[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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probate judge. Is Fox in trouble?

5. Criminal Defense Model Rules 1.6(b)(6), 3.3 RLGL §§ 63 and 120


8-13. How does Martyn & Fox deal with a criminal defendant client who insists,

incredibly, that he was in Paris, France, the night of the murder in Paris, Texas? What if we

know in advance? What if it happens as a surprise? Does it matter that we are convinced

our client is innocent?

D. Detecting Conflicts of Interest Model Rules 1.6(b)(7); 1.7, Comment [3];



8-14. Martyn & Fox want to hire a brilliant third-year law student in their litigation

department. The student gained litigation experience working in a law school domestic

violence and juvenile law clinic. To facilitate the obligatory conflicts check, Martyn & Fox

ask the new hire for the names of her clinic clients and a brief description of each case.

Does it matter if Martyn & Fox currently represents the county child protective services


Lawyers’ Roles:

Zealous Representation Within the Bounds of the Law

Several of the cases in the last three chapters in this book provide dramatic examples of

lawyers who underidentified or overidentified with clients. Those who apparently

underidentified with clients, like the lawyers in Perez, Anonymous, and Pressly, breached

fiduciary duties. Those lawyers who apparently overidentified with clients, like the lawyers

in Stratos, Casey, Forrest, and Shaffer Equipment ran afoul of the bounds of the law by

facilitating a client fraud (Stratos), crime (Casey), and a fraud on the court (Forrest and

Shaffer Equipment).

The vast majority of lawyers avoid these extremes by representing their clients zealously

within the bounds of the law. 1 These lawyers refrain from directive behavior by fulfilling

their fiduciary duties and providing zealous representation. At the same time, these lawyers

avoid instrumentalism by maintaining the professional objectivity necessary to provide their

clients with good legal advice. They recognize definitive legal norms but remain willing to

challenge them openly when significant rights of a client are at stake. This is what Judge

Noonan calls the “right relation . . . struck most of the time.” 2 It is a relation of translator

or “wise counselor,” 3 rather than parent or puppet.


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