeding caterers forms in 2017

following the audit report, we

wrote to the District Assembly,

and then we got a total of GHS

67, 841.”

In 2017, the Ministry of

Gender, Children and Social

Protection invited applications

to recruit caterers under

the Ghana School Feeding

Programme for the provision

of catering services for basic

schools in the country.

The recruitment was

done through the various

Metropolitan, Municipal, and

District Assemblies nationwide.

Interested applicants were

to apply by obtaining a form

from any of the MMDAs at GHS


“In 2020, we wrote again as

a way of follow up to the earlier

letters we wrote that resulted in

the retrieval of that amount. On

January 14, 2021, another followup

was written to the Minister

of Local Government and the

Local Government Service to

help us retrieve that amount”,

Abdul Karim added.

Many doctors are leaving Ghana due

to poor working conditions – GMA

it all the time,” Dr Yankson was

quoted by myjoyonline.com.

Data from statista.com show

that there were 3,236 doctors

in Ghana in 2019. However, the

United Kingdom alone has 3,395

doctors of Ghanaian origin,

according to a document by the

House of Commons Library.

In 2020, Ghana was ranked

14th in Sub-Saharan Africa in

terms of doctor to patient ratio.

Ghana has a 1:10,450 doctor to

patient ratio which is below

the World Health Organisation

recommended 1:1,302.


Attracting a fee of GH300,

the training is to aid teachers to

use various e-learning resources.

The training is expected to

be executed with the laptops

distributed to teachers under

the one-teacher one laptop


The laptops are aimed at

bridging the ICT gap between

teachers in urban areas and

their colleagues in rural areas.

However, the Union says

the decision will not achieve its

intended purpose since most

teachers are yet to receive their


They further indicated

that teachers living in rural

areas may not benefit from

this training due to the lack of

internet accessibility.

Isaac Ofori, President of the

‘All Teachers Alliance Ghana’

in an interview with Citi News

said: “We were there and GES

brought a statement indicating

that we’ll be attending online

training prior to the laptops

that have been given to us.

The GH300 component of

the training that will be done

online, the question is, how are

Two Cameroonian

nationals, William

Mbenso, 37, and Mbah

Caleb also 37, have

been remanded by

the Akwele Magistrate Court

presided over by His worship,

E. A. Ocloo for dealing in

counterfeit currency.

The two were arrested

at their hideout at Kasoa

Opeikuma by the Central East

Police Command.

Police sources say one

Benjamin Agyemang came

into contact with the two

Cameroonian Nationals through

social media with a promise to

double GHs 50,000 for him.

they going to provide technical

training for teachers who need

to practice with the machine,

how will the practicality of the

technicality in the IT training be


“Many teachers are yet to

receive the laptops, so if you are

going to organize online training

for teachers on the laptop, the

question is, those who have

not received it, how will they

participate. Some teachers too

find themselves in remote parts

of the country where internet is

not fast and reliable”.

Mr. Ofori has further called

on teachers to boycott the

training and demand a physical

session instead.

“We have realized that GES

is not being fair to teachers. We

have suggested to teachers that

they should boycott the online

training so that the original plan

for in-person training should be


The union has however

threatened to “petition

President Akufo-Addo and other

international organizations to

ensure that teachers are treated

fairly in the country”.

Two Cameroonian nationals

arrested for dealing in

counterfeit cedis

But upon suspecting that

the two could be fraudsters, he

reported the incident to the


Speaking to Citi News,

Central East Police Commander,

DCOP Okyere Boapeah, said:

“The police were able to trace

them and arrest them.”

“The police retrieved a

bigger amount of money from

the two cut to the sizes of GHS

200 denominations to the tune

of GHS64,000 and a printing


The suspects were arraigned

on Wednesday and were

remanded to reappear in court

on February 16, 2022.


Friday, 11th February, 2022 Page 7

The National Council

of Zongo Chiefs has

commended the Chief

Executive Officer of the

Zongo Development

Fund (ZoDF), Obrempong Dr.

Arafat Sulemana Abdulai, for

spearheading development

projects in Zongo communities in

the country.

The Council noted that

It also lauded Vice President

Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia

for his continuous support

to Zongo communities, and

conveyed “appreciation and

recognition” of the valiant

performance of Obrempong

Dr. Abdulai as Chief Executive


The eminent Chiefs made

this declaration through their

National Public Relations Officer,

Alhaji Imoru Baba Issah, at a

meeting with the Chief Executive

and management of ZoDF, at the

ZoDF secretariat in Accra last


Speaking on behalf of the

venerable chiefs representing

various ethnic groups in

Zongo Communities, Alhaji

Stay off Community Mining Scheme

- Lands Minister warns foreigners

Samuel A. Jinapor, the

Minister for Lands and

Natural Resources has

cautioned communities

benefiting from the

Community Mining Scheme

(CMS) not to engage the services

of foreigners in their activities.

