[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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hearing committee and the board erred in not concluding that Fordham’s fee was clearly

excessive. . . .

The fact that this court has not previously had occasion to discipline an attorney in the

circumstances of this case does not suggest that the imposition of discipline in this case

offends due process.

In charging a clearly excessive fee, Fordham departed substantially from the obligation

of professional responsibility that he owed to his client. The ABA Model Standards for

Imposing Lawyer Sanctions §7.3 (1992) endorses a public reprimand as the appropriate

sanction for charging a clearly excessive fee. We deem such a sanction appropriate in this

case. . . .

Lawrence J. Fox

Raise the Bar: Real World Solutions for a Troubled Profession

15-27 (ABA 2007)

End Billable Hour Goals. . . Now

We are delighted you have selected Austen Dental Services for all your dental needs.

We look forward to providing you with high quality cost effective services. Our team of

talented young dentists are highly motivated to give you outstanding services not only by

virtue of their professional commitment to you, but also because the very best of them will

be offered partnership in our great organization. To that end, we are sure you will be

pleased to learn that we will charge for our services on an hourly basis. To demonstrate

their dedication, we require our young dentists to record at least 2,000 billable hours per

year, with bonuses if the dentist should achieve benchmarks of hourly dedication beyond


* * *

Hourly billing has been with the legal profession a very long time. The evolution from

one line bills “for professional services” to billing on the basis of precise calculation of time

began when clients, particularly those with in-house counsel, as well as insurance

companies that hire lawyers to represent insureds, looked for greater accountability and

precision in the way they were charged for lawyer services. What started as an innovation

grudgingly accepted by law firms, soon became the gold standard, applied almost

universally to this day, despite numerous objections and staunch advocates in favor of

alternative billing methods.

From accepting hourly billing, it was not very long before the tracking of time became

not only a basis for preparing invoices but also a welcomed, even celebrated, management

tool. Raise the hourly rate $5 or $10 and the revenue went right to the bottom line. Get

each lawyer to add one billable hour per month, per week or per day, and you achieved the

same results. Review time accounting records and you could rank order not just associates,


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