Emotional inteligence

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11. Emotional-literacy programs as primary prevention:

Hawkins et al., Communities That Care.

12. Schools as caring communities: Hawkins et al., Communities

That Care.

13. The story of the girl who was not pregnant: Roger P. Weisberg

et al., "Promoting Positive Social Development and

Health Practice in Young Urban Adolescents," in M. J. Elias,

ed., Social Decision-making in the Middle School

(Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, 1992).

14. Character-building and moral conduct: Amitai Etzioni, The

Spirit of Community (New York: Crown, 1993).

15. Moral lessons: Steven C. Rockefeller, John Dewey. Religious

Faith and Democratic Humanism (New York:

Columbia University Press, 1991).

16. Doing right by others: Thomas Lickona, Educating for

Character (New York: Bantam, 1991).

17. The arts of democracy: Francis Moore Lappe and Paul

Martin DuBois, The Quickening of America (San

Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994).

18. Cultivating character: Amitai Etzioni et al., Character

Building for a Democratic, Civil Society (Washington, DC:

The Communitarian Network, 1994).

19. Three percent rise in murder rates: "Murders Across Nation

Rise by 3 Percent, but Overall Violent Crime Is Down,"

The New York Times (May 2, 1994).

20. Jump in juvenile crime: "Serious Crimes by Juveniles

Soar," Associated Press (July 25, 1994).

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