[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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Charts and tables are indicated by “t” following page numbers.


ABA. See American Bar Association

Accessories, compliance with law exception to duty of confidentiality, 213–214

Access to justice

appointment of counsel for indigents, 41–51

future trends, 45

IOLTA programs, 42

Legal Services Corporation, 42

limits of law, 44–45

nonlawyer practice, 44–45

pro bono publico service, 41–45

pro se representation, 44

Accidental clients, 52–55

Accomplices, compliance with law exception to duty of confidentiality, 213–214

Accountants, 44–45, 86, 452, 454

Actual clients, 52

Actual discharge of lawyers, 382–383

Admission to bar

character and fitness, 24–25

citizenship requirements, 25

Equal Protection Clause, 25

First Amendment, 24–30

Fourteenth Amendment, 25

judicial regulation of, 24–30

pro hac vice admission, 25

qualifications, 24–25

residency requirements, 25

Adversary system, 10–14

Advertising and solicitation, 431–444

direct-mail solicitation, 431–436

First Amendment, 438–442, 439t

limits of law, 438–444

Model Rules of Professional Conduct, 436–438, 439t, 441

in social media, 436–438, 441

termination of lawyer’s employment at firm, soliciting clients after, 389

Advice. See Legal advice


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