The Minister emphasised

that the CMS is the preserve of

Ghanaians and that any attempt

by foreigners to infiltrate the

sector will not be tolerated.

He vowed to revoke the

license of any firm found to

engage foreigners at its site.

The Minister further

explained that government holds

the position that Ghanaians

must benefit from the country’s

natural resources and the CMS

is the surest way of manifesting

that belief.

“We want natives and the

Elders of Asante Akyem South to

enjoy maximum benefits so I am

pleading with you not to allow

foreign nationals to engage in it.

This should not happen at the

expense of the natives of this

town”, he maintained.

“This Community Mining

Scheme is for the people of

Tokwae and Asante Akyem South.

Foreigners are not allowed to

participate in it. If one foreigner

is found working in this mining

operation, the mining license

which I have signed as Minister

will be revoked”, he warned.

Hon. Jinapor issued the stern

caution during the launch of

the Tokwae Community Mining

Scheme on Thursday, February

10, 2022.

He disclosed that government

as part of its job creation strategy

is seeking to establish at least 50

CMS in 2022.

He stated that the new

module will replace the

archaic and more harmful

galamsey practices and also

empower mining communities

since his assumption of office,

Obrempong Dr. Abdulai has

worked tirelessly in ensuring

that the impact of the projects

executed by ZoDF were felt in

“every corner of Ghana."

The Council therefore

expressed gratitude to President

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

for the establishment of the

Zongo Development Fund.


“So far, we have

commissioned seven

community mining schemes

and this year under the

direction of the President,

we intend to commission 50

Community Mining Schemes.

Agenda 50 Mining Community

Schemes begins with Tokwae”,

he said.

“Community Mining Scheme

which is done responsibly and

has regard for the environment

which employs the teeming

youth of the country is indeed

an alternative to illegal smallscale

mining and that is the

strategy of the Ministry.”

The Member of Parliament

for Asante Akyem South,

Hon. Kwaku Asante Boateng

eulogized the Sector Minister for

showing exemplary leadership

in his role.

He urged the leaders and

residents of the community to

heed to the counsel by Hon. Abu

Jinapor and obey the regulations

governing the CMS.

Hon. Kwaku Asante Boateng

was happy with the scheme

which he reckons will relieve the

constituency of some headache

with respect to unemployment.

Nana Eyim Kum Nipa II,

Omanhene of Gyadam, expressed

gratitude to the government for

the initiative which would offer

job opportunities to the teeming

youth in the area and improve

upon their living standards.

He pledged the support of

the chiefs and other traditional

leaders in promoting safety

and enhancing security in the

operations of the scheme.

The Municipal Chief

Executive of Asante Akyem South,

Alexanda Frimpong commended

the government and the ministry

for completing the processes

which has culminated to the

Launch of the scheme.

He appealed to the Minister

to help deal with illegal smallscale

mining activities in the


Prior to the Launch, the

Minister paid a courtesy call on

the Omanhene of the area, Nana

Eyim Kum Nipa II.

Baba Issah stated that as key

partners in the development

of Zongo communities, the

Council “supports, appreciates

and acknowledges” the historic

transformation of Zongo

communities through the

interventions of the ZoDF.

He said the education of the

youth in Zongo communities, the

enhancement of skills training,

peace building and access to

gainful employment remained

key priorities of Chiefs in Zongo


In that connection, the

National Council presented a

proposal for support from the

Fund for the construction of a

senior high school (SHS) and a

nursing training college on land

secured by the Council at Ashifla

in the Greater Accra Region. The

Council presented documents

pertaining to the land and

architectural drawings for the

school and the nursing college to

the CEO.

Alhaji Baba Issah stated

further that the objective of

bringing “Peace, Unity and

Development” by Chiefs cannot

be attained without the support

and collaboration of the Fund.

The CEO of ZoDF thanked

the Council for its pre-eminent

role in Zongo communities

and acknowledged that Chiefs

“form the fulcrum of the Zongo

Development Agenda."

He said it is recognition of the

indispensable role of Chiefs in

Zongo communities that the Act

establishing the Fund enshrined

the representation of Chiefs on

the governing board of the ZoDF.

Teachers accuse ‘wee’ smokers

of setting Ahmadiyya JHS 3

classroom ablaze

The activities of some

‘wee’ smokers around

Ahmadiyya Junior Secondary

School in the

Kintampo municipality

of the Bono East have allegedly

led to the burning of the form

3 classroom.

According to the teachers of

the school, they suspect the wee

smokers who smoke around the

school at night set the school

ablaze on Wednesday, February

9, 2022.

Narrating the ordeal of the

school during the mid-day news

on Accra 100.5 FM on Thursday,

February 10, 2022, a teacher of

the school ruled out any electrical

fault as the cause of the fire.

