Robert Cohen - Theatre, Brief Version-McGraw-Hill Education (2016)

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182 Chapter 6 The Director

30. Tech Tables. Other work tables are set out in the

audience so lighting, sound, and scene designers can

set and adjust cues as the actors “stop and go” through

the play during two ten-hour technical rehearsals. In

the foreground, Electrics Director Scott Palfreyman,

at his table, talks to the stage manager through

his intercom system. At the tech table in front of

Palfreyman, Sound Designer Jankens readies his cues;

other tech tables are to his left and right. Onstage, a

crew member tapes the rough edges of a temporary

wooden rail that represents a brass railing that has not

yet been finished in the scene shop. © Robert Cohen

31. Setting Light Cues. At their tech table, Lighting

Designer Boulmetis (foreground) and Assistant

Lighting Designer Pasquini communicate by intercom

with the stage manager, light-board operator, and

follow-spot operators, while establishing and timing

out the more than three hundred light cues that are

to be executed in the production. © Robert Cohen

32. Follow-spot. Lighting Technician Cristine White

operates one of the production’s two follow-spots,

lighting instruments that are hand-positioned by their

operators to follow one or more actors as they move

about the stage—or, in this production, up and down

the theatre aisles. © Robert Cohen

33. Gobos. These oddly named devices are filters placed inside lighting instruments to

create patterns that can be projected onto floors and walls to give added texture—

to create the impression, for example, of moonlight shining through leafy trees.

During technical rehearsal, these gobo-produced patterns will be added to the

lighting of a nighttime interlude. © Robert Cohen

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