[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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as gatekeepers, 395–396

as instruments, 3–5

partisanship, 10–14

representation of government, 323–324

as translators, 6–7, 225–226

Root, Elihu, 180

Rules of procedure as limit on advocacy, 394


Sanctions, 15–17, 31, 33, 405–406. See also Discipline of lawyers

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 382, 396

Savings and loan associations, financial harm exception to duty of confidentiality, 171–174

Scalia, Antonin, 466–469

Screens to resolve former-client conflicts, 320–322

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, 396

Securities fraud, financial harm exception to duty of confidentiality, 174–180

Securities law as limit on advocacy, 394

Sexual relationships with clients, duty of conflict of interest resolution, 286–289

Sharswood, George, 16

Significant personal interests of lawyers, duty of conflict of interest resolution, 286–289

Simultaneous representation of adversaries, 254–265

Sixth Amendment right to counsel, 100

Smith, Abbe, 7–10

Smith, Reginald Heber, 41

Social media

advertising and solicitation in, 436–438, 441

communication via, 411–413

e-lawyering via, 53

Social Security Act of 1935, 360

Social workers, 452

Solicitation. See Advertising and solicitation

Solo practitioners, discipline of, 32

Specialization, 384

Spoliation of evidence, 402–406

Sporkin, Stanley, 197

Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions, 31, 33

Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility, 384

Statutory fees

forfeiture of, 284–285

overview, 360–367

Subpoenas, 19, 382

Substance abuse, 31, 33


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