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FrIDAy, FebrUAry 4, 2022


We need to abandon our consumerist mindset

Acting Editor & Publisher : Jobaer Alam

e-mail: editor@thebangladeshtoday.com

Friday, February 4, 2022

Eviction of rickshaws

and hawkers

Among the prescription for curing road jams in Dhaka city,

two suggestions have been there for a long time : getting

rid of the rickshaws from main roads and also evicting the

hawkers from there. The slow-moving rickshaws help to create

traffic jams and the hawkers occupy road spaces blocking the

free flow of traffic and pedestrians.

But the two appear to be grossly oversimplified solutions also

to the problem of traffic jams. For there are many reasons for

traffic jams-all of them equally important and highly

contributory to the ever present jams. Thus, it is not wisdom to

blame the jams only on hawkers and rickshaws and going for

surgical like drastic measures thinking that the same would like

Aladin's lamp magically make traffic jams a think of the past.

Indeed, the traffic jams issue is not so simple that it can be so

easily solved by only evicting hawkers and rickshaws. If it were,

then why do we see such chronic jams all the time even in

thoroughfares where rickshaws do not ply and the hawkers do

not sit. This situation only goes to prove that the problem of

traffic jams is a multi-faceted phenomenon that can be addressed

with only multiple measures. Of course, none will deny that

transition from rickshaws to motorized transports and getting

the hawkers into shops instead of pavements, are desirable

developments for a planned and neat city as well as for the

partial positive impact of the same on road jams.

But it is also extremely important not to attach

disproportionate importance to these two factors for jams and

going for abrupt actions to scare away all the hawkers and

rickshaws away from the roads at one go. The same may be

attempted in a graduated manner over time building alternative

opportunities for the hawkers and rickshaw pullers and as the

plans and their implementation to this end make progress. Any

attempt to rob them of their occupations overnight will neither

lead to any significant ameliorative effect on jams but would

rather lead to volcanic like eruptions of discontent on the part of

the victims of such actions. The same then could very

dangerously undermine peaceful living and social relations not

only in the nation's capital city but gradually also elsewhere in

the country.

Reports appeared in the press that government has decided to

take actions to evict hawkers and rickshaws from the roads to

ease traffic jams. Statements were reportedly made by a

minister about the imminence of such a move when a foreign

dignitary came to meet him. Understandably, the unveiling of

this information has created consternation in concerned circles.

For any rash move at this point to enforce these decisions are

almost certain to set off awful backlashes from the people to be

affected. There could be rioting, arson and all kinds of violence

from those who would consider the same as a direct threat to

their survival. And these things happening or lingering for some

time could pull the city's living conditions for its uninvolved

residents to the lowest depths from strifes and violence.

One only has to look at the recent happenings at Rupganj in the

outskirts of the city to realize how severe and violent the backlash

can be from people when they sense that their basic sustenance

is at stake. The disciplined forces in uniform were pitted against

mobs in the Rupganj incident and the former were almost

overwhelmed. We cannot simply have repeats of such anarchy if

the drift towards complete breakdown of authority and law and

order is to be avoided. Certainly such anarchies must not be

allowed to be encouraged in Dhaka city by poorly conceived

decision on the part of government leaders. Bangladesh would be

well set in no time on a course of bloody revolution from

encouraging such policies.

Besides, one also has to look at the economic rational behind

such moves. The eviction of hawkers and rickshaw pullers will

not solve the traffic jam problem. But it would take away selfemployment

and means of earning their subsistence from a vast

number of the poor in the city. Government is not helping any

with their survival. They are helping themselves and providing

basic needs to themselves and their family members. But all on a

sudden, they could find their ways of earnings or income gone.

Nothing could be more unkind or inconsiderate and also

economically counter productive as the eviction move would

only seriously worsen unemployment and poverty.

The hawkers peddle merchandise on roads which are far

cheaper than ones at stores as they have to bear no establishment

costs. And non affluent people are mainly the consumers of such

relatively cheaper products. They would loathe to see their handy

source of supply gone. The hawkers and their family members

and the non affluent consumers together form the greater

number in the population of the city. It can be neither

democratic nor benevolent to rob them of their source of

earnings and better bargain respectively. Not only the hawkers

live off their trade directly. A large number of people are

engaged in the small enterprises that produce the numerous

merchandise peddled by the hawkers. Thus, there are large

investments in such enterprising also. Thus, the hawkers, their

family dependents, the producers of the goods they sell and their

family dependents as well - all would be threatened by the

eviction. Some 10 to 20 million people could be adversely


As for the rickshawpullers, they are officially some 70 thousand

in numbers but actually are more than a million strong. They

and their dependants form a vast number of the poor in the city

. The rickshaws are also completely relied on by a very large

section of middle class people who cannot even dream of owning

private cars nor can they ride suffocating transports like buses.