He said it is the activities of

the said wee smokers that led

to the outbreak of the fire at the

JHS form 3A classroom.

“It beats our imagination as

school managers, how the school

is being treated by the locals in

the Kintampo area.

He assured the Chiefs of

the support, cooperation and

collaboration of the Fund in

key areas such as education,

peace-building, health and skills


Conflict resolution, conflict

management and conflict

prevention are additional areas

of collaboration the Fund would

pursue in collaboration with the

Council, he added.

Obrempong Dr. Abdulai

stated that the Fund was in the

process of commencing the

construction of three model

senior high schools this year

(2022), and indicated that “serious

consideration” would be accorded

the request from the Council. He

commended the Council for the

“laudable initiative."

Obrempong Dr. Abdulai

noted that the development of

Zongo communities demands

the “collective effort” of all

stakeholders. He conveyed the

readiness of the Fund to improve

the capacity of Chiefs, Magajiyas

(women leaders) and youth

leaders in Zongo communities

and to also support programmes

targeted at “bridging the gap”

between Chiefs and the youth in

Zongo communities.

Obrempong Dr. Abdulai

also lauded the Chiefs for the

“swift manner” in which they

acted to restore calm during the

recent disturbances at Nima and


The National Council of

Zongo Chiefs is the umbrella

organization of Chiefs from

Zongo communities throughout

the 16 regions of Ghana.

Not too long they broke into

the JHS form 2B classroom and

made away with some desktop

computers,” he lamented

He said since the security

man retired, the school had not

seen peace with issues of theft,

classroom toileting among


He explained that school

managers suspect some old students

are part of the problems of

the school in recent times.

Page 8

The Minister of Health

Kwaku Agyemang-Manu

says, although 1,426

people have died as

a result of Covid-19,

government’s management of

the pandemic has been a success


The Health Minister says,

although millions of lives were

lost globally due to the pandemic,

the government managed to


contain the situation, making it

one of two countries that better

managed the pandemic.

Giving updates on the

COVID-19 situation, Mr.

Agyemang-Manu indicated that

the country now has an active

case count of 527 cases. Five

people are in critical condition

and 1, 426 persons have so far

succumbed to the virus.

He was speaking at a press

DAILY ANALYST Friday, 11th February, 2022

– Health Minister

conference in Accra on Wednesday,

February 9, 2022.

“We couldn’t stop COVID-19

impacting negatively on the

nation. First of all, government’s

finances did not budget for

COVID-19. We didn’t have any

money as emergency funds to

cater for the pandemic, but there

have been successes.”

The Health Minister further

added that, the country was doing

well in the area of COVID-19

vaccinations, stating that 6,000

vaccination teams have been

deployed across the country to

make sure that this is achieved.

“We will vaccinate as many

as we can within a very short

time. So, we have started with

the vaccine day to make sure

that, people get vaccinated. In

the process, we have set up about

6,000 teams across the country

vaccinating people. So far, Ghana

has received 27.4 million doses

of vaccines and we have administered

11.8 million doses out of

which 8.3 does are one shot.”

The government declared

December 2021 as the month

of vaccinations, amid growing

concerns of vaccine hesitancy

among Ghana’s population.

This has been accompanied

by vaccine mandates like the

directive to all persons to be vaccinated

on arrival at the Kotoka

International Airport before

they can be permitted to enter

the country.

This has coincided with the

emergence of groups kicking

against vaccine mandates, citing

the potential of fatal adverse


Korle Bu successfully

conducts cornea

transplants for six patients

'Abandoned ' La General Hospitals

project to commence this year

- Minister assures

The Health Minister,

Kwaku Agyemang

Manu, has given

assurances that the

construction of the La

General Hospital will commence

this year.

The hospital was closed

down in March 2020 to pave

way for its redevelopment due

to the dilapidated nature of the


Two years on, work at the

project site is yet to see any

significant progress.

But speaking at a media

engagement in Accra, the

Health Minister said the work

had been delayed due to the

COVID-19 pandemic and other

documentation issues in China.

He however said most of the

hurdles have been cleared and

the contractor is currently onsite

to begin work.

“We had cause to pull down

the hospital because it was

cracking and we were scared

that there could be a disaster.

After that, we awarded the

contract, we went through

regulatory processes but we

faced challenges with COVID

and some insurance challenges

in China that stopped us from

working. Now they [contractors]

are back on site and the last time

they were looking for a road that

will help them pull their heavy

equipment to the site.”

Kwaku Agyemang Manu

said the contractor is however

undertaking other projects

in Shama and at the Korle-Bu

Teaching Hospital which are

also ongoing.

Many residents have

complained about the slow pace

of work at the site over a year

after President Akufo-Addo cut

sod for the construction.

