SHILL Issue 36

Solana ecosystem zine.

Solana ecosystem zine.


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#<strong>SHILL</strong><br />


The JUNKINGS<br />

Gitochi interviews this NFT<br />

project<br />

treasure island<br />

chest is now treasure<br />

island- what do you need to<br />

know?<br />

hackerhouse LA<br />

insight into whats hot<br />

ISSUE #<strong>36</strong><br />

0.025 ◎<br />

Benefits of grape<br />

uncover what being part of<br />

grape gives you #Alpha

Chaboola<br />

THIS<br />

In<br />

ISSUE<br />


4<br />

FROM<br />

8<br />

16<br />


So much to write. So little space.<br />

WEN?<br />

Crediblecrypto shares his<br />

wycoff analysis #alpha<br />

The JUNKINGS<br />

Entrevista en espanol.<br />

Purple Anlaysis<br />

When you need that little<br />

Know Your Shills<br />

22<br />

edge 48<br />

Common terms defined- a<br />

must read! #alpha<br />

23<br />

Astronaut<br />

Always delivering the<br />

goods<br />

24<br />

30<br />

62<br />

66<br />

68<br />

NFTLatinoGANG<br />

Project review by Gitochi en espanol.<br />

Benefits of Grape explained<br />

Accessing the Discord is one thing.<br />

Uncovering the wealth of knowledge<br />

within is another. #alpha<br />

LA Hackerhouse<br />

KidonthePhoenix gives insight into<br />

LA Hackerhouse and what to look<br />

out for. #alpha<br />

URS Crown<br />

It’s all in the image! #alpha<br />


Chest Finance is now known as<br />

Treasure Isalnd. Same project,<br />

streamlined. #alpha

the<br />

from<br />

EDITOR<br />

They said you’d never make it. <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>36</strong>- 18 weeks of Solana<br />

ecosystem documented and archived! A huge THANK YOU to all<br />

who have been along for the ride!<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> 1 was way back on October 10, 2021. That issue had an article<br />

by @sainteclectic, a piece of work by @glitchstroke, @Solanauts and<br />

their upcoming Launch Pass. Eight (8) pages, <strong>36</strong>0 views.<br />

Current #Shill zine issues are averaging 3000 views each. Some<br />

have hit almighty highs of 7000 views (issues 24-28) with issue 25<br />

topping them all with 7150 views! What made that issue special? Go<br />

find out- it will take you under 5mins to flick through the pages, read<br />

the Alpha and bask in the glory of the NFTs back on Dec 29, 2021! I<br />

know there is a quote from @dat_a_bstract in there that I captured<br />

during a Twitter Spaces. Immortalised. Still rings true 2 months on.<br />

What have we got this issue? 64 pages of Solana ecosystem content!<br />

Alpha?<br />

Check!<br />

NFTs?<br />

Check!<br />

Articles?<br />

Check!<br />

Foreign content?<br />

Check!<br />

Shitposting?<br />

Hmmmm.<br />

If you are panicking about the current state of the overall crypto<br />

space I have included the latest from @crediblecrypto who uses the<br />

wyckoff method to clarify things and give you insight into what may<br />

4<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

happen (most often than not). Does it look grim? For some, yes. For<br />

others it will be an opportunity to fill their bags knowing what is to<br />

come. As I have said in an earlier editorial, I expect to see the crypto<br />

marketcap hit 10 trillion. I’d rather be on board at 1.7 trillion than<br />

step foot in the door at 8 trillion! What about you #anon?<br />

This issue, <strong>36</strong>, we welcome our first advertisement. This is great<br />

news for #Shill as we have 3 writers from across the globe that have<br />

been writing for the zine voluntarily. I feel they deserve to be paid for<br />

their art (writing) and this may be a start. Hoping to onboard more<br />

advertisements as #Shill grows in 2022.<br />

Surprisingly noone in the Twittersphere has challenged the #Shill<br />

Tweet claiming ‘Best Solana ecosystem zine’. Is it a bold claim? I<br />

think not. When you count up the competition I think you can only<br />

agree with the facts. No other zine has been delivering content as<br />

consistently as #Shill across any blockchain. And it’s all because of<br />

you #frens, the Solana community is just ...a great place to be.<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>36</strong> has gone over the page limit, again. Keeping the zine under<br />

