Emotional inteligence

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These are the topics of gripping import in a child's life,which are aired on the periphery of school—at lunch, onthe bus to school, at a friend's house—if at all. More oftenthan not, these are the troubles that children keep tothemselves, obsessing about them alone at night, havingno one to mull them over with. In Self Science they canbecome topics of the day.Each of these discussions is potential grist for the explicitgoal of Self Science, which is illuminating thechild's sense of self and relationships with others. Whilethe course has a lesson plan, it is flexible so that whenmoments such as the conflict between Rahman andTucker occur they can be capitalized on. The issues thatstudents bring up provide the living examples to whichstudents and teachers alike can apply the skills they arelearning, such as the conflict-resolution methods thatcooled down the heat between the two boys.THE ABC'S OF EMOTIONALINTELLIGENCE510/661In use for close to twenty years, the Self Science curriculumstands as a model for the teaching of emotionalintelligence. The lessons sometimes are surprisinglysophisticated; as Nueva's director, Karen StoneMcCown, told me, "When we teach about anger, we helpkids understand that it is almost always a secondary

511/661reaction and to look for what's underneath—are youhurt? jealous? Our kids learn that you always havechoices about how you respond to emotion, and themore ways you know to respond to an emotion, the richeryour life can be."A list of the contents of Self Science is an almostpoint-for-point match with the ingredients of emotionalintelligence—and with the core skills recommended asprimary prevention for the range of pitfalls threateningchildren (see Appendix E for the full list). 2 The topicstaught include self-awareness, in the sense of recognizingfeelings and building a vocabulary for them, and seeingthe links between thoughts, feelings, and reactions;knowing if thoughts or feelings are ruling a decision;seeing the consequences of alternative choices; and applyingthese insights to decisions about such issues asdrugs, smoking, and sex. Self-awareness also takes theform of recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, andseeing yourself in a positive but realistic light (and soavoiding a common pitfall of the self-esteemmovement).Another emphasis is managing emotions: realizingwhat is behind a feeling (for example, the hurt that triggersanger), and learning ways to handle anxieties, anger,and sadness. Still another emphasis is on taking


reaction and to look for what's underneath—are you

hurt? jealous? Our kids learn that you always have

choices about how you respond to emotion, and the

more ways you know to respond to an emotion, the richer

your life can be."

A list of the contents of Self Science is an almost

point-for-point match with the ingredients of emotional

intelligence—and with the core skills recommended as

primary prevention for the range of pitfalls threatening

children (see Appendix E for the full list). 2 The topics

taught include self-awareness, in the sense of recognizing

feelings and building a vocabulary for them, and seeing

the links between thoughts, feelings, and reactions;

knowing if thoughts or feelings are ruling a decision;

seeing the consequences of alternative choices; and applying

these insights to decisions about such issues as

drugs, smoking, and sex. Self-awareness also takes the

form of recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, and

seeing yourself in a positive but realistic light (and so

avoiding a common pitfall of the self-esteem


Another emphasis is managing emotions: realizing

what is behind a feeling (for example, the hurt that triggers

anger), and learning ways to handle anxieties, anger,

and sadness. Still another emphasis is on taking

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