The rickshaws are also completely environment-friendly and

enable import substitution of fuel oil on a large scale.

Government must not ignore all of these considerations and

go for rabid actions that would only compound the problems.

What is true

happiness, and

what drives us

to live happily on this

earth? Lately, this

question has been

revolving in my mind.

There was no way I

could get it off my head.

There was a lot of reading about this, from Indian

philosophy to Tolstoy, including Greek

philosophy. It is like firing a cannon to kill a fly. I

recently read the book "Flow: The Psychology of

Optimal Experience" written by a Hungarian

psychologist Mihali Sikzentmihali in 1990 with

great attention. The author of the book, like me,

posed a simple question. We need most to make

our lives happy and live happily.

The code of joy and happiness seems

unfamiliar to all of us. But what are we not doing

in the hope of getting these two? It is safe to say

that almost all of us have somehow managed to

bring pleasure to our lives. Many of them are

engaged in dreaming while keeping their arms

around them! The world is like a dream. But as

soon as the rash of the dream begins, the

unbearable pain of life is crushed by the

intolerable unhappiness. Then it seems that no

one is happy. The Hungarian author discusses the

nature of the flow of happiness. Happiness is a

physical and mental state when a person forgets

about the universe. At that point, the person

becomes entirely focused on the task at hand.

Nothing but that work can make that person

impatient. That work is the ultimate attainment

and peace of that person for that time. Properly

finishing the work is the ultimate meditation and

duty of the person. According to

Csikszentmihalyi, there is a time when a person

has a strong feeling of peace, excitement, or joy in

his mind, and he becomes oblivious of the whole

universe, which is the moment of the best blissful

experience. When we feel happy, we all cherish

and cherish it for a long time - it is a flow of joy and

happiness, the same happiness as the author sees.

Surprisingly, my little grandson explained this

simple but ultimate truth to me beautifully and

fluently. My serious study and research on

happiness and bliss seemed to vanish instantly. I

am delighted with the childish wisdom of this little

boy. As if simplicity is the best. This young boy,

who is only twelve years old and is studying in

class seven in a high-quality school in Dhaka, is

very focused on art and studies. During the short

period of my visit to Bangladesh, whenever I got a

chance, he would come to me to showcase his

diverse aesthetic craftsmanship. Sometimes he

would look at me with great admiration if in case

there was a hint of appreciation about his work

from me. But I can swear that I was fascinated by

the art of this calm, gentle and talented boy. I

blessed him. I said in unspoken words, grow

graciously with confidence, be a good human. My

grandson told me the mysterious and

complicated code of happiness that day. I asked

him when he was happiest. Which is his favourite

work, and which time is the most beautiful and

joyful? In a prolonged, childish manner, the

answer is that I love reading and drawing. The joy

for me is having the things I like, such as when my

parents encourage me to learn art or when they

bring me things used in art. And happiness is my

inner feeling. Like when I sit down to draw

something, I become so engrossed in my drawing

that I don't understand what is happening around

me after a while. When the work is finished, I see

that I have created an excellent painting style.

That heavenly feeling of that moment is the

ultimate happiness for me. And the work that I

did was my favourite thing at that time. I am

overwhelmed by the adolescent wisdom of

Dadubhai (grandson).

Pleasure and happiness are not the same - one

(pleasure) depends on the external state, and the

other (happiness) arises from the internal state of

mind. Only a peaceful, calm, and pure mind, free

from any extreme desires and external

materialistic forces, is the source of true

happiness. We live today in a turbulent and

complex world of attainment and materialism.

Chaotic and full of worldly desires. It is impossible

to achieve peace and harmony in such a situation

unless one person can suppress all desires. An

ocean of consciousness and perception is essential

for happiness. Many in the world never want to

feel unjustly comfortable; Some are truly happy,

while others are unjustly happy.