64 pages is near impossible. The content that rolls out between<br />

issues is immense. But, there you have it. This issue is a glorious<br />

68 pages from front to back. Honestly, if you don’t find any #alpha in<br />

this issue, NFT you’ve never considered, or new people to follow on<br />

Twitter I truly don’t know what the f* I’m doing!<br />

The last few issues had true #alpha. This one does too. Don’t say you<br />

weren’t given a ‘heads up’ about page 66. Read carefully. It’s for your<br />

own benefit! And what is Chest up to exactly with its name change<br />

to Treasure Island?<br />

Enough said. You know the drill. Let’s f go!<br />

Pixeltoy<br />

Advertising space in #Shill<br />

send an email to:<br />

pixeltoy.sol@gmail.com<br />

with “Ad query” as the subject.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 5



Sitting on the sidelines waiting?<br />

WEN?<br />

WEN?DYOR <strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong><br />

CredibleCrypto<br />

My thoughts on $BTC dominance at this time.<br />

Long story short- $BTC outperforms during initial stages of our<br />

final 5th wave impulse.<br />

Alts steal the show after that as $BTC tops, dominance makes<br />

a new all time low before this is all over.<br />

Bought some spot $BTC at <strong>36</strong>.8k for my long term spot port<br />

for the first time in months.<br />

Many are expecting a rejection around<br />

40-44k and then a dump below sub 30k.<br />

I’m expecting a pullback at 40-44k but<br />

still expecting 30-32k to hold, and then a<br />

breakout to 50k+.<br />


Crepus<br />

https://bit.ly/3uFqq0b<br />

Crépus is the French word for the texture of Afro hair / Hair of black<br />

people. I created this series after hearing about people being fired<br />

from their jobs because of their hairstyle. This series is not only a<br />

response to the hate, but also a about empowerment of the beauty<br />

and uniqueness of black hair on men, women & children in the<br />

streets of Paris.<br />

Grape Discord<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 9








@joemccann 46.3K Followers<br />

It’s live. The latest edition in the @solana hackathon<br />

series.<br />

$5m+ in prizes & seed funding.<br />

Payments presented by @Visa<br />

DeFi presented by @JumpCryptoHQ<br />

Web3 presented by @Google<br />

Gaming presented by @Samsung & @TSM<br />

DAOs presented by @mangomarkets & @MonkeDAO<br />

grapeprotocol<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 15

Entrevista a<br />

The Junkings<br />

Gitochi<br />

Bienvenidos a nuestra 2da edicion de entrevistas, hoy les presentamos<br />

a The Junkings Como es usual siempre realizamos la misma pregunta<br />

para introducir al equipo.<br />

Para empezar, siempre es importante hablar de los miembros del<br />

proyecto, ¿Quienes son? ¿A que se dedican? ¿Cómo llegaron al<br />

mundo de NFT y porque decidieron emprender en el? ¿Aporte de<br />

cada miembro al proyecto?<br />

Primero que nada<br />

gracias por recibirnos<br />

para esta entrevista!<br />

Somos un grupo de<br />

amigos muy diverso,<br />

tenemos entre<br />

chef e ingeniero de<br />

sistemas… arquitecto<br />

y programador… cada<br />

quien en su vida pero<br />

con algo en común,<br />

un gran interés por<br />

la invocación y el<br />

mundo crypto. En<br />

lo que empezó el<br />

boom de los nft todo<br />

estuvimos adentro<br />

desde el principio.<br />

En especial en<br />

Solana, nos metimos<br />

con todo por los bajos fee. Luego de pasar un tiempo mintiando y<br />

comprando y vendiendo surgió la idea de empezar nuestro proyecto…<br />

y de ahí una cosa llevo a la otra y aquí estamos. En el team tenemos<br />

al team de artistas, esta el artista principal y el de apoyo … Tenemos<br />

el developer que se encarga de todo lo que es programación y<br />

website… y tenemos un team de mercadeo de 3 personas, uno se<br />

encarga de collabs y buscar alianzas estratégicas y los otros 2 se<br />

encargan de las redes sociales.<br />

16<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

Como surgio la idea?<br />

Bueno, después de tanto mintear,comprar y vender nfts en el<br />

mercado… todos llegamos a la misma conclusión, que queremos ser<br />

parte de este mundo y ser parte de los creadores. Nuestro artista,<br />

RIK, es un joven talentoso que siempre soñó con hacer arte para<br />

todos… y bueno el blockchain hace posible ese sueño...<br />

Que son The junkings<br />

Son unos Avatar artísticos, todos únicos. Llenos de colores y<br />

loqueras… son el resultado del sueño de nuestro Artista… Junkings<br />

también es un universo paralelo, el proyecto tiene varios steps y<br />

siempre con una visión hacia el metaverse...<br />

Una breve explicacion del roadmap, Como holder, que beneficios<br />

tendran<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 17

El entrar a nuestro mundo tendrá muchos beneficios… primero que<br />

nada tendrás un cool Avatar y serás ciudadano de nuestro universo!<br />

Al entrar con nosotros serás parte del DAO que será una especie<br />