The Member of Parliament

for the La Dadekotopon

Constituency, Rita Odoley

Sowah, also recently expressed

disappointment that work had

not begun on the redevelopment

of the La General Hospital since

the old structure was pulled


The project is being financed

by a credit facility from Standard

Chartered Bank of the United

Kingdom, with an export credit

guarantee from Sinosure of the

People’s Republic of China, to

the tune of €68 million with an

insurance cover of €3,860,349.18.

The project will be

undertaken by a Chinese

company, Poly Changda.

Upon completion, it will

be transformed into a 160-bed

facility and will be fitted with

an outpatient department;

inpatient wards; maternity and

neonatal services; surgical unit

with four theatres; accident and

emergency department; public

health department; pharmacy

unit; laboratory; administration;

imaging area, with CT Scan,

X-ray room, ultrasound,

fluoroscopy, mammography

units; physiotherapy unit; and a


The facility, which was

formerly known as the La

Polyclinic, was established in

the early 1960s.

It mainly served residents

of La, Osu, Teshie, Nungua, and

its surrounding areas with their

healthcare needs.

Ghana’s premier

Teaching Hospital,

Korle Bu has


conducted a cornea

transplant for six patients.

Announcing what has now

become a third successful

session in a series of cornea

transplant surgeries, Korle Bu

said the recent surgery was the

first to be funded by partners of

the teaching hospital.

“The Hospital has

successfully undertaken Cornea

Transplant for Six Patients.

The surgery, which was done in

partnership with the University

of Standford, is the third

procedure to be done in Korle Bu

and the first to be funded by the

Hospital's partners,” a statement

on the Facebook page of Korle Bu

Teaching Hospital said.

The surgery according to the

statement was led by a senior

doctor from the University of

Stanford in the United Kingdom

and a female doctor from Korle


“The Hospital is grateful

to Geoffrey Tabin, a Professor

of Ophthalmology and Global

Medicine from the University

of Standford and the team from

Korle Bu Eye Centre, led by Dr.

Gladys Fordjour, for continually

making Korle Bu Teaching

Hospital a leader in advanced

medical care,” the statement by

Korle Bu added.

The cornea is a clear outer

layer at the front of the eyeball

and acts as a window to the eye.

A cornea transplant is a

surgical procedure to remove all

or part of a damaged cornea and

replace it with healthy donor


A cornea transplant is often

referred to as keratoplasty or a

corneal graft.

It can be used to improve

sight, relieve pain and treat

severe infection or damage.

One of the most common

reasons for a cornea

transplant is a condition called

keratoconus, which causes the

cornea to change shape.


Friday, 11th February, 2022 Page 9


One of the most

significant driving

factors when

choosing between

a car that runs on

petrol or electricity is the cost.

The cost has a multitude of variables

ranging in scope, from fuel

charges to maintenance fees, to

the overall price of the vehicle


One of the biggest arguments

made against electric cars is that

they are too expensive upfront,

and this is simply not true today

as more than forty different

models have come to market

with many tax exemptions added

to them in other markets.

In this post, we will be comparing

the charging cost of an

Electric Vehicle vs filling a Fuel


Electric vehicles have a

significant advantage regarding

cost due to impressive federal

and state EV incentives compared

to fuel vehicles. I strongly

recommend looking into your

state’s electric-car tax credits as

the tax incentives can drastically

lower the cost of electric cars.

Buying an EV in the US seems

like the opposite of how booking

a room in a hotel works.

Taxes are added to every

service you request in the hotel,

but tax credits are added to you

buying the EV from federal tax

credits of $2,500 to $7,500 to

electricity discounts and even

dealership discounts since most

EV makers do not sell through


What is the Cost to Charge

an EV in kWh?

“A conservative rule used

mostly is that an electric car gets

3 to 4 miles per kWh,”. So, divide

the total miles you drive each

month by 3, to get the kWh you

would use monthly. Multiply

that number by your cost per

kWh. The dollar or cedi amount

you get will most likely be lower

than what you pay each month

to buy gasoline or petrol.

To put this into perspective,

let’s give an example. Let’s say

you drive about 1,000 miles per

month. For an EV, you will use

333 kWh in that timeframe.

Using the U.S. household average

from May 2021 of 14 cents per

kWh, it would cost $46.66/month

to charge an EV.

The average cost per kWh for

Ghanaian households as of January

2021 average from 32.6 Peswes

per kWh for the 0-50 tariff

category and 61.4 peswes for the

51-300 tariff category. So, using

the 51-300 tariff category because

your car might be charging

between that range per hour, it

would cost you Ghc 204.5/month

to charge an Electric vehicle for

1,000 Miles or 1,609.34 kilometers.

Just remember the tariff

rates are different for residential

and non-residential.

Do the Numbers Add Up?

