[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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Successor counsel, 61

Supervisory lawyers, 32

Supremacy Clause, 442–443


of attorney-client privilege, 149–151

of work product privilege, 149–151

Suspicious Activities Reports, 396

Suspicious Transaction Reports, 396


Tax evasion, financial harm exception to duty of confidentiality, 192–196

Termination of attorney-client relationship

attorneys’ fees upon, 357–360

client files, 388

client misconduct, withdrawal from representation for, 373–377

duty of candor, 389–390

duty of conflict of interest resolution, 388–389

Model Rules of Professional Conduct, 384–390

nonpayment of fees, withdrawal from representation for, 369–373

notice of, 385–386

proper and continuous handling of client matters, 386–387

restrictions on practice, 389

right to counsel, 384–385

withdrawal from representation, 369–377. See also Withdrawal from representation

wrongful discharge. See Wrongful discharge of lawyers

Texas, duty of conflict of interest resolution in, 235–236

Third-party beneficiaries, attorney-client relationship, 81–82

Third persons

attorney-client relationship, 54

duty of conflict of interest resolution, 289

Tort liability

aiding and abetting client’s tort, 82–83

malpractice, 76–80

tort law as limit on advocacy, 394

Trade secrets, work product privilege, 155–158

Translators, lawyers as, 6–7, 225–226

Trust funds, interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts (IOLTA) programs, 42, 350–356


Unauthorized practice of law, 448–449

Unbundling of legal services, 42–43

Undue influence, 230


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