de fondo que será administrado bajo un esquema de propuestas<br />

y votaciones… se puede invertir en mercancia, mercadeo, sweep<br />

de floor! Algunas fiestas ? Capaz invertir en algunas monedas o<br />

algunas defi? Todo es posible con una visión clara! Luego de tener tu<br />

Junking vendrán otros minteos y un free airdrop para los holders! De<br />

ahí en adelante la comunidad decidirá el futuro! Vemos posibilidad<br />

de hacer un juego de cartas e ir complementando el metaverso de<br />

los Jukings! Porq que no tienen website? Esta en proceso, y está<br />

casi lista para ser subida… no debe tardar más de unos días<br />

Fecha lanzamiento<br />

Todavía estamos trabajando en ello. El mercado ha estado un<br />

poco inestable y hemos querido esperar para anunciar una fecha<br />

definitiva. Seguramente este primer trimestre del 2022<br />

Han decido enfocar su comunidad al mercado latino?<br />

No del todo. Si queremos tener una presencia fuerte en la comunidad<br />

latina, pero no queremos cerrarnos a las otras comunidades…<br />

creemos que crypto es para todos.<br />

18<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

Welcome to our 2nd edition of interviews, today we present The<br />

Junkings As usual we always ask the same question to introduce the<br />

team.<br />

To begin with, it is always important to talk about the members of<br />

the project. Who are they? What do you do? How did you get into the<br />

world of NFT and why did you decide to undertake it? Contribution<br />

of each member to the project?<br />

First of all thank you<br />

for having us for<br />

this interview! We<br />

are a very diverse<br />

group of friends,<br />

we have between<br />

chef and systems<br />

engineer... architect<br />

and programmer...<br />

each one in his life<br />

but with something<br />

in common, a great<br />

interest in invocation<br />

and the crypto world.<br />

When the nft boom<br />

started, we were all in<br />

from the beginning.<br />

Especially in Solana, we got involved with everything for the low fees.<br />

After spending some time lying and buying and selling, the idea of ​<br />

starting our project came up… and from there one thing led to another<br />

and here we are. In the team we have the team of artists, there is the<br />

main artist and the support artist… We have the developer who is in<br />

charge of everything that is programming and website… and we have<br />

a marketing team of 3 people, one is in charge of collabs and search<br />

strategic alliances and the other 2 are in charge of social networks.<br />

How did the idea come about?<br />

Well, after so much lying, buying and selling nfts in the market… we<br />

all came to the same conclusion, that we want to be part of this<br />

world and be part of the creators. Our artist, RIK, is a talented young<br />

man who always dreamed of making art for everyone... and well the<br />

blockchain makes that dream possible...<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 19

What are The Junkings?<br />

They are artistic Avatars, all unique. Full of colors and crazy… they are<br />

the result of our Artist’s dream… Junkings is also a parallel universe,<br />

the project has several steps and always with a vision towards the<br />

metaverse…<br />

A brief explanation of the roadmap, As a holder, what benefits will<br />

they have?<br />

Entering our world will have many benefits… first of all you will have<br />

a cool Avatar and you will be a citizen of our universe! By entering<br />

with us you will be part of the DAO, which will be a kind of fund that<br />

will be managed under a scheme of proposals and voting... you can<br />

invest in merchandise, marketing, floor sweep! Some parties? Able to<br />

invest in some currencies or some defi? Everything is possible with<br />

a clear vision! After having your Junking will come other minutes<br />

20<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

and a free airdrop for the holders! From then on the community will<br />

decide the future! We see the possibility of making a card game<br />

and complementing the Junkings metaverse! Why don’t they have<br />

a website? It’s in process, and it’s almost ready to be uploaded... it<br />

shouldn’t take more than a few days.<br />

Launch date<br />

We are still working on it. The market has been a bit unstable and we<br />

wanted to wait to announce a definitive date. Surely this first quarter<br />

of 2022<br />

Have you decided to focus your community on the Latin market?<br />

Not at all. If we want to have a strong presence in the Latino<br />

community, but we don’t want to close ourselves to the other<br />

communities... we believe that crypto is for everyone.<br />

Crepus<br />

https://bit.ly/3uFqq0b<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 21

PURPLEanalysis<br />

@Purpleanalysis<br />

22<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

the ASTRONAUT<br />

The Astronaut @thexastronaut<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 23