Again, to keep things digestible,

let’s use a simple formula.

Suppose you put 1,000 miles

on your vehicle which is the

same as 1,609.34 kilometres each

month, for example, and pay 61.4

pesewes in your area for each

kilowatt-hour of electricity. In

that case, this pegs your at-home

EV recharging bill at Ghc 204.5

per month (based on the calculation

of 3 to 4 driving miles

equaling one kilowatt-hour).

Even if you increase your electric

rate to 94 pesewes per/kWh, your

EV recharging cost will be Ghc


So, the formula would be for

cost of charging would be = (Distance

in miles / 3) * Cost per Kwh

in your location

How Does the Recharge

Cost of Electric Vehicles vs Fuel

Vehicle Compare?

Let’s use the 2019 Honda

CR-V AWD 1.5 L, 4 cyl, Automatic

(variable gear ratios), Turbo,

Regular Gasoline which has 30

MPG combined city/highway


The average cost per gallon is

$4.088 (Ghc 24.53) in Ghana and

$3.18 per gallon in the US as of

this writing.

So, let’s say your regular

monthly travel is 1000 miles or

1,609 kilometers and you use

the 2019 Honda CR-V AWD 1.5

L which consumes 1 gallon per

every 30 miles or 48.3 kilometers.

You will need to fill the car

with 33.3 gallons of fuel over

the month or period involved

to cover the 1000 miles or 1,609


So, 33.3 gallons * $4.088 (Ghc

24.53) = $136.27 (Ghc 817.67).

Using the Honda CRV will

cost you Ghc 817 for the whole

month compared to Ghc 204.5 or

Ghc 313 if we decide to use the

highest tariff charge of 94 peswes

per kWh in Ghana for the

electric vehicle. This means you

will be saving between Ghc 7,358

to Ghc 6,056 every year using the

EV compared to the Honda CRV

in Ghana.

Remember this is only an

estimate since fuel prices and

mileage are so variable though.

But considering few cars and

SUVs come anywhere close to

delivering a 30-mpg combined

average, my conservative estimate

in this scenario makes it

clear that recharging will cost

less than keeping a car refueled.

The financial gap narrows with

a more fuel-efficient car, but it


Electric Vehicles vs Fuel

Vehicle charging stations: availability

and cost

Most electric cars nowadays

can go about 200 to 350 miles

on a single charge with 400

miles + expected soon, and the

availability of public electric car

charging stations is growing.

(Currently, there is 72,000 electric

vehicle charging stations

in the US, compared to 136,400

gas stations, CNBC has reported

meanwhile China has 1,680,000

charging stations. But in Ghana,

there is none except at individual

homes. So, it (theoretically)

should be rare to find yourself

running out of power with no

vehicle chargers nearby.

Many EV owners buy their

charging stations for home use.

The cost of installing one in your

home varies, and if you live in a

shared apartment getting one

put in may be tricky. For the

cheapest model, which gives you

5 miles of charge per hour a vehicle

is plugged in costs between

$300 and $2,300 for the unit and

installation, according to Fixr.

Unlike a typical 240-volt

Level 2 home recharging system,

Level 3 chargers are prohibitively

expensive for a private

individual to have installed.

Tesla has its own dedicated

Supercharger network. The rates

can vary widely depending on

region, timing, the model of Tesla

being charged and not others

EVs can charge on their network

as of now, and even if you choose

Tier 1 or Tier 2 recharge speeds

(the latter being quick but more


Maintenance Cost of An

Electric Vehicle

We all know EVs have fewer

moving parts than their engine-powered


There are no engines to maintain,

no belts to check, no oil

to change and the list goes on.

As you might imagine, having

fewer mechanicals to check and

maintain makes running EVs

significantly cheaper, and the

U.S. Office Of Energy Efficiency

and Renewable Energy has recently

given us insight into just

how much cheaper electrics can

be as part of a look at the government’s

own vehicle fleet.

Electric cars aren’t exactly

maintenance-free so let’s look at

the top five electric car maintenance

needs and things that

could lead to repair.

- Tyre rotation.

It’s common to all cars but

on EVs, it remains important if

not more so because they swap

out their heavy transmission engines

for a heavy battery putting

a lot of loads on tires.

- Braking system on your


Not the pads but the fluid

that puts pressure on the pads

to the rotors. This is key because

if they get stagnant, polluted

it doesn’t work right. These are

also changed in fuel vehicles as


- The coolant in your

electric car.

Though there’s no engine,

there’s a cooling system that

keeps everything under the hood

cool. You will still change the

coolant in your internal combustion

engine car, and it might

be changed more regularly than

the EV.

- Break Service

Now we are talking pads and

rotors. Same thing will be done

on your internal combustion

engine vehicle.

