Robert Cohen - Theatre, Brief Version-McGraw-Hill Education (2016)

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Theatre 309

balance of the bold and conventional, terrifying and traditional,

that accounts for her originality.

For the last few years, as mentioned previously,

Mitchell has been staging plays in Europe, including her

startling Forbidden Zone. In 2014 she subverted form

once again to tackle a truly global phenomenon—climate

change—by directing 2017, a theatrical lecture by the

climate scientist Chris Rapley on the need for collective

action to prevent worldwide disaster. With the expectation

of decades ahead of her, Katie Mitchell promises to

keep leading the English—and global—theatre in new

and exciting directions for a long time to come.

Conclusions About

Theatre Today?

Can we draw any definite conclusions about theatre today?

In a word, no. We cannot, because what is current

is never concluded. The current theatre is in process;

it is current in both senses, a river that is continually

running, newly replenished with fresh rainwater and

snowmelt. And what is hot today may be cold tomorrow.

But the theatre of today is our theatre and it is

your theatre: there to apprehend, to enjoy, to appreciate,

and to respond to. It is not just a series of plays,

or an array of styles, but a communication between

individuals and peoples that raises levels of human

discourse and artistic appreciation. It responds to individual

impulses of creativity and collective demands

for human contact and understanding. It synthesizes

the impulses of artists and audiences, and it fosters a

focused interaction that incorporates our human experience,

aspirations, and values. Like a river, theatre

began long before the advent of recorded history and

“keeps on rolling.”

And it is always new. As Heraclitus said twenty-five

hundred years ago, “We cannot step twice in the same

river; for when I step in the river for a second time, neither

I nor the river are the same.”

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