NFTLatinoGANG<br />

Project Overview by @Gitochi2<br />

Latino Gang es un proyecto que nace con la misión de apoyar y promover<br />

los proyectos NFT de la comunidad latina e hispano hablante. Nos gusta<br />

llamarlo el lobby porque es el lugar donde todo pasa. Es ese punto de<br />

encuentro donde artistas, creadores y desarrolladores pueden no solo<br />

mostrar su trabajo, sino también conocerse, divertirse e intercambiar<br />

ideas y experiencias.<br />

No podríamos precisar el origen exacto de #lagangalatina, que es<br />

como nos hacemos llamar los miembros de NFT Latino Gang, pero si<br />

tenemos una pista. El nombre surgió de “Buenas noches Latino Gang”<br />

24<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

que es la forma con la que @mayimbo saluda habitualmente en los space<br />

de twitter, pero la idea de una comunidad nft tomó forma con @layers en<br />

un chat de Discord.<br />

Para aquel entonces<br />

todo se resumía<br />

a 3 smartphones,<br />

un iPad, dos<br />

venezolanos y un<br />

puertorriqueño con<br />

una idea: Crear<br />

un comunidad nft<br />

completamente<br />

en español dónde<br />

reunir el trabajo<br />

de los artistas<br />

latinoamericanos. @mayimbo, el boricua del grupo, es el fundador del<br />

proyecto. Es nuestro experto en NFT, Blockchain y Web 3.0 además de un<br />

coleccionista empedernido de arte local.<br />

@layers, arquitecto y diseñador, comenzó como creador de la identidad<br />

gráfica de la comunidad y termino siendo la mente maestra detrás de<br />

todos los procesos de producción y creativos del equipo.<br />

@labEsTHia Es nuestro especialista en networking y marketing. Esta<br />

en el equipo porque entiende como funciona el algoritmo humano y el<br />

de las redes. Estamos convencidos que en la web 3.0 las comunidades<br />

son lo realmente importante. El modelo descentralizado de la tecnología<br />

blockchain no vino solo a plantear un nuevo paradigma económico sino<br />

también uno cultural.<br />

La forma de relacionarnos, comunicarnos y hacer negocios está<br />

enfrentando un cambio estructural profundo que al menos en su inicio<br />

plantea oportunidades muy interesantes para mercados como el<br />

latinoamericano. La velocidad de surgimiento de los proyectos latinos<br />

relacionados con los NFT es asombrosa.<br />

No deja de sorprendernos como en un día regular podemos ver aparecer<br />

de 5 a 10 proyectos nuevos en nuestro timeline. La mayoría en buena<br />

etapa de desarrollo o ya en pleno de mint, lo que nos hace creer que los<br />

nft llegaron a latinomerica para quedarse.<br />

https://discord.gg/GJydr2Ja<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 25

NFTLatinoGANG<br />

Project Overview by @Gitochi2<br />

Latino Gang is a project born with the mission of supporting and<br />

promoting NFT projects in the Latino and Spanish-speaking<br />

community. We like to call it the lobby because it’s the place where<br />

everything happens. It is that meeting point where artists, creators<br />

and developers can not only show their work, but also meet, have fun<br />

and exchange ideas and experiences.<br />

We could not pinpoint the exact origin of #lagangalatina, which is<br />

how the members of the NFT Latino Gang call themselves, but we<br />

do have a clue. The name came from “Buenas noche Latino Gang”<br />

26<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

which is the way @mayimbo usually greets in twitter spaces, but the idea<br />

of ​an nft community took shape with @layers in a Discord chat.<br />

Back then it all<br />

boiled down to<br />

3 smartphones,<br />

an iPad, two<br />

Venezuelans and a<br />

Puerto Rican with an<br />

idea: Create an nft<br />

community entirely<br />

in Spanish where<br />

the work of Latin<br />

American artists<br />

could be brought<br />

together. @mayimbo, the Puerto Rican of the group, is the founder of the<br />

project. He is our expert in NFT, Blockchain and Web 3.0 as well as an<br />

inveterate collector of local art.<br />

@layers, architect and designer, started as the creator of the graphic<br />

identity of the community and ended up being the mastermind behind all<br />

the production and creative processes of the team.<br />

@labEsTHia is our specialist in networking and marketing. He is on the<br />

team because he understands how the human and network algorithms<br />

work. We are convinced that in web 3.0 communities are what is really<br />

important. The decentralized model of blockchain technology not only<br />

came to propose a new economic paradigm but also a cultural one.<br />

The way we relate, communicate and do business is facing a profound<br />

structural change that, at least initially, presents very interesting<br />

opportunities for markets such as Latin America. The speed of emergence<br />

of Latino projects related to NFTs is amazing.<br />

It never ceases to amaze us how on a regular day we can see 5 to 10<br />

new projects appear on our timeline. Most of them are in a good stage of<br />

development or are already in full mint, which makes us believe that NFTs<br />

have come to Latin America to stay.<br />

https://discord.gg/GJydr2Ja<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 27

