AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission

AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission

AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission


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Chlnim .nd D&nor (1982) st di.d dut 34ed and oil yield of m6ta.d<br />

incrcased with in rea3ing nilrogen rates C75 kg N/ha blt 6€€d oil.ontenls werc<br />

d{rcased, Yield an.l oil .ontents werc eimil.r with G50 kg P2G/ h..<br />

Augustin@n ,, or G983) conducH field tri.l on spnry oik€€d npe .v-<br />

line (low Erucic acid and low 8lucosinolates content) dunn6 197931 to<br />

inv6rigate the eff&t of 130 or 260 ks N/ha,40 kg ?O5 and 100 ts Xolha on<br />

the Rd oil.ont nt They rcported rhat oil conieo6 dsrea&d frod 46.3* w h<br />

PK alone to 42.5%-43,5i6 with 130 kt N/ha and 41,71X with 260 kg N/ha hut<br />

was not signi6candy aff{red ty PrOs or pot siu. Only snlu .liffercn * in<br />

fatty aci.ts compGito! w@ obefled, Linolei. acid.ontent itu6s4d sliddy.t<br />

th€ expe@ of oleic acid.ontent when pota$ium was.pplled, Erucic acid<br />

contert w.s low an.l qn.ll@ by turtiliar EtB.<br />

Joafder<br />

(19€3) rcpo.t d th.t 3e

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