Are we really happy? Everyone in the world

wants to be happy and live in peace. That's

normal. When I think back to my childhood, I get

overwhelmed. My childhood life was full of joy,

peace, excitement, and happiness. Despite being

in poverty, I have enjoyed every moment-a

massive gap between now and then. Now, we live

in a digital age with all the technological advances.

With the growing middle-class family and the

Dr P r DAttA

pace of globalisation, we have experienced

tremendous economic growth and development,

rapidly changing our way of life. However, life in

the rural areas of Bangladesh was difficult in the

1970s or 1980s. Most of the people in the past

depended on agriculture and allied activities.

Gradually people started moving from villages to

big cities and suburbs in search of better

education, employment, healthcare, and better

opportunities. It seems that this effort for the

overall development of the people will continue.

The tide of development is rapidly swallowing up

even cities like Dhaka, Chittagong, Comilla and

other major cities. Bangladesh is now a

developing country, and soon it will be one of the

top 25 major economies globally. Although we are

Pleasure and happiness are not the same - one (pleasure)

depends on the external state, and the other (happiness)

arises from the internal state of mind. only a peaceful, calm,

and pure mind, free from any extreme desires and external

materialistic forces, is the source of true happiness.

all still cherishing and nurturing our cultural

heritage somehow, we have to adapt to the world

in this age of globalisation and technology to

create new opportunities. We are learning to live

with a promising future at the cost of our

emotions, feelings, peace, and harmony.

Eudaimonia is a Greek word. Greek

philosophers like Plato and Aristotle used

Eudaimonia to emphasise the true meaning of

happiness. According to Aristotle, Eudaimonia is

a process, and happiness is one of our favourite

activities and should be seen as the result of the

action. Eudaimonia's primary purpose in Greek

philosophy is to achieve the best happiness for a

human being. Happiness and a meaningful life

include morality, virtues, principles, dignity, and

ethics. How can we be good people? How can we

meet our unique potential? Hence the basic

underlying principle or core message of

Eudaimonia. To achieve this kind of Eudaimonic

happiness, we all need to work hard, build our

virtues, adapt to the current situation, and balance

our actions with the right wisdom. In

Eudaimonia, happiness is not something we own.

It is not a tiny pleasure, nor is it our social or

economic position; this happiness is not to worry

about how we live our lives regardless of our past,

to be satisfied with the present situation and not to

worry about what has not yet been achieved.

Pleasure or consumerist philosophy are all unique

concepts; The opposite of eudaimonia.

Ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle,

Plato and others saw that happiness

(Eudaimonia) was the ultimate goal of human life

and that morality was the proper application of

wisdom. Therefore, it is an essential prerequisite

for happiness to have a moral and responsible

lifestyle. Based on personal observations,

philosopher Epicurus concluded that a pleasureseeking

attitude is the norm of humankind and

that it begins in our infancy when we are born. We

all expect happiness, pain, or sorrow

unexpectedly. The most enjoyable activities

provide great pleasure and free us from pain and

anxiety. So, these pleasures are most conducive to

our peace of mind. Therefore, Epicurean

happiness releases pain and stress that leads us to

the ultimate joy or peace. Epicurus believed that

external stimuli had little or no effect on

happiness. Personal happiness is not conditioned

by wealth, marriage or winning the lottery; Or

beautiful or impeccable to look at. These are not

permanent. For him, the greatest secret of

happiness is to be free from external things and to

be satisfied with the simple things that constantly

take away the frustration.

In today's world, the concept of happiness has a

close thematic and relative meaning. It is a mental

state of personal well-being conditioned by

positive emotional feelings that lead to happiness.

Pure happiness is not possible in how we all live in

this world. Our lives are full of desires, falsehoods,

worldly pursuits, endless excitement, anxiety, and

immorality. It is possible to achieve temporary

happiness but not true happiness. Pure happiness

is truthful, compassionate, and not filled with any

unnecessary greed for complex aspirations. To

achieve this, one has to practice and make a habit

of concentrating on familiar things.

