AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission

AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission

AGRONOMY (Z;" ' - Higher Education Commission


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(Erattlca napat L.l cv. SHInALEE U]{DER<br />


s,t/<br />


M.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculure<br />



04<br />


tit \<br />

<strong>AGRONOMY</strong> (Z;" '<br />




| 999

The Conboler of EaniMtiG,<br />

Unire6ity of Agrtoltrrn,<br />

We/ the superuisory coMitte€, €tify rhat the @nt6t hd fon<br />

or th€i:r {bhitd ty MUMTAZ IXHT^R CHBBMA (R.gd. No. E+.t-1255),<br />

hnve b@t foqd etidacbly aixt !E@6en l dut it tE pt@*d for adEtnrl<br />

by Ertern r E6iner(6) tor rhe nwdd of it%@.<br />



MEMBER<br />

MEMBER<br />


act0tot|IEDGE El{t<br />

An phis ..d thanls @ for Ahatsht! AW d2 B*ld,t, d.<br />

Mtr itt, who be.r@€d ft widr lobntiat ed abdity iD @t€ mreri.r @rtrihrth<br />

b th. sishna (tE[ ol l:@Hge. I odd my hulh6t th.ntc f,*'O* a*po<br />

.orc of ry h6rt tb rle Hoty Ptup,rt HMat Mrtqt nd (p@ IE ryon bd fot 6e<br />

I wodd like to expre$ hy ilep G@ of Ei.dtuile bo hy SuFNilo,<br />

Dr. M. Asgh@ Ntrtik Ph.D. lU.At) Asr E prefsr, DeFrrEdr of As]l,l@y<br />

urder wh@ .Jfecti(mb flpeNi6id anil edDt sdc guiatane, rhi! work wE<br />

I ato otrer my tl$Le to the @itree uhbera Dr. SrarBi.d<br />

HKiu s/uL Ph.D orr'.b), prcfesr .nd ChridEi! DeparrEst of As|('ldy<br />

u.l Dr. Nazt Anr4d PILD (Wshr), p,ofs'r and Chaitua Dep.r6hr o, Crcp<br />

Phtsiolo$,, for then c6Fntid! mfu.rire diticitu dd r,.tmble sES.3titu r)<br />

mprcve drir !6uaipr<br />

Th€ althq i! dto Enbfrn 60 D/.<br />

^rid H6dn ptlD (Li@lrl' Ne<br />

Zal,nd) Asiare Prcf@r, Dep.,tEr of Ag@, for his diticim .rd<br />

.tuqts durint th€ th6b prepaEtim insriled in @ tlE fie, astEi! oI *ienrific<br />

writi.g in order ro ptl5t a bgidl fte of id4<br />

My speial rhanr€ b Mi Sh,nz.n Me4*d AhrsA, Be,, E . Tdi4<br />

Mttrk@4 Abad Ktutiq Afd Wsid Sh.tL B,sjwta.Id,, Ctubfl e.di, Akn, M. AdI

OARO ati 'THE F&E},JDS' wn h.d .dtlhl I L nr wrb rD o, !r<br />

l.t 6d'la b M ,tq*r O@ W tgd Ostr. aA AW<br />

lrr.d br,fiFi.alctd elrrlld.<br />

Ld hd t|ot the Lrt I p.y r&I ribb $t& d..Fd sc d<br />

t!trer b lrt Ftt.d G.4rrrdrrr{bdtryr Ft dtd!yE<br />

*l! W oid, dflhr| (D.,ll'l strl ,ka) 6!tr ftir suFPct nd lrrrlne wtd.r,<br />

q$Ldrb@pLr.|b&dy.<br />


coxrE)|D<br />

Tid.<br />


tr RB\4BW OI UTERATURE . 6{it<br />

2.2 The ot feriiliEr 6ppu@ti6 72<br />

23 RatE ol lerdrzl applidton<br />

24 38<br />

25 46<br />


54<br />

3,2 v<br />

!.L7 DdsL batnsrb ard coD hulb.rdry. 54<br />

3.3<br />

3.3,1<br />

1.3.2 !!:ld and yield 3J3<br />

.@pond6 %<br />

58<br />

3.4<br />

3.4,1 De.is! letrdb ard @D lEbendry,<br />

59<br />

3.5<br />

3.5.1<br />

3.5_2<br />

3.5.3<br />

Yield ed yteld mporE\tt<br />

@<br />

&<br />

61<br />

3.6<br />

32<br />

61<br />

62<br />


Tire dd hb of f€rtili*r applnatid d<br />

@<br />

A@'rl! sd yi:ld .rd od qld y of dDlt<br />

4.1.1 63<br />

4.1.2 63<br />

4.t.Ll 63<br />

4.t.L2 L&f .E duEddr (LAD) 68<br />

4,7.23 tlry mttEr Md,&n (DM) 72<br /> Crcpsrohlh ht (CCR)<br />

Ll_2.5 llet Gihihdd at (NAR) v<br />

4.13 Yield erd yEld MporErtd 72<br />

'1.13.1<br />

4,t,3,2 81<br />

4,1,3.3 34<br />

il: l lt'<br />

Criv.t:i, nJ / l|ttcuLr<br />

'2*lo!wo;<br />


41J..1 l@eed weishr a7<br /> E9!€i6rydd n<br />

4.1.3,6 I<br />

4.r.3.7 702<br />

!L1.3.8<br />

47.3.9 16<br />

!L1_3.10 q!yEld 110<br />

4_7_4 Scblioship b€hrs sd yi.ld ed yield 712<br />

4.1.5 !!!!qa.*ly* 774<br />

116<br />

Gwth dt l yield Elpone ot emla d.<br />

shlnl€e ho varyins pLnting dtuit<br />

L2t 776<br />

422 l19<br />

4.2.2,1 led aE ultl* rLAI 119<br />

4,L2,2 LeI.E drEEd (Li{D) 72.<br />

4LL3 Tor.l dry ditpr@)M) afuutahd, 724<br />

LzZa Crcp sw.th EtE (CCR) t12<br />

1LZZ5 Net @dubh6 qte (NAR) t32<br />

Yield ar|il vield @pdElts . 7t7<br />

4-2.3.7 PbntIFiFht 137<br />

4L3.2 Nuh[er of pods plantl 139<br />

42t.3 l!4!J or cds pqdi t42<br />

4.2.t.4 rlxxlsd {eidt 745<br />

L23.5 BploAict vield 747<br />

423n Seed vi'ld 150<br />

4.2.t.7 156<br />

L23.8 Se€d protEin pe@rt s€ 158<br />

LU.9 158<br />

LL3_10 qlFld l6l<br />

Relad@hip b€twm ed yieLl drd yielrl<br />

lhDdErts<br />

t6t<br />

STJMMARY 10-l7r<br />

5.1 ExrErh6rl 167<br />

5? Blperimt-II 169<br />

5.3 $rsE riBfd ture |€Eh. t<br />

LITEN4TURB CTIID 1i?197<br />


utl of taaLES<br />

8ft16t of 6@ ..d Er. o( 6.rdliEr.pplirfrb 6<br />

nunler of DLnb s 6it!@<br />

L2 Etiect of ti@ 6d rat€ of fdtili*r appliddm 6 le.f 69<br />

4J Etr(i of ti@ .rd nb of fertili@ applidEm 6 Np<br />

L4<br />

'tl€ inlErtid bend6 tire .nd Ete of fertiliar<br />

applitaoon.fiefhg @p gDwrh nb ddiry 199546<br />

4.5 Efk of time ord rab of fertiuzr applicalh 6 r€t 7A<br />

Effecr of 6tr. and nlE of h t2r applidtron 6 plart 80<br />

Efk of tim md 6te of fertiliz€r nppliatim m a2<br />

4.8 llE intehctln befi,6 tim dd ntE of fenilizr<br />

83<br />

appliodm altuhg n6bs of podd pbnt' iluridg<br />

7 -97.<br />

4.9 Eik of 6@ .rd eb of ferdliu !ppli.t6 6 85<br />

4.10 1I€ inbractin berw€ te mil rab of fdtila<br />

appuatin atr*tns nuibq of re€ds podr durntg<br />

19*>97.<br />

4.11 Effe.t of ti@ {d mtE of lertjlter .pplidtion d 1@ a9<br />

4.72<br />

4.13<br />

414<br />

The intEra.lih bet$Er rire ard hb of Milia<br />

aDplidtim .Ituins 100Gffid reirht duihq 1995-96.<br />

Erffectof tie ed mie of fqtilis appliElM d ftEl<br />

6iolosi:1 (!&.w + *d) vand.<br />

The interaclid b€t$/€t tim md rab of fertilia<br />

appli@6d afikdnE biologiGl yield duing 191% 6d<br />

q2<br />

93<br />

79%-97.<br />

Effet of ti@ .ril mb of ferdia .pplilrim e *d 95<br />

L75 Tte irrl€ra.1i6 bet@ tire dd hte of f€n i€r<br />

appli@dd alf..tiM *d vield (ks har) duh! 195.96,<br />

4.17 Eltetof ti@ Md rEie of fertilipr applidttd e nde,t 1(B<br />

4<br />

76<br />

86<br />


4.18 IE inbractio bet*€r tire aril rab ol f.riilizr<br />

apPltotim afieting har6t inilex dudrg 199t96 dd<br />

79469r.<br />

4.79 Etrxt.'f ti@ ard rat€ ot f.rtilizr appli.6ti6 6 r€€d l(b<br />

4.m nE inlErEtim be6d6 !t!c sd dE or fertitia to7<br />

appliqtio alt*linsed pmt€in ('6) duirlg 19t%,<br />

4.27 Eft.t of 6!E ard Fb of ferdli4r Appli6ti6 m on 109<br />

422 Effet of titu dd rare of fertilia appli@fio 6 oil<br />

ilqld.<br />

lza Simple @rrcLrDn @trniht (r) betrm *d yield {d 113<br />

424 Eorhic arulFi! of @la € afe.ted lry tilE and nb<br />

of lertiliar.ppfiorin iluins 7*4 etAT96:q7.<br />

4.8 Efiet of I$ dd plrni sFcing m nuele! of pldc F! l17<br />

4.26 Th€ inE6.tih berldq w ard pl-rt .Itu ri"E 118<br />

Iruhr of plmt6 "?o6r'S<br />

Fr ut .E durinB 19ry6.nd<br />

79%97,<br />

L2t Etf..t of ||x drd pLnt Gpacins m le., 6B dunh; 18<br />

11,l Th€ nteE tid be6,€r @ sd pLrr sp.dru !trdtlig 724<br />

led are d u bnd du rins l99t96 md 199ct,<br />

4,29 Efi6t of rN anrl pl,nr sFtruls @

4.40 The inbrtrtid betwq rcw dnd pLnt lPeina afking 149<br />

bjolopir.al yi€ld durinA 199196 qtl 19964/.<br />

4.41 EdEt of tw .d plar* sD.dts d sed YEld, I5l<br />

4.42 IlE inlsnctid b€tw6 !w ..d pl,nt .P..iry a$e.tng<br />

sd }/Eld durfis 199546 .!d 199@7.<br />

!L!B Eiffa-t oI @ md plant spacr* d hdet inde 757<br />

4.44 EfG.t oI w md Dl,nt BDa.ing q D@bin pe'6tase 159<br />

4.45 Bfiet of w drd Dlat 6D..ins 6 oil 6thte 1@<br />

Effect o{ tw ard phtrt .D.Ers d oil yield. 162<br />

The inbFctimb€4tdg w md pld sF.ing.ffedint 163<br />

oil viekl

uJt of flGUrE<br />

TitL<br />

EtrKtof ditr€qi nt oIfeditizrmleaf .Eiddof<br />


Ulr Of APPEI'DICE<br />

TiU€<br />

3.1 Plwsic.r dd d@i6l.Elitsi! of an drird &iL 198<br />

ttteborcbgi@l dd. fo. 6E so*$ p€iod o{ 199<br />

Cod oI cmlr ooduc!6 ha ' (&) durhs 19!%). 2@<br />

4.2 Co.t ol @b plod!4bor ha{ (Rs) dunns 19%47, al<br />

43 Efiet of tire dd Eie of fertilid .pplirtin 6<br />

leal ag indd d SOth N@. 19996 and 1999-<br />

Eff6t of tift qlal hte of fertilia appliotim 6<br />

le.J .g !!dd 6 30th Dec 19H6 dd 196-tl.<br />

45 Effer o{ dm dd nie of f€ftlia applotih 6<br />

le.I @ !rt* 6 15th Io 1996 ..rd 19+7,<br />

,L6 Etrect of (@ md rab of turdlirer appliGdo. 6<br />

lef 6E indq @ 15th Feb. 1996 md 1999.<br />

1L7 Etuof li@dil ntEof trdailiaqrpli{id6<br />

bal 6E irdd @ 25nh leb. 199g .id 199tt<br />

48 TE inbtuUh betwa t@ dtl pl{t 6paing<br />

.tr*dry .!ry weidt 6 30th De. 19546 .nd 196<br />

49 The intEr(timbet\as w md pt ntspa.ina<br />

afdtng dry we8ht d 15lh Jm 79954 alill996-<br />

410 TIp inbEtin b€ad6 lw 6!!d plat E!.49<br />

ntre.Ei8 dry reidt 6 15ln re6.l9%4 a'd19%-<br />

411<br />

'IrE inten tim betw6 ow dd pldsF.nv<br />

atre.fh8 dry reight d 251h F€b.7954 ad 799(-<br />

n<br />

2@<br />

M<br />

2B<br />

M<br />

a7<br />

26<br />

8<br />



Burg@nint worl

€quirement is exp

the oil and low Elu@inobte in the m€.1. Canol. oil ii now the world s third<br />

larE€st source of edible oil .fie. soybe.n .nd paln oil (Nowuo 191). Dredeb<br />

have been lucKtul i! produ.int "double arc" or "doqble lo/, .ultiv.E by<br />

reducinS the ddc acid conteot! from 60,2X in oit and glu.osinot.!e6 .ontent,<br />

rrcn norc than 100 u mol/t to ld $.n 30 u hol/g in ne!t. Th* ol!v.6.re<br />

called c "CANOLA" (Crnnd'an oil low in a.ids). Tt€ Canoti wns ar 6Br<br />

tra.lemark Egister€d with Canola council of Canada (Thonas/ 1986).<br />

In P.kirh& canol. has b€€n inkodlced by rh€ A.rini Agdcuttqrc<br />

R€s€arch and Development P.osr{m (DARD) of P6tistan Agricdtural Rese.rh<br />

Council (PARq with ie.[nnal collabontion of C.n.dinn Inr€marioml<br />

Developnent Agency (CIDA), where prelininary studi$ have estabtished its<br />

suas as .n o se

With th€ *olurion of .ulriv.F low ln acids, it ir po$ible ro prcduce<br />

problem fie €dible oils in the count!,- Non€theles, the prcduction te.hnotogy<br />

for the n€wly introdu.€d .rcp n€ds to b€ detedined in .tifferent envircMents.<br />

Besi.les nany other factoF, use of propq nudtional Eqqirement and ptantint<br />

techniquA of the .rop aF .oNideEd the m6t inporr.lt<br />

Nitrcs€n (N) and Ph6phor$ (?) ferdli%s play very vft.l role in<br />

€nhafting dre yield and yi€tding componeits. High r.re of N .ppti@rion .t<br />

sowin8 le.ds to more rapid leaf afu d€velopnfl! piotong the life of leaver,<br />

imprcve l@f rrc. duration (L\D) afte. now*ing and in@.* oveEu crop<br />

assinil.tioi, thu5 .onttibutinE to incmEd s€ed yietd, (Wntht .r !t 19E8).<br />

Phosphods .leficiency i!.anola reshicrs both top .nd r@t Efowti, With mitd<br />

deficien i6 plants may appet nodal hr sm.lL W h moE *v.E deli.iency,<br />

th€ root srsten i5 poorly .levetope4 and rtems are thtn and d6t wth few<br />

bnmh6 and snall Mftw l€.6 (Bidw€n, t99).<br />

Apprcpriate .dj$tthent of pldnt spacin8 between the rcw3 ficilit res easy<br />

h.ndlin8 of the crcp whi.h l6ds to hith.. yields thrcuth prcvidint'optinum<br />

conditiorc ror.iop development due to better .tr and li8nt penetr&tion. Singh<br />

an.l Singh (1984) repord in(lee in dry m.tbr .@nulrtion w h incrcsing<br />

desiiy lnd at optihm d€Bity ldgier upbr€ of N and P wd Ioqnd by Vir.n.l<br />

vir. (1979)- Fomation of pods lnd *& th*n! hower, w.3 shred to be<br />

seN'hve to pl.nt .lerotry. Hm.e adequate plant detuity ir of prihe imporr.n@.

KepinE in vis the above feh, the prcsent !tudies wee initi.ie.l with<br />

the followhg ott€68:<br />

l. To d.r.rhi@ the inou.m of tiniry ud ni. of nit%o .nd<br />

ph@phorus applic.tion on the growtlv ieed yield and otl yiel.l of<br />

Z To how lhe tu of Dw.trd plmt 3p*int on tf'e grcwtv r.ed yi.ld<br />

ad oil yield of cfula.<br />

3, To know the .ft6b of tl6e t!€.tnab on alc qlrlity of.$o|..<br />

4 To 6t blirh optinu liquituob of N .nd P .long with optDM<br />

deGity ro. .uEoating prcd!.dvity of crnoh lnd€r .8t€oloEi..l<br />

.onditioro of Fais.rabad,<br />

5. To 6trbllh.Gt- b.n ft nto of tlF@p otddlad conditoB,




The .on.ept of 1-AI had prcfound inplicatione for the pro8Hs of crcp<br />

.Sronony as a quantitative study. During the early 3tages of crcp grcwth, both<br />

ihe number of leav6 .nd then.v€ra8e size iftMs with time, so th.t therc is<br />

€nou8h foliaE€ Mthin . few wek after 8€mination to inlerept norc than 9096<br />

of the incid€nt radi.tion undq fcvourable €nviroMenls. For nost croF .nd<br />


(LAD) nther th.D net a6inu.ton r.te (NAR) is . m.jd frNo) w6 simil.' ror t-AI, no<br />

of pods plantt an.l nunber of seds podn .nd ii is likely ih.r the €fGct of N ws<br />

ahi.rd indiEdy thouth .n in.'t@ in the lupppy of Niiildtes tc lhe<br />

flowe6 and young pods. The o.inbn.nce of r l.€e .nd phoiorynthetically<br />

eff€.iert lqf N. duiry the Friod<br />

th€ p€riod of floweliry i5 tlg€sry for high<br />

Scott et al (r93).onduct d exp.ihenb io @ the dtu of ferdlia and<br />

harst d.b. on trordi .n l yield of oik€.d .|F eM ln .!tmn hd sprin&<br />

IrE N w* .pplied G300kg hri in spnn& n.$hu oil yt l.l of both .ulumn<br />

and rpriry 6ow! oilcd !.F rere obt ined hy.pply'nt 20019 N ha -'! The 3eed<br />

oil.enbnt ws Educ€d by N .pplic.hon when .pplied .t th€ ..te of 3m kg h. '<br />

succssive ln.rene^ls of r trogen ho6 G300 kE hai lnproved plant gdwtb<br />

in cariry leaf .rc. .nd dry wei8ht of l€.v6 .nd t!.m!

AUen and Morgan (1975) conducted fi€ld expdin€nt to comparc the<br />

trcwlh dewlopnent and l€lds of fo( v.iietis of oilsed rap€, CGus, Gulle,<br />

RiEo.nd N'll/. .nd two l.vels of NikoSen O,nd ?ll L8 h. I were cppli€d cnd<br />

foqnd that Crcsus wa th€ high6t yielding vadety b€.a$e it prcd!.ed mor€<br />

podt .nd horc wds pod 1. The numb€r of pods and s.eds podn w€rc positively<br />


l€al aH, lt indica!* that the pods arc impo.tant photosynthetic or8.tu which<br />

prcdlce c..bon asinilates for their own gow'th<br />

(Ae and Kondn 0986) condu.tad li€ld €rp€rimnt in Alb.rta to srudy .<br />

quanrit riE $.ly3is of grcw{r, dev€lopn€nt and yield of eitht g€nolyP6 of<br />

Bl6ico napB ^nd two gqotyFs of 8r6t@ 6twttb- Bt6i@ 4n\attle L.<br />

reacled a[ Srowth 3tags, erept of st€m elonEation €arlier lhi^ Bt6i@ rr?N L,<br />

and co|cpondin8ly had a shorter stem elonSation P€riod lnd sed fomation<br />

Friod. BrNrb d,'p6rnis had hither leal enerEen@ r.!es durinS all grcwth<br />

pe.iods trB@ ,rpre had gater crop .lry weidt at 15t flower.n l 6fte! days<br />

atu. fist flowe! and Ereater n€an doP Srowth nte hom s@ding to fiEt flower'<br />

M@n relative trowtft rates werc hiSher in Atutid t4l L. ih.n relative arowth<br />

nr6 ir 816'., @nrynis L duing .U 6bwth Pe.iods. 4765i@ t.Pur L had<br />

g@ter L-{ .t fiEt flowd 8rcwth auxill.ry br.rch lPjI a@ irdex at fiFt flow€r,<br />

g.eater l6f !€. duration ftom first flowq to naturity 6nd extt€melv leaf arca<br />

duration fron o.tutity of tust Pod than &@td MPatir L<br />

(F&b.n (199J) turdi€d .ooPrntive Erc*dl lulyii' ot BrNi4 f,al6<br />

^nd Ar$id iut@ und€. S*edish .onditioN. In tnis stu.ly Ptoductior and<br />

.levelopnent ol a Seia./ntrd. .ultiv.r of Indian origin and Swedbh arNie<br />

r4l,r cultivar wse conParcd in a Ercwlh analysis. ?lanb werc hadeted .t<br />

apprcrim.tely we&ly inhetrals from emergen.e to natlrity and seP.rat .l into<br />

leav6, rr4l, pod3 .nd *eds- Area i|dic6 of laE, steN .nd Pods w@<br />

.alculad and dry w€ight of e..h Ptant cdmPonent was det min€d. By tlt 'nd<br />


of the flow.dng st ge, Bra$ic. n.PQ hsd acclmulated a significantly hlgher<br />

p.r.entaAe of 6nal tot l dry n.tter th.n 8t6'di!t€4. Atter flowe.in& the crcP<br />

Srowth rate was signifi..ndy hi,ghet in BBi.a jun@, O.54 gtr GDDr/ thdn in<br />

Ksd * or 0997) conducH tieLl €xFnfmt duing winter leen 1992-<br />

93 rnd 199344 at Ludhi.n., to dtudy le.t d. indet (n! rchuorohiP wiih 'olar<br />

..diation intercepEon (SRD, dry n.lter P.oduction<br />

and *d yield ot hdian<br />

mustered. The expqinnt w.. l.id out in ePlit Plot dsian with thre nlhogen<br />

levelt (100, r25, 150) kg N ha r in 6.in plob an.l fou plant ddsities (0444, 0 333,<br />

0.266nnd 0.222) nillion plant3 h.r in sub plots obLined by row sPacing of 225,<br />

30, 37.5 and 45 m 6p


8a[.ec& r, al (198) r€porbed th.t in case of wintef r.p€ optidun N rates<br />

ianted fton '10 to 120 }g appue.l befoE swinE .nd 140 to 276 kg 6 ! top<br />

drc$ing wiih . tot l of 140 to 240 kt p€r h*t €. Appli.aton of 34{L375 kE N per<br />

htrta!€ in th€ sp.ing re

Ogilry ( 1985) (oncluded th.t rqtunn N-.ppuc.ton in.eded Lrop vrBou'<br />

and Eroud cov€r, but no yield t€nefit w6 detecH he further stated that eff6t<br />

or 40 kE N/h. appli.d to hp€ed o Jelt@f in 1960 .n.l Rrf.l i. '1981 rnd 1982<br />

aqtqmn N did not eftu plant etablirhmflt or yield. N wrs applied .r th€ rat s<br />

ot 175, 225 a d ns kt/ha in rpnng as single o. split .lresting. Both 3idn8 rap€<br />

growth and yield w* rcduced by split d6ina in 1983, blt no siEnitc.nt yield<br />

differcnce w.s dete.ted in 1942<br />

Toniolo.r.l (1985) eported that s@.t yieldr incrcased witi incrc.sin8 N<br />

rals up to 200 kglha 6p6ially wh€n .pplied in 2 sput .l|sing-<br />

B€rti and MGca (1987) rcported that the r.pseed B/@ic. n p$ !^t.<br />

Ol€ifera D. C showed inftas€d flowe. produ.tion with increasing N r.te wheE<br />

narinm pod Prcdlcrion w.s lchieved with 150 kg N/ha. Splittint the N<br />

applicarioD om third beforc sowinE and two third .r top d6sin& lmprcv€d<br />

fruit s€ttin8 aorc than total N appli.ation either b.forc sowing or $ a top<br />

dPssinE ar rhat of winter,<br />

WriEht.l al 0988) studied the €ffd of nihot.n i*tilizr beatments<br />

and two ini8ation t|eahn€nb on r.pseed (8rsic4 r4p6). Dry Datt€r<br />

accundation, l€.f .re. d4elopnent .nd sed yield w@ n@surcd. The dry<br />

natter nnd s€€d yield 6po@ to .pplied niito8ln war grEater unde. irri8at d<br />

as.ompared to fainfed .onditions haiinum sed yield (apprcx. 3.8 t h.j) was<br />

obtained from the irn8.d tr€ahnent leiving 100 kt N ha' applied at sowing.<br />

'lhjs hiAh mle of N application at sowing led to more rapid le.t arca<br />


d€velopnent.nd li8her naxinuh LAI comparcd to h€.teenre supplied w h<br />

splitapplicatlon of the same amount of N.t sowing,<br />

Yousnf and Brnock 0993) reported that when two v.rieti6 of winter<br />

Fp6ad (8r6!d r?,r,) d. Cobn rnd Lboris weE pl.ni.d to evaluare th€<br />

effe.r of plinti^g date, niho8en hie, N application tining on Enin yi€ld and oil<br />

