[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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14-4. Martyn & Fox filed a lawsuit against Chemco one week before the statute of

limitations ran, a delay caused by tardy consultation with the firm. The suit was brought on

behalf of three children born with birth defects, alleging that the birth defects were caused

in utero by their mother’s exposure to poisonous chemicals that Chemco emitted into the

air near their homes. Ten months later, Martyn & Fox consulted an expert for the first

time, who told the firm that there was no way to prove that Chemco’s chemicals caused the

birth defects in question. Martyn & Fox then voluntarily dismissed the claim, but not until

after Chemco had spent thousands of dollars on its own experts. Any concerns for Martyn

& Fox?

C. Discovery Abuse Model Rules 3.2, 3.4, 5.2 Federal Rules of Civil

Procedure 26, 37

Surowiec v. Capital Title Agency, Inc.

790 F. Supp. 2d 997 (D. Ariz 2011)

David G. CAMPBELL, United States District Judge. . . .

In November 2006, Plaintiff James Surowiec purchased a condominium unit located in

Scottsdale, Arizona from developer Shamrock Glen, LLC. Scott Romley, an employee with

Capital Title Agency, Inc. (“Capital”), served as escrow agent for the transaction. Plaintiff

alleges, among other things, that Romley failed to disclose before closing that the property

would remain encumbered by deeds of trusts held by certain investors in the Shamrock

Glen development. Plaintiff claims that those junior liens and related foreclosure actions

brought by the investors have prevented him from selling the condominium, resulting in

financial loss. . . .

For the reasons that follow, . . . the Court will grant in part . . . [plaintiff’s] motions for


IV. Spoliation of Evidence.

. . . Spoliation is the destruction or material alteration of evidence, or the failure to

otherwise preserve evidence, for another’s use in litigation. Plaintiff seeks various sanctions

against Defendants for spoliation of emails and other electronic records concerning, among

other things, Romley’s involvement with title and escrow problems in the sale of Shamrock

Glen properties.

“A party seeking sanctions for spoliation of evidence must prove the following

elements: (1) the party having control over the evidence had an obligation to preserve it

when it was destroyed or altered; (2) the destruction or loss was accompanied by a ‘culpable

state of mind;’ and (3) the evidence that was destroyed or altered was ‘relevant’ to the


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