[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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Palsgraf v. Long Island R.R. Co., 59, 78

Pane v. Goffs, 381

Panel File, In re, 408

Panzardi-Alvarez v. United States, 443

Papyrus Tech. Corp. v. New York Stock Exch., Inc., 321

Paradigm Ins. Co. v. Langerman Law Offices, P.A., 290, 291, 296, 394

Parnell v. Court of App. of W. V., 25

Parsons v. Continental Nat’l Am. Grp., 293

Passante v. McWilliam, 267

Paulter, In re, 325

Peasley, In re, 325

Peel v. Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Comm’n, 439

Pelham v. Griesheimer, 85, 86

Pelle; United States v., 321

Pension Comm. of Univ. of Montreal Pension Plan v. Banc of Am. Sec., 403, 404

People v. See name of opposing party

Perdue v. Kenny A., 360, 361

Perez v. Kirk & Carrigan, 77, 130, 132, 225, 264, 293, 294

Perez v. Stern, 72, 82

Perl v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 283

Petermann v. Teamsters Local, 381

Philadelphia v. Westinghouse Elec. Corp., 144

Pickholtz v. Rainbow Techs., Inc., 406

Pierson v. Ray, 456

Piper v. Supreme Court of N.H., 25

Piro v. Sarofim, 283

Platt, Matter of, 459

Pope Cnty. Bar Ass’n, Inc. v. Suggs, 22, 23

Potts, In Matter of, 180, 373

Powell v. Alabama, 100

Powell, II, In re, 332, 346

Pressly, In re, 152, 225

Preston v. Stoops, 20, 23

Primus, In re, 434, 439, 440

Prince Jefri Bolkiah v. KPMG, 321, 454

Professional Reactor Operator Soc’y v. United States NRC, 237


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