.ont€nt of the gnin an.l plant N contat, 6ult! indicated that t|ain yield<br />

incrce.l qu.dr.ti..lly with in rcFint N .ate (with an optinum of about 250 kg<br />

N/h.) .nd ie@s€d (o5s M8lhr) doe to splitting the N fertilia into two even<br />

appli.atjons. Neithq

Holn6 and Ai.sley (199) studi€d the alfst of N fernl,z€! on winter<br />

oilsed nF cv Primor and Rapora and stad that Erowth .nd yield both w€rc<br />

by th. .ppucation of N feltiliar whne oil .ontenb w@ educ€d.<br />

'ncEds.d<br />

Holms and Eenett 0979) .€poried that itr@sing th€ rat6 of N f.on G<br />

270 kglha ierc.s€d the Srowth and yield of rape but it redu.ed the oil .ontent,<br />

howevd it had no sitnitidnt eft6t in fatty acid co6p6ition.<br />

Kandil (1983) studied th. effet of different leveb of NPK (0, 30 .nd 60 kE<br />

N) + 0 or 30 kg PrO! + 0 o. 24 k K,O on oild*d r6pe. H€ found th.t N<br />

application signilicaiUy in@s€d leaf arca dry hatt r, no of pods p€r pt.nr and<br />

1000-s€ed weight and plant height The high4t rate of N, P and X i!.rcased s€€d<br />

yield by 54,31 and 3596 Espelively cohpared with untrcated plote.<br />

Rood and Mnior (1964) while studyina tle eff..t of rftioten and waEr<br />

s(PPly on grcwth of oil.eed .ape, rcporH that l€af glohtl was partially<br />

f*Ponsive ro N while stem and pod Srowth were morc Hpocive to trri8ahon<br />

ldels. Th€ inrehction of nitroEd fertiliar and iEialtion lels.onftued rhd a<br />

3ingle limihn8 faclor wodd preent gowth respons$ to other exFrimenral<br />

MuDn .nd McNeily G9A4 obs€red th.t vegerarive :nd rcprcducriv€<br />

planl grcwth of ihe th@ spring oil s€ed raF.ultivars at 3 NP( ferriliar ratee<br />

and row spacinE of 7.5 o. 15 cn. AII w@ sue in dry matter production and<br />

pl.nr heiAh dunna the Erowth Friod. It was nainly dqe ro inflot*enc weight<br />

tlFl dry weight p€r pl.nt did not differ signilicanuy. Itrlw f€rtili@r aie<br />


in re$ed dry weight p€ pllnt ion 2.7l to 3.87 g .nd pod nqmber per pl.nt<br />

Dunock .nd s.wyd 0991) found th.t whn crnol. (r.F) d. unbon w.3<br />

given 0, 60, 120, 160 or 240 lb N wtth 0 or 125 lb K o, 10 or 20 lb s .nrl 0 6.110<br />

B, the.ppuetion of V K I .nd D iturco.d lhe @ftotr.tion of the p.rti.ul.r<br />

nuhent in the pLnt lGtqing N nte 3itnifuMtly ftrc.rd vetehdve drl<br />

weidt.t th€ st rt of flow€dn& del.y€d n.lurity .rd icH*d .€ed yiel.b. The<br />

ciLul.ied optimuh eonobic N f.niUzi hb w.r 225 lb N/.@-<br />

Dubey .!d Kh.n 0993) onducd 6eld bi.b to study lhe etu of N and<br />

S on dry d.tter, tnin yiel

Ho.king dr ri (197) €xomined the effets of nitrcgen fertilizr on dry<br />

n.tier Prcdq.rioD sed yield .nd sed qulity by cohP..ing canola, lndian<br />

nurlard .nd Linola Different rates of nitrogen turliliar we€ applied in all<br />

experinenb. Crop pdfomaMe w.e €voluated owr two *.ioc by nearunng<br />

dry-m.fter productiorr grain yield, wat€! $e efficienct *d oil and protein<br />

.onten8, Canola and wh€at showed the lartst yield EpoM to N fstilizr,<br />

Bas€d on tie owral Ercwth .nd griin yield Epo|s lo N ferrilia, it is<br />

su8E6d th.t .bo!t 25X oorc N be appted to canol. lh.n to wh@t<br />

sin8h rnd Krna! (196) condu.ted field erFrinent durirs the winrer of<br />

191-92 and 1992-93 to stldy th€ effed of 4 levels of N (0, 30 60 and 90 kslh.)<br />

and 3levels of s (0, 20 and 40 Ktlh.). There was dsnilicant incEss in srcwttv<br />

yield .ttrib{te and yield (s€€d 6 weu $ stove.) wa Eoded with inctl@ in<br />

level of N upto 60 t/ha s @ 4! kglh. si$ifi@nUy ircrc.5€d the srowtb yield<br />

athibube .nd yield of Iidian nat rd compared with 0 and 20 kg S/ia.<br />

DebowsLi ofi) .pplie.l 0, 6q 120 kE niho8en per hst re to B/6ia<br />

t4l6 and found th&t low and hith lrtes of.iaogd ircfrad the.v.ng€ s€ed<br />

yien W n.4 t d 5a.7 p.relt, 6pe.liv€ly, over conhol plolt seivina no<br />

Kinra eldl (192) conducted a<br />

N for Indiin mustard. They appUed 50,100 and 150k9 N/ha.nd concld€d rhit<br />

wG hither .t 100 ka N/ ha.<br />

field trial to ass6s lhe most optinal rat€ of

SinEh d ui 0972) Frfoned an expe.im€nt.n Ar6'a rsred C4m an.l<br />

co$ on . loany eoil un.ler inig.ted conditions in Haryae and rcport d that<br />

s€€d yield Eposes wm 36.4 % and 51.3 % 6 a result of 7!kg and 10o kt N/ha<br />

Stabbetorp G93) notied that th* wN . conrittent Epo@ !o s€ed<br />

yield of rdF up !o hiEh€t nittogd ipplication (186 kt N/ha). Sihitally, the<br />

hiahBt .pplication of phcphorus (47 kglha) g.ve the gfrt6t Eponre but tne<br />

eftucb of pota$iun werc smdu and were snall and unpredictnble,<br />

Singh dr.J Oql4) eramined .tte! lon8 t E experimohuon th.t yield of<br />

n ust r.l was dalihum with 60&& 60k8 &O5 and 60kE r

sotonayor (197) et t€d rhat when vdious combinatioN of 0, 75 150 or<br />

25 k6 N .nd 0, 50, 100 o. r50 kg Prq Fr h€rarc w@ appli.d [o sp.ing np€ on<br />

a Moapo loan soil therc w6 con,iddable gpoF, to N but none to ?.<br />

In rc.sina nibogen rat to 125 k8 ps hKrare prd{ced the ldghesr yietd of 3,4<br />

loI1G saed per h6t rc and .lthough sad oil p€re^tage tuU sli8htty yet th.r<br />

was morc rhan .onpeNored for by rhe increase eeed yreld and oil yield of 1.1<br />

tot1l6 Fr h

ft.riibric.t ai. (1980) while srudyinS the effets of &200 kc nibogen pd<br />

h-tare on sprinA oil seed raF d, Prot , M.lrli Mapiotu.nd Ospal .luing 197&<br />

79 obsefled that nibot4 did not 3igM..ndy dtu plant 6tablishm€nt in<br />

€ith€r y€lr but the numb€r of pod. pd pl6nt and pod reoention wa. highesr with<br />

100 kg N/h. and d€.lined with hi6he. ldelr of N in 1978 .nd w$ sinilar for<br />

10O 150 or 200 kg N/ha in 1r9. They turthq r€ported that nitosen did not<br />

aftu t the nunbe. of br.ncher ps pl6.t and the tot6l nab€r of Po.b Pd braeh<br />

w.r 'snficantly high{ with r00, 150 or 20O kg N/h. th.n with o, 50 L8 N/h.<br />

while at all levels of nit ote[ 20 perent oI Pods on each braEh di.l not.ontain<br />

seds. Nit oEen only siEniiicanoy in rca* the nub€r of se€ds Fr<br />

pod in 198).<br />

Mudholk4.nd ANawai (1981) while st!.lyin8 the effet of nii.oaen and<br />

phosphoru on tt6id @r/.stir v.i Yellow 3.6on .^d B,Bi@ "sPB var.<br />

Glau.., ob*rued that lhe plant heithi dry n!tie., no, of Pods/Plant 100 sed<br />

weitht and lhe s4ed yield iMHed siEnific.rtly with incMing nitlo84 fron<br />

o{o kglh.. The optimum d@ of IrO5 ws 68.9 kg/ha .nd EPoN to<br />

phosphoru3 wrs b€tt r in the prcence of nitrogen.<br />

vir and Veea (19E1) .pplied 0-90 kt N/h. .d 0-60 ks Pfi5lha to<br />

rainfed mustard &nd showed that 50.6 kg tnd !67 kElha were the oPtinum<br />

r.t8 of N and phosPhorut dPdtiv€tY.<br />

Ari .nd Shah (1983) condqcted exPenn€nt to study the effe.t of Nitrogen<br />

and phospho.B on yield .nd oil qu.lity of Poo6i ftya (B'@ia iunw) Pootbi<br />

raya was sown with thre N levels (0,1r2.nd tu8rg) and s.ater of P (0, 55,84,<br />


lr2 .nd 168tt/h.). M.xi4u s€d yield of 0596.56k&/h.) w.' obbined wh€n<br />

th€ kiliaB16akE N + 16akt PrOr ws appl.d to the.rcp but optiruF nt of<br />

fertilia wa fourd to b€'l68t8 N + lt2tt Pprlhr. The 6dl pt@nted,<br />


treatndt in wN.h no fertillz was .PPUed and othet in which N and ! wse<br />

apptied to met the Equircment of . 16a0kg h. r crcP. S€€ding date has |inb<br />

effet on plant dsity but N .nd P Educed Pl.nt<br />

yGld whF nutrienl deficietrie GurEd.<br />

den ihe but incrca*d sed<br />

Dhnbn and Vig 09aq .pplied Gr20 ka N/h. and M0 tE P,q/h. to<br />

Bt6sia Mprc aad obtlined the highesl ted yields with 80 ks N + 40 l

fertilizr incE@d se€d, shaw .nrt oil yietdsy s€€d weight p€r pod, s&d indei<br />

but led oil (i) deqed b, irctugina N 6.rriliation, tnftsina rhe p2oj nL<br />

fton 45 kg./tu, in@.€d laed yid.l .onpo@b, e4 srrrw yield .nd f\ro<br />

turliliatia had no siSniffc.nt etu on s€€d yietd .ompo|Mrs. tte gEahert *d<br />

yield p€r f€d wa obLin d by 60 kt N + 4s kE pO3 + 48 k (p/ H.<br />

Basar dr ai 090) while.tudying rhe F.fomance of s&e np6€€d tic<br />

under two different leveb of feldliar, disoveEd that all yield coapon€nb of<br />

Bl6itu nrp6 aaA Bw6i6 @ntpshir Bponded stgnificandy to rbe erperidentat<br />

tu.tilia ttetnent 000 Kt N 60 kg P,or 20 kE s/h.) e&€pt seed!/siliqq. and<br />

Nutall and Dutton (1990) obfld rhir qnola (trcr, ,!pc L,)<br />

cpord.d @U tow.i& N and P turrilizE In ti€td exFrimdtr a-'^g rret*e<br />

o, 10, 20 o. 30 t8 P/ha wa either (.) dep banded O) pti.ed wirh the s.ed or (c)<br />

half plac€d wilh the s€€d .nd h.lt dep b.nded .moally h a raFl4 wh6r<br />

crcps/raF .fopping s€queme 75 tt N/ha was .to .pplied by dep b.ndiry oi<br />

broadcasting and incorpor.don, N lnd P .pplt adon ove. the 6 y€as of lhe trirt.<br />

incHed the avaihble P tn the forn of zs (.onrrol) to 12.9 p/8 Soil (N p<br />

heatnflt with 7s kt N/h.). In 8emr.l<br />

P .ppucation either by dep b.ndinS or<br />

pla.enent with th€ 3€ed of the crcp g.v€ .iojt.r yieids qeC that nt the tow p<br />

riher sed placd€lt w8 betbe. for 6F.<br />

Bajpai ca ,t 0992) @ndrcbd 6eld tri.l to {udy dE fr of i,iE.rion an l<br />

N fertiliz. on gnin yield ot msr.r.t. 8. i!r@ w6 givd 4 tevel of irig.tion and<br />


5 N levels {0, 20, 40 60 oi 80ks/h!) 30kE !ro5 ond 20tt Kolhi. In rc.rin8<br />

trn8dtion lp\.ls dnd Increosint levelo( N.pplicarion EUI!.d rn Inc;a3jnt grarn<br />

and shaw yield an.l yiel.l cohpon€nb. The optimun level of N w.s EOkg N/ hd<br />

Bal6h ri d d992) cond!.led th.t both n togen lnd ph@photu<br />

ri8ni6c6ndy atfeted yiel.tr of dp€.ed. The niahet Erain yields of r.Fi€ed<br />

werc ot't in€d with the appli66o^ ol23/30 and 8/46 k&/h. N/p on two<br />

diffe8t soils. Fen iution ot Bnsi.a with S in combimtion with N NP rnd P<br />

mult€d in siEnifcant ield incre..e.<br />

Misra and Rana 0992) found th.t when ,retd r.prc var Elauc6 and<br />

Br.$i.a campebbis var sa6on w.s sown in rows 30, 45 o. 60 .m ap.rt and<br />

Siven 0, 40 80 of 120 kg N/ha. Seed yield imreas€d with incrcre in N<br />

applic.tion hr. ..d .leea!€d w n iftrc@ in rcw spaciry<br />

Nepalia and saroha (1992) .olducd fidd td.l td study tlE int dctir<br />

effats of N, S and rcw spacing on th. E.ein and oil ield of toia, AtKi@<br />

dtFst$.v T-9 was sown in row5 30 or 4ftm ap.rt.nd given 0, 20,40 or 60tt<br />

N/ha and 0 or 50lg S/ha. The Nthedt re.l yield of 1.? l/h. .nd oil yield of<br />

489.91 kglha w6 obt tned with appU..tion of 60k8 N +250k S rt 30m row<br />

iP..inF .mPat€d w t se€d .nd oil yield of 0.83 t/ha<br />

BPetively without ferdtia .t {ftn rp..ing. 1l!* ws<br />

fenitzr wh@ no N wa applied,<br />

320.08 kglh.,<br />

Nutan rt at (1994) obcefled the yield 6poE of canola to nittogerl'<br />

phosphors, pHipit 6on and tenperature. Canola (rape) &,lth diferent<br />


van€tie MidG, R%.nt.nd W6tar w6 gown at vanous sites followinS whea!,<br />

was gived 45 ind 134 k N in f..tond .onbdtios with 0, 20, 30 and 40 kg<br />

P/ha, Othd tEahents compns4d r0 I(t N + 10 kC P/ha end no fe.tilizE<br />

(conbol). M€an Beed leld wa3 1.39 t/ha with 4s kE N .nd 1.50 with t34 kt<br />

N/ha yield in th€.ontrol w.s 1,11 t/h!, Yield in rcased f.oh 1,26 t/ha with no<br />

applied P to 1.53 hith 40 kE l/ha. The rerpotue to fen iars vari€d b€twen rhe<br />

yeaF depen lin8 on t€nperature, pElpttation and coil f€rdily. Sed yield was<br />

pcitiv€ly .orel.ted with tobl pEip't tion {nd n€g.dvely .on€lated with<br />

nean nnximum daily tenPe..tuE.<br />

Kalita an.l Xilit (1992) studied the efi6t of 0,60 kg P2 O5/ha and 0, 50<br />

1001 of ih€ Eomneld.d line o. EM<br />

gnm md thd $en Eidual effe.ts<br />

rap€€d (Bf8id t"/6). In raF, seed yield ircrcaled by ircI€e in Pzq a<br />

Rnn rt ul (1992) .onduct field bi.ls to 3t!dy the efi€ct of fertttity leveb on<br />

ibn^ Br6i@ c4np.sttis .e 19 .nd btli weE 6own with inter-row spacing ol<br />

30cn lnd an inte.a'rcw 3p.cinE of 10.m .nd given 0{0kE N + Motg PrOs + e<br />

20kg Krolha. Yi€ld 6nl yield.onponenb in reased with iresint levels of<br />

f€rtiliaf apph.tion. Highest yield was obtained with 80kg N + 40kg P,Os +<br />

Hocldng .nd Mtuon (193) etudied th. .ccmllatioi/ dlbibltion and<br />

redishibatior of .lry n.t6er and nineral nutrienb in ftrits of canola (oil sed<br />

raF) ud also the eftftts of nittoSen iertiliai field dudi6 w* made in 1990 N

fettilia in reased 3eed yieldr, but h.d negli8ible eff

Prasad and ShuKa (1993) conducted 6eld qFdn€nE on sandy loam to<br />

study the effe.t of inte.a.tion of N, K and cyceel on growth characteF in<br />

relation to aruin yield of mur^d. Brci6 it"@ ws Aiven 0, 40 or 80kE N/h!<br />

and 0, 30 or 50ks K/ha and lreal€d with 0or 2k8 cy.6el (.Notuequt) p€r hr.<br />

Grain yield incr€ased w h upto 80lE N and weE hiahest in both *ason with<br />

application of 60kg K (2.22 and 2.09t/ h6) reepftdvel, Erain yield we€ incre.s€d<br />

with .yc@l appli.ation wherc the dop abo Beived 40 or E0L8 N.<br />

Ch.uhan .t' ri G99a) coldu.H 6eld hiaL to stqdy rlE dtrogen<br />

fertiUation .nd ftigation *heduling in n6Lrd, B. lard .v T59 was given 0-<br />

90kg N/ha and irigated at the veget tive, vegetative ' flowering or ve8etative +<br />

flowering + reed developoent stag€. Sed yield, *d oil .ontlnt and ret rctum<br />

inceled with upto 90kg N/ha .Dd werc highet with 3 irng.rioE-<br />

Prbl rr al 0991) condu.ted 6eld bial to shdy the Bpo|F of (lilff@nt<br />

nusrard varieties to dates of sowing .nd levels of dltoger f. irr@a .v Varun.<br />

md Kmnti wc aown on 15 of 25 O.t or 4 Nov, and werc Siven 50, 75 o. loott<br />

N/ha. Sed yield wc higher in Kr.n! th.n val!@ (1.30 v 1.17 t/h.), deEr..d<br />

wrtndel.y in eow'nSdateand iMFas.d Mtfi EteoIN.pPlituhon.'<br />

Sinth dr d O94) conducted field etPedmenb to 5tudy rhe etf*t of<br />

inigation .nd Nitrogen levels on yield 6nd ib .haractenstic6 ot lnssia spaie.-<br />

lrrigabon werc given at 50X 0owerinS or irit H .t 501 iiliqqe d.v€lopnent<br />

and werc Siven 0,40,80 and l20kg N/ha. Sed yield incFa*d 1.04 1.4t r.6s<br />


and 1.68 .t the 4 it@6hg N r.t ., Mpctively and yield was 1.5 t without<br />

irigation ald 1.s1 .nd 1.59 t with 1 and 2 iriS.rioN.<br />

Ghch.r 'J 095) condu.H ti€ld tridr. ro study rhe Epo@ df NPK to<br />

rapsd. Br6id @Frtn d Dinoy wa given 20 40 or 60&t N/ha 20 or 40ks<br />

P:O5lha and K,O, Appli@tion of N P .trd K lBnifi.antly i!.hi€d red yield<br />

and s€€d oil content Appucation of 60kg N gave the high6t nean kd yield of<br />

648k9/ha, The yield nut i€nt gpon,e equdtion indicated that the optinun<br />

fertilizer rate was 54kE N+31kt P,O! + 32kt KrO/h..<br />

letendra and Singh (195).o ucted fi€ld exFrim€nis to study th€ eff6t<br />

of pl.nting teomety ald fertll?r n.n.gennt on pl.nl heighg d.y! to<br />

naturity and nutard €quivalht yi€ld in musta.d + p€a inte.{roppin8. A. ,cre.<br />

d Nendq Rai dd pea cv R.ch.n. weE gr(,M .lone or inter tupFd, Th.<br />

.rops reiv€d N:P1oTK,o fe.tiliz€r at ht . of '120:604!, 130:9060 or<br />

140:120:80k&/ha Musbrd €quivalat yield *as ihe hid6t-with pair€d ewing<br />

(22.scm) where 140t8 N + r20Kt P!o! + 80kE (io was appt€d.<br />

Ali dt al (196) .onducted dperinent to * the effdt of .liff@nt levelr of<br />

N, S ond plant d4ity on yi€Ll .nd yield .ttributes, oil and protein contenb of<br />

rapeed, Nitrogen upto 120 k&/h. incEased the leld conponenr! plant heighi<br />

b.an h6/planl rilique/n2 and s€eds/si[qle 3..d and stover yield/h. .nd<br />

haflet indet Yield .tbibu!6, seed .!d rtove. yield, hanet index proglaively<br />

iftrcaed with in@ in ld.l of S t wd pllnt de6ity in@a5€d ihe Plint<br />

heighi, b6nch6/pldt but pl.nt deniity of 400{,00/ha signif@ndy incMs€d the<br />


no of siliqu€/mz seed and slover yield and haN€st inder. Oil content wa3<br />

inverly rclad to the proletn con0ent in @d icp

tuftilikr to ful reconnended dse/50k9 N+50kC Prclha) signtficantly<br />

inrcased gFwth yield athibuhet a.d yield of Indir h6t rd. lur d

P26.2+S 90kt/h., Both the nulrient eld€nt syErEidi..Ily inrec.t€d in boosting<br />

Lnsrt.y.,,J (lc9a dp b€h.viour of rFip hrer.tupr ofc...O tr^,,<br />

rapt6 L.) and soyb€.n (Glyde fld L.) towar& inieErcppint .n

Henry .nrl M.cDonard 096) Frinad fron vdiou field trials w h oil<br />

sed r.F rhit wlrh iriAaiio4 roil NO5-N and hiliz€r N p@tdwty.oftla!.d<br />

with yield md prclein content an.l negatively corcliH with oil contenr<br />

Bishnoi and sinEh 099)npplied N fton oq,k&/lh ro thE raya (B'6nz<br />

joaa) .urtivaE .nd obstred lh.r incesing rhe rates of .ppued N the s..d<br />

yield .r well s the oil yield war irc@s€d but oil contents w* dspd€d_<br />

M6t pic (1960) .pplied nibogm rD wi.br oil*€d npe at the nte of 50,<br />

75 and 100 LE pd het!re d.l the ted yielft obtnin d were 2,43,2,64 a d 2,90<br />

t/ha, ap

Chlnim .nd D&nor (1982) st di.d dut 34ed and oil yield of m6ta.d<br />

incrcased with in rea3ing nilrogen rates C75 kg N/ha blt 6€€d oil.ontenls werc<br />

d{rcased, Yield an.l oil .ontents werc eimil.r with G50 kg P2G/ h..<br />

Augustin@n ,, or G983) conducH field tri.l on spnry oik€€d npe .v-<br />

line (low Erucic acid and low 8lucosinolates content) dunn6 197931 to<br />

inv6rigate the eff&t of 130 or 260 ks N/ha,40 kg ?O5 and 100 ts Xolha on<br />

the Rd oil.ont nt They rcported rhat oil conieo6 dsrea&d frod 46.3* w h<br />

PK alone to 42.5%-43,5i6 with 130 kt N/ha and 41,71X with 260 kg N/ha hut<br />

was not signi6candy aff{red ty PrOs or pot siu. Only snlu .liffercn * in<br />

fatty aci.ts compGito! w@ obefled, Linolei. acid.ontent itu6s4d sliddy.t<br />

th€ expe@ of oleic acid.ontent when pota$ium was.pplled, Erucic acid<br />

contert w.s low an.l qn.ll@ by turtiliar EtB.<br />

Joafder<br />

(19€3) rcpo.t d th.t 3e

sed, prctein perentaS€ oil yi€ld and s€€d weiSht bur d{@sad oil<br />

con entntion, They turth€r €Pofted thal in rcare in N+K r.tes .aused only<br />

sliAhr .h.n8. in f6tt acid and anino acid @mPosiuon .nd had no efiects on<br />

Singh md Rafti (1984) condqcd a 6eH bial to detemire oPtialn rates<br />

of N for nqrtard .v Varuna g.own in a sandy loan 3oil The aPPucation of N<br />

and PrO, was nade .t the r.t2 ot 57,5 kA and 2ZS kA/l\ , EP

Marquard and C.ndry 049) cond!.t d a *ri6 of 4P€nmentt on oil*d<br />

hpe (Bt6in nry6 L) and EPorted that nibo8en aPPlicattont coNtstently<br />

deEns€d oil but in@.sed Prolein co.bnls.<br />

PirLkerton 0991) inv6tigaH the ctitical PhotPhotus<br />

concentrano$ rn<br />

oilsed B/6'd t4l,ae and a@i.!i!td 6 a@ bv nibo8 n ln 8ld hou*<br />

expennenb, raF and 4wtard were Erown<br />

in s.nd .t 7 rate. of B combined<br />

fectonaly with 3 .ates of N suitabl. 3!mPl6 for tissu€ t6tinE wer€ the whole<br />

3hoot of either sP€i6 .t .ny stage, or th€ youn86t fully exPanded leal of 'aF<br />

and leave {-6 of nstard nt the r@tte stage ln whole shoots 'rlti'al levelt for<br />

ea.h spdis declin€d with.8e. Ciitical laels for €d yield w$ sli8hdv hi8h4<br />

A nutrient suPPly wit$ Ngh I and hiSh N redu@d the se€d oil 'oncenb'tion ot<br />

Taylor a al (191) found thal iriSalim and N incred€d t"d md oil vield<br />

of canoh AtB'd Aalru vdi Mmoo 4€d yield was in @sed t'y 100 and 200 kg<br />

N/ha on th. iriSaled heatnenrs 5€.d oil conenbation ranged 6om 4641<br />

wittout N !o 40.6% with 200lg N/ha and w6s invsely rclaH to saed N<br />

concenbatio!, Altholth turtili4r N dcrcaed oil concntration it incrc'*d oil<br />

yield/n2. N acMulation limited yteld of all beatnents, imPlyins a d*rea3e in<br />

