[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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disclosure, 184–185

fiduciary duty, 171–191

instrumental lawyers, 196–200

lawyer fraud, 182

limits of law, 180–185, 196–200

Model Rules of Professional Conduct, 180–185

overview, 170

policy debate, 185

practical advice regarding, 186–191

savings and loan associations, 171–174

securities fraud, 174–180

tax evasion, 192–196

utilitarianism, 170

withdrawal from representation, 184, 199–200

work product privilege, 184–185, 192–196

Firms. See Law firms

First Amendment

admission to bar, 24–30

advertising and solicitation, 438–442, 439t

commercial speech, 440

criticism of judges, 442

gag orders, 442

judicial ethics, 476

legal advice, 441

mandatory bar dues, 442

political speech, 438–440

pretrial publicity, 441

unprotected speech, 440–441

Fixed fees

Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts (IOLTA) programs, 350–356

Model Rules of Professional Conduct, 353–354

overview, 350–356

Florida, discipline of lawyers in, 33

Foonberg, Jay, 355

Foreclosure, duty of competence, 74–76

Foreseeability, malpractice, 82

Forfeiture of attorneys’ fees, 277–285

clear and serious violations, 283

Model Rules of Professional Conduct, 282

overlapping remedies, 285

Restatement (Third) of the Law Governing Lawyers, 283

statutory fees, 284–285


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