TOP 10 / OVER 5Sol Movers<br />

SolsWatch<br />

28<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>


Benefits of GRAPE<br />

Overview of the Grape Community<br />

We have come a long way since the launch of our community in the<br />

spring of 2021. The Grape community was established with the goal<br />

to be the information hub for the Solana ecosystem; a place to learn<br />

and grow together. With endless information to process all around<br />

you, having a place to get curated alpha and interact with like-minded<br />

people has certainly proven to be invaluable. This is made possible<br />

with the censorship-resistant Grape Access tools, that currently<br />

power four hundred other communities across Solana.<br />

One thing that has not changed is that we work towards broader<br />

adoption of the Solana ecosystem. That is why Grape collaborates<br />

with projects all over Solana, bringing mutual benefits for<br />

communities.<br />

What did change, is the impressive array of perks you get for being a<br />

Grape member. This article is an overview of the overhauled benefits<br />

of being a member of the Grape community.<br />

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with Grape”.<br />

Solana proverb<br />

The $GRAPE token<br />

The $GRAPE token launched on 15 September 2021 on Raydium, an<br />

IDO that many point out as the main culprit for bringing down the<br />

Solana network that day.<br />

The $GRAPE token is used for membership in the Grape community,<br />

where members hold a particular amount of $GRAPE in order to be<br />

in any of the three tiers. There are incentives proportionate to the<br />

holding requirements for each tier.<br />

30<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

Bringing together non crypto gamers & crypto degens to Solana<br />

Grape aims to attract three types of users: Solana adopters, crypto<br />

builders and non-crypto gamers.<br />

We believe that this triptych is a complete combination to bring<br />

together non-crypto people along with seasoned crypto native users<br />

and degens alike. There is a place at Grape for all these people and<br />

our benefits demonstrate this.<br />

Solana adopters will<br />

join Grape for numerous<br />

reasons. Perhaps the<br />

most popular and<br />

sought after is the<br />

Solana-alpha channel<br />

on Grape Discord. In<br />

there, the very diverse<br />

and experienced team<br />

of researchers that<br />

have come together<br />

from within the<br />

community provide<br />

well curated alpha that<br />

provides a significant<br />

edge in the market.<br />

This primarily focuses<br />

on DeFi strategies but<br />

also early mention and<br />

adoption of new and promising projects and in most occasions it is<br />

time sensitive.<br />

Another reason is the fact that Grape is the central hub of information<br />

and discovery around everything in the Solana ecosystem.<br />

A plethora of interviews, AMAs, educational videos surrounding<br />

well established as well as up-and-coming Solana projects ensure<br />

you will not be missing out on any exciting development inside this<br />

booming ecosystem.<br />

Furthermore, the Grape workplace is the ideal place for any member<br />

of the community who aspires to convert their passion into action<br />

and earn tokens and perks with their favorite Solana projects while<br />

building with fellow Solana supporters.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 31

