[textbook]Traversing the Ethical Minefield Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility by Susan R. Martyn (z-lib.org)(1) (1)

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B. Control

Model Rules 1.2, 1.4

RLGL §§ 20-23, 26, 27

1. Authority Between Client and Lawyer

Like other agents, lawyers have a duty to act on the client’s behalf, subject to the client’s

right to control the objectives of the representation. 1 At the same time, most clients defer to

and rely on their lawyers’ expertise regarding the means to accomplish client goals. The

Model Rules of Professional Conduct and the law of agency recognize three spheres of

authority between client and lawyer, summarized in the following chart.

In the first sphere (the left column), clients retain sole authority to make decisions

concerning the outcome of the representation, including whether and when to settle or

appeal a matter, and in criminal cases, how to plead, whether to waive a jury trial, and

whether to testify. 2 Clients can authorize their lawyers to make a particular decision within

this sphere, but the ultimate authority of clients to decide cannot be completely ceded to

their lawyers. 3

In the second sphere (the right column), lawyers retain sole authority to refuse to

perform, to counsel, or to assist a client’s unlawful act, 4 and in spite of client preferences to

the contrary, lawyers also may take actions in tribunals they reasonably believe to be


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