Robert Cohen - Theatre, Brief Version-McGraw-Hill Education (2016)

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G-10 Glossary

vaudeville A stage variety show, with singing, dancing, comedy

skits, and animal acts; highly popular in America from the

late 1880s to the 1930s, when it lost out to movies, radio, and

subsequently television.

verisimilitude Lifelikeness; the appearance of actual reality

(as in a stage setting).

wagoto In kabuki, “soft-style” acting performed by certain

male romantic characters.

waki The secondary character in nō.

well-made play Pièce bien faite in French; in the nineteenth

century, a superbly plotted play, particularly by such gifted

French playwrights as Eugène Scribe (1791–1861) and Victorien

Sardou (1831–1908); today, generally used pejoratively,

as to describe a play that has a workable plot but shallow characterization

and trivial ideas.

West End The commercial theatre district of London,


wings In a proscenium theatre, vertical pieces of scenery

to the left and right of the stage, usually parallel with the


working drawings Designer’s drawings that show how a prop

or a piece of scenery looks, and indicate how it should be constructed.

See also properties.

xiqu Chinese for “tuneful theatre”; the general term for all

varieties of traditional Chinese theatre, often called “Chinese


zadacha Russian for “task” (though commonly translated as

“objective”); according to Konstantin Stanislavsky, a character’s

(fictional) tasks (or goals), which the actor must pursue

during the play.

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