[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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what to disclose, 115–116

who should disclose, 116

Competence, duty of, 67–92

breach of duty, 70–83

criminal defense representation, 100–101

foreclosure, 74–76

franchise agreements, 67–70

to government clients, 325–326

insurance defense, 291–292

knowledge, skill, thoroughness and preparation, 67–70

liens, 83–87

malpractice, 70–83

Model Rules of Professional Conduct, 43

to nonclients, 80–92. See also Nonclients, duty of competence to

organizational clients, 262

overview, 42–43, 67

pro bono publico service, 42–43

real estate law, 87–92

Compliance with law exception to duty of confidentiality, 205–224

accessorial liability, 213–214

client advocacy, 214

client crimes, 212–213

conflicts of interest, 224–227

criminal defense representation, 224–227

deontology, 205

discretion, 225, 227

environmental law, 219–224

failure to disclose facts, 214–217

failure to disclose law, 217–219

false evidence, 219–224

identity of client, misrepresentation of, 208–210

law firms, 208–210

lawyer crimes, 210–212

limits of law, 210–214

Model Rules of Professional Conduct, 210–214

motor vehicle accidents, 217–218

murder, 206–208

obstruction of justice, 210–212

physical evidence, 205–208

practice before tribunal, 208–224

representations of fact and law, 208–214

utilitarianism, 205


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