Non-crypto gamers will be attracted by our high-reward gaming<br />

competitions. With just the installation of a Solana wallet you get<br />

access to events and contests with great prizes. If you are a gamer<br />

looking to earn doing exactly what you love, then Grape has you<br />

covered. This is also the most effortless way into the world of crypto,<br />

ideal for any crypto newbie.<br />

Crypto builders have an inviting community with multiple resources,<br />

making onboarding into Solana smoother than ever. By providing<br />

timely support for new users and offering builders an established<br />

audience, Grape helps attract developers and users into the Solana<br />

ecosystem.<br />

Benefits of being a member<br />

Be a part of Solana’s censorship-resistant information hub<br />

Chat with like-minded depending on:<br />

Interest: DeFi, NFTs, gaming etc.<br />

Native language: channels for Chinese, Indonesian etc.<br />

Early/limited access to content<br />

Interviews and AMAs<br />

Pose questions & come on stage<br />

MetaVerse Explorer’s Grape’s Solana Alpha<br />

Curated alpha: analyses of DeFi strategies, token<br />

launches etc.<br />

2 day early access<br />

Access to alpha chats<br />

Solana-alpha (Class A)<br />

Alpha-chat (Class A + B)<br />

Participate in weekly events with great prizes<br />

Games and tournaments: poker, COD Warzone,<br />

Hearthstone etc.<br />

Design contests, for Grape and other projects<br />

Airdrops, giveaways and beta access<br />

Some examples:<br />

Airdrop: Mean Finance<br />

Giveaway: regular NFT giveaways<br />

Beta access: Solrise trading competition<br />

Note: benefits are proportional to membership level. Class A-Gorillas<br />

32<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

have a greater benefits and allocation than than Great Ape, and Class<br />

B-Great Ape have a greater than Class C- Gibbons.<br />

Get a skill role (Class A & B)<br />

Be a part of the Grape workforce and get paid in $GRAPE<br />

Apply for a skill role depending on your interest and talent<br />

(community creator, designer, videographer, developer,<br />

event organiser, moderator, researcher)<br />

Be part of the Grape DAO (Class A)<br />

Participate in decision making<br />

Proposals<br />

Discussion<br />

Voting<br />

Requires tier A membership and a DAO application; this will ensure<br />

that decision makers have skin in the game.<br />

Grape Access: Linking your wallet to your Discord ID<br />

Whether you are verifying membership at Grape or want to access<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 33

