Robert Cohen - Theatre, Brief Version-McGraw-Hill Education (2016)

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Theatre 99

Neil LaBute’s The Mercy Seat, about a couple who were presumed

killed in the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center attack but who

were actually having a secret affair in an apartment across town, lends

itself to both realistic and highly stylized stagings. Robert Jones’s

realistic staging (above) beautifully sets off Sinead Cusack’s effusive

exhilaration as Abby (with John Hannah as Ben) in London’s Almeida

Theatre production of 2003, while Arden Hard’s setting (right) for the

Zurich Schauspielhaus production of the same play in the same year

focuses instead on the play’s situation rather than on its characters,

making LaBute’s play—as directed by Christina Paulhofer—less

personal but more intensely political. Above: © Geraint Lewis;

Right: © Zürich Schauspielhaus/photo Leonard Zubler, Zürich

Williams’s Glass Menagerie and the adding machines

in Elmer Rice’s Adding Machine. No prop is too small,

or too insignificant, to escape the attention of the scene

designer and prop master.


The scene designer’s work inevitably begins with

several re-readings of the play, normally followed by

research on the play and its original historical period

(and the periods in which it may be set), a consideration

of the type of theatre in which the play is to be

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