),ield/unit of N at the hiSher rates of t nilizr +Plidtion with 'ons'quenr<br />

in rca* in s€ed N .oncenbation,<br />

ch.uhan rf,l (192) stu.li€d the<br />

EPoe of nPe lreid tqre to*adt<br />

nibogen level and rcw sPtci^E dunng .6eld tial. He ob* ed that wh€n raPe<br />


Bra$i.d ,a/6 was tread with diffeent dos6 of N 0, 30' 60<br />

'nd<br />

90 k8lht 6'ed<br />

yield iGrcasil with uP to 601€ N ond *d oil coftenr dercased with rote of N<br />

Kuna. an.l sh.ktawai (192) r€Ported that when r'P*€d d T9 ws<br />

sown in 20, 30 ot 40 .n lPan aid Siwn o, 30, 60 or 90 18 N/ha' sad vi€ld<br />

incrc.*d with uPto 60 kE N .nt wat highBt in 30 'n aP'rt r* 5€€d o!<br />

content decreased with rate ofN.PPli.ation and with iturc$e in fow 3P'cin8'<br />

?.ddmi tr ai (192) con'lucte'l field exPerim€ntt to ttudv the eff4t of<br />

iFi8ation dd N o! yiel

Zhao d 4l (193) investiEated the influen e of s and N 'PPlication on seed<br />

yield and qulity ol a doubl€ low (low in €rocic a.id ad glu'osinohb contht)<br />

wint r oil*d r.p€ o cobra APPlidtio. of N incms€d s€€d yield 'nd Prctein<br />

content but d

N/ha oB 60kE N/ha. The 6e.n 6Poe .t hi8he. level of N ov€r the lower<br />

tevel b€ing 4451a/kgN. The daE.* in oil

conventioMl row 3P.cings whrle yield at 24 cn sPa'ingd *E 5% lees than with<br />

Ohlsson (1t2) conducled an exFriFent bv sowing sPrins nPe in rows<br />

1Z 24 and 4a cd aP.rt The yield obtlined w€F 2 2'' 218 tnd 2 04 t ha -1 Wtth<br />

s53, s34 and Zo kt on ha 1 @tcPondins fisus for spnns tuJruP r'P€ w*<br />

1.62 1,61 dd 1 'l3t sed hnr 1, with 618' 591 and 520 kt oit hrt OPtinun 3€ed<br />

rates for the 3 low cPa.inSs werc 16' 12 an't 8 kE har for sPring raPe 'nd U' 8<br />

and 5 kg har for ePring tlrtuP raPe lntet-row 'dtiv'tions was rct po$ible at<br />

ih€ 2 .I66t row sP.cinSs dd it wB tKmmsded tlst on land wha high<br />

wed population .oulit be €xP*d, the croP 3hould be arcM<br />

tt wi'r€ sPaon$<br />

Asthana (1973) 'onducd 'n erPeriment bv sowing 14 'uttivaiof Bnsica<br />

junea, Bdic. ComP€hit, '/6r'd dry6 Bt6si@ ein"t BBi4 n*n'<br />

Bt6i& albn a a BBi@ intzgtilobi4 glown at inter row sP'cings of H' 'nd lftn<br />

under rainfed conditiotu The ave"ge see'l yieldt obt'ined w@ 141 and 1 74 t<br />

ha I epatively. Dlundta (1973) evituated in field tritb that oil and se'l yield<br />

of Ardi@ tal6 v.! dicotoma we'e hi8her wlE^ swn in ros 30cn ap'd ihrn<br />

vuluoud (194) evalu'€d in Seld triats thtt 3e€d yi€ld of winter raP€<br />

grcm under f.vou!&ble @nditiols werc hr8l6t 't row tpa'ings of 1&20c6-<br />

Kon.lra (1t5) conducrld exPerimdt at 2 sites by sowing low €d'ic acid<br />

B/&i., cnnlgtuis a d Br6id ttlre at row 3pa'ing3 of 15' 23' 31 or 61 cm 'nd ar<br />

Z 4 I or 3, 6, or 12 kg *d hal sP

lhe hish6t yiel& (20&274 t/ h.r) Todoric (1t5) round bv eowint two winter<br />

rape van*is (a) w.6awski and Gor@Nki in two su

Nord6tgaad (1t9) conducd rhE ri.b of 3prirs hp€ s. ols. (iow<br />

erueic acid) sown in bws 12, 2t or lacn apdr Men s€€d yields for rhR rcw<br />

sp..ings wft L37,253 ^nd 219t hlj Eperiwty, Vir and Vima {1q9)<br />

rePord that, dry matter prcduction saed yietd .nd upb&e of N and p werc<br />

higher in .rcps gtuwn in rcw! 45cn rp.rt than thos. Erch in tuk 3O.m or<br />

Bh.n rl ai (1980) stu.lied the effect! of row spacin8s or 30 and 45.n rape<br />

.v. T9 EmM in mqltiple cropptng syaten w h h.iz and wiear Th€ 30cm rcw<br />

6p{ing gave s8nili.antly hider sed ylEld th.n rh€ 45 .n slncing but s..d oit<br />

contents was u.ftuct d by rcw spacing wat r @ efticieng was incEs4d by<br />

Vn and Vema (1981) obsefled itt.i when hinted nctard<br />

rcws 30, rl5 or 6&m .pirt it g.ve nv€r{e 6€ed yietd of t_a 197<br />

rhe s€€d oil .onteni w.s nor .ff€.red by the tre.tnents_<br />

L€wb and Knight (1982!owed *v€ral npe at dif€qt spacings Z or<br />

14cn apart, yi€ld EpoM to rcw spacin8 w$ hghly variable, wfth banchina<br />

gendally appeanng to competulte for wide rcw spacina.<br />

s.ini and G{pra (1%2) 8rcw rwo v.rieti6 of 8/e@ ,4p6 TL15 an.t tTsA<br />

at 10 spacirys whi.h n.turcd in 78 and 87 dlys .nd had a 3€ed oil .ontent of<br />

39-7 and 38.9fr. lt gav€ .verage yiet& of 1.02 lnd 09{ tom6 sed h{r .nd !06<br />

and 367kA o n. 1 epetively yiet& in rcws 3ocn ap.rr w€rc high€. r[an the<br />

.ows 20 or 4ocn apar! white pt.nr spacings of 1G20cn had do eff€r

Benslrson 0983) st bd that.lo* spacin8 €ulted in highq ledPeftture<br />

within the crcp .anopy prct€cting the mp€ froh cold iniqry in winter. The<br />

increa* in yiel

plant and pod nunbe./ plmt to 7.4 3.68 G) 56.9 Ep6tivel, comp.red with 5.7<br />

2.90 G) .nd 43.9 rerp*tiv€ly for 7.scn rcw 6pacin8.<br />

Krur and Ks 099q curEv.ted A/6ia drpdkis vaf ton. in ro* Hkn<br />

apan or clc sown at 30x30cm or 30x4ftm, crcs ewing .t 30x3{.n aaE €d<br />

yield of 1.47 t/ha .onparcd wit[ 1,26 t htrl fron plol! sown in one diEtion<br />

only. V€Ba (1990) studied tte plant 3t!nd tenety iI! a aail witr Bt6io<br />

mqsni. yar Ton. .v T9 .ow sp.cin8 x int.tion x Tine of hery6rint<br />

experinent, hi8h€r yield war obirined .t 3{t n than at 45.n bw spa.ing.<br />

chaudhari .nd Mauld (l9r) conducd experinent on n6brd 816'.,<br />

i,rea .v varuna Pqi.bold and k.nti pmdft€d i€€d yield of 1.15 1.16 and 1.2!t<br />

ha'r. Hith s€€d yield opFarcd to b€ associated wtth no of po&/pl.nt Kranti<br />

produced the hithBt oil yield 0.37 t h.r. IntE .nd Intra-rcw speints of 3OxZ5<br />

30x10, 30x1s.n of 45125, 45x10 .nd 45r15m werc evdud. The hith6t sed<br />

yield of 1-27 t har wls produ.ed frcn 3orzftn 3p.dn8, Th@ wa3 signilicant<br />

sed yi€ld Eduction wn€n inteFrcw splcing Ms iturcaed ion 30 io 45cm. Th€<br />

lowest sed yield of 1,13 t har wa3 prcduced Itum 45x1ft6 epactng, N€pati.<br />

(1t1).onducd.n erp€rinent in tte.abi se@n on day Io.n eil, gEw<br />

Bnsic. c.np€lr* hr o. T-9 soh in rcm 3{kn or 45cm !pa.t 6nerr. of<br />

uptak€ or N e K S ind Fe in.e€ds and stovq rrc LbutaH- Sowing in rcws<br />

10cn .p.n incrcaled N, B K S.nd F upbr.€ cohp.led with esn8 'n rcwt

Roy .nd P.'d (191) snrdied the grcwth amlFir of npe o. Sanpad, Ton-<br />

7 and TgZ Srown in rorc lt 3015 o.60cm apart and thim€d to give plant<br />

dasirie. ot 66.7,33.r 22.2 ^nd 16.7 phnls n-2 Fpelively. Above grcud dry<br />

matter incre.s€d with time wlra.r LN reached . p6* 52-39 .t.ys after<br />

sowi^t. Above ground DM deM*d but LAI inc@sed with incre.* in plant<br />

density, Crcp grcwth r6te b€foE aid ifter flowdiry net a$inil.tion rate, and<br />

leaf weight ntio beforc flow€nng and rcl.tive trcwth hE an.l sp

cv. PG.bol4 Kiant', varo$a .nd Ktiehne which g.v€ s€€d yield of 171, 1 88,<br />

1.69 and 1.47t ha'' with the.orrerponding oil contents of 40& 399 391 .nd<br />

38.8%. Row spacings of 22.5 30, 37,5 rnd 45cn gave *d yield of 1,44 183, 1 85<br />

lnd 1.64t h.n, respEtively, .eed otl conbnt wos unaffeted ty sPacing,<br />

ciwai,r,l (199t) @n hcted field kials in "Rnbi's4on to .s the<br />

iFp.ct of spacingt of 30, 45 ot 50.n on p€rfom.@ of nurhrd E'6id i!t@<br />

.v, TM-17 ttom<br />

itr day soil. sed and oil yield in@sed with N !rte, E{hin8 a<br />

plate.u at 75 kg hi ' dnd werc Sreat8i at the .losel tPacint<br />

Reddy and NaryaM 094) conducted .n exPerinent In wlnter by<br />

growing hustard ,8.6@ iltd cv V.Nna which wd ewn in rcws 20, 30 o.<br />

40(m Ap.rt Seed yield ws not aftud by dffercnl tP,.inAs<br />

Cuprz nnd Pdda (1t95) conducle.l 6.ld hial to study the ilfl!.ft€ of<br />

phnting gsnelay on yield attributa ad yield of hdian .aye 8. 4dFttis d<br />

PI303 w.s soM at decitis of 0.16 {.s0 nilion Plants/h..<br />

million plants/ha at the rcw sp.cing3 of 30x15cm E.ve<br />

A detuity of 0 22<br />

the hithGt *ed yi€ld of<br />

2.31 t whi.h wa3 not siSnific.ndy differcnt from Z3l toE obt ined with a<br />

deNity of 0.20 nilxon plants/ha (aor12.s.m sp&cing).<br />

NolEldin et r, (195) conducd field exPe.ihenr b Ercw raP€.v LirdPa<br />

and Csor, swn in hiu! 20, 30 or {ftm rpdt with 2 Pbnrs/hiu. Se€d .n.l oil<br />

yieldr weE hishst in Lnatpa with 30.m h sPacing.<br />

Dalai et 4l (1996) conducd experinent by sowing Bra$i.a junce. .v Pusa<br />

Bah.! and sown in rcws 25, 35 or,l5cm p.oduc€d s€ed yield. of 061, 0,66 and

0,52t hrr, rclpettwly, and war conclu.led th.! 35.m rcw 3Pacing tave the<br />

highct e€e.l yield .nd yield comPondb lite nudb.r of Po&/Plmts, no of<br />

AEiB/ pod w.e il$ noF .om P.Ed<br />

to 25 .nd 45\ m rcw rP.flntt<br />

Kum& 4.t (194 @nducned field exPdimots to !t!dy LAI clntiorchiP<br />

with sola..adiarion inreeption (SRI), dry nathet Prcdu.don<br />

.nd 3eed yield of<br />

lndian nuctard (8r@i@ i!re4), The rolar radiation inter.ePtion .n.l dry natte.<br />

prcdstion inc@sed lilrdly with ind.e in t-AL Althoogh mrxio@ l-Al sRI<br />

and dry n.tbr yields krc obt ir.d with 150 kg N/h. .n.l Pl.nt deEit of<br />

4,!4OOO planb/h. .t a[ the crcp PheioPh.ss<br />

The hithett st€d yield \@<br />

obtained with 125 ks N/ha .tu| pl.nt dentit 266000 to 333000 Plant/h.13 N<br />

levels (loo, l25.nd l5o kg N/h.),4 pl.ndns d€Eite (0.4'14, 0333, 0.266 ard<br />

0.222 uiluo! plants/h.), and row sPacints of 22t 30, 325 and 4sch<br />


Mudholkaf and Ahlawat (1961) cond!.bd 6n €xP€_ment by sowin8<br />

Bwttu @bpslris vat ydl\* seato& atdi@ taPd var glaue an.l ob*r€d that<br />

. dsig of 1661D0 plants ha! wG suPerior to drn[nt at 2k8 s€€d hal Thev<br />

repo.d tlui dry hatter .n.l nunbq of Pods/ Pl.ni imsed by 3owin8 in<br />

rcws 3ocm aPait Podttawka (1981) cotducted exPerinent on grey brcwn son bv<br />

growing winter npe

in.reased by imreasing the decity ftoB 15-22 and 4l Planb n-2 NAR w$ low<br />

.nd (CGR) coP Ercwth rate *s high .t highd Plant dsitv- CGR incrcsed<br />

with i|@dinA Pl.nt detuity. SinEh .nd Singh (1984) EPorted th't ircafing<br />

d€sity frbn 166000 lo 333OoO Pl..t h.i in E s€d th€ s€€d vield ot BBi@ ntPw<br />

v.r tona fron O92 to l,1l ton hnn Sinth .nd SinEh O96a) rcPord that toral dry<br />

matter dMularion in *d., stnw.nd tot l N and S rPtal@ by Toria (8t@id<br />

mp6) v Tona incrcas€d with incre.te in detuitv from 166000 to 333000 Pl'nt3<br />

Xunnr and GanEwar (1985) obterved that varyinE Plant desitv 'ffed<br />

the yield. A density of 33000 Pl.nt5 hai edu'ed the leld siSnificandy ove' the<br />

lowe.levels Plant d€Eity aff

Sierb .!d Geirle. 0944 studied rhe etrect of plant deEit on the yiel.l<br />

conporenb of winler rape with plint poprlation of 40, 80, 120 or 180 plan8 m-2<br />

at row spacing of 14, 31 or 41.n, Plint ddsity .IfeH no of po&/pl.nt,<br />

*ds/plant ald hence sed ield/plant blt row sp.cins h.d a much snau.r<br />

innu€ne on the .hecteB. SzzySiebti .nd Ow@El 0914 studi€d the<br />

effe.t of ihE .owing deFili6 80, 160 .^d 240 eds h' on fiv€ winter 6pe<br />

vari*i€s. The numbd of plant/qnit aEa r€.luced wlth incrcase'in sowing<br />

deNity p.rli.ularly in th. '0r bw @.i. a.id and glucosinolate. vanetiB yield<br />

components v.ried betwen ii.nd of diffeEnt dsity .lthough 100G*d<br />

weigh(, rcnained rclativ€ly coNtant The low*t yield6 weE obtrin€d at .l€n5ity<br />

.r d, G98E rcporbd that sed yield idd s€ed dil .ont nt of<br />

intluerced favou.bly at a plant deEity of more than 80 planb<br />

(1989) ndhred phnt deGina ol 7, lL 57<br />

fo. fora8e raF o Velor StEm di.neter, no of br.Eh6 no<br />

weidt w@ high4t with 50cn row Jpacing and 30cn plmt<br />

,), d.y natler yieLl wft Ngh6t with 167 plant m-2.<br />

Rtu .l rl (191) .ondu.lEd eip€rinat duut wints pen by srcwins<br />

t/6ifl .fur@" cv Pusabold sM .t a densitic of 66600, 10000 or 200000 pl.nb<br />

h{r. S€ed oil .ontent was umfe.ted by plant density, oil<br />

'aeld<br />

was hiSher a<br />

desiti6 of 100000 or 200000 th.n .t 65600 plants. N uptlke in reds and shaw

was sinilar an.l gmter tnan in Pl.nt3 sown .t 66600 Plants hr'- Rana el<br />

'l 0991)<br />

conducted e4€rinent d{ring wintet *asoD BBid i/tea 'v<br />

Prs' bold w:s<br />

som at 200000, 1OOO0O or 66600 Phnt! hi. S.ed yield from crcF Ebm at Pl'nt<br />

detuitis of 1O0OO0 o. 2OOOO0 weE sinilf .nd Ercate<br />

lhan fiom mPs gioM tt<br />

a density of 66600 Ptants h.1 w.ter ue ef{iciency wd hiAhst at Plant d€roitv of<br />

200000.<br />

Roy and Paul (1991) stldied the vield 'nd vield<br />

conPon€nb of r'Pe d<br />

sanpo.r, Ton-7 and T$72, Srown at densitiee of 66 2 33 3,22 'nd 167 Pl^nts<br />

n-2. Nuber of.lays to ihe shrt and eld of flowering wqe redu@d 't highg<br />


d€l.y.d 3owinE. On .n .vd8e, oil yi€td and n.t etum w€rc higtr6t wfth 3t<br />

300 plantr ha I .ft! loweE with 14 700 plantr h.i. pahkala.l al 094) conducted<br />

an exFrnent by sowint raF d. Topas, which wd EiEn 110 or 180 kg N har<br />

and 8rcwn 6t dflsiti$ of 15,520 planrs n ?. Plant d€sity wds varied by using<br />

fiv€ differcnr sowing ntes. DeMr pl6nt stalds produced thimer ald ,hortef<br />

Plants, lhe shortenint oc.ur in the pod,producing s€tjon of rhe main racene<br />

Further with increasiry ihnd deGity, nuber of bnnch* and ihe nunb.r of<br />

pods on br.n h6 and in the m.in h.€ne d6Re4 TheF changB in plant<br />

shucturc weE mdk€d at deFitis over 150-200 ptanrs n2.<br />

q Donovan (1994) condqcH tietd exFrin€lr to inGtig.re, rhe<br />

influ€ne ofC.nola cv, Tobtn ptant deNiry and row spa.ing on interf€rence froh<br />

Ta.tary buckwh@t PdlheteB 6rin.ted fo. both wed and .rop decity l|@<br />

signifi.ant bqt did not dif{e. betwen row sp.cingr. Wh€rc no Tarrary<br />

buckwh€at plants w€F plqt C.nola yield w.r litde afi6H by canota ptmt<br />

density. At a Aiven Tarhry bu.kwh€at demity, canola seed yield in(e.sed as<br />

plant decity irc@ed, None of the factoF 5itnifitutly afl@ canot. IOOG'<br />

6e€d weight o. oil o. prct in lev€ls in the @nota kd. The resutts suggeted that<br />

seeding canola to achieve a deEity of apploxinatety ao ptanrs m-2 wnl<br />

sitnificandy redu.e the inpact of weds o! canola F€14 rs well as reduce *€ed<br />

biomss 6n l se€d yiel.l.<br />

Bh.n r, rt (195) condu.ied field exp€rinenr to tind rhe efi€r of ptanr<br />

spa.ing .nd diRtion of sowing h Indian dustard (A,6sid inea)..Ihe pt.^r<br />


sp.cing of 15cm yield eignifi.antly U8he. than 25 a^.1 3lkm sPacing3 Morcover<br />

no thiming h€rtnent wa. not found favouGble to yield atttiblres .nd vield<br />

thouEh borh pl.!t ltand at nlturity and Ptant-h.iEht<br />

under this tr€aheni Dnetion of eowing did not differ signjficandy,<br />

w€rc oh*ryed hiEh€r<br />

oupta .nd ?and. (1995) conducd an exFrinent by lowiry ,r6t@<br />

drry6ti, d.PI-3(B wd lire town o. br@d@t .lv.rious sPa.inSt to give 160,<br />

000-500000 plante hr' rad yield ws hiEher wilh brc.d casting than lire rowing<br />

and wd highet at a dtuity of 220000 Pldb ha' (30115.n sPa.iryt). Huhr .nd<br />

&h6b. (195) invgtigrted the effe

cry..tv.ly ol .onhlt w!. ridu..d by dl. t'lgho pltut daruy otufd 0996) in<br />

fdd ttE d tLl, &m iF

3.1 SITE AND SOIL<br />


The expe.iments were conducted at th€ Agfonohic Rekar.h Area<br />

UniveEity of Agnculture, lais.lab.d, (31q.25 N 730.09 D for two s€.etu dlnnE<br />

199+!,'6.n.1 196-97. Th€ $il w . s.ndy.tay loam in textuR. BefoE ewin&<br />

soil te5i showed . pH of 8.13.2 ory.nic natter content from 0,73 ro 0.94X and N<br />

0.036-0.037 , I,os 6.+6.8 ppn 6n.l XrO 14&175 ppm in both the yea6,<br />

(Appendix 3,1). Melaorcl6gical d6f. for both the seasons were obt ined fron<br />

meteo.ologi.al station sihrad .t about one (m fron rlE b.l sib and pEend<br />

3.2 EXPERIMENT 1<br />

Efisct of lim€ and mte ot isditizer appticaiion on ihe grc*,rh, s€€d yietd<br />

and oil quality of canola (Brass,'ca ,apus) cv. Shiral€€<br />

3.2.1 O.stg,, Traalments.nd Crop Husbanatry<br />

Two field €xp€rimenrs with eithrq tiearnenrs and fo{r Rpli.aiiotu<br />

were .on

.) Tloe of Fdtitia Applic.don<br />

T1 - Full N (90kt) + Full P (50ks) rr sowing<br />

T2 = }t N (45kd + tul P (60k9) at sowins + % N (45k9) at liiFt iniSation<br />

T3 - 11 N (45td + rull P (60rd.t &wins +<br />

l') R.t of F.ldltza Applisdo!<br />

N<br />

(Kg har) (Ks h-')<br />

m00<br />

F1<br />

F2030.<br />

600<br />

F3 60 30<br />

t{ 90 60<br />

F5 120 90<br />

N ({5k) .r flowerint<br />

'q<br />

Plot 3ia war 2,7m x 5 m with . mw spacin8 of 45.n .p.rt in both the<br />

All pbrs w€E lown mdu.Iy with th€ help of r rinEle rcw h.nd dril on<br />

21 Octobef 199s and 1996 @ 5 k8 n.i. H.lf of the nthogen and tull phGphoru3<br />

fertilizr 6 appli€d ar a bdel do* .t th€ lde of se€dH prep.ntion .rd<br />

Emdnht hau at 6Ft iftigation anrt flowdinE, We& w@ colboued by hoelnS<br />

.n l plant prote.tion he.sms folowe.l .t ndod EomBen l.tioro.<br />


3,3,1 GroMh<br />

AU nesqrcnents reladnE to trwth and yield d.b werc rane in both th€<br />

*asoB. A rindonly *l€H a@ of 25 .n a 20 cm wf haw6d .t two wets<br />

inte al lrom €ach plot and was an.lysed fo. lef area and dry n.tter

..cumuhrion. laf .fta rB na6u!€d on a t€rt &er mete. (Licoa Model 3100).<br />

The le6f oh index (t-{D wat c.tculaled as rhe rado of leaf arc. to tand @a<br />

(Watotl. 1944. The leal @a dqndon (I_AD) ws 6tinad aeo.dinS to Hont<br />

(reE).<br />

LAD - (LAr, + LAr,) x (t-q)/2<br />

t-Ah and LA.l arc the ted .@ indie at tine h add r,, Bl€rively.<br />

Total dry weight was deremined after oven d.ying at TOoC until comrant<br />

weitht cbp gEwrh .!te (CGR) w.. c.tcutaH s prop@d by Hunr (r98).<br />

ccR - (w.wl)/ (t r')<br />

W1 and W2 .re the torlt

-<br />

:..<br />

/.4<br />

^<br />

2. Plant heitht at nrtqnty (n)<br />

3. N@b€r ofpods plint'<br />

4. Nunbe. of.€eds podi<br />

5. 1000{eed eisht (a)<br />

6. Bioloti..l yield (kg lt.i)<br />

7. H yFl.l (ts han)<br />

8. Hiflstin.l* (t)<br />

the proed@ 6ed for Bordin8 dara on .lirffeEnr @p p.lsebi! wu<br />

Numb€r ot Pldts m-.<br />

Nlnber of pLib Fr qit rM (61 in erh ptot at 3 randon poinb w.,<br />

.ounied at hrNest ard c.Lulated at n4.eordinCly.<br />

Pranr h€ight 6t malufly<br />

Twen9 planb w* sel*l€d .t !.n.ton trcn e..h ptor Their height w.3<br />

msund with the h€lp of . n€br rod .nit th€ dage height wd c.krr.t d.<br />

Numb$ ol po$ danr'<br />

Tobl nmbe of pods Fr bn End@ly al6H pt n6 fion ach plor<br />

w@ c@nH .nd dleI .veruE€d.<br />

Numb€r ot !€6G pod'<br />

Tl€ numbe. of reedr in.I rh. pods of b. plhts werc.ohd .nd rhen<br />

.ve.a8ed Pq Pod

ThE ranple. e.ch of 1000ae&, wft t ten at random ftoh rhe saed lot<br />

of 6ch plot *ethed .nd tleir oate ws c.tcdaEd.<br />

Eiologic€l yi€ld (kg htr)<br />

crcp wa3 h.red .t mlturlty, sund.ied .nd then weBhed with the<br />

helP of rp.ing b.lfte iD detedim th. iotil ttons plotr dnd thd .o eftd ro<br />

tunitied hiGo@ in ach plot tE thEhed n.nul,ly to |@rd {E sed<br />

yield plotl md then

Total niboten €ontent of r.mple wat delernined by aicro lietdahl<br />

nethod (AOAC, 1990). A 05 e of dded .nd fin€ly gound geple ws t ten in a<br />

kjeHaH flal witi 3 I of digertion nixture (HfOr + reSO!) i! the .!60 of 1:9<br />

wa. added foUowed by 20 nl of sulturic 6cid. The sahple was boiled in<br />

.tiEerion appnrnt$ for l.t2 houF til the.onbnt' lE.n€ d@f, The dig6r.d<br />

d.i.iiil w6 c@led rnd diluted up to 250 ml in . volumetric n.sk by .dding<br />

dietill wet€r. An aliquot 10 6l of thk was bansferred to the mj.ro kjeldahl<br />

dbtilation .pPlr.tur. It rc mir€d with tq d of 40* NIOH and distiued in the<br />

pGenft of 50 ng 2inc dust Aahonia thus evotv€d w6 .olterd in . BeiEr<br />

containing 10 nl of 2% boric acid tolution with metiyl red .r indicato.,<br />

The conienb of distiUabe werc riaad .EaiNt itandard sutturic acid<br />

(N/10 rbsol) to light pink cotor en

3.4.1 Design, Tfeattnents anal Crop Husbanc!ry<br />

The experisents w€re con

3,5,2 Yield and Yleld Components<br />

At matudbr .n a@ of 5h x 1,0 m war haryaH ofter teaving appropriare<br />

boideE and followina ob.€satioE werc eo.ded.<br />

1. Ilant population (m1<br />

2. Plant h€ight 6t maturfty (m)<br />

3. N{nber of podd plantr<br />

4. Nmb€r of s€.ds podr<br />

5. 1000{ed weitht (s)<br />

6. Total bicna$ (kE h.1)<br />

7. Sed yierd (kg han)<br />

8. Haret index (*)<br />

The pra€dure us€d ror Eordint d.ia on difeht mp pahmeters w6<br />

. same a3 .l€*ribed in Erpqinent 1.<br />

3. 5. 3 Q tal ity rr aa s u rem ents<br />

The nethods and p.dedu.6 for oit and proiain conienrs we.€ .ko th€<br />

tahe a6 d*cribed for the experinent 1.<br />


Tl'e p@led exF.im€ntal d.r. were anarys.d by usinE rhe nerhodology<br />

d€sribed in CIMMYT (19B8). The net b€netit .nd benelit{cr .alio werc<br />

c.l.ul.d .The purp@ of this alaly3is *as to datu.6e rhe difieqc in Gts<br />

and benetits for difteEnt lrqhrents . Net benefits werc caLula@ by subtracring<br />

the totll variable c@t fron the total benefits from each treahent .onbination.<br />

