AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission

AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission

AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission


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Holn6 and Ai.sley (199) studi€d the alfst of N fernl,z€! on winter<br />

oilsed nF cv Primor and Rapora and stad that Erowth .nd yield both w€rc<br />

by th. .ppucation of N feltiliar whne oil .ontenb w@ educ€d.<br />

'ncEds.d<br />

Holms and Eenett 0979) .€poried that itr@sing th€ rat6 of N f.on G<br />

270 kglha ierc.s€d the Srowth and yield of rape but it redu.ed the oil .ontent,<br />

howevd it had no sitnitidnt eft6t in fatty acid co6p6ition.<br />

Kandil (1983) studied th. effet of different leveb of NPK (0, 30 .nd 60 kE<br />

N) + 0 or 30 kg PrO! + 0 o. 24 k K,O on oild*d r6pe. H€ found th.t N<br />

application signilicaiUy in@s€d leaf arca dry hatt r, no of pods p€r pt.nr and<br />

1000-s€ed weight and plant height The high4t rate of N, P and X i!.rcased s€€d<br />

yield by 54,31 and 3596 Espelively cohpared with untrcated plote.<br />

Rood and Mnior (1964) while studyina tle eff..t of rftioten and waEr<br />

s(PPly on grcwth of oil.eed .ape, rcporH that l€af glohtl was partially<br />

f*Ponsive ro N while stem and pod Srowth were morc Hpocive to trri8ahon<br />

ldels. Th€ inrehction of nitroEd fertiliar and iEialtion lels.onftued rhd a<br />

3ingle limihn8 faclor wodd preent gowth respons$ to other exFrimenral<br />

MuDn .nd McNeily G9A4 obs€red th.t vegerarive :nd rcprcducriv€<br />

planl grcwth of ihe th@ spring oil s€ed raF.ultivars at 3 NP( ferriliar ratee<br />

and row spacinE of 7.5 o. 15 cn. AII w@ sue in dry matter production and<br />

pl.nr heiAh dunna the Erowth Friod. It was nainly dqe ro inflot*enc weight<br />

tlFl dry weight p€r pl.nt did not differ signilicanuy. Itrlw f€rtili@r aie<br />


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