I can’t give you the number

of miles or number of months

before you can get the brakes


- Battery

The number one maintenance

side of your EV is the

motive power battery. This is

the heart of your car’s range and

therefore its livability as well as

your car residual value whether

you’re leasing or buying it. Well,

you will have to change your car

battery in your internal combustion

engine but that cost less

than the EV.

So technically, all maintenance

cost associated with the

EV is also associated with the internal

combustion engine except

they are much smaller and will

not be done regularly as in your

fuel driven car.

Price of An Electric Vehicle

It is obvious we don’t make

EVs in Ghana or Africa and in

the same way, we don’t have EV

policies or tax credits here. Many

EVs are pricier, there are state

and federal tax credits totaling

thousands of dollars and many

shoppers in the US look at these

tax credits as a sort of discount

on the car itself.

Let’s use the Chevrolet Bolt

EV which cost $31,995 (Ghc

194,148). This can give you 259

miles (416 kilometers) on a single

charge. Remember there are

“cool looking” EVs than this car.

Using the current T-bill rate

of 13% PA in Ghana, it would take

almost 12 years to recover the

purchase price of the car if the

cost per kWh was 0.61 pesewes

and almost 13 years if the cost

per Kwh was 0.94 pesewes.

Cost Savings From Using An

EV compared to Fuel Car

Remember this is only an

estimate since cost per Kwh can

change at any time. But considering

we used higher tariffs for

this estimate, my conservative

estimate might still hold when

things change a bit. I would also

not imagine you keeping your

car for 12 to 13 years, but this

shows you have an opportunity

to get your money back compared

to keeping an internally

combusting car that eats into

your pocket rather. The cost savings

on this car was compared

against the Honda CRV 2019 1.5L


Should You Buy an Electric


The answer depends on your

current financial situation, but

my advice is to buy it especially

if you are in Africa because

governments have seen fuel as

an easy step to taxation, but an

EV is a simple way to reduce that


Most countries like the US

and UK offer Tax credits for

EV buys which can help offset

the high initial cost of the car

which is currently unavailable

in Ghana.

The initial cost involved in

buying an EV will ultimately

be higher than that of a combusting

engine, but you must

remember it will pay off after

some time. The technical support

and charging infrastructure

will also be a challenge for an EV

user in Ghana as of now but you

can defiantly charge at home

and use it as frequently as you

use your other cars.

By: Raphael Amuri



Page 10

The Minister for Lands

and Natural Resources,

Samuel A. Jinapor

says the Akufo-Addo

led government is

determined to revamp the

Volta Aluminum Company Ltd.

(VALCO) to help drive Ghana's

Industrialisation agenda.

The Minister said, as part

of efforts towards building a

robust and effective Aluminum

Industry in Ghana, his ministry

will in the coming weeks present

Global Media Alliance,

organizers of the

prestigious Ghana

Beverage Awards

(GBA), have officially

announced the close of

nominations for the 6th edition

the awards scheduled for March

this year.

The nominations which were

open from the 15th of December

2021 to February 7, 2022 provided

the general public and beverage

companies the avenue to select

their favourite beverages from

18 competitive categories

encompassing both local and

foreign beverages.

In all, a total of over 500

nominations were received

comprising both brand

nominations and public


Commenting Chief Executive

Officer for Global Media Alliance,

Ernest Boateng, expressed his

appreciation to Ghanaians and

the beverage companies for

support and patronage over

the years and for constantly

availing themselves to partake

in the nomination phase which

contributed significantly

towards a successful climax.

“Over the years, we have

seen a growth in the number of

entries for this phase. This is a

clear indication that Ghanaians

and the beverage companies

in Ghana have embraced the

awards scheme. As organizers,

we are very grateful for their

immense support and for the

confidence reposed in us and we


DAILY ANALYST Friday, 11th February, 2022

– Jinapor


cabinet for consideration.

This he believes when

given the approval, will

help to resuscitate the

operationalisation of VALCO

through the Ghana Integrated

Aluminum Development

Corporation's (GIADEC)

Integrated Aluminum Industry

(IAI) project 4, which is to

retrofit, modernize and ensure

the expansion of VALCO smelter

to improve efficiency and


Project 4, when implemented,

according to the Sector Minister,

will increase VALCO's production

capacity from 200,000 to 300,000

tonnes of aluminum annually

and create employment

opportunities for more than 600


He explained that,

equipment that have been in

use since the early 1960's will be


He also reiterated the vision

of President Akufo-Addo in

establishing GIADEC and the

current development the entity

is undertaking saying "GIADEC

is on course in giving VALCO a

leaf of life".

He stressed that the

development and creation of an

Aluminum Industry is one of the

major pillars for transforming

the Ghanaian economy.

"We have moved from the

vision of government in making

Ghana an Integrated Aluminum

Industry into practicalising

the goals set out and once we

get cabinet approval, we will

implement the 'Master Plan' to

attract the needed investment".