Input .nd ortput cct 60r each h€.lnent combimrion war convqr.d to Rs hrr<br />



lb d.L wa .t ftdcr|ly .|:t ry-d !y |tdrg fte mFd.r .lrdd..l<br />

Fllrun rdsr^l4 (8n d .nd l|nnn 1t6I Ar!/i. d r'|d@<br />

E ltd{E *@ .od.t d b 5 th. m|l dt!568 of t &h, wub<br />

D@l Nq rd!ffre &!!. (Drr$ br.t HI5 w! E l to c6Flr tL<br />




Efilct ot tn. ud tare of tbrdlts r appllcadon on ilE grcwth, .€.d yi.td<br />

dd oil quallty of canoh (a'|$rc. n.AA) cv, Shlllloe<br />


N€ithd tiaing tur rab of fertlia appliatbn signifirtt .rfRbd th€<br />

lind nuber of plmb at hde6r Ov€d[ a@hge numbq of plnfts mr ws at<br />

$out 15 in dl rh€ babMlt (rabb 41)<br />

4,1.2AROWTH<br />

4.12.1 LEAF AREA TNDEX (LAt)<br />

Tift of f€rtiliE .ppliatim ha.l m .ignifiot etr*t m LAI 8row6<br />

nr dq<br />

lul@t daiE iluing both dre *.m. (ApFndi€.42). liguE 4,1.b pr.6t d€<br />

lvdlge €fH of ditreMr rat6 of fertili4r npplidtim @ l€d 6E cudl duing<br />

both the grtrinA *.ga Tte LAI nER.*d slpldily b i6 ttta lfuimu v6le<br />

of2,56in199t qrl 249 in 199497 util15Imlrry hde6t dd thd dedin€d

T.U. ar: Dtr*t.fth. &d nt ott-rttE .ldi.dor o firtc otiur, F<br />

Tl=FullN+P.tbwbr<br />

T:l - 12N+ftlln e\|iC + l2Nn It<br />

T3 - lDN +i![F.t mwiog + trt N.r<br />

&<br />

m<br />

FI<br />

t:2<br />

FJ<br />

N<br />

60<br />

0<br />

90<br />

120<br />

o<br />

30<br />

30<br />

90<br />

6.1<br />

l9$96 l9G9<br />

la.?9 Ns<br />

14.79<br />

1478 NS<br />

t4.78<br />

t4,73<br />

14 80<br />

u.a2<br />

14,81<br />

NS<br />

ta,?9 Ns<br />

14.E<br />

t4,83<br />

14,?ENS<br />

t4.78<br />

I,l.8l<br />

la3t)<br />

h.a,<br />

14,81<br />

NS<br />

14.19 t4.80<br />

t4.19<br />

u.n<br />

14,81<br />

u,7a<br />

14.?8<br />

14.17<br />

t4.80<br />

14.&L<br />


i*<br />

I<br />

$xd !aD* 15Jr 15 lra<br />

Ib, +r. trf..r of{hi&tdint6 of f€di6 o t .f 1.. bdc of 6d<br />

dDrt (.) t99t96 &d o) t996.r?.<br />


€<br />

3"*<br />

,<br />

A<br />

€<br />

I<br />

al<br />

l3J.r,l.!51-.rF|<br />

rrta ,s!. t4r0<br />

Il3 4t. Ef.d of dltfdda i.as ot lirdlrrn o! &y w4lr ot c.nob<br />

dEils (.) 19+16 dd (D) 19,G97.<br />


dD.pV iGFti@ of tterttsd! Dunng *.tuE rE ttB (N@ber b Jmlary)<br />

l€.f !s al€v€lopmdt dbs Ia@ slow prcb.bly dE io lN bnIEntuE<br />

(ApFdn( 3,2). The€.Jter, tlaFr.ture ro€e dpid rares of LAt its€lopt6t<br />

mrEd. IIE shdp delnE of LAI towdil tt€ ad of *6m w6 .!*i.d with<br />

rlie er€irc of l€ava !hi6 phg€tllgM of LAI

eiiaed at 15 l$uary hdesr AU other lower fetdlipr appli@dd hres<br />

ituluding cmtol dld tutachide o LAI v6he of 30 durin8 the Eq^dr F i"d.<br />

ln 19546 Iuidu l,AI vd@ wft 1.73 in m, 235 in E2A in F2, 2.81 nr<br />

F3, 3.09 in 14 and 3.18 n1 15, pspe.tieely e 1s Imlary hder In 199@7,<br />

€quivalent fiauE rerc 1.51, 219, 1.9, Zz, 3.20 .rxl 3,33, Epafively alqring rIE<br />

The impoftfte of LAI6 ! .l€bBi6t of radiatton intereptim ha3 ben<br />

weu @snizd in 6etd mF imh.ting 8I6i.. (K@r .r d 199). Tl@ authoF<br />

Epord a It'E eLleship ber!,gr Udt idereptid.rd LAI in Br@i. ltrd<br />

fosal m optimu LAI of 3,11, whi.h i. Bimilrr to rhoe fourd h this stu.ly drnra<br />

tle nro *a9s (3,093.18 in 199!96 dd 3.203.33 ir 1969). h rhe pIegt .tudy<br />

etred d i@nng he d fen ia .ppudf6 @ dl6du LAI M .16 simit t<br />

to thrr rcporbd in Brcne 6y XuM.r.i 099) in In li! dd Atbt arrt l\,toram<br />

(197q h UnitEd Kingd@<br />

1.t.2.2 LEAF AREA OURATTON (tAD)<br />

Th€ LAD b 6 ihportant paIseier whi.h tuohrs borh rhe m8iihde of<br />

l4t d6 dil ib peBisitu in tift. Tor.l *,6al LAD rc tpr si8 ti66y<br />

.f&l by the Em of Hilia appu66on duinA both tlE y@E of dnl, .rd ir<br />

vdi€d from 128 to 140 day .dsrg tui@s timinEs of ferdtizer .ppti@tid<br />

IrE@,inE rabr of fertiliz! appll@tto[ howwd, .i6nifi@{y dd lirearty<br />

irctuFd tdnr LAD duling borh tne ffi Gable 4.2). Ii t99!% dE 15 O2O4O)<br />


T.bt. 42: Efi..t of tin. dd r.l. of totiliE tPpli..tion on L.f ds d(|aion<br />

Tl-FulN+Prtwilg<br />

T2 - 1,2 N + tutl P .t swiut + l/2 N tr ls<br />

T! = l/2 N + ftIPn sirs + l2N d<br />

l. f..tilid dt (tg l. ')<br />

N<br />

tjt 60<br />

l'2 0<br />

F 120<br />

LSD5%<br />

l0<br />

30<br />

60<br />

rrl.g dmld (lr.tt)<br />

199195<br />

l29.9lNS<br />

133.55<br />

135.96<br />

a3.8t f<br />

l19.J0 d<br />

t6t.6t b<br />

NS<br />

1996.''<br />

123.03 NS<br />

130.20<br />

t3l.al<br />

lt6.03 d<br />

138.72c<br />

t@.71\<br />

1?3,11|<br />

5.82<br />

NS<br />

r]3,18 129.E8<br />

Mos b lL. ..m 6t@ [!nE di&.ot bras rffi. igli6.dty .l (P < 0 05)<br />

09<br />

n4.97<br />

13r.9<br />

l3l_68<br />

86.85<br />

|1.76<br />

r08,8t<br />

140.09<br />


f ttIII<br />

I<br />

f lre<br />

ttlr<br />

tI ln<br />

"L<br />

ia It<br />

I,t €,1l r{.ft&ldr-erltrttdLdi-.|.frJ.r&<br />

ffir (' !g!rardO) t9art

€rrirs<br />

I<br />

€n<br />

atiattiaint.<br />

ldrrb(51<br />

rt' a,{rrcdtia r&'.!d-rr.{- -aHlrdr.a.d.r<br />

rt Fd.ddd.<br />


h6hEt q$sed LAD lhar .tt oth.r rate. ol lertillar .ppliotior Tle !0<br />

(6nhol hubht aave tne bw6r s'ml !AD, Sinit t rqd,in LAD<br />

8Mdaii@ woberved dftina 1996-97 aln G.ble 42). In 1995- sdbl<br />

LAD vatE weE 88.84 in m, 119,50 in aj" 111$ nr f2, 141,9 n1 F r6t61 h F4<br />

liil ?577 it.t! in lt €IErively, h 19tZ dE equihlar valc rep 84a7,<br />

116.@, 10613, 138.2 160.72 .rd 173.11 dayr Epedvdt Oveal a!@te LAD<br />

v.lu6 weE 13s.13 dars b 1995-96 .na U9.33 &y. in 1996'9, 6F1irv (Iabr.<br />

4.2). Kle dd Kondra (1986) rcpord tAD vatc at about @70 .lay. lbh<br />

rldffiin8 lo o.tutit h FF @p.<br />

W.t oi (1962) srcl{d€a lut l-AI d ib iibSnl er riE LAD ir . @Fr<br />

Incior rt€t dinina difi€rcs inyietd betw6 sF.i6o@ning dE 6oat@hic<br />

batmata sihiL t S..n .r 4t (1 ) FFrbd dlf LAD of on *ed rape ws<br />

.lodt r€lrlEd b LAl dd th.t lAI w6 SEtly ie6dd by rdroga npdireo,v a<br />

€utt sihibr to thlt fourd in thi! rtuily.<br />


Ca6ll)', t bl dry @ltE! GDM) dml,lid q*i Ed ro ilElEPunil<br />

25 Febffry hdr.t in 6oe! rhe s@ (Fig 42 .b) dd rna rn* w. d..ay<br />

delire 6dl fi$I n r!e!. (6 AprX), nEpedre of rrqhErs Sjrni!, SrcwOr<br />

ffi d lDM tuLrid in &!gid cFp wa Elotud Dy orhe6 (56r.r d<br />

197J; 416 dd Mdga|, 195; le&boa 190), LEEEftB rrE o, tuitis<br />

apprictim {F5) .mDiared siSnfidrly su{tr Mb d DM rh4 dE mrrot

(F0) d ltrd rate€ of ferdli4r appxodm Fr,r4) in both tte yds of dudy (Fit<br />

{.2!b). The ditre@ nr TDM rMuhrim bet$Er !4 .td F5 r,strsrb rerg<br />

hwmr, rchdv€ly 6aI durhs dly *66 gwfa (upro 15 Ieury h.re6q nr<br />

bodr dE gm Irl 19t% at 618l hrct the avq.ge TDM yGld rc 849.50 in 10,<br />

1010.80 nr FL 9S.55 nr F2, 16a50 h P3r 1dt.70 nr 8l .rd U69.50 a ar in F5,<br />


At fiMl ft!r6! 6e avenge TDM yield oI the prest study vart4d lrm<br />

10.2 t lur in 19lqt b 9-5 t lEr in 19697,,rd it ituRsed upto 11.2 th.r with<br />

iftrcdd€ ate of feriilis (fq app|n dd TIE TDM yi€ldr c aihiLt lD thoe<br />

1G14 t har rcportail in dE liGrlture (4116 ond Moryr4 195i ANe dd<br />

S.disbridc 1995; GammUvrd et .17%) tle*inAet.l1997) K@ ct tl194.<br />

1.1,2.4 CROP GROWT|I RATE (CGR}<br />

TtE titu of fertilter application had no signififfit effe.t @ t!16 CGR in<br />

both dE ffi G.!L rL3). lll avd.ge OGR vdi€d froh 220 to 281 E 6n .lr<br />

dmg vdiow ti4ings of feriilt€r appliotth The rate ot hilis applicatio|/<br />

howd€r, eignilidtly and li@ly in@*d CGR in both the m (Iabb {.3),<br />

Mlim6 CGR wa prcdued !y tt€ tuinm hte of fertili?E application (t5) in<br />

boti dE gac IlE Lrw€*CGR wa rh('h by the.@lrol (m) tebEt<br />

OvehLl, 6vda8€ CGR vdied fr@ 7.80 g m, iF in 199#5 tD 7,b g^a dl 'i79t-<br />

97, sPefively Gable 4 3).<br />

rIE inbletif bet 7qr iimin8 dd at€ crf f€ izrim ap l-nq .f,aring<br />

CGR l@ signifi@t in bodr dE s$r CLbl€<br />

4.4). TIE intenctid s\ow€d thnt<br />

CGR wa 6i8niftddy ircre.sd at hider nle of ferdliz€r .ppuddoa lrrcE?eEve<br />

of lift of fenilia 6ppli@tion duri$ 1995-96 li @trBl in 19t97 the COR w6<br />

uEihu with ltattmt (mbiutid of T3 T5 whee the value 16 8,35 q mn dr.<br />

In thb study average CGR valu6 wied Ircm 280 b 7.25 gde dr in lodr

Trbl. 4.3: Ell4r ol rlb. .dd nt oa f.rd&a .ppnc.dd o qop govlh r.r.<br />

Tl = Full N + P.t ioei!8<br />

T2- l/2N+n P!leBhg+ l/2N.tLt<br />

T3 = 1,, N + ftll P.| erirg + rAN.r<br />

E FddlL6..r. Or !.)<br />

FO<br />

FI<br />

F5<br />

r-sD5%<br />

N<br />

0<br />

60<br />

9t)<br />

IN<br />

P<br />

0<br />

30<br />

60<br />

cor greiii nt.C !i d1<br />

t99+4 t b-91<br />

7.81NS<br />

?.81<br />

6.45 t<br />

7.10.1<br />

3,23 b<br />

0,09<br />

7.80<br />

7.20NS<br />

7,31<br />

6,11f<br />

7.01, d<br />

?.65 b<br />

3.12.<br />

0.07<br />

Mdl h tL ,@ @bd twils.t&Er idddie. 'ianmory.r (P 3 0.05)<br />

" = Si!Di&{t n (P s ool)<br />

. - Siglldc. n (P < 0.0J)<br />

76<br />

7.50<br />

1.53<br />

1.55<br />

7,35<br />

7.11<br />


Irbl.,l.4: Th. iois..tior b.t*.e tio..!d mte olfdtilit r {Plic.tion rfl'dltg<br />

aop !rd.[ dt duitr! r9r+t6 rd |99Ar'<br />

IIFO<br />

TIFI<br />

TIF2<br />

TIF3<br />

Tl!4<br />

lIFJ<br />

T2FO<br />

T2FI<br />

72F2<br />

T2F3<br />

T2t4<br />

T2F5<br />

T3m<br />

T3FI<br />

't3F2<br />

T3F5<br />

lsD 5<br />

199+96<br />

6,65 r<br />

1.66fA<br />

1.4h<br />

6.35j<br />

7.11f<br />

7.5r C<br />

8.95.<br />

6.36j<br />

8.02 dc<br />

,.26 b<br />

0,16<br />

t99€v,<br />

1.0t I<br />

166 d<br />

6.40j<br />

6.99 f<br />

6.?8 8<br />

&|lb<br />

6..6 ij<br />

7.00f<br />

8.15 |<br />

0.u<br />

MaB itr dc a@ .ol'n n viig dft.qi Lnos i6tr r dgiif..ltlv d (P < 0-0r)<br />


the *,9'B similar g@th nb d be cLdlb.I fo@ lhe dah 6 TDM in<br />

BrNi@ Epp, rcporH by vdid3 autlolr m46@d dliei Re6t work in<br />

Austodn by Hcldn8 .r ., (1 on bF6io ard efu|,. 6lw.d [!l4q g|ddt<br />

ntEs (1C15 E 6, dr) durnu dE pedoil tetw6 dth€is ed Murnry, How€G,<br />

avqag€ CGR v6l@ of the p'€gt dudy t1@ rihil,r tD the |€aae val6 (&lO<br />

grP dt) ol Alhn anil MorE6(195) wo dng h dE Udled Xnladon<br />


No signi6iLut difemr in M NAR w* .@red b€tw6 vdi@s<br />

lihings of ferfiliE applilE@ in bo{h the e.Fm Clbte 45). Ir! @b.4<br />

i@ing rate o( fer!:liar applietid 3ignifi6tt Edu.€d NAR tm @ttot (F0)<br />

or r@€r r.tes of f€n ia applicltim (Fl-Fl). caEally rhe diffffie in lEe<br />

NAR bet||e Fl m.l 15 w@ sEll ,td lM siSriiimr in both rh€ g3s In rhis<br />

atldy !ll:@n l NARvdued wft ?,F g^t d-1id79s5.96 mA7,66 g m" dr in 196<br />

', 6p66dy Cr6bb aq, whdr N dmitar b tE .vedge hrE of NAR (6 E or d<br />

r) rcporte.r fd a rd8€ of tup€ in d€ litenturc (Hun! 199). K.& arxr Kon

T.bL 45: Efct of tiD..rd t offdtillt r.ppl4rlio! o! n.t..dojt 6on r.lt<br />

Tl = Frll N + P.r e*n8<br />

T2 = l/2 N + nrl P.r &filg + l,2N !r lC<br />

T3 = l/2 N + 6r(P.r swing + 1,,2 N rr<br />

E. Fdrilid nt os t ')<br />

N<br />

Fl 60<br />

F20<br />

!5 120<br />

L-sD'%<br />

0<br />

30<br />

3o<br />

60<br />

90<br />

r{.r .riD&tLr Er. (t D'd )'<br />

r995.96 199G9<br />

8.t7 NS<br />

1.91<br />

7.15<br />

6_69 d<br />

0.39<br />

NS<br />

1_95<br />

7.74 NS<br />

7,65 7.14<br />

8.42 b<br />

?.13d<br />

5,25.<br />

0.38<br />

Mdr h tL @ @lI@ hebs ditrEdt L.t B diea iglnislv .t (P < O.O5)<br />

7A<br />

NS<br />

7.61<br />

9.81<br />

a_22<br />

8.J9<br />

1.30<br />

617<br />


1,1.3 Yield .n.t Yldd Comp€nants<br /> PLANT HEIGHT<br />

Dab rcg.rding pLnt lEigl* 6 a@ by vdio@ tsrlErs .r @ruiiy<br />

* giv6 h Tlble 4.6. Plrnt height w6 mt siAnituntly .fferEd by rhe rire of<br />

tuilia appliati@ in both th€ sss, ard itvdir.t b€rw6 2(E2, h uma<br />

variG tiIF of fertili,er applicatid, H@ever ra6es of feriilt€r appli@tion<br />

pl,nt h€ight nr bo{i tlE sgs ln 1995-96 ss|,<br />

impding nla of N dd P applicatid (FGFs) rigtifi@rdy drEnGa plhr heidr<br />

aer othq nt€. of fenilia nppliorix irruding @bbl (F0) lrahrab H@ad,<br />

F4 (9060) trattHt wad 66tistioly at pd in pLnt heidt ro 13 (6G30) t@hn@r<br />

'Ilp ava8e pLnt IEiSht vdi.rt 6om Z13o in fO b 227 m in F5 tre.ra.rt w h .<br />

't'6 varE of 2.20 m (Iabl€ 46). Bquivalqt v.ru6 of pLnt heidt in 19692<br />

vdi.d lm 1.9h in !O to 214 m in F5 tatlag r h . llls v.l@ of 2O7 6<br />

fr.bk 4,o). l,l,xidum heght of 2,rl n w6 rsrded d 85 (120 LE N, 90 tg hos)<br />

tatrat whi.h w6 riafatially at p.r with !a ({-60) .id tg (6G3O) 6er6lia<br />

hba O!€m!, plmt h€i8ht w6 high€r h 199546 thd in 1969.<br />

GaEdly hMnnt nb. of fertilia lpplt..rDn nEEed plat heigl& .<br />

rdlt Bimilnt b other wor&€6 (Chdq ., .t, 1995 , Ali.r ,l 1996; kl@ti $d klfta<br />

196; Th,.kuriA .rd Goaoi, 196Ic/@ .t 4tt94t),

T.bb 4,6: Enr. oa riD. e.t na. or a.rriL.. .prflc|aro! or !r.!r !.ghr<br />

r- Ti@ or.pptiqd;<br />

Tl=FulN+ptrewilg<br />

T2= U2 N + ftl P.r s*h! + t2Nn tr<br />

T3 = L N + irti p rl swilg + V2 N.r<br />

x. Fqdtie rtc (Lr [.-r)<br />

Foo<br />

N<br />

Ft<br />

F2o<br />

60<br />

F4 90<br />

F5 t2o<br />

!sD5%<br />

P<br />

30<br />

30<br />

rb tr istrr ( r)<br />

r99t96 19,641<br />

2.l9NS<br />

2.2A<br />

2.21<br />

2.13.<br />

2.l8 cd<br />

2.U6<br />

2.06NS<br />

2,07<br />

2,08<br />

t.99d<br />

0.0J<br />

NS NS<br />

2.20 2.07<br />

T,:T," ": T -t- "* di&ar r.nd di,ft. ds-Ec.n, .r (p j oo5)<br />

a)<br />

2.t2<br />

2.t4<br />

2,14<br />

2.6<br />

2.ll<br />

2,t)9<br />

2,t4<br />

Lt9<br />


4.1,3.2 NUMBER OF PODS PLAN]'I<br />

it is ai.tat 116 dE dats (r6bb 44 dlat 6e nurner of pods pla*r r@<br />

mt significdtly .tul by dm of fddlia .pplicatid in boih the eqE, and ir<br />

wie.l b€tw6 429.39523,50 monE vdios len is al'trlicldd tims Horerer,<br />

signifidt diff.@ in the mn$er of pod! pLntr w@ obefl€d .t6g vdios<br />

f€rtitzr rate&Tlp nuhber of po.b pLntr w6 !t rs*d li@ly with n|@sing<br />

db5 of N dd P upb Pl (90-60) t6hEt in b..n the dld 'tl*Efbi, it slighrv<br />

d€lircd at high€r rab (F5) of ftrtilirer lpplicatim in both the *alm In 199596<br />

&prer!{@ 44.@,490,@, 52633,6@33 dtl 583.50 poals phntr in m, Fl, F2' !3, H<br />

ard F5 appuodd nter epdtEly. Equiv6lat figrc in 199G97 weF 351,33,<br />

C9439,3a433, 451.66, *.76 a](149333 pods pl,nt' Espedvely i^199@7 w<br />

(r.ble 44. Hmod, in both ye.re F4 (9G@) b&hlst pr.ducd signifio. ly<br />

hide' N6ber of pod6 th6 all other betduti Th€ hiEhd nqber of ?od6 h thig<br />

trahEt w LrEelt' d@ ro higlEr LAI. thEusholt devdop@r whih o{!.d<br />

8ldtel nqhberof pods being.aied by dh inflot*me.<br />

Irie rc$lrs @ in lire with tho* repord by Ni{h 0997) who also<br />

Ptbrd tlut iftI6ing the hb of N fe.tilia. oi irr8atim mbr inc€ed pod<br />

mmba 4er .6trol tr4bm!<br />

A si&nifioit inbn ria bert a ri@ of fertilid appliatim md vdi@s<br />

fddli*r applicatid .ate! affeting nqber of pods pLrtl was signilicmr in 1996<br />