Real happiness that is lasting and

unadulterated always looks poisonous or bitter at

first, but in the end, it is like nectar. True creativity,

innovation, and true inner happiness come

through destruction, pain, and trouble. To achieve

true happiness, we all need to have the courage to

face all kinds of pain, suffering, problems, and

illnesses. But are we ready to face those pains and

problems? Can we be more moral? Can we live a

simple but pleasantly happy life based on socially

responsible work, ethics, principles, and not based

on any false expectations or unexpected

aspirations? Happiness with simple joy should be

the ultimate goal of all of us. Like my little

grandson, we seem to be lost in the bliss of an

infinitely beautiful heavenly happiness in all our


Dr P R Datta, Educator, author, and

researcher, Executive Chair, Centre for

Business & Economic Research, UK

Daffodil International University

20 years of progress-a lot of achievements and a long way to go

D affodil


University, a


digital educational

institution named after

the world's renowned

flower 'Daffodil',

started its journey on January 24, 2002.After

twenty years of establishment, the university is

now attended by about 20,000 local and

foreign students, but started with only 68

students. In just a few years, Daffodil

International University ( DIU) surprised

everyone by rising to the top of the list of best

private universities in Bangladesh rated by the

University Grants Commission (UGC). Not

only in Bangladesh, but also in the international

arena, the reputation of Daffodil International

University has spread significantly.

Founded by country's renowned IT

Personality and visionary leader Dr. Md. Sabur

Khan and the prudence of the founding Vice-

Chancellor late Professor Dr. Aminul Islam,

university's involvement of technology based

activities from the very beginning and the

perseverance of creating young entrepreneurs

have enabled the university to become one of

the best educational institutions today.Through

the introduction of 'Blended Learning' and 'Go

Edu' education system, the university has

already gained the honor of being a role model

in online education in Bangladesh.

My favorite philosopher Rousseau and he

said, "The University will be in a secluded place

away from the city, where there will be no noise,

the environment will be free, the students will

grow up in the lap of wonderful nature and

nature will be their teacher." The campus of

DIU has been built in the same pattern on

about sixty acres of land.

Daffodil University's Green Campus is

situated at Daffodil Smart City in Ashulia,

surrounded by shady, bird-chirping, sundrenched

peaceful green surroundings near

Dhaka. The green campus will easily attract

anyone who is a nature lover in a playful

environment with aesthetic beauty. Just as the

authorities did not fail to organize various

activities to enhance the beauty of the entire

campus, the students also did not spare a single

penny in receiving the nectar of Ananda

Sanjivani.In addition to education, students

regularly explore and enjoy the focal point of

natural beauty of the university - like

Knowledge Valley, Banmaya, Food Court,

Fountain, Aircraft, Green Garden, Gymnasium,

Swimming Pool, Innovation Laband Golf

Course.Jumpes hangout continues everywhere

besides studying. And for sports lover, there are

international standard cricket grounds,

basketball courts, volleyball courts, badminton

courts, indoor complexes. If you don't see it

with your own eyes, it is a very difficult task to

express the enormity of the 'State of the Art'

campus in a bouquet of words and an enjoyable


MD. ANowAr HAbIb KAzAl

The university has not only earned national

and international recognition in aesthetics but

also has earned the reputation as a unique

source of quality education. At the very recent

Olympic World Congress on Information

Technology (WICIT-2021), the university has

been honored with the 'Global ICT Excellence

Award'. Not only has that, through this

achievement, the university proved its

superiority in online education not only as the

only institution in Bangladesh but also in the

world. In QS Asia University Rankings 2021, it

ranks 4th among the private universities in

Bangladesh in the list of the best universities in

Asia. DIU also tops the list in UI Greenmetric

World Rankings 2021 and Times Higher

Education University Impact Rankings

2020.The university has maintained its

position in all the internationally acclaimed and

recognized rankings.

Not only ensuring the beauty of the campus is

important but also ensuring the dining and

rooming environment is equally important for

the students to ensure a quality learning

environment. DIU has world class hostel

facilities to alleviate the student housing crisis.

The university currently has accommodation

for about 10,000 students, including a learningfriendly

environment, quality food, internet,

WiFi, and strong security.The University has

Digital Class Room, Computer Lab, Textile Lab,

Physics Lab, Pharmacy Lab, English Language

Lab, Fab Lab (Digital Fabrication), JMC Lab,

Cisco Lab, Microsoft IT Academy, Linux, Red

Hut, Oracle, Multimedia Lab and Innovation


At this time of the epidemic, the university

authorities have provided an incentive of Tk. 22

crore for the students in 2021 semester. The

university authorities are trying to prevent a

student from dropping out due to lack of funds.