The visit by the Lands and

Natural Resources Minister

Ghana Beverage Awards: Nominations

for 2021 edition officially closed

pledge our commitment to the

growth of the beverage industry

through this means.

“Feedback from you, our

patrons, has been phenomenal

in the successes GBA has

chalked in its six year journey

and for this we are most

grateful. As always, we are open

to your input all in the spirit

of transforming the awards

scheme for the better,” he added.

An industry first and being

organized under the theme,

“Inspiring Excellence in Ghana’s

Beverage Industry,” GBA seeks

to promote both local and

foreign beverages as well as

the participation of small-scale

beverage enterprises in the

awards scheme. With time, the

award scheme has proven itself

a tool for the promotion of best

practices within the beverage

industry whiles cementing its

position as the bench mark for

identifying beverage companies

that are in touch with their

markets and contributing

significantly to the Ghanaian


In a lead up to this year’s

awards, a beverage industry tour

will be organized in February

for the GBA board to visit

all nominated industries to

familiarize with their work and


Also, there would be

the institution of Beverage

Segments across selected media

platforms as a way of exciting

the public ahead of the main

event whiles promoting our

local beverages & enhancing the

knowledge of the public about

their favourite beverages.

Ghana Beverage Awards (GBA

is proudly supported by the

Food and Beverage Association

of Ghana (FABAG), Consumer

Protection Agency (CPA), Food

Research Institute (FRI) under

CSI, Perception Management

International (PMI), Ghana

Tourism Authority (GTA),

Ministry of Trade & Industry

and Ministry of Tourism, Arts

& Culture. It is partnered by

Neesim FM Bolga, Neesim

FM Tamale Akonoba FM, Citi

FM, Happy FM, YFM, and e.TV,

Ghanaweb, Daily Guide and

Business and Financial Times on

the media front.

Ernest Boateng

on Wednesday, 9th February

2022, according to VALCO

Management is the first time

ever a minister of state has

visited the facility since the

coming into power of the Akufo-

Addo led government.

The visit also afforded the

Minister an opportunity to

interact with the Board and

Management of the facility

and to reassure them of

government's commitment to

assist VALCO to bounce back and

operate at it optimum level.

The CEO of GIADEC, Mr.

Michael Ansah pointed out that

his outfit is working closely with

VALCO to ensure the realisation

and execution of project 4 of the

Integrated Aluminum Industry

(IAI) adding that GIADEC has the

mandate to develop and promote

an Integrated Aluminum

company in Ghana.

He further explained that

GIADEC will require $6 billion

to successfully execute the 4 key

project under the Integrated

Aluminum Industry (IAI)

Voltic (GH) Limited, a

subsidiary of Coca-

Cola Beverages Africa,

has named Flora Jika

as its new Managing


Flora has been with the Coke

business for 14 years and began

her career in the coal mining

industry, being the first female

mining engineering graduate at

Anglo Coal. She joined the Coca-

Cola business in 2008 with her

first role being a depot manager.

Having risen through the ranks,

her knowledge and expertise cut

across engineering, supply chain,

logistics, and marketing.

Until recently, Flora was the

Logistics Director at Coca-Cola

Beverages Africa, South Africa.

In a brief address, Ms. Jika

said: “I am delighted to join Voltic

and this he said GIADEC is

determined to work with other

stakeholders to achieve.

The CEO of VALCO, Dan

Acheampong, who gave an

overview of the company's

operations said VALCO is the

largest smelter in West Africa

and the 4th in Sub Sahara Africa.

He, however, hoped that with

the right investment and the

needed capital injection, the

entity will take its rightful place

in the Aluminum industry.

VALCO, a wholly owned

Ghanaian asset remains a

strategic and a major corner

stone of the Integrated

Aluminum Industry (IAI) in



currently working to give

practical meaning to the

government's transformational

agenda by leveraging on Ghana's

existing bauxite reserves and

the smelting of Aluminum to

make the Ghanaian economy an

enviable one.

Voltic (GH) Limited has a

new Managing Director

at this time and I look forward to

building a success story with the


Flora Jika replaces Simon

Everest as MD of Voltic. She is

a member of WUMEA (Wits

University Mining Engineers

Association) and SAIMM (South

African Institute of Mining

and Metallurgy). She holds

an undergraduate and a postgraduate

degree in Mining

Engineering and Industrial

Engineering fields respectively,

from Wits University.

Commenting on the new

appointment, MD, CCBA Central

Africa, Conrad van Niekerk said:

“We are delighted to welcome

Flora to the Voltic family and

wish her the best as she steers the

business into sustainable growth

and profitability.”


Friday, 11th February, 2022 Page 11


drop out of top 10 in Africa

Ademola Lookman is

no longer eligible to

represent England at

international level

after Fifa granted

his switch to the Nigeria senior

national team.