T.bL4.7r EfiEtof tio..!dr.toolfqlillrd.pplictrio! o!nonbdof pod!pL'<br />

Tr=n|llN+P.twba<br />

T2 = V2 N + tull P d s*bg + ln N.t ld<br />

Tl = L2 N +tul P.r $wbg + l/2 Nrt<br />

B. Fdtiliar r.t (Lg h. ')<br />

N<br />

m0<br />

FI 60<br />

F20<br />

F3 60<br />

F5 120<br />

rlD5%<br />

0<br />

30<br />

l0<br />

60<br />

506.4! NS<br />

523.50<br />

5t9.83<br />

123.00 r<br />

490,33 d<br />

5 .33.<br />

608.31|<br />

58t.50b<br />

NS<br />

r99G91<br />

430.00 Ns<br />

132.04<br />

429.13<br />

351.3!f<br />

3q,33 d<br />

3a4,lt.<br />

451,66 c<br />

4tt.33 b<br />

6.80<br />

516.t8 430.45<br />

Mas i! t[. 9D @hrd lNi4 di&*al Lri6 dilfta jliii@tlv .t (P < 0 0r)<br />

. - sislifcor .r (P < o.ot)<br />

e<br />

,16&20<br />

414.54<br />

38t.t6<br />

142.33<br />

426,16<br />

4E9,00<br />

557.54<br />


T.bl. !.8: I1. inth.rior b.rr&n ri!. r.d Er. of fdtitid .pdcrdo! ,rh.ri!g<br />

Nnbq otpodt Dt lt-rdurtns t99C97.<br />

Ttm<br />

TIFI<br />

TIF2<br />

TIF3<br />

TIF4<br />

Ttnr<br />

T2FO<br />

T2TI<br />

T2t'<br />

lltP3<br />

T2F4<br />

l2FJ<br />

T3FO<br />

r3F2<br />

T]F4<br />

r-sD 3%<br />

NMbq ot Po& Dt !a<br />

1996-9'<br />

38{ f8<br />

45t.00d<br />

49l.mta<br />

'lt:00€<br />

3,13.00 |<br />

198,00.<br />

338.00 4<br />

457_00 4<br />

5t5.25.<br />

353.00ti<br />

389.004<br />

381,00t<br />

It.78<br />

Mtus i! rh. !|h. cohro hsiog d&an id..s di&, dsrr*c|!,r, n (P s O05)<br />


97 (t6bL 48). M,*nm Mber of pods pirnt: (515.5) wE @rded in'I2 F4<br />

t6rr6t @dbiFtim whih w6 db$r&lly at P.t with 13 14 tEthst<br />

mbnDtid (5O7.m). The treabndt chbnetbE of T2lO otd T3m Save the<br />

low€5t nuber of pod! pld|tl Gable 4.8). o!€Erl '6 n@tld ol !od. Pltntr<br />

rc 51658 in 19ry6 nrd !G0.!(' in 196t7, Fp€tGIy.<br />

Simillt r@lt! w@ reporbd by My rdk r who .160 rcPord thrt<br />

imre6ing N .rtl P applicar@ r.hes significailty arre@d the nuaber of Pods<br />

pbnrr (Mudho*at md Ahlamt 198L 8.s* d .i 1990; f.ipai .t 4/ 192 chaulE!<br />

et alTW; AJnEswd.t d79C Bislhoi ddSingll 199,<br />

it.1.3.3 NUMBER OF SEEOS POU'<br />

IIE Fslb Fnbl€ 49 dE&ttil ttut the numbet ot seds Podn wE rct<br />

si8nifidqy .ff

TtbL ,Lg: Efiea oa ald. urt rt ol fqdrbc .lPliotto! or ldbs olt...L pod''<br />

Tl-FrIN+P.!@ina<br />

T2 = r,2 N + nrlP.t Nina + v2 N rr !d<br />

T3 = l2 N + frl Pr eiog + r,'N.r<br />

B. Fdtiltc r.a Gg hr')<br />

N<br />

Fl 60<br />

F20<br />

FJ 60<br />

F5 120<br />

LsD5%<br />

P<br />

0<br />

3o<br />

30<br />

60<br />

'.<br />

18.15 NS<br />

18.40<br />

18.75<br />

16.69 d<br />

r8.55c<br />

l.3d<br />

NS<br />

r9*9<br />

l7.39NS<br />

11.29<br />

l?.61<br />

t4.29 f<br />

15,8?.<br />

16.9,1rl<br />

l?.89c<br />

20.88 !<br />

18.76b<br />

0.42<br />

18.41 t7.44<br />

Mas b 6. $o 6bd i&irg rti&.d L'dn| & dslf..ltly .l (P < o05)<br />

. = SriSDifEt .r (P < o.o5)<br />

t1,71<br />

11.u<br />

t&la<br />

t4.80<br />

16.28<br />

18.19<br />

2t.32<br />


T.bl.4lO.Th.i .r.cdor b.tw.e! tiu. rld r.t orlstiliz.r rpplic"lio! af4d'g<br />

ludltd of ..dt Pod 'dui4 r9tcgr.<br />

TlFO<br />

Tl!r<br />

1rF2<br />

TIFS<br />

Ttt4<br />

TlF'<br />

T2FO<br />

T2FT<br />

TZI'<br />

'f2F4<br />

'r2n5<br />

T3FO<br />

T3FI<br />

T3F2<br />

T3FI<br />

T3F4<br />

T3FJ<br />

IsD 5%<br />

r9*lrl<br />

14.84 ij<br />

16.25 fE<br />

l?.96 d<br />

20.22h<br />

r18.04d<br />

13.8t t<br />

l5.lJ !i<br />

t6.?9 tb<br />

'2t,19.<br />

t4.23 iL<br />

l6Ol gh<br />

l6.9Ed<br />

' t8.05d<br />

2t.rt.<br />

, 19,210<br />

0.74<br />

M.u i! llc 5.e.o1,@ hrvna ditr 'ar lldd di&. lisliliddv.t (P

otler ra6$ of f€niliEr applicatim SimiLrly 15 (12tr90) ttehiat wa al$<br />

sFdor in the nqber of Fed. loCj thdr the lower nt 6 of fertilia appli@tio<br />

Gabb<br />

4,9), Ovaall.whge nub.r ot *erld podr wa 18.,(l in 19996 atd 17.43 in<br />

19697 set Bperivey (Iabh 4.9). Ih€ hi8ha n6ber ot *d. !t higlpr nles<br />

of iertlrer appli@tion wft prcb.bt brcqht by the gebt nub€r of Pod! .ttd ot<br />

*€& podrt a fo{flr hy AUen .nr Mo€s (195).<br />

The iniera.tid tEtw6 t@ &til ob of brtlizr .PPtidlh durin8195<br />

97 sletil that tEinu mhlq of *ed8 podr (2.13) wE fouttd with l3F4<br />

b6hr6t odbi tid Thb ws liAtiltiol|y Pd<br />

nt tc nu6tq oI !€€dlwilh T2<br />

f4 tr6b!.r .dbnudn Minihd nMbd of *e& Dodr ws rcbd with T2 m<br />

trahEt odbiddd .t 1381 0.ble {10),<br />

C€ml}y, fertls .ppli@td h.Eed th. Ntber or ledt Podi wilt<br />

ilrfuhg ierlilireB le!€16 of appliodn SldtdLt n6tE of *.d. Podi in<br />

BEno ,pP. lru rcpo.i.d by od€6 (Alln qd Nkngn\ 1972; \ .t at lm;<br />

Scarisb'n .l .l 1S0, LiFi ., d 194 Chauld ., .l 1995). vulioud (1974) t@dd<br />

foutd tlEt itr.tqe in dL of .pplid nitoSa deMed d€ nhber d ed. fDdr.<br />

ThB d!.ly.l$ 3bM a 4stili.rt

ediea b€f}!@ z%.3.O7 A/10m*e& .mong vdioue ldtilizr appliotid tima<br />

In 199546 so stnjlidrt dntr€r!|@ w Krd€d in 1m+e

T.bL 41r ! Ed.ci of riD. rld r.l. of fcdltr .pdic.alor d llxl(l...d t itht<br />

Ir - FullN + P.t -r 4g<br />

T2 - l/2 N + fill P rr owiig + l/2 N rt Id<br />

T3 = l/2 N + frl P |r3o*ing + IDN n<br />

B, Fddr&.i r.r. 0(t h. )<br />

N<br />

F0o<br />

Fl 60<br />

t3 60<br />

F5 120<br />

lsD5%<br />

0<br />

30<br />

60<br />

90<br />

19+95 199{.9<br />

1.05 Ns<br />

3.04<br />

3.O7<br />

2.17 f<br />

2.4t.<br />

2,94 it<br />

3.09c<br />

3.28 b<br />

oo5<br />

296NS<br />

2,94<br />

2.99<br />

2.7a I<br />

2.91.<br />

3,08 b<br />

3.18r<br />

0.03<br />

NS<br />

3.06 2_98<br />

M.$3 hO. @ con@ lebs dift(.dt l.o4 diftr i!!i6Ntt.t (P < 0.0t)<br />

.. - futri66t r (P < 0.01)<br />

NS = Nm dgricFnr<br />

a9<br />

3,OO<br />

3.01<br />

3.(Xl<br />

2,14<br />

2.Al<br />

2.<br />

3.08<br />


.bh d.12r Th. btorctto! b.iwd lia..!.1nt of fddts '9pli'riioo ttreddg<br />

l00G'..d {.idl dailg 1995-96.<br />

Tlm<br />

TIFT<br />

TIF'<br />

TI!"J<br />

TIF4<br />

TIF'<br />

T2.FO<br />

T2F1<br />

T2F2<br />

T2FJ<br />

T2F5<br />

T3FO<br />

T3FI<br />

T3I'2<br />

TIFJ<br />

T3F4<br />

T3F5<br />

lslr 5<br />

uo...d r.tl|c)<br />

19996<br />

2.75v<br />

2.80F<br />

2.90 Ci<br />

3.04.f<br />

3.50.<br />

1.35 t<br />

2.80jr<br />

'2.8t !<br />

2.95 C<br />

.3.11&<br />

3.35 bc<br />

t.70 d<br />

2.7E*<br />

2.86 lii<br />

2.99 &<br />

' 3.40 b<br />

3.30c<br />

M@r i! d. i.tr coh@ ltiry dif!.d latd di&r igrin@dv 'r<br />

.7l<br />

(P 3 O05)

prcdu.ed by the m tehEt (olibiMlior|!,<br />

aPPlia66 clabb 4r4.<br />


irres?(We of tim oI leftl4r<br />

trr both w tic of fdtilia applidtim did not .hq sianifiqr efet<br />

d 6nat bioloSi.al yi€ld, (otnw + *ed) 6id it vai€d frcm 9t59.@ to 1065,38 ka har<br />

dm8ntioc tic of fertlia.ppl+-sm G.bL 413). ttows€r, hiah.r f€riilia<br />

appli@dm hb (Fs) .ign{im0y d.l lin@ly irE@*d bioloEi.dr yield @d lower<br />

nbs of fertiliar .ppliotbn in both the w In 19546, 6rut hiologic.r *dd h<br />

f0, n, F2, F3, F4 ond 15 trahnqb wa 8495,@,7@0A.25, qgO.V, 7c635.?3,<br />

797y7.77 ard u@s.49 kC hal FsFdrery. Egsiv.lat v.rs for th€ t9S7<br />

ss rerc qqj33, E2AL65, 8W.63, 9A5LB,<br />

md 10680,6 ka lDi,<br />

'g)4,C1<br />

E6petiwly (Iabie 413). o.mll tE 6irul ttokaidl /EI& mrc dsed fbh<br />

1023218 Lg har in 195+6 io 95m.12 lE hai h 1s9697, EFcri@ly (Iabte {13).<br />

Ilp inEracti@ betwq tire dtd ob of ferliliar apptidbd a66iht<br />

biolo8ic6l yield {6 digdfi@rl ln both th€ tqs of sbrdy (T.ll€ 4,14). In 195-96<br />

Gi'$a biological yieLl w6 obbnEd flu hi€hd r.te of fedia +pln-tiqr<br />

irEspa'ti@ of &re of ferulia appliotim In 199647, lowd€r, hiSher f.rtifber<br />

.pPli@tim ni. (lt prcdued Isi6u biologicat tield but dt .a It f€nilizr<br />

aPPliadm Ehing CLble 4141 Thir w6 folbwed by T2f5 hEtllqt combiMriq<br />

whnh dDw€d hidE biologicl yield

Tnbr. 4,13: Elf.ctortin. rnd nrc of l{dllar.ppli..aio. on lin.l biotogi.rl<br />

(!ir.r€.cd) ti.ld<br />

aioh!|..{rEu t..d)yidd (tr h.<br />

t99t96 tgror1<br />

'll =FullN+Prlewitrg<br />

T2 = U2 N + tull P.. $whS a 1,2 N tr h<br />

T] = U2N+tullPdwi,r!<br />

a.<br />

LSDs%<br />

90<br />

t20<br />

o<br />

30<br />

l0<br />

90<br />

93l4.tt NS<br />

rot6r.t8<br />

r0r6t.38<br />

8495.09 f<br />

r0l08.25d<br />

t051t.73 c<br />

ro79?.I b<br />

! l6tt,49 t<br />

48.63<br />

9459,00NS<br />

9526.09<br />

8{93.13 f<br />

920t.6t d<br />

9852.28c<br />

t0o4{.9t b<br />

10680,69a<br />

108.20<br />

t0237. t8 9510.t2<br />

Man. ii th. sft @lutu hrvn8 dif.Mt Lin6 ditr . dllifcdly n (P s o.o5)<br />

'!<br />

'<br />

= Significon(.r (P3 0.01)<br />

. Sigrificmt .r {P< 0.0t)<br />

i6.61<br />

9Ut.6t<br />

988t.r6<br />

a49a.2l<br />

9654.95<br />

t0194.00<br />

t042.01<br />

ll 188 09

'lrbl.l.llrTh. ini.riction boiwcen tin. rnd<br />

TIFI<br />

1rF2<br />

TIF3<br />

TIF'<br />

1Zl:0<br />

T2FI<br />

'12F2<br />

12Fl<br />

't 2F4<br />

T215<br />

T3FO<br />

T3FI<br />

T]F2<br />

13Fl<br />

13F4<br />

T3[t<br />

L5D5%<br />

.fiftrine blololidt ]i.ld du.lng<br />

r.t. of ledliz.r.ppli.itio.<br />

Bioloric.l Gul+!4d) yi.ld (ks b. )<br />

r99996 1996-97<br />

4141.25A<br />

835? 2l lr<br />

10264.25.<br />

9854.0t I<br />

10812 J5 b<br />

3336 82 lr<br />

1052t.00 d<br />

r034l.l2b<br />

r87.50<br />

8580.2t k<br />

9213.43a<br />

al t t.23 j<br />

84 t0 2t I<br />

9190Itg<br />

a9l5.2t j<br />

93?5.t4 f<br />

8490 16 |<br />

9201.399<br />

932t ltf<br />

r00J0.2trl.<br />

r09?0.1r!<br />

a42Z<br />

Matr! 'n rl'. {ft.olumn I'NiD8 difrcdt tct6 difa 3iArifienrty i (p j o01,

GaEnlt, TDM yi.ld iru!€d with iftEd,g nr€ of ferdrer .ppliodoD<br />

a Ealt 3inilar b rhat epord by orheF (K!!w.r .t 1992 Heting r, ., 1994. An<br />

avdage TDM yield ol 9-5 b 1O2 t hli @hF6 fs@hbly wirh dE seag€ TDM<br />

yield (1G12 t har) r€ported by A[en ard Morgd (1975) h the Urubd rcnsrrm<br />

md Hcldng d dl (199) in Aurtralia Kufu ,i .t (199) wdking in lndi,, Eporbd<br />

lilEl'tDM yield of 9 to 10 t lb: in bud.td.<br />

{.1.3.6 SEED YIELD<br />

TlbL 4.15 6hsril drat OE mh e{fet of tire of fertiliar applic.rid d<br />

e€d yieltl w6 nm signifi@t in bolt the w md it rdng€d tom 15@27 ro<br />

15E9 kg har amE vdi@ ti@s of f€rtitiar applicatid lrr:|@ing ral€ of<br />

diliar appli@tm riAoifidily at6ed €d yield @. lowd nt6 of ferritia<br />

applidtid in b.dr dE s.ia Th€ Mimm ab of f€n ia .ppti46d f5 GZr<br />

90), h*s€./ .igrifidtly decrcie

T.bL a | 5: Eficr ol tin. !d r.(. ol ad.lhq .pP[.!do! otr $d ,t ld<br />

Tl =Fu[N+PdmeioS<br />

rrt+r6 rt9e9 M-!<br />

lJ89.ooNS rJOS?INS l"t3!'<br />

T2 - 1,2 N + nrl P.t $*i!a + l/2 N ..lr 1J83E3 150127 154355<br />

T3 = l2N +tulP.r swios + l,2N tt 158633 1506,69 lt465l<br />

!, r..drbE r... Gi L.r)<br />

Ft 60<br />

820<br />

F3 60<br />

F 120<br />

LSDtY.<br />

1a<br />

30<br />

60<br />

r|en l l..a,lli lltt:il<br />

f Jms! d 1401.2t. 1451.19<br />

1613.33 c l5t5,8t o 1614.59<br />

1a28.00 | l?2E,61. 178.30<br />

rr80.33b r692.22h 1136.27<br />

9.42 t4,15<br />

NS<br />

1586.t8 1506 22<br />

Mqns ir tt. ere €otum hivitrs ditr rcor 1.fi6 ditra sislifi@rly .t (P < 0 05)<br />

.. = SiEifi@iltt (P < 0 0l )

T.b!. .rG Th irt-.d.r bchi- du rld nb .f ftir|l.. .0!nd{.o .fi..d|<br />

nd yidd Gr i.n) d!rh! 199+9f<br />

S..d yldd G! h&)<br />

TIFO<br />

TIFI<br />

TIF2<br />

TIFJ<br />

TIRT<br />

TIF5<br />

T2m<br />

T2FI<br />

T2F!<br />

T2FJ<br />

TzFI<br />

T2F'<br />

T3F()<br />

TSFI<br />

T3t2<br />

T3FJ<br />

T3F'I<br />

13F5<br />

tsD 3*<br />

t99t96<br />

t233.00j<br />

Itn&u<br />

r501.@E<br />

lt0l.lI'.<br />

t|a5.t o.<br />

r1n.@ I<br />

t23t.ooj<br />

L9.@hi<br />

l$(I(I| I<br />

t6?0.00 f<br />

l toob<br />

t23OoO.l<br />

l50a,ulu<br />

'1516.{01<br />

l6|9.q, t<br />

l!O.00.<br />

17?9.00.d<br />

l6!:t<br />

M@!lt .4 oho bd!! trrd laa.di&r ig!i!.ab.. (Ps005)<br />


f IttT<br />

.!<br />

t<br />

l{o<br />

I<br />

T<br />

aaal<br />

tr.a-'*0tt{)<br />

lt. (!' Ib rJd-af td..rdrUdb.J&tif J.t..L-ir<br />

6)lt+5-dO) ItC.t|.<br />


,l<br />

|',-<br />

T It<br />

angt-lir-tl<br />

a.ararttCAb")<br />

:<br />

llt. t'6.Ir.r*d--b Ddr-sarld od...l ireJ.dr<br />

fc 6. Doold d.l|.<br />


t<br />

I I<br />

T<br />

f<br />

g<br />

l,t<br />

T<br />

{ra<br />

rlr. a.?. Th.r&iLL|a! t*n r...a rdda lrlbdIr dlt.aL! oa..r.L<br />

drq (.) 19t546.d O) ret6tt

E-<br />

!<br />

tL-il<br />

t|. a.& th. r&aLFd& t nt dtt d yrdd.!dL.td- dlrdod.a.b ftt<br />

rL. rod.a da.<br />


afi€.ting*d yield G.bh416) slEsld OErnll@elg nb of fetb:lid apptronh<br />

upb Fa (9G60) in ered *d yield? irelpdri@ of tie of tu ia npplilti.a!<br />

lhe@Jhe' hid* hb of fertilizt appIoiid (r5) siSnifiohw reitu€.l rlE red<br />

yield.<br />

In dE p!6rt *dy *eal yield of lrDh hlEed nr Epore to fdtlia,<br />

appli@aion der qtrcl (F0) or lolq mb6 of applidrid with lEih|E yield (t.z<br />

b 1.8 t lEi) bnE a&i*.l at 14 (90{0) rate of appli.ado in both the se.su<br />

rTabb 415 .rd dr6). stmilar yi.ld L+ts krc €porrEd by nrny audbE (kl|!E d<br />

,, r99; He}nE d ,l 197). c.Mellvnd .r 4t 096), r@king nr CoF,bt6r,<br />

Epord highq sed yield abat 2.8 to 4.8 t lur in winter oil ed .are, He .bo<br />

rcH a de@e in s€€d yi.lrt.t rh€ hi8hd ate ot Ieititiza appti@tion6, e talt<br />

simihr b rhlt folt*l in rhe pffit ddy .d rr$ by Heliig .r el (1.tJ1) wdk'ds<br />

in Au6rr.[e fte hitner Ed yietl in the trEilEb My be itre tD itEled<br />

Erw& Gqltlng h nnp@nt in c6poG$ of yield (Iables 4Z 4.9, 4.11). The<br />

ad€9@le appli@ti@ of fertilia 6F.ialt nitoga dpply qrbL6 th€ aop b<br />

nEI€ raprd Laf gwili lD inlEred tue sbl t did66 rtd thE b proatue dd<br />

til lEy pode Thi! ldE rEde6:l by €flicimt pafit@ing of TDM iiro eoslric<br />

yreld, 6 ir'di6d by ttigts hlrvedt indi€ in f4 tratlrat @pdred ro othq<br />

Ei.s of hiliA lpplic.dh (rable 414. Bodr Poner ., .l 09,91 dd Her&ts .t c<br />

0997) hN., thedors sggebd to bred srsh wi.,ttr in thie 3Fi€ tor ridred<br />

Phnthei8ht.!rd<br />

b€ttEr pod prcductim/rcbntid.hdlcteiiltica<br />


TheE w6 a lil@ reladqship berd€ firDl biDtod.al yield .!d *ed yield<br />

nt bo6 dc @ (Fit 4,9. TIE tu Eg6i6 reurEd for 93* of th€<br />

vdiatid in *€d yieLl for th€ p@!e

Trbl. 4.l7: Er.( or riD. .d r!r. of ftrrithr {pplicrrtotr on h.rvs. ind.r<br />

Tl = Full N + P syiog<br />

T2 = l2 N + tuI pn $wio8 + tD N<br />

'1 t$<br />

T3 = I/2 N + ftlt pa1$wing+ tZ N rr<br />

a.<br />

LSD59q<br />

60<br />

t20<br />

30<br />

30<br />

90<br />

1994,96 r99G91<br />

r5.33 NS<br />

15.44<br />

t5.41<br />

14,89d<br />

l5.r2c<br />

t5.30b<br />

16.12.<br />

15.32.<br />

0,23<br />

r5.8?NS<br />

15.12<br />

t5.52<br />

14.20.<br />

r5,54d<br />

l5.68cd<br />

lt.t8bc<br />

17.11.<br />

t5 84b<br />

0.l4<br />

t5_at tt.10<br />

Meus i! rh. $@ cotu@ t.vi,s diEcMr lctles difd sitlidc. ly.1 (p 3 o.o5)<br />

" = Sitli6cd ar (p < oo l)<br />

. = sisifs .r (p < o.Or)<br />

16<br />

15.60<br />

tt.r8<br />

t5.49<br />

ta.3l<br />

t5,21<br />

15.40<br />

15.19<br />

t7.u<br />


Trbk 4r3: Th! i!.d&ri.! b.t @ rio. .rd nr. ot acritbd .prti.triotr<br />

.fiari.t hrF6t itr.td duilg It9g96 .!.t 199G9?.<br />

TIFO<br />

TIFI<br />

TIF2<br />

TIF3<br />

TIF4<br />

TIF5<br />

T2FO<br />

l2Fl<br />

T2F2<br />

T2F4<br />

T2F5<br />

T3FO<br />

13Fl<br />

T3F2<br />

T3F3<br />

TJF4<br />

T]F5<br />

lsD 3%<br />

ltrS-96 lt9c91<br />

14. I<br />

14.21h<br />

ra.9r th<br />

r4.ll &r<br />

1t.97!<br />

16 99 i<br />

tt,l, dd<br />

t4_tlh<br />

r.r.Ez &r<br />

l5.12dg<br />

t6.E2,<br />

14.65C<br />

l4,89lgt<br />

15.21d.f<br />

t6.25b<br />

t4.24[<br />

lt.84cd<br />

11.o2 t<br />

ra.t5 h<br />

lt.12a<br />

15.30 fe<br />

l5.80cd<br />

0.25<br />

Mqns b lhe $Dc collm havina ditre@r t!fias ditr6 !ig!i!{!rt .r (p < o.0r)

1zl7t .amt ilirtrlErt ab6 of brttian .ppltdt n G.bb dt4. Owh[ nvaS6<br />

h.n e* turq vd@ wa ni8.d td ts/al t h 19546 b ltm I h 7%4L<br />

E pedwly. silth. hdv€d ndi€ of aDot 1+15 t of lntnn 6uArd w@<br />

eporbd by Kw.. d (1957). r\4 dd KddF 0s6) Epo.ed dlddy hAhr<br />

vdu6 (2O22t) d[.wedltdqn!

