[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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ensure that the screened lawyer actually is isolated from the matter and all firm lawyers

understand the precise details of that isolation.

To meet this standard, a law firm should:

Determine whether the firm is large enough to establish an effective screen; 19

Implement a written screening policy;

Establish the screen before the screened lawyer joins the firm, or if the lawyer is

already in the firm, as soon as the conflict has been timely detected; 20

Acknowledge in writing that the screened lawyer will not communicate with any

firm lawyers about the matter;

Notify all law firm personnel about the screen, indicating they may not

communicate with the screened lawyer about the matter;

Quarantine all law firm files about the screened matter. Electronic files should be

available only with a proper password, and paper files should be kept in an area that

is not available to the screened lawyer; 21

Establish bookkeeping procedures that assure the screened lawyer does not share in

the fee revenue from the case; 22 and

Give prompt notification to all clients, former clients, or other parties that the

screen has been established. 23

Once screens are timely implemented and carefully established, they also must be

maintained. Inadvertent or intentional breaches of screens must be reported to affected

clients to prevent further sanctions. 24 Further, screens can proliferate, so that law firms can

find themselves with hundreds of them, each one generating the need to notify affected

parties, segregate files, prevent communication, and preclude revenue sharing. 25 Keeping

track of these details requires a great deal of skill. This is why, once established, law firms

should maintain screens by:

Creating law firm mechanisms that periodically remind screened lawyers of their

obligations and inquire about the maintenance of proper screening procedures; and

Promptly notifying the affected clients and former clients if the screen is breached.

Integrating a Conflicts Control System into Law Firm Management

Law firms should establish a committee or designate a partner with responsibility for

implementing the conflicts control system. When potential conflicts are discovered, the

partner or committee should have the authority to decide how to respond. Law firm policy

should include the requirement that any member of a law firm ethics committee potentially

involved in any conflict be disqualified from considering its resolution. The partner or

committee in charge of conflicts should also make clear that deviations from the firm policy

are serious concerns and will result in appropriate sanctions. 26


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