Lookman was born in London

but qualified to represent

the Super Eagles through his


The Leicester City forward

played for England at U19, U20

and U21 levels. Notably, he was

part of the European team’s

squad that won the 2017 Fifa

U20 World Cup staged in South


In that tournament, he contributed

three goals including

a brace in the Three Lions’ 2-1

triumph over Costa Rica in the

Round of 16.

In January 2020, Lookman

put in place requirements to

switch his international commitment

to the Super Eagles.

“Lookman has applied for the

switch and all the documents

are in order,” former technical

assistant Tunde Adelakun told

media, as per AOI.

“It’s a positive step forward

when he made his commitment

to Nigeria and we are just waiting

for a Fifa clearance.

“Once the go-ahead is sorted,

it will be up to coach Gernot

Rohr to decide if his club performance

would earn him a call-up.

“He’s one of three former England

youth players we’ve filed

for but they are all aware of the

Lookman set for

caveat. All the players were told

that they can only earn a place

in the squad by playing regular

club football.”

He was initially listed for the

2021 Africa Cup of Nations but

could not represent the West Africans

as Fifa had not sanctioned

the request at the time.

Nigeria Football Federation

reacted to questions raised by

fans due to his omission from

the final 28-man squad heading

to Cameroon.

“The Nigeria Football Federation

has stated categorically that

Ademola Lookman of Leicester

City FC of England has not yet

been cleared by world football

body, Fifa to represent Nigeria at

international level. The process

for his switch is ongoing,” read a

statement from NFF.

“It is therefore incorrect for

any medium to claim that interim

head coach, Austin Eguavoen

is the one who axed the player

from Nigeria’s final list of 28 for

the Africa Cup of Nations Cameroon


“However, his name was included

in the initial provisional

list with the belief that the process

would have been completed

before the commencement of


This development is a

massive boost to Augustine

Eguavoen’s men ahead of next

month's 2022 Fifa World Cup

qualification play-off against


Ghana has dropped

nine places to 61st

in the latest FIFA


This comes after

the team’s horror showing at the

2021 AFCON in Cameroon, where

Ghana finished bottom of their

The Ghana Football

Association (GFA) has

released a statement

detailing the functions

of a Technical Director

following the confusion that

heralded the naming of a Technical

Advisor for the Black Stars.

Former Newcastle and Brighton

manager, Chris Hughton

was confirmed as the national

team’s technical advisor ahead

of the Stars’ World Cup Qualifier

against Nigeria in March following

days of speculation.

Borussia Dortmund assistant

coach, Otto Addo was also named

the head coach for the twolegged

tie and will be assisted by

George Boateng and Mas-Ud Didi


Hughton’s appointment has,

however, been questioned, given

the presence of the Technical

Director of the GFA, Bernhard


Former Black Stars International,

Augustine Arhinful,

has already called on the GFA

to clarify the roles of the newly

constituted Black Stars technical


“They have to explain to us

so we will know what the situation

is,” he said

“If you tell me the GFA have

a Technical Director in Lippert

and a Technical Advisor in Chris

Hughton, and then a head coach

and his assistants, then it should

be made clear to us.”

It is a sentiment shared by

many Ghanaians on social media

who have questioned whether

group with just one point from

their three games.

This is the lowest Ghana has

ranked in 18 years.

The latest development also

means Ghana has dropped out

of the top 10 in Africa, with

Cameroon and Burkina Faso

Hughton’s appointment might be


Apparently, in a bid to address

the confusion, the GFA released

a list of the roles of the Technical

Director, “as stated by FIFA.”

“The Technical Director heads

the Technical Directorate of the

Football Association performs the

following functions:

- He formulates guidelines,

strategies and policies for

the training and the technical

development of coaches of Ghana


- He provides advice to

the Executive Council on coaching

and technical development

matters in general

- He may be called to

supervise national football team

coaches if need be

- He is responsible for the

overtaking the Black Stars.

Senegal, Morocco, Nigeria,

Egypt, Tunisia, Cameroon, Algeria,

Mali, Côte d’Ivoire and Burkina

Faso make up the top 10 in Africa.

Belgium, Brazil, France,

Argentina and England occupy

the top 5 spots in the world.

strategy, development and technical

direction of the Technical


- He is responsible for the

preparation and implementation

of technical programmes at the

grassroots, juvenile, and National

Teams thereby preparing football

coaches and footballers for the


- He is required to build

the capacity of the of Technical

Directorate of the Association

that will include but not limited

to the following departments;

Coach Education, Referee Education,

Talent Identification, Performance

Analysis, Technical Studies

and Video Analysis, Health

and Nutrition, Sports Psychology,

Strength and Conditioning and

Sports Medicine.

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