Trbl. 4. | 9: f,fier ol ii6. rod r.c or rdtilia rpplic.tior or !4d p.ola.<br />

199996 1996-97 Mqn<br />

Tl = Fo[ N + P.t sowilS 20,96NS 20.96NS 70.96<br />

T2 = V2 N + ftll P .t ewirg + l/2 N $ ls1 20.98 2091 20.91<br />

Tr = l/2 N + 6rU P !t sowing+ l/2 N.l 20,98 20.98 20.98<br />

a. F.rtiliz.r r{r. (k3 h. )<br />

Fl 60<br />

FJ I2O<br />

LSDS%<br />

19.46e 19 46. 19.46<br />

0 2l lod 21.]0c ,l r0<br />

30<br />

\9,41e 19.48. 19.47<br />

71.42. 2r,42. 21.42<br />

2t,9r b 21.89b 2r.90<br />

22.71t 22.28t 22.27<br />

0.0) 0.02<br />

NS<br />

20.91 20.91<br />

Marns io rh. str @lum b.vitt diE Mt kn6 diftr li$i6qrdy .1 (P < 0 05)<br />

h = sigiifioit at (P< 0 ol)<br />


TrtL +aL Tb blr.dio. t aE lb. rd ..r. .ff-dfE .I?Oo.|. .t .tLt<br />

x.d pror.i. (tr) drils 19+96<br />

TIFO<br />

TIFI<br />

TIF:T<br />

TIFI<br />

TIF4<br />

TIF5<br />

t2R)<br />

T2FI<br />

T2F2<br />

tzrJ<br />

T2?1<br />

DIE<br />

IIFO<br />

T3FI<br />

T3F2<br />

r3FJ<br />

T3F'<br />

T38t<br />

tsD 5!a<br />

tgrs*<br />

19,47 aI<br />

2!.30d<br />

r9.5!.<br />

2l.a3c<br />

21.90t<br />

Uzl.<br />

l9.al !<br />

2t,29d<br />

tra4 g<br />

2lA c<br />

ll,9?D<br />

22,24.<br />

l9.tlc<br />

2r.3t d<br />

ltlac<br />

21.'tl c<br />

?l.lo b<br />

22,76.<br />

Gq<br />

Mas h th. '|o. @hd rsi$ dm.at l.a6. dlftd 4t!i{i.dv .l (P < 0 05)<br />


Oable 420). Th. nietudm show€d tbt in@ing hb ot feitlia appti..Ah G9<br />

signi66q, drhdf,€d sed probh cmeflts/ iG?eti@ of tire of fetilia<br />

appli@tt@ Ttu lme.t prct€in @bnir w@ giva by ene c6rol (m) bEhtmt<br />

(tabl€ 4.20). fte Bulb @rcborar. rhe fhdings of As€ .nd S@risdct (1995)<br />

wno arso Eport€d probin dtenb rf 20.8 to 21.4 X in oil eeed raF, rc*inA in<br />

U,K<br /> oTLCONTENTS<br />

The &re of fertilia appliodm did not.Ifect ttE on otenrs irhortr rlE<br />

yds of inve66gatio4 aid they vdied f'd !O.84 to 41.EJ t .hdrg wi@ tim<br />

of fertiliu r appli@6o h both the sgru (Iabte 4.21). Diffdat ates ot t rtilizr<br />

appli@tj{r! hd*er, dgnifi.dtly .Itated oil 6rEnb jn both the ydd ot shdy.<br />

In 1995-96 6sd! 'ui6u oil ord s ar rO95X rerc foutut in }0 {conrroD<br />

wh€re rc fe.tiliur ws addeit cdpar€d with olher treah!66 whee vdjabte<br />

hb6of f66tizr w@.ppli.4 rept F2 (O30) abwhich w6 draridi.rv.t Fr in<br />

oil c6bnt! with the @ntrl The feislts appli@tion ra{es frch Fl to !4 rere,<br />

ls#, 3befiorly .l Fr in oil

Trbl.4,2rt Efi.ct oldb. r.d rrt. or f.rrilid .pptic iotr on oit conrlnrs<br />

Tl =FullN+Pd$wins<br />

T2 = l/2 N + frrll P.r lowile + I/2 N 01 ln<br />

T3 = 1/2 N +tux P.t$wi,g+ lANr<br />

a. F.rtiti@ na (!q h. ')<br />

F2<br />

N<br />

\20<br />

0<br />

0<br />

30<br />

30<br />

90<br />

199t96 1996-91<br />

4r.22 NS<br />

41.93<br />

,o.84<br />

42.95 |<br />

4t.320<br />

4l,t8b<br />

39.12a<br />

NS<br />

4t.22NS<br />

4t.t3<br />

41.43<br />

42.95 t<br />

4 t.86 b<br />

39,11d<br />

LO2<br />

NS<br />

4t.1t 4t.23<br />

M.rnr b th. $m. cdum hMtrg diF.rdt l qs difq tgtrifqltly (P 3 0.05)<br />

109<br />

4t 22<br />

4t.t5<br />

{ t.ll<br />

42.95<br />

4t.31<br />

42,t1<br />

ito 3l<br />


apPli@6m Sigiftht dd6e in oil FrmhSe of the (!rcb ed orher oil *€d<br />

ftF rith imsiig nito8m hr6 eflEG the iNe@ rehfdship b€6d6 oil<br />

clretltid and *d prctein qrbrt Mdy work€B have Fporbd si!ln,,<br />

lerb nr on sd mP3 €di$ ct a! tqf; 2he .t d a9%; He*n\g.t a! trr4.<br />

Ov6aI, average oil dbn6 were 4133l* in t95r6 ed 41.28* h 7 97.<br />

E p

Trbl. t,22: EII{| or.ib..!d ne of t rtilid .pplicraio! otr oil y'eld<br />

Tl = Frll N + P.a ssra<br />

T2= l/, N +ftlPn@i!t+ l2}f.i lr<br />

T3 = l/2 N+ fulP.t silt + l/2N d<br />

B. Fdrili4r nr. (kg hri)<br />

FX<br />

FJ<br />

LSD5%<br />

N<br />

90<br />

t20<br />

l0<br />

!0<br />

60<br />

Oil ri.ld Ot b. )<br />

199396 199Gy,<br />

645.EE NS<br />

650,66<br />

650.70<br />

620.63.1<br />

621.85 d<br />

6?t.93 c<br />

706.97 b<br />

l?.8?<br />

NS<br />

6l9.3lNS<br />

616,t7<br />

6t1.9J<br />

518.25.<br />

6m.26 d<br />

586 34d<br />

624.12 c<br />

?0t.9t I<br />

671.94b<br />

18.47<br />

NS<br />

649.08 617.80<br />

Mons in ti. ee @l@ h.vitrs dir@t bn.B difd iiglif@dy .t (P 3 0.05)<br />

1<br />

632.t9<br />

6!3,4t<br />

634.3t<br />

523.86<br />

604.09<br />

6t00,<br />

722.11<br />




IIE relatidship betws eert yield ard .@porEts of yierd dch 6 plant<br />

heidl nu!$er of pods pbnt', nub€r of *d! podr, 1mo€€d w€idt.nd<br />

har6t indq M hidny ard pGidwly rignifitut in borh tl€ )€6 The<br />

6relati6 @tticimt G) varu6 hded fiom 83 lD 96X 6!Mg *d yield .nd<br />

lhponab of yield Gall€ 423). AU the rclati@htp b€twm ed yield md<br />

@mPorEts ot yield r@ also hiShly signi6dnt for th€ p@led d.t !d<br />

.fi€latim cGffi.idt lalrE wi€d frc6 Z to 961 lTable 4U\ Positiw md<br />

signifi@t on€latim beh,6 red yi€ld mil epmentd of yteld indicabs rhat<br />

*d ybld pei unt !M courd be e hed by iErFding the pods pl,nri, s€ds<br />

podr, dd llla eed weidr High h.re.r ind* G 6lso s ihporl&r<br />

@ideration for ihproving rcp yield. ntercforc/ Potler et al (19s) have<br />

3!gg6te.l to l,eil ed .rdtivs whnh luve Eilued pl,nt heiCht drd h,Sl- pod<br />

Etelib chdcbirtiG<br />

A hiEhly mgaiive but signifiot relatituhip betwm od per6t 6e .rd<br />

*d yield refl

T.bl. a3L SloDh crr.haloo c.dfrd-a (d b.atlB ,.C tldd !!.1 orpo@n! of<br />

ridd.<br />

sed rldd E rfd titr<br />

$.d yi.ld 6 r.d. pLaj<br />

\..drlHB 1000'Ed *rith<br />

s..d rt Uect||rla ildd<br />

sc.d t{dd vs torlrhy Mrcr<br />

S..d yi.ld w On cdids<br />

S.d tud 6 pr!r& .dan<br />

... Siliifd.|t(P3O0l)<br />

19'96<br />

0.92..<br />

0,95..<br />

0.93..<br />

11!<br />

r96v7 G)<br />

o9!..<br />

0.9!..<br />

our.<br />

{.v3..<br />

0.?1..<br />

OEE"<br />



The det il, of cost ol c@la P|bductid Fr h€ct re uxt€r lodl .ordititu<br />

m Eivd in ApFdix 4r ard 42 TIE turi .Elyr!' CI'bb 424) indiared<br />

hther mt bqefit in F4 (90-60) lletidt @s all other rabs of fertilier appt@ri6<br />

imbding .6irol trahlat \,{r:imu Et Ebln ws obbirEd in !4 trahrat 6r,<br />

It& 123?a.27 in 19t96 .rd Rs 129@.8 in 1959?, sFdvev G.bl€ 4,24). h rodr<br />

*afu dp hiSh$t b@fftsst hno (1.4r) ws siva by 14 (9060) hte of ferrlr€r<br />

aPPlicatim dm r1l orher rabr whee d'e ra6o w6 rdged f'oh 1.06 ro 135.<br />

Ddhon ra ., (1989) rcporH hiShs b6|dt @6r raaio .t ater 60 &g N hlt thd tE<br />

L'wer h€5 of appli666 in Indian nu6t rd. \,bq6ood (19E dr& repord high€r<br />

ratb 61 120 kg N h.n tha 6t @ tg N hlr in what urder F.islnhod cqd im<br />

Ir ihe *p€rit6ls WIEE Mjslm LAI w6 > 3_0, 88! of vdiatim in<br />

TDM prcducdm dil 9396 in *ed yidd w6 a@sbd for by vdi.6m in rotal<br />

sed LAD- SullaiF in@ls of fertitia applEtd fl@ rurs (nit to 120<br />

90 kg h.r) iG@sed TDM ty itllbling the llfuCc& seed yieLt de spotded<br />

b iftr4ing rntes of ferdlia appuddd but q y upto 14 (90-60) hat!6r in<br />

both ttu ggG llienumler of pod6 mi ed rEre th. nulib€r o( 6€.ts Fr mir<br />

d@ w6 the @in detemirDit ol &€d yield. Th€ rugnitude of all yield<br />

6m!lo@t! w@ Edqed at the higher rerE (FD of fen ia apptiotiqt<br />

int<br />

"edw<br />

of its tidnS of appuofim H.re.t itdd .bo signitiett 6E$ubd<br />

b iftlt@d sd yiel.l a6 it deft@il wtth highs nrE oI appli@ti@ Th€ high€t

'l rbl.4.t4: tcotroni. an.tyrir ofc!trolr.!.fi.ct.d by aio. rnd<br />

{pptic ion or rh. 3rowth, r..d yicld rbd oit qu.lity<br />

tn t t99G97.<br />

F0 (G0)<br />

F2(0-30)<br />

F3(6S30)<br />

r'0(G0)<br />

Fr (60-0)<br />

F2 {G30)<br />

F3(60.30)<br />

14450.X7<br />

t7141,66<br />

t9367.27<br />

20979.21<br />

7102.00<br />

?58194<br />

8214.09<br />

860t.00<br />

84a.31<br />

978? 5l<br />

9889.00<br />

I lt33.t8<br />

12318.21<br />

r2690) 20127. 9846.28 t0880.89<br />

t20.90<br />

1t700,84<br />

r3641.14<br />

t9966.33<br />

21958 03<br />

7102.00<br />

?98t.92<br />

7676,12<br />

4523.64<br />

90J0 00<br />

9580,l7<br />

t15<br />

?t98 84<br />

10652.22<br />

t03J4.24<br />

\442.74<br />

1290808<br />

1t227.41<br />

r.03<br />

t.26<br />

130<br />

l,t5<br />

t.4l<br />

L06<br />

l.l,<br />

t.3a<br />

lt3<br />


oil yield (tr€ proaluctor *ed FeLl cnd on Fr6t<br />

yidd widi iBEdlg level of nubidor<br />

4.2 EXPERIMEI{T 2<br />

ge) 6pad€d 6imilarly ro sd<br />

Grcwth lnd yi€ld Bpon . ot c.mla (Ara3sre ,ap{s) cv. Sht..to io<br />

varying pllntng cl€n.ity<br />


&r bolh the 63@ the nuber of dmb Fr 6it ,M w6 .igrifidndr/<br />

afidied ty r@ .id phni sprdhg Gabb 4rg. IE hBher nunlei of pLnls \rc<br />

66blished at the 30 6 lw 6Fein6 dun at the 45.r @ 6 rcw spachg. gldtArly,<br />

dE a5 d rq sFcing olso sitIrifiddy inced the nMber of pl'nb hr fth<br />

the wider sF.ing of @ tu IiEl plmt 6tibtis.h''qr w6 24 in 30 .n, 16 in 15 d<br />

ard 12 in 60 6 !@ sFcin& i€rpelivev Galle 45).<br />

In(l€@ in plrnt spacing r6dH in signifiqt de

l {bl! 4.25 E|Iat or .ow lPici.g ,td thnr ryrcing otr dnbcr of 0lrtls pcr unit<br />

LSD tYo<br />

LSD'%<br />

199t96<br />

24.02.<br />

o.29<br />

t5.99b<br />

t20tc<br />

0.29<br />

Nubuof prtnu(or)<br />

r996-t7<br />

21.93!<br />

12.01c<br />

0,31<br />

t5.99b<br />

0.31<br />

11_31 t1.i5<br />

Mc 3 in th€ sooe colum lwing ditrdrnt l.llcs ditrd slgtificNtlv .l (P 3 0 05)<br />

'117<br />

t6.04<br />

t206<br />

24.O4<br />

15,99<br />


Trbl.4,!6: Thein..r.dto! b.awd rowtprchtsd pt.,l ,p.cbg .fi.crirg<br />

r.oD6 or pr.nrr Ie uit.u durbs tyrst6 rld tr96-r7<br />

RIP2<br />

t\2P7<br />

R2P3<br />

R]PI<br />

R3D2<br />

L5D'%<br />

22.10b<br />

22.21b<br />

l l.ll c<br />

8.36 f<br />

0_50<br />

22.t0b<br />

22.24 b<br />

ll.13.<br />

IL13e<br />

&36f<br />

M.ins ir rhe s.ne cotunu hrv g difedt l.ltoru ditr r lign 6@nlty !t (p < O.OJ)<br />

fl8<br />


we*ph.tert blirh@t (8 pbnlr mi) w6 eH b R3Rl (606x20d)<br />

L22 GROW|H<br />

42.2.1 LEAF AREA INDEX {LAII<br />

The itift@ in LAI .'ME .li6emt barlEb rl@ 3igni6.mt<br />

th'orthdt rh. *aM in bodi the y4 oI study (!s 4 thb). T}. .b* ; 6F.ing<br />

of 30 6 im6e.t LAI @r 4l .rd 60 m bw splcing at o1l hsre6t .l,.ied<br />

SimiLtly inbmedi,nt w slEina of {5 @ ale signifidndy nEEed LAI $4<br />

6E wider Iw spding of 60 o duing botIr tl€ g&G (lig 4%b), h 19546 r4I<br />

r@hed b a Mimu v.lu€ of 3,ry in 30 cn! 3,09 ln 45 d dtd 249 in 60 @ @<br />

sFcnE !t 15 lmuary h6'v€+ Equiv.ldt tdi6u vdE of LAI wee 33E, 3.@<br />

6nd 2.39, epelivev dwins 19tq M Th€E lter, LAI deqed slDrpt<br />

6dl 25 Fe!ft.ry hd6l ilBFctive of b€hlmta<br />

Difieat pl!.t .F.nrg6 .iro lignjtiady .ffi I!41 dFwhout rhe<br />

ssD (!ig 1.10.b). The cloer pLnt speins oI10 G sisr icmtly enhdEed LAI<br />

@npared lD 1t or 20d tblud@t the gg8 The 1s o plant spehg 16 al$<br />

$Fnq h I.AI lh{ the 20 @ pbnt spacing at all h.t6c.<br />

The ilab inili@d rhat the ef€ct of rcw.n

:<br />

I<br />

a"<br />

t<br />

It ag Etrc. of dltrd.rtrov p.dr!, oo L.f .d ildq doob<br />

dlrLr (.) r99a-96 .nd O) 1196-97.<br />


I I<br />

!<br />

I I<br />

!<br />

t'L I'D<br />

rir*rh<br />

fE a.ro llLr.ttud!.i..trt a ldtt. LrJ.!.||<br />

dElry (.) lt t{6 .ltl O) l9tCt<br />


nedi@ ><br />

wider sF.iry) ue 6ini,' ror LAI (fia 49, 410) or TDM Kmda66 Gi& 41r,<br />

4.12). Ihe reulb d€ h geEr.l agl!@t with db* publidEil for ln lio<br />

husr!'d I'y Klllu d.l (1994.<br />

MraiM LAI Eened nt 15 Jdu!ry h,red in borh rh€ s3s Th€Efr.r<br />

it ddaed in dl lhe tla6noh Etil25 Felroaty h!N6t h 1995-95 tuibm<br />

LAI s6 3,61 in 10.4 3.09 in 15 6 dr

Tili.4,2?: E T.ct otro$ 3p{(itrg,d pt.nr lp.citrg or t.ir.r., durariotr<br />

LSD t.d<br />

LSD5%<br />

t82.?2 r<br />

lt5.t5 b<br />

r38.32b<br />

108.79c<br />

8.J4<br />

lalrq du.tio. (drtt<br />

167 91 t<br />

t20.60b<br />

I69.8t !<br />

l2a,0t b<br />

90t<br />

t45.11 t28.t9<br />

Moit ir rhc s@ cotu@ b.vins {tifd@t tards difq siglifc$rly rt (p < o,Or)<br />

' = Siarifim rt {P

.u. +rt! l:-!!.:10.,h1-g!F.hr..d pr,.r,F.br.ft.ri4 r...<br />

lo drlrl|o d.rLs |tl96 .d tgat<br />

RIPI<br />

RIP:I<br />

RIP]<br />

R2PI<br />

R2PI<br />

R2PJ<br />

lrPl<br />

R3P2<br />

l:|ql<br />

LSDJX<br />

lar.r6 dudo! (d.yt<br />

l9!t-96 r99641<br />

2la,5l.<br />

tn.nb<br />

l38,t0c<br />

170.65b<br />

l33.On c<br />

rqt 9t d<br />

t6l.ro !<br />

t08.98d<br />

U.71.<br />

L.t0<br />

2lt03.<br />

t55.79b<br />

l!1.58 bc<br />

lB.7Ab<br />

t6.a5 f<br />

l3l8a.d<br />

9.60 t<br />

615a !<br />

n orn 1}. e! c.l@bdrr @.d lac|de 4sinod.V.r (p3 0.c{)<br />

IA<br />


I<br />

g<br />

I aD<br />

I I<br />

t !Ia<br />

I<br />

L (.)<br />

l|o0<br />

rJd-i-(-)<br />

I|i, {lL rb t{.Lut& b.dnr,oarr dry Edr trd Ltt r' ft d.[<br />

- 'f"rob<br />

arna o' otsra or Q) rt6tt<br />

18<br />

ta<br />


!<br />

!,,-<br />

I<br />

€r-<br />

ldn*(iry)<br />

It' {1r. Il. r&d.!n& t3!r.n toil ty n|iar !d L.t d|| rbdtd ot.rdr<br />

ar o D..ka dra.<br />


E6?edvely. Eqdvalat v.ru€ @rc 163.9, 120.@ {d 1m.Ol days, esleclively h<br />

1%-97 $*,b L24.<br />

lLnt spacing .160 signjlic.ndy i@il LAD ilurinS both the ffi<br />

Glble {24, Tr€ cbs pl'nt sFch6 of 10 d w6 NFrior in LAD @hFrcd b 15<br />

@ or 30dr pLnt spa.in& Simihtly 15 o pLit sFcing signiliontly itiraed<br />

l-AD thd m m pbnt spEins h 1991% lvehge LAD valws wse 190.19 in 10<br />

q 13832 in 15 @ atd 18.79 dlys in 20 d pLnt sFcmg, sF.dvely, h 1996-9<br />

the LAD vare. wee 169.81 12405 ed 90,67 daF, Gpetively, Ovd ti€ rwo<br />

e$!, M LAD vdu6 raige.l fim 145.2 d!y! in 195J6 to 128.19 days in<br />

19%-9, 'spa,rively (Inble 424. Sidilar valB of M r-{D w@ eDoired<br />

p@iouly (Sartio 4,1,2) mde! similar Mditi(m<br />

funifimt inbEdw ef


Both ffi dd pldr spacrE ratndb Enw€d dnitar hsd in<br />

.b@%rc!ni TDM dxsdatim in borh the ass An initd sk'w altqdarim<br />

of 'IDM 6tl 30 N@dber dd eb*qlmoy litE ri6e in the atudatd of<br />

TDM urdl 25 rebiu.n/ harve* tuEtur TDM rc sli8hdy ddEed in all<br />

hahcBt (Fig 4,Uib), bw6rd the fitul heer The ge€d h€n t in TDM<br />

trcuolalton m simihr to dut .eported by odss h B@{o (Allo 6!xt Molaah,<br />

192 Scolt.t dI l ). The @lb .lb sb6l.irlb dte findic obblEd in dis<br />

{Pdi5 (ki641.2) dTDM.fudatim<br />

ln 19546 tlE cloer e 3Fcing of 30 q sitnifiicdtly iEEed TDM rh6<br />

&e 416d 60 o rd opach8. 9inihrt inrEmediae rcw rpa.ing of 45 d..lso<br />

6rhd@d TDM (rq wider sp!.ing of @ d in Op two s65s M.:ibu tDM<br />

prcduc€.lw61720 in 3Oc415Ol in 45 @ dal1350 E bn in 60 m !@ sp.cin&<br />

Epetiely. At firul hlredt thi! e.lue ws r€dued 60 Uql I<br />

o and 992 E mr in 60 d row s?ach& EFcdrely.<br />

in 30 or, 1095 in 45<br />

h 19969 fi8ur6 fd tuihu TDM .lfullqrd \'@ 1n2 14q3 ed<br />

Ir41 8 h{ in 3G, 4l dd @ d w spacin& €petv€ly. Eguikror v.lc fd<br />

TDM at ftEl h@ert w@ 113, 1047 md 997 g nn rcspetntly.<br />

The der pla1t spo.hg of 10 d ars dgrifthdy iBE€d TDM oq t5<br />

d or m o pbnt opacing in bo& dl€ 6€asft, A ptanr sFcing of 15 q ws also<br />

sFior in drt EEtbr producto th6 rhez) 6 pt nrsFcing (Fig.4U). ti1991<br />


€<br />

€<br />

6<br />

toid xD.. 15Jr llra 25ra tlrr{<br />

fl'raa.-<br />

It.a,lt Ellid of dfr-a rw rD.dltr d drr rdthi or.er.<br />

dEing G) r9rt96 rd (b) 1t969?.<br />


{ tl,-<br />

I<br />

I<br />

tL.ata&t.affiFat<br />

- drtt (d t9F5 Ea O) lgtitt'<br />

rt ''rt t*IJ't-<br />


% laih6 TDM tc 17369 in 10.41527 A i.15 d lrrt 136I m" in 20 cn<br />

prant sp..ing. At firEl hd€st TDM produclim w6 1170g tn 10 cn! 1088A in 15<br />

d ard 1023 g ha in m @ r@ rydmE t! 1996-97 €guivarmr fiSu6 fo,<br />

ffii6u TDM w@ 1728, 1519 .rd 1299 8 n2 Eparvely. Ar tnEr h.we4, rte<br />

TDM valE lrye 1133,1060 dd 984 g n , 6p


loth ffi 6nd pLnr spGin8 dgnifi@tly .rfeied !16 ssul CGR in<br />

both tn€ ffi 0.bl€ 429). h 19t95 clog tw spa.hg of 30 @ incEe.t CCR<br />

by 83aN tne !!' q an l 1&61t by 60 6 tw spa.h& Ii 19642 rl|i, ir@ ws<br />

1.@X hi8hd th{ 45 m md 5,09% in 60 .4 respectively. Simildrl/.1(g ptant<br />

s?acin8 of 10 d Gi8nifihdt alDn €d CGR @d 15 or 20 d ptrnt sFcinE in<br />

both lhe ffi tlE !16n CGR in@ by 10 @ plnnt spa.ing was 4.06X @d<br />

15 ch ed 9.57* ovs 20 q rcsFctirel, in both the<br />

nhr spacihg of 15<br />

'€!e6<br />

d wa.ls sF id h CCR lhd rh.20 d pt6nt sF.inA by 5.AS-4.48X ir bodl<br />

rte *.ffi Ov€rdl .vehge CGR vdied fid 8.34 8 hn dr in 19996 to ?,E E^2<br />

dr h 19%47, resF.tvely (Iabb 4.29). AUen ed Morg6, (1yZ 195) ppdted<br />

aw6te CGR v6ru6 of &10 s m" dr in B6iG<br />

Th€ incr&tlon benv6 rcw sd pt nt sFchg afi€.tnt CGR w4<br />

sisnifiqt duins both rIE y@, of ,6rdy GabL<br />

4.30). lvi.xinu ccR v.l@ of<br />

9.59 8 6i dn nr 195.96 dd 839 6 ni atr in 199642 wee gih by Rlpt (3o d x<br />

10 m) trdtdEt (ombim6@ b€ing significmdy highd lhd aI orhd<br />

ombiMiio6 The ld6t CcRvola (246257 E h{

T.bh a,t9r Ef..r of tw |D..ba rnd p||.r .!drg d .roE twrn nr.<br />

LSD 5t6<br />

tsDr!6<br />

lrrt 6 t'*n<br />

9,05.<br />

Lt,t<br />

o,t7<br />

A.n.<br />

r.37 t<br />

iuc<br />

0.t7<br />

E.O5 |<br />

?.66 b<br />

o.t3<br />

&17.<br />

1.nh<br />

7.51c<br />

0.t3<br />

8,3a r.t9<br />

Mc.B i! O. .G cot@ t.rir diftr-t t n'| dft. .!d.cndy n (p < o.ot)<br />

.r.Shri6c. .r (P< 0.01)<br />

. " Si!!{i.-l.r (P lo.oJ)<br />

1ltl<br />

8,tt<br />

&16<br />

at7<br />


t'*effiffiS'iltrdPbltro"i't'redEsor<br />

RIPI<br />

RIP2<br />

RIPS<br />

R2PI<br />

*tu2<br />

R2P3<br />

R'PI<br />

R3P2<br />

R!ql<br />

LSD5t6<br />

t9t4.<br />

9.6e.<br />

9.35b<br />

a09&<br />

tr,14 a<br />

t2t d<br />

!.05 d.<br />

7.50f<br />

?t9 f<br />

0,29<br />

t9t64<br />

&39.<br />

8.23$<br />

7 541<br />

8.20.b<br />

&o! tc<br />

7.4,i!<br />

1.46tl<br />

7-571<br />

o,al<br />

Mds b 6. ..G coto tn,b! diri.rd l(116' dft' dglitcotv d (? < 0 ot)<br />

'r.sirnifodn(Pto0l)<br />


T.bL rLtl: E{l..a oalw rp..b! .nd ptrla rp.dq o. !a rt|irihaio rrl.<br />

RN rD..i.r (R)<br />

L.sD 5t6<br />

LSD5%<br />

r9t!llt6 19*91<br />

8,3tb<br />

&90.<br />

o,2|li<br />

6,2t c<br />

r.o,t b<br />

9.76.<br />

0.16<br />

9.09b<br />

t0.?8.<br />

0.6J<br />

6.180<br />

&ta b<br />

I l.al.<br />

0,65<br />

8.01 L95<br />

M..i! b rtc r.D @hr@ bnilg di&aa br!.r. diftr dt!6.$tv |t (P S OOj)<br />

.r = !,lrli6crfl .r (p s 0.0t )<br />

. . si!!tb* ft (p loor)<br />

1tb<br />

c88<br />

4,12<br />

9.8,1<br />

6.40<br />

&,14<br />


T.bl. (32: Tt Lbr.ri.r t rlrs r.r tl|.bg..d ELlt rprdtt.ttLr!t!...<br />

|,lnnrdd n.. dEbg t99t96 md t96-9t<br />

N....d.tl6"nn6irr-drrvt-x<br />

tlrrt4r,<br />

ll?l<br />

5.01.<br />

RIP2<br />

RIrl<br />

F2PI<br />

N2PZ<br />

R2PI<br />

IJPI<br />

tSt l<br />

R3P]<br />

LSDtla<br />

t.Y E<br />

111A<br />

6.El f<br />

l,t3d<br />

tu13 b<br />

rrJ &<br />

i9a c<br />

ll.rlh<br />

o,ll<br />

7.42 a4<br />

7.22 t<br />

n.aEb<br />

?.50.d<br />

lo5J b<br />

14.30r<br />

r.l2<br />

Mo3 i! 6. t.D @r@ l|tia diftr.. Ltr-r di6. *rif.dy . (p 3 0.0t)<br />


6 dd 30 m row Bpacing i! both the y@E Simil,rly 45 m row ,F.in8 wd al6o<br />

*perio! in NAR @er 30 6 rtr sp!.ina, Ii 195-96 .vqaae NAn vdu6 kre 8.90<br />

in@crl.835in45cmant5.zgnrdr in30orcw jp.cing_Equivararv6lueof<br />

NAR in 196-97, were 1078, 90.9 md 6.9 g n, di, HF.dveV<br />

Plant spacln8 of 20 d si$ifiMtty jtrMed s6ml NAR th.n the It<br />

.rd 10 6 phnt 3Fcing. A pL.t +!chE of t5 6 was also sFio, in av@ge<br />

NAR orer 10 d plantspacing in bott rhe ea3G ne nvmEe NARv.l@vdied<br />

frcm 6.23 tD 11.!14 t ha {tr in tlifi€rot pt&t' sp.cingr in rh€ nvo s(,gs Ovdal|<br />

