Film genres: features, functions, evolution

This Interactive workshop aims at exploring the origin of genres, their functions in cinema and their evolution, with particular emphasis on the latest developments. We first ask why we need genres at all and examine the variety of classification criteria that can be used. Then we focus on the specific features of genre films, analysing their conventions and their narrative structures. We then explore how different agents (from producers to audiences, from critics to film scholars) have used and still use genres, and highlight their economic, sociocultural and communicative functions. Finally, by taking a historical perspective, we explore how genres have evolved in the course of time and how modern cinema extensively use genre mixing and hybridization, thus pointing to the future of this important but complex category of film analysis. Part of the www.cinemafocus.eu research materials.

This Interactive workshop aims at exploring the origin of genres, their functions in cinema and their evolution, with particular emphasis on the latest developments. We first ask why we need genres at all and examine the variety of classification criteria that can be used. Then we focus on the specific features of genre films, analysing their conventions and their narrative structures. We then explore how different agents (from producers to audiences, from critics to film scholars) have used and still use genres, and highlight their economic, sociocultural and communicative functions. Finally, by taking a historical perspective, we explore how genres have evolved in the course of time and how modern cinema extensively use genre mixing and hybridization, thus pointing to the future of this important but complex category of film analysis. Part of the www.cinemafocus.eu research materials.


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I generi cinematografici: caratteristiche, funzioni, evoluzione

Film genres: features, functions, evolution

preferiscono fare distinzioni più sottili e

considererebbero film di gangster, polizieschi e

"polar" francesi come generi completamente


Infine, le categorie cambiano nel tempo: gli

spaghetti western, che all'inizio erano considerati

solo un "sottogenere" dei western, possono ora

essere visti come un genere più o meno

indipendente. Inoltre, i processi di "ibridazione"

sono sempre all'opera, e ora siamo pronti ad

accettare nuove "etichette" come "tragicommedie"

o "dramedies", "rom-com" (cioè "commedie

romantiche"), "docufiction" e " docudrama" (un

mix di documentario e finzione), e così via.

distinctions, and would consider gangster

films, detective films and thrillers as fully

autonomous genres.

Finally, categories change over time: spaghetti

westerns, which were considered at the start

just a "sub-genre" of westerns, may now be

viewed as a more or less independent genre.

Besides, processes of "hybridization" are

always at work, and we are now ready to

accept new "labels" like "tragicomedies" or

"dramedies", "rom-coms" (i.e. "romantic

comedies"), "docufiction" and "docudrama" (a

mix of documentary and fiction), and so on.

3. Alla ricerca di criteri di classificazione

Naturalmente, i generi come prodotto di un

sistema di classificazione si applicano a una

gamma molto ampia di media, tra cui, ad esempio,

la letteratura (romanzo, racconto, poesia...), il

teatro (con "etichette" che spesso sono passate al

cinema, come tragedia, commedia, musical,

burlesque...), musica (classica e suoi sottogeneri,

rock e suoi sottogeneri, jazz...), pittura (paesaggio,

ritratto, natura morta...), programmi televisivi

(notizie, soap opera, chat, reality show...). Ciò che

colpisce di più in questo elenco di esempi è

l'estrema varietà di criteri che possono essere

utilizzati per definire un gruppo di elementi come

genere, e quindi per assegnare un particolare

esempio ad un particolare genere. I film possono

essere raggruppati, ad esempio, per modalità di

produzione (società "major", società "minor",

studi indipendenti...), per formato (lungometraggi,

cortometraggi, bianco e nero o a colori...), per

tecniche (live action, cartoni animati, oltre alle

varie forme digitali...), per proporzioni (standard,

widescreen, Panavision...), per qualità di

definizione (standard vs alta definizione, 4K,

8K...), per qualità del suono (mono, stereo, Dolby,

THX ...), per valutazione (adatto alla visione di

tutti, guida dei genitori, film "X" ...), per pubblico

(cinema per adolescenti) e in molti altri modi.

3. In search of classification criteria

Of course, genres as the product of a

classification system apply to a very wide

range of media, including, e.g., literature

(novel, short story, poetry ...), theatre (with

"labels" that have often passed on to film, like

tragedy, comedy, musical, burlesque ...), music

(classical and its subgenres, rock and its

subgenres, jazz ...), painting (landscape,

portrait, still life ...), television programmes

(news, soap operas, chat shows, reality shows

...). What strikes most in this list of examples is

the extreme variety of criteria that can be used

to define a group of items as a genre, and then

to assign one particular instance to a

particular genre. Films, in particular, can be

grouped, e.g., by production modes (major,

minor, independent studios ...), by format

(feature films, short films, black and white or

colour ... ), by techniques (live action, animated

cartoons, plus the various digital forms ...), by

aspect ratio (standard, widescreen, Panavision

...), by quality of definition (standard vs high

definition, 4K, 8K ...), by sound quality (mono,

stereo, Dolby, THX ...), by rating (fit for

viewing by everybody, parental guidance, "X"

films ...), by audience (teen pics) and in many

other ways.


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