AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission

AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission

AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission


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Prasad and ShuKa (1993) conducted 6eld qFdn€nE on sandy loam to<br />

study the effe.t of inte.a.tion of N, K and cyceel on growth characteF in<br />

relation to aruin yield of mur^d. Brci6 it"@ ws Aiven 0, 40 or 80kE N/h!<br />

and 0, 30 or 50ks K/ha and lreal€d with 0or 2k8 cy.6el (.Notuequt) p€r hr.<br />

Grain yield incr€ased w h upto 80lE N and weE hiahest in both *ason with<br />

application of 60kg K (2.22 and 2.09t/ h6) reepftdvel, Erain yield we€ incre.s€d<br />

with .yc@l appli.ation wherc the dop abo Beived 40 or E0L8 N.<br />

Ch.uhan .t' ri G99a) coldu.H 6eld hiaL to stqdy rlE dtrogen<br />

fertiUation .nd ftigation *heduling in n6Lrd, B. lard .v T59 was given 0-<br />

90kg N/ha and irigated at the veget tive, vegetative ' flowering or ve8etative +<br />

flowering + reed developoent stag€. Sed yield, *d oil .ontlnt and ret rctum<br />

inceled with upto 90kg N/ha .Dd werc highet with 3 irng.rioE-<br />

Prbl rr al 0991) condu.ted 6eld bial to shdy the Bpo|F of (lilff@nt<br />

nusrard varieties to dates of sowing .nd levels of dltoger f. irr@a .v Varun.<br />

md Kmnti wc aown on 15 of 25 O.t or 4 Nov, and werc Siven 50, 75 o. loott<br />

N/ha. Sed yield wc higher in Kr.n! th.n val!@ (1.30 v 1.17 t/h.), deEr..d<br />

wrtndel.y in eow'nSdateand iMFas.d Mtfi EteoIN.pPlituhon.'<br />

Sinth dr d O94) conducted field etPedmenb to 5tudy rhe etf*t of<br />

inigation .nd Nitrogen levels on yield 6nd ib .haractenstic6 ot lnssia spaie.-<br />

lrrigabon werc given at 50X 0owerinS or irit H .t 501 iiliqqe d.v€lopnent<br />

and werc Siven 0,40,80 and l20kg N/ha. Sed yield incFa*d 1.04 1.4t r.6s<br />


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