':''!d $$El NAR 16 8,01 E di dr nr 19tqt drd &95 Et1 { i^ t)9@7<br />

'fte vil@s of Ndage NAR @ rlithdy hishs rh6 reporred psi@sly (serion<br />

Th€ inbretim bett@r w dril phnr sFcing .ftcrnt NAR I@<br />

.ignilidrt i1 bo6 tE yds of study (Lble 43D. IrE hittest NAR v.tu6 of 11.41<br />

E n' dr nr 199s% drd 1430 I h2 di in 199@ we€ produ.ed by rcr3 (@ d x<br />

20 6) ttahrat c6biMti@ tlEn to all odE (dbiEtitc Tie s6t!

T.bl.4.33. EO..t oltow rp.djg.ltt pt rprcitrg @ pbrt !.i8nt<br />

f,ov rpr.bg (R)<br />

LSD 5%<br />

n.4 rD..ins C)<br />

I,SD'%<br />

199t95 t9,691<br />

z29b<br />

2.!6 |<br />

o.58<br />

2.t4b<br />

2.21.<br />

l.t4<br />

2.2aNS 2.20 NS<br />

2.31<br />

NS<br />

2.23<br />

1,25<br />

NS<br />

2_2a L22<br />

Mq$ in l[. 9@ ooh@ tlvios di&61 Ltt.B diftr !is!i6q V tt (p < 0.05)<br />

NS = N6 ligidcut<br />

138<br />

2.16<br />

2.t4<br />

2.23<br />

2.25<br />


irced pLnt lteiSht ths 4t d 30 ch I@ sFcin& The inrprrEdilt€ sF.ing of<br />

45 q allo ,iEnifi@dy enhd@d pLnt height der .losr rcw spacing ol 30 tu In<br />

r95-t lh. rrdd sF.iry of 60 @.&o nmed *niti@rty pl&t tteighr oq 30<br />

o 6w spr.ing but rct the 45 6 row sp(in8 where the diffetu, in plant<br />

lpight @e m siEni66ht t\4ony wor*€F .t$ Eported ldds pt6nt height in<br />

plants 6pa.€d wi.Lely. (StVh and SnEh" 1984j Bnq rr .J 1999.<br />

The tuin etret of plant 6F.ing o pl,nt h€ight w.r, h@aq, Fn<br />

signifimt h both rhe yeF of study. Ovehltl av€tage pLnt height vdid frch<br />

2.24 to 2.23 6 in hoth th€ 6€6qE Th* 6ulb e in Ine with tho* reporH<br />

pFrudy lSeaim 413).<br />


T.ble {.34 plenb the eff4r of rabM6 6 ihe mliber ot FDd! pt&ri in<br />

both the seE The inErlEdjac rcw spacin8 of 45 d si8nifiqdy jmqed rte<br />

nuhq of pod! plnntr dd 30 or 60 @ w 6plcing in both gsE S,sibrv<br />

wider 5pa6g of 60 d als produled hrgher nqber oI pods pldrr th4 rlE clos<br />

Plrnt rpa.ing of 20 m 6igniti6ndy an tE€d th€ nMber oI pods aer lt<br />

or 10 @ in boft the e6&N In 1996-9 aliffel€1@ h the nqbq or pod! bethen<br />

r5 d md 20 o l^e, howas, shdst@Uy at pd. ln 199546 the av€mae n6ber<br />

of poals plantl w6 459 at 10 crl, 490 ar t5 d md t96 po.t ar 20 m pl,r* spechg<br />

Epetivety, Equivararftu€w@L41166 {d t69 po&pt'nrt Eperiv.ly<br />


T.hl. ,t 3,t: Efier ot row rp..i!g .!.t pLll 4ei!g o! ludDd orlodr ph!t'r<br />

Ror !p.ci!. GJ<br />

lsD 5%<br />

lsD5%<br />

199+96 1995-y'<br />

45t.33b<br />

4$,001<br />

3.59<br />

.49<br />

454,01 b<br />

46100.<br />

n.49<br />

NS<br />

4V,.41 461.22<br />

M.u. E l[. ro. cohm hvirg diftft.i londs ditr . ,rsincd|y n (p s O.oj)<br />

.. = Sis!i!.&t |l (p < o0l)<br />

l/o<br />

42r.31<br />

526.6a<br />

464.t1<br />

456,54<br />

47a.@<br />


"* t'' IHmffi fir.Hfl## pLlt,Fci.s.rkdlc<br />

RIPI<br />

Rrgl<br />

ttPS<br />

l2Pt<br />

R2P2<br />

R2P3<br />

R3PI<br />

llP2<br />

RSPJ<br />

lsD5<br />

T:- : : T :*<br />

Nurc orpoariEii<br />

56t,00b<br />

437.00 g<br />

454.00 f<br />

44',00 d<br />

6.22<br />

,*"8 dif.r.or r.rid| difGr deiritu{, ir o < o.oj)

Clable 4.34). Ovd6I avente nuhl€' of pods plmtl wN 482 in 1991% md {60 nl<br />

19e97, 6pedRly, which re simild tr th@ Eporbil in this theis (S€cd6<br />

4,1.3), Tlre 6ulte ttrobomte $e ftdnus ol Bh{ 4 4, (195) dd Thrtui. .rd<br />

Cogoi (196) who allo reporbd hi6ha nub€r of pod6 pbnt: in wiild plart<br />

s?acing rhe the d(g rcw s?diry.<br />

The inbretid ber,em row , phnt sprmg w3 signifiqt dumig 1996-97<br />

6q (Lbb a3t Th€ R2r2 (45 d r 15 d) tEhEt codbnEbd sisnifi@dy<br />

prcdu.ed geler nmbd ot po& plrntl (t0) der ..ll otl€r treibbt<br />

ombiMri.e The lowet nu$er of podr ptnnft w@ giren by P!3P2 (5o 6 x Z)<br />

d) at ll1l whi.h w6 sratirdoly at IEt<br />

nmb.r of ?od. w6 455 P€r planl<br />

'(2.3,3<br />

wiih Rll2 (30 @ x 15 6) wherc die<br />

The nuber ol *d6 podi ws sig{fi.mtly alr€.bd bt, UE rcw spacint in<br />

both dE aga In 199896 drewi

Trbb a.36: Efet ol o* rp..i!! trd !'lri rp..itrg o! !u!c oftc.dr !.d"<br />

LSD 5%<br />

LSD5vo<br />

Nrnbd of ladr pod t<br />

199$96 t99G97<br />

22.03.<br />

22.71b<br />

23-10.<br />

o.3t<br />

a.8b<br />

21.14 r<br />

22.47 b<br />

0.35<br />

l8.36lt<br />

21.60.<br />

l.9l<br />

l9.54NS<br />

20.49<br />

t9.81<br />

NS<br />

22.61 19.93<br />

M.u b lb. 3@ @b@ l&iog dif!.at t tcrs tli&r {t!in{E .t (P < 0.05)<br />

' = Sialif.r..t (P < 0.0r)<br />

1,13<br />

2t.t9<br />

22,15<br />

2t.15<br />

2n.al<br />

2t,81<br />


TaL at! rbiri.r& }mattr q..&t Ddta.d4..tC fi.abt<br />

nlbc ol x.dr !odr' dabt 1t+96<br />

rlPl<br />

RIP2<br />

llE|<br />

itPl<br />

t2P2<br />

tgl<br />

tPl<br />

RSPiI<br />

t Pll<br />

t.sDttt<br />

gg<br />

2lJ' d<br />

22,95.<br />

ll.?9 ql<br />

Ull to<br />

B.n.<br />

2,,7l.<br />

23.11.<br />

24,t9.<br />

2,.91.<br />

0.61<br />

Mr!'b6.||m oollnlflhrdi&.d ldd dift.ddn @d(P

oplihM dd'dq/ whicfr fa.ififies IuiDm utiliz.rtim of r.diati@ tu.! nuhinra<br />

S€nifidt redudm in eeds podj war ther€foe, oteryed wh4 pl,nb werc<br />

dbieted to h+hd daEity. 96ild rcsulis wep repo.r.d w ai 4 a! as%),<br />

working d Bl8i6 inE nglad€h.<br />

'fte etret oI pl,nt sfein8 6 the nMber of *ds podr w6 siFifiut dny<br />

duftE 19546 gs The inl€rn€djlb pLnt rFcing of 15 @ prcdu.€d higtB<br />

nuhber of eeds (23.14) thd n 6lats) ot m d Q2a4. ]lp diffdql@ in<br />

nuhber of *& podr betrdm lG d 20 6 plant sFcjng wer, h@;er, m<br />

The intEhctim b€tr{@ @ .rd plnnr pacing alfRting rh€ lr6ber of<br />

eds podn w6 dignitudt duing 195'% (Iable 1.34, The hiEhert numb€r ot<br />

eds podr C 23)$@ prcduc€d by RrP2 €0 d x 1s @), R2p2 (a5q x r5o),<br />

R3Pr (6&4 x 10ch), R p2 (60@ x ls d) and pgp3 (6(hr : m 6) t ahlai<br />

dabiFtidu The low6t nuber of eds (2135) w6 giv6 bf, RlPr OO d x 10<br />

6) irdtdot ohltiMtid,<br />

42.t,4 lOOGSEEO I/IEIGHT<br />

Neither Iw 6?ring rcr plmr spaciry siSnifi@qy atrered loooed<br />

weidtinbothttEgngE(tablea3i). Irpavdgee€dreithtlm3.utintgc<br />

97.nil 3.31 g/lm s€eds in 19tq reFctiv€ly. Th6Luria a.d cogoi (1!r%) 6l$<br />

rcted tM dgniticant dillere in a@nge s€d weigtt o{ B!si! bet$q 30<br />


T.bL 43ar Ef..t ofror rp.clng r pLlt .p.cing o! 1tl0c.4d stitlt<br />

Rd .p.ci!r E)<br />

loocs.d rdg\ G)<br />

195-96 t9x-9,<br />

3-t4 NS<br />

3.22<br />

3,16<br />

3 t2NS<br />

1,21<br />

3.20<br />

NS<br />

3.t7<br />

l,16<br />

3.10 Ns<br />

3.3r<br />

3,3lNS<br />

3,24<br />

NS<br />

3.Xt<br />

3_2t<br />

3,24<br />



Table 139 p|enr5 the roi.l dry Mtter (hiological) yielil 6 allebd 6y $e<br />

reh.dd pLnt spocing in borL rhe ffi In 1995- d@r r* sF.rlt of 30o<br />

siAniridtly inrea*d 6e 6iologicd yield wer 45- dd @

TiN. 4,!9! Afet of rd lptcb! &d plrll ,reitrg o! biolosicd (rE F+!o.d)ridd<br />

LSD 5%<br />

LSD5%<br />

xiohcirl GE dr..d)riddcs !.1<br />

199996 199697<br />

11935-98. 11328.30. ll632,ra<br />

10950.99b 1s63.82b lo?09,91)<br />

9922.14 c 99m.26. 99,16.20<br />

r22.30<br />

t22.3<br />

t31_40<br />

ll?01,99. ll33l.0o. 11516,49<br />

I0880,28b 10596.91h ld33.r9<br />

10230.84 o 9E38,49 c 10034,66<br />

137.40<br />

t0934.10 t0589,13<br />

I,t.r$ b th€ g@ @ln !ni!8 iliftrot L.rs di&f igiiEmlly rl (P < 0.05)<br />

'* = Sb!fio.'tt n (P < 0.01)<br />


.Dh 440: Tn. htdrcdo! b.t*er ior {rclng ,!d llr rprcilg .O.ctbg<br />

bloloSicd yi.l.l dui!€ r99t96 .!d 199497<br />

RIPT<br />

RIP2<br />

llP3<br />

R2PI<br />

N2P2<br />

t2P3<br />

R3PI<br />

t3P2<br />

R]P]<br />

l,sD5%<br />

Eiol%L.l $dd<br />

(l€ hr")<br />

199t96 199G9<br />

t3t03.95a<br />

12631.00.<br />

12t05,59 t<br />

10198.15 de<br />

ll63l-12.<br />

l0tE5,6?il<br />

10421,19 ef<br />

lo!71.75f<br />

9n3.518<br />

9661.19g<br />

211.90<br />

Mcs i! ttc !@ @tr@ labg diftE laan difr.r dgiilc|ltb .. (P 3 0.05)<br />

ta9<br />

Ia36.92b<br />

10939.r3o<br />

lotT&58d<br />

9888.7.<br />

10425.87 d<br />

9773.23.<br />


!r%, (llMr ., .! 1997), Uilik€ yipkl @hpoEt6, lhe TDM yi€Ll<br />

nigher at.loer trcahqt @hieti6 of RIPI (30.h r 10 d) Clable 440) beo@<br />

$ch a opdmtm d@ity utilizr Mimm Itsrc (!.dndd! NrrihrE,<br />

mistuF et .) md thE highe' dry drier prcdu.dh (c{ptq, 1988). TlE avehge<br />

TDM yield of 1G11 t hrr ehiwe.l i. this shrly C6IEE tavoebly wrrh rlE<br />

av€rag€ biolo8icr yiel.l of 1G12 t [.' Eported hy otheF (AUen ard Morgdr 195j<br />

HckinS er., 1997). Tt@ Eult! abo {b6t nqab the IDM yield (qi10.2 t haj)<br />

acnid€d s.ler similar €dnphic dil .Iituft qdidDro (SeEm 413).<br /> SEEDYIELD<br />

The etrect of 'w spaciry d.t ph$ spa.ing 6 6nal Rd yield is dIoM in<br />

Tabl€ 4.41 during btn the *as In borh mns th€ cld*r r* sFcmdot 30 o<br />

signitiddy dryFld€d the the 45 d or wider w spacing oI 60 d Sjmit rty<br />

i.temeiliate row spacing of 45 .m signifi@tly increaed $d yield dd 60 m<br />

ie spaciig by 9.914.88n. ]lE avda8e *d yidd in 19995 was 1,91 in 30.!! l,ra<br />

45 cm eld 1,62 t hdr in 60 d row Epacin& esp€tively. In 19497 equivatent<br />

'n<br />

!rlu6 !{@ 1.76, 1.7l dd 1.63 tIEj, Epetvely.<br />

Find *d yield w6.le siEniti6ntly .If

TrDL Lalt Er.d oftot T..try ud dtlt tpt'i4 d &'d tidd<br />

LSD 5%<br />

I'bt rpr.i.t G)<br />

LSD'%<br />

1945-95<br />

s..d ridd Ct !")<br />

'99..rl<br />

19{6.6;. 176213. 18313?<br />

rt80.4!D l7ll.o2b 1L515<br />

16I9.62c 163147 a r627U<br />

13.84<br />

t3.84<br />

45.88<br />

l?72.08b l?0920! 1710.61<br />

18?1.71. na22'. 1826 9'<br />

1162.93 c 1616.21c l6it9 5l<br />

rt68.90<br />

45,88<br />

t7vl.51<br />

MNs i! th. x@ ooh@ bvils difrordt hns dift( {Elidctdv 't (P

f.hL a,al! TL tntaftfro! b.tr@ row ,Fci.g ed DLra lprcilg .tradry t.qf<br />

tidd duilg 19'!16 &d r9rct<br />

RIPI<br />

RIP2<br />

RIP3<br />

R2PI<br />

\2P2<br />

t2P3<br />

RSPI<br />

R3P2<br />

R3P3<br />

tsD5%<br />

s*d ytdd cg [r ')<br />

l94+% tvr69<br />

t152.41h<br />

2031.52 r<br />

1142.4t d<br />

l69C20G<br />

1711.62.<br />

tt92,40f<br />

1510.26t<br />

23.94<br />

t875.(Xt<br />

t162.4rn<br />

r7ro.25b<br />

l62J.4l c<br />

t62l.ll c<br />

1709.r6 6<br />

1602,11 c<br />

lt92-l0c<br />

Md8 i! Oc 3.e @I@ r|litrg dilt ar L#.isdifti {siifiolt|y.r (p S 0.05)<br />


i'l<br />

T<br />

t00o t0I0 ti6o tiad<br />

T..rar*tt{)<br />

rt {l3lbrdfiabrd-r.drru-d.dr&r..cdo&<br />

turL.F-drt ar<br />


i;<br />

{&, +16. rb rd.{.u[b ber-..d y'dt.d r.te.. dsr.tn or..rotr<br />

lrt F.Lddr..<br />


w6 nobd. TE yield !@ hi8tur in 15 d plrnt rpacina foloweil hy the 10 o<br />

rF.in& Ovedll.ve68e *d yEld w6 1Z/ | n l99i9o md Lm t h! I n lcc6.z<br />

resp46vely (Iabie 4,41),<br />

Tlp inbra.tid betwM tw dd plant s?.cila atuin8 *.d yield w6<br />

signitidt in 6olh the e.s Clable<br />

4.112). Ill€ inlernctim slDw€d tlEt twimM<br />

cd yield of 2.0 t in 199516 ard 1.88 t har in 1996-9/ w6 obtained in RlP2 (30 m<br />

:15 m) tatnat c66istid Tte low6t sd yi€ld of about 1.6 t h.r r@ dva<br />

by rur2 (60 o x 1s n) dd i3Pi (60.h r 20 d) treatnMt @hbnu6(fu.<br />

Final sed ypld was liMly Elad with rhe fiMl TDM yiekl (FiE. 415) .nil<br />

omd rcE6i@ !ao!t$ed for 7A i of dE ldntid in *ed yield fd the p@led<br />

ilata.<br />

Therc w6 a pG ive but a p@r rclatiNltip bettrm sd ield atd LAD<br />

(!ig. {.15). The rcgle$ion a.cori€al 601 65% of the vdi.tid in yield for the p@led<br />

il6rr Ttj! resdrs N in lire with tuy {dle6 who foEd snbsdn8 6ndinF<br />

t€iwM LAD,rit TDM or *ed yield in gtuhdr rut ris sl'rdis m di6.€|t tield<br />

@p6, 6pcially legun6 (Husjn ?r al 1988; Husein .r a/ 19t).<br />

GqeElt br.rsi.a spp. g)h * ffi@ tw rp.cinSs 8fle hishd ed<br />

yielde tha whs &M in mly wid€ly spacd !@i !,I,ny sludi6 in ClMda<br />

(Kondra 195), Den@k (NolilestSu4 1979) tud Ne z€drhd (sibe 196) h.ve<br />

damlttr.r.d higlter yields of raped wit[ m w sparEi<br />

The ind@* in *e

compmtvely better planrgrnth (IiE.4.q 4 ),re l&lginihp@vemtinyi€ld<br />

(1nr|{'6ts Th€ 6il€quarE spacbE Hlbd in ar optihu demig Ed ujtom<br />

rlistibltid which prob.bly udlizd tlpi€furc. hore eftici4tly dd ths @re<br />

TDM w.s padiuond to *ed yi.ld s 16e hnrv6r in l€x w6 rDt.tt6-d by tl|e<br />

katlents Oabl€ 4!l3). TliG flblbnri.t! tte qts im of DortsLl sd Hamblin<br />

(1976) who dph6isl tha. lindl dnomic yieLt witl ircr€e ivith iE@* in<br />

biologiel Fld pnided the h!rell irds is tut dunsed. Tobl *d yrrld wE,<br />

tnecfore, d.bmiftd by TDM piodugbm I1 s w6 .onfitud 6y a tiMr<br />

rclnhdlhip betw6 sd yield dd TDM (IiA 415).<br />

TIe areEge €d yield of the prcddr sldy at 1.77 r (19196) ard 1.70 t hai<br />

(199694 w6 at pd wilh the avemSe eed yield rcpored pr4iously in th& rhesi,<br />

(S€cd6 4.13)- Alt .t .l (19'%), sdkhg h &ighd6b rcport€d sliddy hrglEr eed<br />

yield of > 2 t hlr mder dif{6t pl&t popdntids, Thaluia .nd cogoi G9%),<br />

repord lower *€d yieLl of abqrt < 1.0 t har in Ii{tid How*er, Bhm ei "/ (1995)<br />

rcporbd 1,1 t in 10 @ ard 1,2 t hai in r5 d planr 6F.in& Epeiiv€ly. Ihey lto<br />

tuled a d{@ in *d yield at widq dmr spa.in& a Erlt siEibr 60 rhat foud<br />

4.2.3,7 HARVEST |NDO(<br />

N@ of the ttsfrnars 6ignili6dy afied hd6t ind* jn borh dp<br />

ri:,mG On av€rage, it vdied Il@ 16.1Sfr in 199t% b \635' in 7*gL<br />

repedvery Craue 4.43), Simil,r h.ftst indi€ wee eporred pRiout (Sec6on<br />


T.bL {,€. Dtea ot w .pr.tur ud pl|lt .p.cirg otr bNsr inda<br />

rDw ?.ci!g (R)<br />

r,sD5%<br />

LSD'%<br />

199996 rgc,<br />

16.00NS l6.39NS<br />

t6.25<br />

16.30<br />

l6_3oNS<br />

15.99<br />

16,26<br />

NS<br />

t6.39<br />

15,39<br />

l6.30NS<br />

t6,39<br />

t6.16<br />

NS<br />

16.18 t6.t5<br />

r57<br />

16,19<br />

t6.32<br />

t6.31<br />

16.30<br />

t6.19<br />


4.1.3). Ali rr .l (196), h@*d, eporbd sisnitumt differdc in h@6r ind€r<br />

b€twM tr@ nd hrder populatioB ftey ale repord very hi8h vdu6 of<br />

l@6t inild at 3G32X,<br />

4.2.3,8<br />


NeidE @ rcr pirit.pncing.Iffi the ircbin F'tntage durnrg bor!<br />

the y@r of shdy, mil aEnge probin ;lE s w€E at 2o-Bt in botn ri€ sgN<br />

(Table 4.44). Sihilar probin @nbob in 3ed tnde tud by A! er 4/ (r!196). Th*<br />

6dts also flbst ntiatE th€ lhding5 6 prcdr @6rts epord nr Secdon 41.3.8<br /> oTLCONTENTS<br />

