AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission

AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission

AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission


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Marquard and C.ndry 049) cond!.t d a *ri6 of 4P€nmentt on oil*d<br />

hpe (Bt6in nry6 L) and EPorted that nibo8en aPPlicattont coNtstently<br />

deEns€d oil but in@.sed Prolein co.bnls.<br />

PirLkerton 0991) inv6tigaH the ctitical PhotPhotus<br />

concentrano$ rn<br />

oilsed B/6'd t4l,ae and a@i.!i!td 6 a@ bv nibo8 n ln 8ld hou*<br />

expennenb, raF and 4wtard were Erown<br />

in s.nd .t 7 rate. of B combined<br />

fectonaly with 3 .ates of N suitabl. 3!mPl6 for tissu€ t6tinE wer€ the whole<br />

3hoot of either sP€i6 .t .ny stage, or th€ youn86t fully exPanded leal of 'aF<br />

and leave {-6 of nstard nt the r@tte stage ln whole shoots 'rlti'al levelt for<br />

ea.h spdis declin€d with.8e. Ciitical laels for €d yield w$ sli8hdv hi8h4<br />

A nutrient suPPly wit$ Ngh I and hiSh N redu@d the se€d oil 'oncenb'tion ot<br />

Taylor a al (191) found thal iriSalim and N incred€d t"d md oil vield<br />

of canoh AtB'd Aalru vdi Mmoo 4€d yield was in @sed t'y 100 and 200 kg<br />

N/ha on th. iriSaled heatnenrs 5€.d oil conenbation ranged 6om 4641<br />

wittout N !o 40.6% with 200lg N/ha and w6s invsely rclaH to saed N<br />

concenbatio!, Altholth turtili4r N dcrcaed oil concntration it incrc'*d oil<br />

yield/n2. N acMulation limited yteld of all beatnents, imPlyins a d*rea3e in<br />

),ield/unit of N at the hiSher rates of t nilizr +Plidtion with 'ons'quenr<br />

in rca* in s€ed N .oncenbation,<br />

ch.uhan rf,l (192) stu.li€d the<br />

EPoe of nPe lreid tqre to*adt<br />

nibogen level and rcw sPtci^E dunng .6eld tial. He ob* ed that wh€n raPe<br />


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