holder-only chats with any one of our four hundred partners, you<br />

have to link your wallet address to your Discord ID. This is done here:<br />

https://verify.grapes.network/start<br />

After this, react with the grape-emoji in #grape-access in Discord.<br />

In case you do not hold any Grape, you get the role Verified Wallet,<br />

which is not a membership, but allows you to view some of the<br />

channels. Consider this as a minor glimpse of what you can have<br />

access to.<br />

If you need any help or further clarification you can sign up for our<br />

weekly Welcoming Call by reacting with an emoji over at #welcomingcall,<br />

under the start-here category.<br />

Membership tiers & Benefits<br />

Class C: Gibbon (1020 $GRAPE | 2000 Raydium LP)<br />

This is the basic Grape membership tier. As a gibbon you will be able<br />

to:<br />

view 65% of the Discord content<br />

participate in most events and contests<br />

ability to ask questions during live events<br />

receive giveaways and airdrops<br />

receive a monthly emission of $GRAPE<br />

Class B: Great Ape (5100 $GRAPE | 10 000 Raydium LP)<br />

In addition to the Gibbon benefits you will be able to:<br />

view 85% of the Discord content incl. NFT-chat and<br />

alpha-chat<br />

Ability to request the TimeSensitiveAlpha role (be alerted<br />

when there is important information to be acted on quickly, getting an<br />

edge in the market)<br />

participate in all events and contests<br />

ability to ask questions during live events<br />

receive giveaways and airdrops (5x chance )<br />

apply for skill role; work and receive $GRAPE salary/<br />

compensation<br />

Class A: Gorilla (20.400 $GRAPE | 40 000 Raydium LP)<br />

In addition to aforementioned benefits you will be able to:<br />

see 100% of the Discord content incl. Solana-alpha<br />

(researcher’s posts)<br />

34<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

Ability to assign the TimeSensitiveAlpha role (be alerted<br />

when there is important information to be acted on quickly, getting an<br />

edge in the market)<br />

Get on the stage! Access to AMAs and join the<br />

conversation during Q&A<br />

receive giveaways and airdrops (20x chance compare<br />

to)<br />

apply for DAO role, participate in decision making and<br />

forge the future of the Grape community<br />

All you need to do is HOLD Grape<br />

In the beginning of every new epoch, the minimum requirement for<br />

each tier/class increases by 1%, equal to the monthly emissions.<br />

Example: for Class C with a requirement of 1000 $GRAPE, the coming<br />

month will require 1010 $GRAPE.<br />

Once you get a membership, all you need to do is hold and you will be<br />

receiving enough $GRAPE to cover the monthly increase to keep your<br />

class.<br />

Youtube Link<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 35


StarAtlas_Fimbul Airbike


Celebrity Cyborg






Know your<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong>S<br />

easymoneyding.chachang<br />

@easymoneyding<br />

interpreting nfts:<br />

whitelist - creates notion of limited supply/high demand but every<br />

project has one breeding - usually means dilution of project, if done<br />

proper works, but rarely works token launch - rarely works, but when<br />

it does see mindfolk, designed so you hold<br />

metaverse – no doubt metaverse is the shit, but can every<br />

metaverse co-exist, which teams can deliver one that is going to be<br />

there in 2-3 years when tech catches up<br />

gaming – easier to market with trailers, usually insane hype prereveal,<br />

diamond hands hold, paper hands sell, smart hands buy low<br />

during the selloff (personal desire to mint is low for me due to this),<br />

also high supply of tokens usually (8-10K)<br />

staking - see token launch, v similar idea, give us your nft so we<br />

can limit tokens listed, create supply crunch, good for floor price,<br />

how can we incentivise staking, usually works/baits well when<br />

combined with token launch.<br />

celebrity shills - you know when a celebrity posts any nft it should<br />

be looked at as a paid promotion only, it just means the project had<br />

the bags to pay said celebrity.<br />

just remember that the number one goal of<br />

any nft project is to make money, two main<br />

revenue stream periods are the minting phase<br />

and of course % royalties from secondary,<br />

keeping demand high and tokens listed low is<br />

one sure way to maximise secondary sales<br />

48<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

floor price focus in discords is never a good vibe, if a project has<br />

sweeping of floors in their roadmap, again not a great look, it<br />

shows a glaring weakness that you don't believe in your own project<br />

and its delivery<br />

if you see giveaways/shills being done by significant influencers/<br />

KOLs it means the project has a marketing strategy and likely a<br />

decent one, try determining whether it's a paid shill or not and<br />

whether it's been disclosed<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 49



StarAtlas VZUS ambwe




Lowbrow Native_Moment



URS Crown #562 by PLAZA


@kidonthephoenix<br />

LA<br />

Live auctions with @ftx_us @Ftx_Nfts here at the #LAHackerHouse<br />

These pieces are all viewable on screens in the NFT gallery area.<br />

From the IRL event, people can place a bid by scanning the QR<br />

code with their phone. You can also place bids from anywhere. The<br />

first artists are from the @thugbirdz screen highlighting 2 amazing<br />

artists from the Birdz community. 2 OG artists from the Solana<br />

space @LIGHTS_nft is an amazing photographer with a style of his<br />

own, and a light that shines right out of the pictures he takes. He<br />

has 2 pieces auctioning today. One titled “King Bird” is his piece<br />

for the @thugbirdz display. You can place a bid here https://ftx.us/<br />

nfts/collection/Flights/25/1…<br />

He also has another piece listed from another one of his<br />

collections. Here is the link https://ftx.us/nfts/collection/Lights%20<br />

62<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

of%20Solana%20Beach/25/1…<br />

Next representing the @Thugbirdz community is @cavpatrol.<br />

This artist has been exploring some really psychedelic stuff as<br />

of late. He has a dope piece auctioning here https://ftx.us/nfts/<br />

token/500167835164800247… This is “Cycles” Keep grinding<br />

homie... Caw Caw<br />

The next artist is @M0ATZE who has two pieces auctioning.<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 63

This is expressionism blasting out from<br />

the canvas to the screen. He is also<br />

an amazing writer with a story to tell.<br />

Check out his pinned tweet for his free<br />

substack. Place a bid here https://ftx.us/<br />

nfts/collection/Theater%20of%20the%20<br />

Absurd/25/1…<br />

@GriffinDart has a piece auctioning that is<br />

alive as hell (pun intended) on the screen.<br />

This artist needs no intro, an OG doing the<br />

thing for a while, making one fire piece of<br />

art after another. Here’s a link to bid on<br />

“The Second Demon.” https://ftx.us/nfts/<br />

collection/GDM/25/1…<br />

@xandern0va has his piece<br />

“Human Touch” up for auction.<br />

(I placed a bid) When I looked<br />

at it I thought to myself-”I<br />

really want to touch someone.”<br />

I love the way art evokes<br />

emotion. If anyone needs a little<br />

touch... I got ya https://ftx.us/<br />

nfts/collection/HUMAN%20<br />

TOUCH/25/1…<br />

@Chaboola is auctioning “A Midsummer’s Breeze.” A beautiful piece<br />

showing a psychedelic bird flapping through a peaceful landscape.<br />

Loves me some @Chaboola. Place a bid here https://ftx.us/nfts/<br />

token/345610718962088309…<br />

Next up @homegirlcaro everyone’s favorite homegirl 1/1 artist. I placed<br />

a bid on her piece “Disappointment.” It depicts feelings I’ve had about LA<br />

from a sociological perspective for quite some time. Here’s a link to the 3<br />

pieces she is auctioning https://ftx.us/nfts/collection/HOME/25/1…<br />

64<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

Next featured on the thread is the one and only @xVirtualSD. He has his<br />

personal photography auctioning here. This is the LEGEND behind @<br />

ParagonNft. He has two pieces of photography that remind me how small<br />

I am in this beautiful world. https://ftx.us/nfts/collection/Up%20Above%20<br />

By%20xSD/25/1…<br />

Lastly, I have 3 pieces auctioning. Paintings that I digitally warped and<br />

remixed. I’m going to keep learning and making some trippy art that<br />

hopefully resonates with some peeps. Here is the link to come and place a<br />

bid and support me. https://ftx.us/nfts/collection/kotp/25/1…<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 65

