Film genres: features, functions, evolution

This Interactive workshop aims at exploring the origin of genres, their functions in cinema and their evolution, with particular emphasis on the latest developments. We first ask why we need genres at all and examine the variety of classification criteria that can be used. Then we focus on the specific features of genre films, analysing their conventions and their narrative structures. We then explore how different agents (from producers to audiences, from critics to film scholars) have used and still use genres, and highlight their economic, sociocultural and communicative functions. Finally, by taking a historical perspective, we explore how genres have evolved in the course of time and how modern cinema extensively use genre mixing and hybridization, thus pointing to the future of this important but complex category of film analysis. Part of the www.cinemafocus.eu research materials.

This Interactive workshop aims at exploring the origin of genres, their functions in cinema and their evolution, with particular emphasis on the latest developments. We first ask why we need genres at all and examine the variety of classification criteria that can be used. Then we focus on the specific features of genre films, analysing their conventions and their narrative structures. We then explore how different agents (from producers to audiences, from critics to film scholars) have used and still use genres, and highlight their economic, sociocultural and communicative functions. Finally, by taking a historical perspective, we explore how genres have evolved in the course of time and how modern cinema extensively use genre mixing and hybridization, thus pointing to the future of this important but complex category of film analysis. Part of the www.cinemafocus.eu research materials.


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I generi cinematografici: caratteristiche, funzioni, evoluzione

Film genres: features, functions, evolution

Guerre stellari/Star Wars (di/by George Lucas, USA 1977)

Italiano English

Star Trek/Star Trek - The motion picture (di/by Robert Wise, USA 1979)

I generi hanno quindi la capacità di riemergere,

ma solitamente con nuovi temi/argomenti e/o con

un'iconografia mutata, in risposta ai cambiamenti

socio-culturali e al richiamo del pubblico:

"I film di genere essenzialmente chiedono al

pubblico: 'Vuoi ancora crederci?' La popolarità si

ottiene se il pubblico risponde "Sì". Il

cambiamento di genere avviene quando il

pubblico dice: "È una forma troppo infantile di

ciò in cui crediamo. Mostraci qualcosa di più

complicato". (Nota 8)

I drammatici sviluppi delle tecnologie digitali, di

Internet e dei videogiochi hanno permesso ai film

proprio questo - l'opportunità di offrire al pubblico

"qualcosa di più complicato" - e non solo in

termini di temi o argomenti. A un livello più

profondo e sintattico, le forme narrative sono state

profondamente influenzate in termini di

allontanamento da un trattamento semplice e

lineare del tempo e degli eventi verso modi più

complessi di raccontare storie, influenzando così

anche le motivazioni dei personaggi e le relazioni

causali. Questa tendenza, che trova la sua

massima espressione in quelli che sono stati

chiamati "film puzzle" (si veda il relativo

Dossier), attraversa una varietà di generi,

influenzandoli e reinterpretandoli.

Infine, ciò che probabilmente è stato più evidente

negli ultimi decenni è la mescolanza dei generi,

che è in parte responsabile della relativa

scomparsa dei generi "puri" (classici) e

dell'emergere di elementi di generi diversi che

insieme contribuiscono a definire alcuni tipi di

film - anche se probabilmente non in termini di

creazione di generi "nuovi", ben identificabili.


Thus genres have the capacity to re-emerge,

but usually with new themes/topics and/or with

a changed iconography, in response to sociocultural

changes and the ever-present call from


"Genre films essentially ask the audience, 'Do

you still want to believe this?' Popularity is the

audience answering, 'Yes.' Change in genres

occurs when the audience says, 'That's too

infantile a form of what we believe. Show us

something more complicated." (Note 8)

The dramatic developments of digital

technologies, the Internet and videogames have

allowed movies just that - the opportunity to

provide audiences with "something more

complicated" - and not just in terms of themes

or topics. On a deeper, syntactical level,

narrative forms have been deeply affected in

terms of moving away from a simple, linear

treatment of time and events to more complex

ways of telling stories, thereby affecting

character motivations and causal relationships

too. This tendency, which is at its clearest in

what have been called "puzzle films" (see the

relevant Dossier) runs through a variety of

genres, affecting and reinterpreting them.

Finally, what has probably been most evident

in the past few decades is the mixing of genres,

which is partly responsible for the relative

disappearance of "pure" (classical) genres and

the emergence of elements from different

genres that together help define certain kinds of

movies - although probably not in terms of

creating "new", well-identifiable genres.

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