So the university authorities have brought all

the students and their guardians under life

insurance risk coverage.If a student's parent

dies in an unintentional accident, the university

authorities are responsible for bearing the rest

of his / her education expenses. Similarly, if a

student dies prematurely, his family is also

provided with one-time financial compensation

under insurance facility which is rare in


The Career Development Center (CDC) is

constantly providing employment, internship

placement, career grooming up and field visits

to the students through building a good

relationship and building bridges between the

university and the industry.

For the first time in Bangladesh, an

'Innovation Lab' has been set up at Daffodil

International University to awaken the

innovative talents of the students. The

Innovation Lab includes Market Space, Robotic

Zone, 3D Printer, IoT based Electric Bulb, Fan,

Air Conditioner, Architectural Design Zone,

Book Reading Zone, Business Incubator,

Meeting Room, Android and Windows TV.

Using these facilities, students are able to turn

their innovative ideas into reality.

The university has been working relentlessly

from the very beginning to take the education

Not only ensuring the beauty of the campus is important

but also ensuring the dining and rooming environment is

equally important for the students to ensure a quality

learning environment. DIU has world class hostel facilities

to alleviate the student housing crisis.

system of Bangladesh to an international

standard. The university has signed agreements

with more than 500 reputed universities in the

world.Various activities are conducted

throughout the year in the contracted

universities including Asia Summer Program,

Teacher-Student Exchange Program,

Scholarship, Internship, Research, Joint

Conference, various competitions. The

reputation of the university has spread all over

the world beyond the borders of the country.

The courtyard of DIU has also become a

hotbed of foreign students. Already, more than

400 students from around the world, including

the United States, Turkey, Indonesia, South

Africa, Nepal, South Korea, Somalia, and

Nigeria, are studying in various departments at

Daffodil International University.

Journals are being published regularly from

different faculties of the university and the

university has a research division and research

fund to motivate the teachers and students to

do more research. Daffodil International

University has the record of spending the most

money on research among private universities

in 2021.

DIU believes in deeds not in words, Students

are the pride and soul of the university. DIU

graduates are already working in various

important positions in the country and abroad,

especially in many multinational companies

including Google, Yahoo.DIU graduates are

achieving extremely good results in the BCS

cadre and are working at various levels of

government. The University's Alumni

Association builds bridges between former and

current students. Alumni at home and abroad

are connected through the Daffodil Alumni

Association Network. As a result, current

students get all kinds of benefits from alumni.

Our education system has suffered the most

during the Corona Extreme. All educational

institutions were closed for more than 18

months. But even in such a crisis, DIU is the

only university in the country that was active all

the time. The reading of the students was not

disturbed even for a moment.

It is only because the university's platforms

like 'Blended Learning Center' and 'Go-Edu' are

active and teachers-students are already

accustomed to it. As a result, the teachers and

students of the university are enjoying the

maximum benefits of the online platform

'Blended Learning Center (BLC)' in these

difficult times of the Corona epidemic.

Bangladesh is in the first stage of digital

education, beyond the face-to-face, in the

second stage, i.e in the banded digital. For

which the University Grants Commission has

already approved the Blended Learning Policy

2021. The next step is online digital

education.Literally, Bangladesh has yet to make

its presence felt in the global online education

industry. However, DIU has informed the

world about their ability to launch online

degreesand has started platform based

education for the first time in tertiary education

in Bangladesh.

DIU is interested in launching online degrees

at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and

has already applied to the Ministry of Education

and the University Grants Commission for

permission to offer online degrees.Due to the

current global situation, many of our

neighboring countries have now started

offering online degrees. Recently, the

University Grants Commission of India has

given approval to a number of universities in

their country to offer online degrees. The

developed world started it at least 10 years ago.

If the technologies of the Fourth Industrial

Revolution (such as artificial intelligence-based

LMS, learning analytics) are effectively

integrated into the system, it could easily

become our third highest source of income after

remittances and garments.Hopefully, the

country's planners and policy makers will

prioritize research and innovation related to the

Fourth Industrial Revolution and bring timely

changes in education policy so that Bangladesh

can emerge as a brand in the global education


Two decades is not a long time for a university

to focus its attention on education, innovation,

development and research, but Daffodil

International University has already been able

to make its position known in Bangladesh and

outside Bangladesh. About 40,000 graduates

have already graduated from the university,

contributing to the national and international

arena. Many achievements of the university in

this short time, in the future the fragrance of

this daffodil will spread far and wide beyond the

borders of the country, this fragrance will

spread all over the world.

The Writer is Senior Assistant

Director (Public Relations), Daffodil

International University

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