44 Edition 2020

Established 2006 in Dubai ,Hotelier Indonesia covers hotel management companies and every major chain headquarters. Hotelier Indonesia reaches hotel owners, senior management, operators, chef and other staff who influence, designers, architects, buyers and suppliers for hospitality products and services . We more unique than any other hotel publication in the world / 24Hrs WA : +6281219781196 / www.hotelier-indonesia.com

Established 2006 in Dubai ,Hotelier Indonesia covers hotel management companies and every major chain headquarters. Hotelier Indonesia reaches hotel owners, senior management, operators, chef and other staff who influence, designers, architects, buyers and suppliers for hospitality products and services . We more unique than any other hotel publication in the world / 24Hrs WA : +6281219781196 / www.hotelier-indonesia.com


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Getting Your

Hotel Email

Marketing to

Work For You

done correctly, and can add considerable

revenue to your hotel. So we've made an easy

step by step list for you to follow, so you can

start getting your hotel email marketing to

start working for you.

44th | Vol 29 | 2020 | www.hotelier-indonesia.com 95

Before starting an email marketing campaign, you should decide on an

objective, so you can analyze the campaign’s performance and decide if

the campaign was a success, and if it met the objective.

Possible Objectives include:

1. Increase Traffic

2. Generate Revenue

3. Brand Awareness


Set Campaign Frequency

Before working on the actual design and content of your email

campaign, you should also decide on a campaign frequency.

Campaigns could be:

1. One-off campaigns

2. Automated email series

3. Behavior Based campaigns

Decide Campaign Objectives

Make Your Hotel

Marketing Work for You

Build an Effective List

In order for your email campaigns to be successful, you need to

ascertain data integrity and quality.

Getting Your

Hotel Email

Marketing to

Work For You

Email Marketing yields fantastic results when

done correctly, and can add considerable

revenue to your hotel. So we've made an easy

step by step list for you to follow, so you can

start getting your hotel email marketing to

start working for you.

Design Your Email

Make sure to:

1. Evaluate your current lists

2. Segment your lists to personalize campaigns

1. One-off campaigns

2. Automated email series

3. Behavior Based campaigns

Before starting an email marketing campaign, you should decide on an

objective, so you can analyze the campaign’s performance and decide if

the campaign was a success, and if it met the objective.

Possible Objectives include:

1. Increase Traffic

2. Generate Revenue

3. Brand Awareness

Before working on the actual design and content of your email

campaign, you should also decide on a campaign frequency.

Campaigns could be:

Decide Campaign Objectives

Set Campaign Frequency

Once your campaign objectives are clearly defined, and your

lists are ready, you can begin to design your email. Ensure your

emails should be aesthetically pleasing and catch your guest's eye.

Make sure to:

1. Write good subject lines

2. Create eye catching CTA's

3. Use good images that are not too heavy

Track & Optimize

A crucial part of email marketing is tracking key metrics after the

campaign is sent.


1. Open Rate

2. Click Rate

3. Hard & Soft Bounce Rate

To Download the Full Practical Guide to Hotel Email Marketing, Click Here

Build an Effective List

In order for your email campaigns to be successful, you need to

ascertain data integrity and quality.


Make sure to:

1. Evaluate your current lists

2. Segment your lists to personalize campaigns

Design Your Email

Once your campaign objectives are clearly defined, and your

lists are ready, you can begin to design your email. Ensure your

emails should be aesthetically pleasing and catch your guest's eye.

Make sure to:

1. Write good subject lines

2. Create eye catching CTA's

3. Use good images that are not too heavy

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