7 art pieces<br />

7 months<br />

777 crown holders


Protocol Journey #1<br />

Let the Journey Begin!<br />

the sea ahead<br />

Dear Pirates, this is the first entry in our Treasure Island journey, a<br />

journal curated by me, Ronfi, core-contributor to the Island.<br />

Over the last week, we’ve seen something truly spectacular. Something<br />

more than just a community emboldened by fickle NFT flipping<br />

schemes. Something that truly brought us back to the roots of<br />

why we entered DeFi in the first place: building a community-powered<br />

narrative, free of VCs, and built for the masses.<br />

We started $CHEST with the vision of building the first non-VC<br />

owned yield earning protocol. We launched the first-ever structured<br />

products on Solana, attracted over 10m in pure organic TVL (no VC<br />

liquidity), and generated over 50%+ APY for stakers on our strategy<br />

chests. Throughout this experience, we quickly realized that simple<br />

strategy chests could be something so much more. Something<br />

that would truly bring DeFi to the masses and innovate beyond the<br />

status quo. That’s how Treasure Island was formed.<br />

We see a future where DeFi, GameFi, and NFTs coalesce into one.<br />

As gamers ourselves, some of the hardest lessons were learned<br />

through playing video games. But games and traditional finance<br />

have always locked away value within private companies. We hold<br />

an incredible opportunity today to allow the players and users to<br />

take back the very value that they create, and truly share in the<br />

growth of the protocol.<br />

For those who don’t know yet,<br />

Treasure Island is $CHEST’s<br />

next step in our vision to build<br />

a fully community driven DeFi<br />

metaworld. Treasure Island is<br />

not only a game, but an entire<br />

DeFi ecosystem, from yield-generating<br />

structured product<br />

chests to DEXs, to liquidity<br />

farms, to governance councils,<br />

all centered around utility and<br />

gameplay-driven NFTs and<br />

$CHEST.<br />

68<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong>

While many refer to us as the<br />

DeFi Kingdoms of Solana, we<br />

see ourselves as so much<br />

more. Not only have we built<br />

our own yield strategy primitives<br />

through $CHEST v1, but<br />

we are also deeply integrated<br />

with existing Solana projects,<br />

from 01 Exchange, to Zeta Markets,<br />

and many more to come.<br />

Most recently, we released our<br />

first Gen. 0 utility Pirate NFTs.<br />

We sold out all 10,000 within 1<br />

minute of launch, and the floor<br />

price has 2.5x as of time of<br />

writing, with only 400/10,000 being listed.<br />

The Gen. 0 NFTS are among some of the most special within the<br />

Solana ecosystem. Not only do they come with 12% of the total token<br />

supply, but they also provide up to 120% in voting boost at the<br />

Defi Sea Council (DSC). We’ve only seen this done by Genesys Go’s<br />

Shadowy Super Coders and Lifnity’s flares so far, both of which<br />

have been immense inspirations to us Pirates.<br />

On top of providing direct access to protocol growth, the NFTs will<br />

<strong>SHILL</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> #<strong>36</strong> 69

and perks within the DAO.<br />

come with direct gameplay utility, and<br />

upgradeability, allowing our earliest<br />

and strongest supporters to be well rewarded,<br />

all while allowing new players<br />

to enter without feeling left out.<br />

NFT rarities mean that different Pirates<br />

will be able to accomplish different<br />

tasks with different attributes,<br />

some may be better at farming, while<br />

others may be glorious sea battle warriors.<br />

Strengths and abilities will play a<br />

big part in-game as well as out of the<br />

game. Top unusual Pirate NFT holders<br />

will also be part of an exclusive club<br />

that will be awarded special bonuses<br />

Pirate NFTs aren’t the only opportunity to explore the DeFi Sea. As Pirates<br />

begin to sail the seas, they will undoubtedly find new lands, which they<br />

can build out as prime real estate to either generate more income or sell<br />

to other prospective buyers and developers. But wait, how would they sail<br />

across the sea though? Seems like Pirates may need a ship for that, a ship<br />

which they can build, or buy and sell at the shipyard.<br />

And this is only the tip of the iceberg.<br />

Cheers,<br />

Ronfi<br />

We have an incredibly packed timeline,<br />

expect to see some hot teasers<br />

being dropped next week, from Gen.<br />

0 animations to NFT collateralization<br />

and staking with Honey and Pawn<br />

Shop Gnomies. For legal reasons, all I<br />

can say is that you better keep that pirate<br />

safe in your wallet for next week!<br />

There’s honestly no way for me to<br />

articulate how early we all are if you<br />

are reading this.<br />

We’re not here only to build a boring<br />

defi protocol. We’re here to build DeFi<br />




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