45 Edition 2020 FINAL

Established 2006 in Dubai ,Hotelier Indonesia covers hotel management companies and every major chain headquarters. Hotelier Indonesia reaches hotel owners, senior management, operators, chef and other staff who influence, designers, architects, buyers and suppliers for hospitality products and services . We more unique than any other hotel publication in the world / 24Hrs WA : +6281219781196 / www.hotelier-indonesia.com

Established 2006 in Dubai ,Hotelier Indonesia covers hotel management companies and every major chain headquarters. Hotelier Indonesia reaches hotel owners, senior management, operators, chef and other staff who influence, designers, architects, buyers and suppliers for hospitality products and services . We more unique than any other hotel publication in the world / 24Hrs WA : +6281219781196 / www.hotelier-indonesia.com


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45th | Vol 30 | 2020 | www.hotelier-indonesia.com 81



Kristanti: Marriott upholds its culture of putting

people first and being an equal opportunity provider,

delivering a clear message to women building a career

in the hospitality industry.

8.How can women achieve a more prominent

role within Indonesia’s hospitality


Lily: A career development discussion followed by an

action plan, such as cross exposure to other disciplines,

roles, or other properties to gain experience, a mentoring

program, a shadowing program.

Beatrice: Organizing more seminars and workshops

about Women’s Leadership will inspire more

Indonesian women to be more self-confidence and

aim higher.

Santi: Through opportunity, and trust earned and


Sylvia: Improving our soft skills, particularly social

and professional communication, non-verbal communication,

building confidence, and leadership, for

surviving, thriving and achieving in prominent roles.

One of the best practices is to find a mentor - of either

gender - ensuring our voices can be heard, and surrounding

ourselves with people who will help us be

more confident and help women achieve leadership


Kristanti: More employment opportunities in the

workforce, access to skills and development centres.

9.What advice would you share with

younger women entering a hospitality


Lily: Get to know yourself, what you are passionate

about and go for it.

Beatrice: Don’t be afraid to explore your passions

and find out what you really want to do in life.

Santi: As women we must pursue our dreams. So

long as we have dreams to pursue, we will put in the

hard work.

Sylvia: Effort never betrays the result. As Bill Marriott

said “Success is never final”.

Ristiana: Wear your passion and be your own best

counsel when it comes to what you aspire to achieve.

You can and you will!

Kristanti: Dream big, make mistakes, learn from it.

And never give up!

Ristiana: I believe the answer lies with career-oriented

women. Ladies, let’s not limit ourselves to what

society expects from us. Let’s not limit ourselves to

thinking we should be more responsible in domestic

affairs hence a need to slow down when it comes to

our careers. We need the attitude of “she can and she


Source WhatsNewIndonesia

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