[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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casebook. For example, we noted that many countries provide some legal services to their

citizens who cannot afford to pay. 1 On the other hand, the EU differs from U.S. courts

about whether the attorney-client privilege extends to inside counsel, 2 and on the extent to

which lawyers can screen to remedy conflicts of interest. 3 England and Canada disagree

about the extent to which lawyers should be subject to criminal reporting provisions in

anti-money-laundering statutes. 4 Some of the most significant differences in regulation

occur in bar regulation, including multijurisdictional and multidisciplinary practice. 5

Multijurisdictional Practice

Unauthorized practice rules combine with Model Rule 5.5(a) to keep lawyers jurisdictionspecific

and prevent multijurisdictional practice. Birbrower illustrates the fact that lawyers

risk a number of penalties if they represent clients in a jurisdiction (or country) where they

are not admitted to practice law.

Yet as both individual and corporate clients have become more mobile, they often

confront legal problems in many jurisdictions or countries. Clients or law firms also might

prefer to outsource some legal tasks to providers in another jurisdiction. 6

Model Rule 5.5 allows some, but not all, multijurisdictional practice. The basic rule

articulated in Birbrower remains the same: A lawyer is not allowed to establish an office or

“other systematic and continuous presence” in a jurisdiction where he or she is not

admitted to practice.

Rule 5.5 carves out two groups of exceptions. The first hinges on temporary presence in

a jurisdiction to accomplish some specific purpose, such as pro hac vice admission,

association with another lawyer admitted in the jurisdiction, and practice or alternative

dispute resolution reasonably related to a matter where the lawyer is admitted to practice.

Note that these exceptions would not have legitimated the California practice of the New

York lawyers in Birbrower because they were not associated with California counsel and

neither the contract dispute nor the ADR were related to their New York practice. 7

The second group of exceptions does not rest on temporary presence, but instead

acknowledges a competing policy, such as the need for multijurisdictional services to some

clients. Thus, entities can hire inside counsels who do not need to be admitted in the

jurisdiction where their office is located, and legal services can be provided in any

jurisdiction if they are either authorized by federal law 8 or the law of that jurisdiction.

In contrast to these limited exceptions, the current EU practice provides a common set

of rules which encourage cross-border practice, but also allow each member state to

determine foreign practice rules. 9 In this country, Model Rule 8.5 clarifies that each

jurisdiction where law practice occurs has the ability to discipline both admitted and

nonadmitted lawyers. 10 It also provides a choice of law provision.

Multidisciplinary Practice


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