Robert Cohen - Theatre, Brief Version-McGraw-Hill Education (2016)

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Theatre 123

6. Sometimes costume uniformity is

required, as in the case of “uniforms.” In

South Pacific, Zuber has given each sailor

a measure of individuality by the way he

wears his uniform: with his blue shirt buttoned

or unbuttoned and with

or without a name or initials printed on

it; with his metal dog tags worn or abandoned;

with his white hat brim turned up

or rolled up or rolled down, or with his

hat taken off entirely; and, in the case of

one particularly muscular actor (Andrew

Samonsky), with a plain white undershirt

that stands out in the otherwise “uniform”

naval brigade. Lifted by the men and

holding a grass skirt is Loretta Ables

Sayre as “Bloody Mary,” a Polynesian

native seller of exotic local products, who

wears layered garments and exotic jewelry—all

sharply contrasting with the bold

masculinity of the sailors. © Joan Marcus

7. & 8. Every costume designer faces a challenge

in Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale,

since the play takes place in two very

different locales: the gloom-ridden court

of Sicilia, and the joyous, festival of Bohemia.

(7) In Sicilia, young princess Perdita

(Morven Cristie) sees what she thinks is a

statue of her long-dead mother, Hermione

(Rebecca Hall); Zuber has dressed each

in silky white flowing dresses against the

black background of the joyless kingdom.

(8) In Bohemia, Zuber has costumed

the Bohemian country revelry in roughtextured,

earth-colored, and multilayered

fabrics that play brilliantly against the scenic

background of dark blue sky and red,

white, and blue balloons. Ethan Hawke

(center) plays the shifty but entertaining

tradesman Autolycus—a “snapper up of

unconsidered trifles,” Shakespeare tells

us—in an unmatched ensemble of shirt,

vest, and trousers; a black hat with a

bright yellow flower; tall leather boots,

one strapped up to his knee; doubly dark

sunglasses; and with hair that straggles

down to his shirt pockets. His friends strum

their guitars in even more casual garb, and

the women, under their loosely tied country

aprons, wear rugged red, green, and

orange skirts that reach the floor in this

2009 production at the Brooklyn Academy

of Music Top: © Joan Marcus;



Bottom: © Geraint Lewis 8.

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