Table 4.45 pE*nts tIE €lfet of 66henls @ oil M€nts duing both Op<br />

ssns Th€ wider rn sFcing of 60 a; signiliqtly irc@ed oil p€rmrage<br />

@mpdftd with {c 4l and 30 m w 6pacing in both the *65@. Silib,ty rry<br />

sF.ing of 45 d allo afimed oil peiol;r.g€ @er 30 6 l@ sFcinE in toth dE<br />

s$G In 194+96 awat. oil6tmb ei@ 39.96% in30.4 !(L89* in 45 dmd<br />

41.31% in 50 m ru 6lDcin& @pecdvev, ln 199@7 tle dcraEe oil Mbnr Ee<br />

39.9i, 40.901 ond 4132X, EFctivety.<br />

Pl,ni spa

T.U.aa+ l&.td|r 4.da d tdt dt - Fd tcGr.<br />

t}w tx)tt<br />

rd|'|.rre)<br />

30d 20.tNE 20.arN8 &O<br />

45 oo 20.EJ 2085 2o8t<br />

60a 2O.15 a).l' 20.4t<br />

r5D tx<br />

rL rD|.Lt(D<br />

lo(d 20.75N8 20.?tN8 U.15<br />

lJ.o 20.!5 N.U 2O8a<br />

20 .o ALn &95 10.96<br />

l5D1tX<br />

N8<br />

N8<br />

!).16 all5<br />

l!o<br />


T.bL ,La5! E *t or mv rp.drt r.l plrlt rp.citra on o[ .o!t llt<br />

tsD 5%<br />

LSDJ%<br />

191395 t996.97<br />

39.96 c<br />

40,89b<br />

{1.31|<br />

O.2,1<br />

39.69c<br />

ao.?E b<br />

0,u<br />

NS<br />

40.90 b<br />

4t,32,<br />

0.u<br />

39.12.<br />

0.24<br />

NS<br />

4.72 10.1t<br />

Mea. i! th. 3@ @ludn hni!8 dift{d k,ls di&r liglinMtt .l (P < 0.05)<br />

160<br />

39.96<br />

40,89<br />

4t.31<br />

19,10<br />

40.14<br />


!r sisniti@try ikr€r*d oil qra.b by Z?4* in 199545 and 2.69* i^1qGE? oA<br />

:10.m plMl spacinS. Overau m€d oil

T.bL 4.46 | Eddt ol ro* tp.cilg &d d.!t ,picbg o! ofl yi.ld<br />

tsD 5%<br />

n.!l rp.ci!! (4<br />

LSD5%<br />

Ol ldd (tr hr')<br />

t995-96 tgcvl<br />

761.45. 703.13.<br />

727.65b 68q6t b<br />

668.80 c 675,21 c<br />

6.U<br />

721.19 b 6X.62 .<br />

712.29. ' 69.10r<br />

693.92. 672.90b<br />

6.U<br />

7.<br />

7.t6<br />

119.23 649,51<br />

Mcd b ll. 3u. cotu! tryirg d&a. lottEs djlta 4t!i66dy .. (P s 0.05)<br />

" - SirDito..r (P < 0.01)<br />

t62<br />

732,59<br />

70&t3<br />

612,01<br />

7t9.45<br />

7to.a<br />


T.bL 4,47: T[. iolncts! blaw4o rce ryr.i4 ud Pltlt rD.cing .re.itrg on Jidd dEi!8<br />

1999t6 .!d 199697<br />

RIPI<br />

RIPI<br />

RIP3<br />

R2PT<br />

P2P2<br />

t2P3<br />

l3Pt<br />

IUP2<br />

t3P3<br />

lsDt%<br />

Oil r&ld (la! tr 1<br />

199996 1996.97<br />

792.30 t<br />

?89.t4.<br />

702,57 n<br />

t5l,lEt<br />

712.99.1<br />

?18.19c<br />

6E3.38.<br />

661,96f<br />

661.05f<br />

11,85<br />

665,3r f<br />

7o2.3rb<br />

682.43 de<br />

5E1.98 tcd<br />

666,36f<br />

13.E0<br />

Mas h l!. ic 6t@ lnis di&!t L|!d di&. irdi.tdv .r (P 3 0 05)<br />


lnten tive efiets ol rcw ard pLnt sFcing on on yictd w4 signitudt nr<br />

both the s€aq6 (rabl€ 4.44. In 19r% RlPr God x 1ob) eil R1p2 (30cm x<br />

1ftm) tratlEt cmbiotic save signifi@dy hther on yietd (792-r9O kE har)<br />

thd dl othe! ornlirbtids The LM6t on yield (661 Lg hei) w6 p,odued hy<br />

wid€r row ai.t prant sp4ila mbijDdoE (R3!z R3!3). rn 799Gc7 tp R7r2 (s<br />

m x 15 d) ohbi@tion Eave signiriddy hithq oil yierd @er ar other<br />

@hb'rEti@/ dr

T.bb 4a3: SiLph @r&.!o! o.{6dd (r) b.t'd r.d ridd ud .oDpolal. ol<br />

yidd.<br />

So.d ,i.ld s. pblt nddt<br />

Sl6d tidd q Dod! DLd'<br />

S6dyiddv( looc-drdghl<br />

Sed yidd s t!v.c indq<br />

Scd yi.ld vc lonl &y und<br />

S..dricldE Oil@.@15<br />

S!.il yidtl * protd! @ton<br />

.. = SisliE ot .r (P < 0.01)<br />

199196 c)<br />

-0.0t Ns<br />

'0,0t Ns<br />

0.0tN8<br />

-0.83r.<br />

0.81r.<br />

{.67 NS<br />

{.26 NS<br />

165<br />

t rct (r)<br />

-0,68NS -0,48NS<br />

-0.40Ns -0.02 Na<br />

-0,05Ns 0,3lNs<br />

0.66NS -0.28NS<br />

016Ns -0.71.<br />

0,12.1 0.14..<br />

-0.67NS -0.E0r.<br />

-0.42 NS -0.29NS

(Se.tid! 41.+ This il!:wi6eEy dMg @rFrE s or 3€.d yi,ld i5 omdr in<br />

':6y leE@ in ilitrer4r*.6@ ltt6!,wet4t79,6"1s4

CHAPfER V<br />


Two eb oI 6eLl exp€rimts w cxlu.bd duing 199t96 eil 196-9l .t<br />

the Agwmic Re@.l Ar@, UniveEity oI ASd.ultE? Faielabail tD debmift<br />

Lhe Fowth tud prodrtim etfi.iocy of cmola uder d'lfeMl bdDqregetrmt<br />

Preti(E<br />

(i-e. tihe md mte oI f€diliar applicatio& lw ad plant sp&ind.<br />


Efiecl ot lmr and rate ol t6rdllz6r .pplldlon on lhs growth, s66d yt.td<br />

ed oil qu.llty of canol. (&*r/|r r.pus) c1. Shlr.l.€<br />

Two rield er.fEriMts w h nine tr@6rats aftl folr repliGti(m rerc<br />

onducd durin8 199196 dd 199t97 *€s6s. The experimnts were lrjd out in.<br />

split plot ilesiarl with tim€ of f€rtilizr appli.atim s @h 6d f€.tiliar nbr 6<br />

sub ploh Tte beahn6ts @mpr'sed ol inE tim of oppli@tid (ldl N + P ar<br />

$win& 1, N + tull P at $wing md 14 N at 6st iEigatior! ,4 N + tuI P at swinE<br />

md14 N at nowering) dd six fe*iliz€! raie6 viz 04 @0, tr30,6e30, 90-60.trd<br />

12G90 kg N-P h.n. Plot siz wd 27 h r 5,0 m widt a row sFcing of r{5 d apart<br />

Mdlmob of crcp grck.d! e€il yield, oil @brtts rnd oil yield rerc Mde ro<br />

$tabri.h the ouss mderlying the variari(m m *d 6il oil yietd as*iared w Ir<br />

hetmhts Results obtained i. thi5 study de sllrmrisd 6 sder:<br />


. I@seEmsiCnifidtilifieffi inLAI, TDir4 ed ed oilvield berwq<br />

vdioca timings of fertilizr appUotid during borh the *a3,0) werc ehiwed<br />

Lry tl@ batnar.6td alt othd nb6 of ferdlier apptiatim di.t tut.rhi4€<br />

d LAI of 3.0 duriig th. glwrn peri.'d.<br />

rrr6in8 rate of fe.rilrer applicadd Ml@dv onarE€d both TDM md eed<br />

yielil w€! otrol or l@er rab oI fertilia applidtor! ilHpeiive of tim of<br />

ln both $Mr l'wims TDM yield (>10.0 r har) at 14 (9060) hie of<br />

'Ihe €d yield M strm8ly deFddrt dd rclad L, TDM prcducdd Hi8her<br />

DM producrnro in highei dtB oI ferdlia appkati.d6 (F4 or FS) w@ due to<br />

8@ter LAD or higha mp grcwth Rbs in rh* rermn6,<br />

A$lyzing crcp gro*{h ard yiekl h t tu of LAD (nrb8ral of LAt, a ltmt<br />

positiv€ .rd liItd rcLtidCtp wa fo{td dd LAD *plaired 9t vrri.tim in<br />

TDM dd Br in s€d yiel4 Flatv€ly,<br />

'Irp hi6hd *d yield in F4 (90-60) teatnsrb luy tie du€ to oprsM gro&,th<br />

Eulbrla in imprde@nt in c@polHb of yielil. The nuhber of pod. pl,*r,<br />

*d p.d' od avqage sd weidt were signXi@dy 8Eter in 14 rllm aI<br />


The high€r oit yield wftn in.@sing rate of {ertilizer applidtbn w6

in TDM yield (11.7-113 t) @er 1s o d 20cm planr 3pacinE in both the e€ffi<br />

\.taxih@ TDM yield of t1.i r h6i w6 a.hieved 6om Rlpl (30 ch ! 10 q)<br />

h66rdt @mbiuii6 md the lower tDM le produed by Rtpj (60 d x 20<br />

q) latlEr(mbiMtim '.<br />

HiShs TDM prcductim in .l(s rcw d ptant dpsctng w6 due 60 t@ra IAD<br />

dd th6hi8lEr @p E@ft nb iriit|e* t -ro,or oE *a- spu.ings<br />

Intoth *as! the cler r@ sp.cing of 30 @ si8ndiddy @r yi.ld€d t 4<br />

wder t4t or m d) rw sFons. Mlxihum sed yi.Lr of 2.20 r {t99i%) ad<br />

1.88 t (196!? w6 obbimd in RlP2 (30 @ : 15 o) rreahldr @mbiEtid<br />

Fin l ed yielal w4lil@ly Flared witn diEltDMyrelit.<br />

. Crop gNth riElysi6 showed thlt both TDM dd *il yi€Lt we€ liMly<br />

Elated with LAD hbElat of LAI in both tlp ssN A (r]''r''u rcgEdon for<br />

pooled .lata shokd rhar LAD *plai*d 9ZX wiatid in TDM dnd 661 in *€.t<br />

. Th€ i@ in *ed yietd un tet trarcw w sp!.inE dd low or h€diu pt{r<br />

3pacinE ove. wider spacin8s w.e llue tD .dpdawely bettEr plani Ewth<br />

b@e of sifo6 dietributiN whid urili@il nE ,@res @rc €di.t6dy.<br />

IrN. d@ TDM w6 F ttidEd r,.a

In cmdu6iore, the resulb sgge6t dur hiEher e€d (or oil) yield ed g@€r<br />

tuic bqEfit will be obbineal ur.ld laisl,baal .ordirDG wha the qola<br />

rcp G pLnd in 30 q lw drd 10" or 1t d plan! 3F.in& The *n yield wirlhe<br />

hiEhei 6nd stable whs the .rcp ir f{6liad @ 9G60 k8 Np har, r6F€dv€ly<br />

1-<br />

2-<br />

3-<br />


Morc ddyti.al srudiea m required b inve6tigab rh. etre.t ot difGmt<br />

a8@6ic treahst8 ($wnu da6e iriEatd! nitrogm nutndd|, pbnt<br />

popuratid) @ le,I aE Eilwtlr lighr iniecpdM ard yield of di6e6t<br />

@ola vdieti6 $der wioul ealaphic drl .litutic cmilitim of P.!&r.n<br />

Mo€ strdn* are re€dd to d€'lErmine the Elative inpacr of .liffeEr<br />

a€rojurt tt&hEb 6 dl@tion of sioibtes dth th. si.ge of<br />

d@dop!6t of aop 6penly th€ Eroe.dr.ttd dadopmar ol Fats<br />

kileil tu6ur€l'@rs @ requir€d o the grcwtlr dwelopllmt.nd yield<br />

of ('mla in alifiermt ovinirrlMtnl cqditi@ b fit @p gro*th hod* rD<br />

elihia€vdirumg.lFtdefeb<br />



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3.<br />

w{tson, I ).J I9.r7 CnDlparative physiolognd strdies on rhe growth 01 ii.ld crops<br />

L Variatim in mr Nimilation rate &d teal dre berwM<br />

sF('es and varieties nnd rdihin md bets,en y€rs Auals ot<br />

4^*," ,.1. ,*r. The physiologul 66sis of v..iahm in y'eu. Advd6 ,n<br />

wr,r!ht, C.c, c', smlth and M. R W@droote. 1988. Th. etfer of rlE irigat on a.d<br />

nnroBen terr izr on rdn€s€d (A/ai@ ,ry!r,) proauctd in<br />

eutx eastFrn AustlalD . Cro(,th dnd R.d yjeld. nriS.tion<br />

srcNe.9t-13.<br />


D.c. BulloL 1199. Bffel of evlil p'odutbn f..to6 on rwo<br />

di.&r of npe*gl h th. 6tr.l lJiiild Shb4 J. Pt Nub"<br />

161 12't1,f'.<br />

P'E Bibom .d tK 9.: 19s, bfh6b oa ohhE {il<br />

nitoglr| 6 d.l tield lrd qu.lny of ke gluco.ltoLb oil<br />

*d aF (anrr! rq{, L). l. d S.i tood .rd A&i 639r)2}<br />

L<br />

V@r .d ,. P'rningeda 190& Oil drE of *nE dF<br />

(8rur!. raFd L) ir r.Ld6 b As!!@hic Tetunqu ed<br />

g|wtrt t€gqr Rdn \tt'6- 3a (5!tr5U (FbH CFD<br />

Abdb,, 41 (U)'8198;1988).<br />


AtpadL !.t lttdcd tld .ld.d r.irir ddild d.<br />

lt l{6!il6 o.aolc l99a odotr t96<br />

8qh) olt o.rt<br />

lll a2 tr<br />

ol!jodr(*) 0.7!<br />

lulltrolr(to o.@7 0.@5<br />

'AYS|. *drtrs 6J 6.t<br />

(no)<br />

Add'L loa V5 ltt<br />

(po)<br />

T-d! Srnrdrytm Sdrcryloo<br />


ApFrdi! !2: M.teoLai..t .t t fc th. twrn pdod oa crlot<br />

n Tdpdid. aC!\<br />

199+96 l99cyt<br />

21.00<br />

20,20<br />

12.95<br />

t6.20<br />

20.90<br />

t9.25<br />

rit.60<br />

t3,25<br />

t5.to<br />

20_00<br />

24,30<br />

R.riiv. EMrili.y ax)<br />

lt9t96 t996yl<br />

?0,q|<br />

84.00<br />

8,1-00<br />

79,00<br />

61.00<br />

73,6<br />

8?.OO<br />

79_@<br />

t!,00<br />

63,00<br />

Rrind aMl<br />

t99+96 t996-9'<br />

0.30<br />

0.00<br />

t3.70<br />

29.00<br />

210.5<br />

Sol@: Aeri Mdorcloliql o.[ D.pr Crop lirioloaf, thiEiry oi gdc!X,@<br />

t90<br />

l.50<br />

o00<br />

0.oo<br />

16.70<br />

8.50<br />

12.00<br />

78.00<br />


3<br />

Appailit 4.1r Co. or.Dor! prodrcdo! h.r (&,) ddng 199+96<br />

9<br />

l0<br />

ll<br />

Sr.<br />

(iii) Ptouslbs<br />

(ii) ttdshbs<br />

(iv) noliic<br />

Sornr<br />

(in) Cbdjnsofwrd<br />

Itd prol..tid @ed<br />

Nubr nrob' TotrtcrpaG<br />

I<br />

I<br />

trg<br />

N<br />

250.@<br />

61.75<br />

250.00<br />

6t.75<br />

J@,0{t<br />

250.00<br />

30,87<br />

5('0.00<br />

600.00<br />

J@.(X'<br />

125,m<br />

t4.52<br />

370t.00<br />

500.00<br />

6t.15<br />

250.00<br />

6t,75<br />

tr.:<br />

250.00<br />

30.8?<br />

t00,00<br />

600.00<br />

r0o_0{,<br />

125.@<br />

t8.52<br />

3?05.00<br />


Appddi! a,2: Cotr olod plodBdd lrr (l!,dutug l99cq.<br />

3<br />

9<br />

t0<br />

u<br />

(i) Ftougbhg<br />

(ii) Pldlils<br />

(i) l'lo.$il8<br />

('i) ?L!ri.8<br />

(i) C|uirs ofFl*<br />

Plbr Dro!.cid @eFl<br />

Nub4 R.aslr'' Tot t dpr.diror.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Jrs<br />

201<br />

250.00<br />

6t.15<br />

25o-00<br />

5t.75<br />

250.@<br />

30.8?<br />

,0o.oo<br />

600_oo<br />

t25.@<br />

l&52<br />

3?05.00<br />

6t,15<br />

250,@<br />

6t,75<br />

250.00<br />

30.8?<br />

50o.oo<br />

500.00<br />

r2t,00<br />

ta.t2<br />

3?0r.00<br />


Appddlt 43 ! Eiat.f ti@ rd nL of f..tiliz.. .!pti..rlo o t.rf e. ildd o!<br />

Tl=h{N+P.r&bg<br />

T2= lAN+6 P rt s{i!A + 12 N .! rd<br />

1l " t2N+ftlP.lssfts+ V2 N!t<br />

B, Fqtili4r r.r. (Lg L. ')<br />

N<br />

Fl 60<br />

120<br />

F3 6i)<br />

15 120<br />

LSD5%<br />

P<br />

30<br />

3o<br />

60<br />

t95-96 t99{97<br />

0,19<br />

0.19<br />

q20 bo<br />

0,22.<br />

0.01<br />

NS<br />

0.19<br />

0.13<br />

0.18<br />

o,lt c<br />

o.r3 b<br />

0.20.<br />

0,2t I<br />

0.01<br />

NS<br />

0.19 0_18<br />

Mclii!tt r.@ @L@ nan'S iUtrq.d t it@ di& dglidmrly rt (p s O.O5)<br />

2@<br />

0.t9<br />

0.l3<br />

0.18<br />

0.15<br />

0.13<br />

0.t1<br />

0.20<br />

0.21<br />


Appddn44 ! Etr.t otti,o..!d nt ot fdatizo .tpllcrrid on lqls.. trdd o!<br />

lof De 19a.96 rd lDGt7.<br />

Tl-F N+P owi'r8<br />

T2 = l/2 N + frl P.r .oRira + 12N dld<br />

T3 - V2 N + frll P.t @iog + l/2N..<br />

l. rcdlta ni. c! hri)<br />

N<br />

F00<br />

Fl 6l)<br />

F20<br />

FJ 6I'<br />

F4 90<br />

F5 120<br />

tsD5%<br />

P<br />

0<br />

0<br />

30<br />

30<br />

60<br />

9o<br />

195-96<br />

l.72NS<br />

t.76<br />

Ln<br />

l.2lh<br />

t.64 b<br />

1.45b<br />

l,?1.<br />

2,17 t<br />

2.32 t<br />

0.19<br />

NS<br />

'996n<br />

l.69NS<br />

t.7t<br />

t.74<br />

t.18.<br />

l.6l c<br />

1.42 a<br />

l.6E b<br />

2,14.t<br />

,29.<br />

0.20<br />

NS<br />

LU t.22<br />

Maab do se oo[@ lniig diF.ld k td di&r;g'Gdry.. O,< o.0r)<br />

a)3<br />

1,70<br />

t.11<br />

t,75<br />

Lt9<br />

1.63<br />

1.,t4<br />

t.70<br />

2.t5<br />


lplorl! 4,! : Einet cf rire !d nr. of a-dnr lpDliddb! d L.l @ ildq d<br />

l5rJu. t9t96.d 1996t7.<br />

T1= FullN + P.t wilC<br />

T2= 1,2 N + 6U P.1Nila + r4N $&.<br />

T3= l2 N + ftll P.t si!8 + ,1N.i<br />

r. Fcdfd nr. (L€ !.n)<br />

NP<br />

F000<br />

Fl 600<br />

I20lo<br />

t3 60 30<br />

!4$60<br />

F5 t20 90<br />

t-$Ds%<br />

1995-96 199d9?<br />

2.35N8<br />

2.6<br />

2,67<br />

1.73 d<br />

2.35b<br />

2.21.<br />

2.81b<br />

3.09.<br />

3.12.<br />

0.18<br />

N8<br />

2,47NS<br />

2.14<br />

2^52<br />

l_51d<br />

2.19b<br />

2.Al h<br />

1.02.<br />

3-,o.<br />

0.18<br />

NS<br />

2.56 L19<br />

lra!! b tn. |.e @b@ [ai!€ diftiat bi6 diftr iigni[cstly .i (P < 0.0t)<br />

&4<br />

2.41<br />

1.62<br />

2.27<br />

2.O1<br />

3.04<br />


ApFrilit ,L6 ! Edct ot rio .nd n.. of l6i'1i,r Tdrd.bi o r..f .ra iltls o!<br />

tS F.b. 119+96 .!d lr96t7.<br />

Tl = FUIN + P.t wilg<br />

T2 = 1/2N+ftnP.t swidS + l/2 N.r Ir<br />

T3 = l/2N+i lPrt owiua+ 12N{<br />

B. Fdti|lq ..r. (Ls b. )<br />

N<br />

F00<br />

Fl 61,<br />

F20<br />

f3 60<br />

F5 120<br />

l,sD5%<br />

P<br />

0<br />

0<br />

30<br />

30<br />

60<br />

1995-96 1995-97<br />

1.18 NS<br />

t,29<br />

1.27<br />

0.9t d<br />

1.07c<br />

1.01c<br />

t.42b<br />

1.48t<br />

o.27<br />

NS<br />

l t9NS<br />

tn<br />

t.20<br />

0.8?.<br />

0.96 c<br />

0.99d<br />

1,39b<br />

0,14<br />

NS<br />

r.7a t.72<br />

M6$h|n .r col@ tnbs diftrar la6. dift. dllltdfiy.r (P 3 O05)<br />

m5<br />

L18<br />

1.28<br />

t.2t<br />

0.89<br />

t.0l<br />

1.00<br />

1.17<br />


ppodn 47 i Ederold&edr.t olf

App..di! 4.ar Tb. Lto.dio! b.tvc! row rp.cilr .!d pLrt a.ciD8 .f,aailg &t<br />

*.t!t or 3orl De 199996.rd 1r9C97<br />

RTPI<br />

RIP2<br />

RIP'<br />

p2Pl<br />

I3UL<br />

R2P}<br />

nSPl<br />

t3P2<br />

lllP3<br />

LSD5%<br />

l9t$95 t91697<br />

925.23 t<br />

920.06.<br />

?33,19 c<br />

505,n t<br />

801,27b<br />

61031n<br />

4JJ.91 E<br />

651.35.<br />

4n.42\<br />

340.72i<br />

3,72<br />

12E,O2 c<br />

500.10f<br />

796,10b<br />

665.16 d<br />

42E.00 g<br />

1t7.25h<br />

3.72<br />

Mqahln. re 6t@ tnilr diftrd. Lde diftr isoifort n (P < 0.05)<br />


AppddL 4,9! rh brd..rio! D.ar@ re rp.cilt ud !l.!i rpr.iq .tr4d4 dry<br />

v.istl on 15lh J.n 19$95 ud !9969<br />

RIPI<br />

RIP2<br />

RI P3<br />

R2PI<br />

t2P2<br />

u13<br />

RSPI<br />

13P'<br />

R3P3<br />

LSD5%<br />

l9+96<br />

1190.00.<br />

939.60.<br />

701.90 f<br />

1090.0 b<br />

860.70 c<br />

65&504<br />

890,30d<br />

't0t.20 f<br />

506.20h<br />

8,03<br />

I l9ZO0.<br />

69C9t f<br />

to85_0b<br />

E55.70.<br />

653.6{,9<br />

335,40d<br />

696.!0 f<br />

t0t.2l!<br />

3,(X)<br />

M@s i. llc @ collm tdiE djfrd rdl

RIPI<br />

RIP2<br />

RIE}<br />

R2PI<br />

l.2P2<br />

R2P3<br />

TI3PI<br />

II3P2<br />

83P3<br />

LSDS%<br />

Ia. bld.cd.n b.rr6 rM.p.cl4 ud pL r!..ing<br />

dlalilt dry *ti8la on rltl f.b.l9tt96 .!d I99C9?<br />

t tt96 1996.9:1<br />

1560.0r<br />

l3l2.Oc<br />

989.l0 g<br />

t453.00b<br />

ll93.0o e<br />

9t5,20h<br />

1256.00 d<br />

1041,00f<br />

842,00 i<br />

a.t2<br />

l5J{.0.<br />

932.90 8<br />

t447.@ d<br />

1186.00.<br />

t250.m d<br />

1035.00f<br />

83t.90I<br />

8.02<br />

M.s i! rL. .@ @bd Lwitrg @Et &da! di& l8nfi.-"tt .t (P s o.O5)<br />


4D{'h{rlt Ir. rrh..dr ta|I r.r A..ta rd *r, |!|&toa.A.ds<br />

dt r{ta or 21lt !it''t ard ttat<br />

LlPl<br />

furz<br />

r.r|!<br />

x2trr<br />

nr2<br />

allB<br />

l3Pt<br />

DOt2<br />

t3Pl<br />

L8D!96<br />

rlt*x w,<br />

l9ll.0o.<br />

t7?,000<br />

, r9amf<br />

l?lt.o.<br />

M!.00.<br />

u[t tp I<br />

r5t{.q) 6<br />

115.00!<br />

Irll9.lpt<br />

179<br />

lq|t @r<br />

r7t9.oD<br />

!o. oo f<br />

ln}l ||0.<br />

l5m.q|!<br />

rtrtol<br />

!54t l|0 d<br />

r3i|l.Oo t<br />

lLLoi<br />

E79<br />

l|60rifi -D..hr.r|| aifb{ tdr|dt -rb*r os oot)<br />


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