Emotional inteligence

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example, heroin and cocaine use among white youth

climbed about 300 percent over the two decades before

the 1990s; for African-American youth it jumped to a

staggering 13 times the rate of twenty years before. 6

The most common cause of disability among teenagers

is mental illness. Symptoms of depression, whether

major or minor, affect up to one third of teenagers;

for girls, the incidence of depression doubles at puberty.

The frequency of eating disorders in teenage girls has

skyrocketed. 7

Finally, unless things change, the long-term prospects

for today's children marrying and having a fruitful,

stable life together are growing more dismal with each

generation. As we saw in Chapter 9, while during the

1970s and 1980s the divorce rate was around 50 percent,

as we entered the 1990s the rate among newlyweds

predicted that two out of three marriages of young

people would end in divorce.



These alarming statistics are like the canary in the coal

miner's tunnel whose death warns of too little oxygen.

Beyond such sobering numbers, the plight of today's

children can be seen at more subtle levels, in day-to-day

problems that have not yet blossomed into outright

crises. Perhaps the most telling data of all—a direct

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