Personal Protection CA

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Customer Agreement<br />

<strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Protection</strong> Services<br />

comprising:<br />

Initial advice and related transactions<br />

Forwarding and monitoring<br />

Bereavement support<br />

Annual review<br />

Fixed initial fee and ongoing fee<br />

This proposition is suitable for customers requiring advice on planning for the financial<br />

consequences of death or incapacity to their dependents.<br />

It is not suitable for customers requiring limited advice or those not requiring an<br />

ongoing service.<br />

The proposition charge for initial services is based on an estimate of the total value of<br />

the customer’s estate on death. Where this differs from the subsequent accurate<br />

assessment, the proposition provides for the customer to withdraw from the agreement<br />

without further charge.<br />

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1. Reference<br />

1.1. The following reference is assigned to this agreement and should be used in conjunction with<br />

any communications regarding the services to be provided:<br />

2. Parties to this agreement<br />

2.1. This agreement is made between Leabold Financial Management Ltd (referred to variously<br />

in this agreement as ‘the Company’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’) and the following (referred to in this<br />

document as ‘the Client(s)’, ‘you’, ‘your’):<br />

3. Primary Contact<br />

3.1. The Company will deal with the following individual as the Primary Contact and classify its<br />

dealings with the Client(s) in accordance with that individual’s understanding and experience<br />

of relevant financial matters:<br />

4. Designated Adviser<br />

4.1. The Company has designated the following individual to act in this capacity:<br />

4.2. F<strong>CA</strong> regulations require the Adviser to hold an approved qualification. The relevant<br />

qualification held by the above individual are:<br />

Qualification Awarding Body Date Awarded<br />

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5. Client Classification<br />

5.1. The Company will classify the Client(s) depending on the provision of the following services:<br />

5.1.1. In the case of ‘investment mediation’, this will be a ‘retail customer’. This<br />

means ‘a client who is not a professional client or an eligible counterparty’.<br />

5.1.2. In the case of ‘insurance mediation, this will be a ‘consumer’. This means ‘any<br />

natural person who is acting for purposes which are outside his trade or profession’.<br />

5.2. As either a ‘retail customer’, or ‘consumer’, the Client(s) may have recourse to the<br />

Financial Ombudsman Service in the event of a dispute with the Company reaching deadlock.<br />

The Client(s) may also be eligible to receive protection from the Financial Services<br />

Compensation Scheme should the Company be unable to cover losses arising from its own<br />

negligent acts. A customer defined as either ‘professional’, or ‘commercial’, would not<br />

receive these protections.<br />

5.3. If the Client(s) believes they should not be classified as a ‘retail customer’, or ‘consumer’,<br />

they will inform the Company immediately.<br />

6. Company status<br />

6.1. The Company is registered in England and Wales under Companies House number<br />

05173817.<br />

6.2. The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leabold Financial Management Holdings<br />

Limited, which is registered in England and Wales under Companies House number<br />

08296996.<br />

6.3. The Company is directly authorised by the United Kingdom financial services regulator,<br />

the Financial Conduct Authority (F<strong>CA</strong>), to undertake activities regulated under the Financial<br />

Services and Markets Act 2000. This means the Company holds authorisation directly with<br />

the F<strong>CA</strong> as opposed to being an appointed representative of another directly authorised firm.<br />

6.4. The relevant activities that the Company has been authorised to undertake by F<strong>CA</strong> include:<br />

6.4.1. Advising on investments.<br />

6.4.2. Advising on pension transfers and opt-outs.<br />

6.4.3. Bringing about deals in investments.<br />

6.4.4. Making arrangements with a view to transactions in investments.<br />

6.4.5. Assisting in the administration and performance of a contract of insurance.<br />

6.5. Details of the Company’s F<strong>CA</strong> authorisation can be found on https://register.fca.org.uk/<br />

under the Firm Reference Number 402291.<br />

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6.6. The Company provides ‘independent advice’. This means that, when advising customers, it<br />

must ‘assess a sufficient range of relevant products available on the market which must be<br />

sufficiently diverse with regard to their type; and issuers or product providers to ensure that<br />

the client’s investment objectives can be suitably met; and not be limited to relevant products<br />

issued or provided by the firm itself or by entities having close links with the firm; or other<br />

entities with which the firm has such close legal or economic relationships, including<br />

contractual relationships, as to present a risk of impairing the independent basis of the advice<br />

provided.’<br />

7. Commencement and termination of this agreement<br />

7.1. This agreement is effective once signed by the Client(s) and a Director of the Company.<br />

7.2. The Company may terminate this agreement at any time, and without penalty, subject to<br />

giving written notice to the Client(s).<br />

7.3. The Client(s) may terminate this agreement at any time, without penalty, subject to giving<br />

written notice to the Company and payment of any outstanding fees.<br />

7.4. The Company reserves the right to change the terms stated in this agreement at thirty days<br />

written notice to the Client(s).<br />

8. Instructing<br />

8.1. At the Company’s discretion, it may accept verbal instructions from the Client(s). However,<br />

the Company reserves the right to insist such instructions be provided in writing (which shall<br />

include facsimile and internet transmission) to avoid possible disputes.<br />

9. Communicating<br />

9.1. The Client(s) agree to receiving communications from the Company via the following:<br />

Client to initial the relevant boxes:<br />

I agree<br />

I do not<br />

agree<br />

The Company may send postal communications to the following<br />

address:<br /><br />

I agree<br />

I agree<br />

I do not<br />

agree<br /><br />

I do not<br />

agree<br /><br />

The Company may send electronic communications to the following<br />

email addresses:<br />

The Company may make direct contact on the following telephone<br />

numbers:<br />

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9.2. The Client(s) prefer to receive formal communications from the Company via:<br />

Client to initial the relevant boxes<br />

I prefer<br />

I do not<br />

prefer<br />

Receiving electronic communication via email<br />

Receiving paper communication via post<br />

10. <strong>Personal</strong> information<br />

10.1. The Company is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to hold<br />

and process personal information. Details of the Company’s ICO registration can be found<br />

on https://ico.org.uk/ESDWebPages/Entry/Z8721312 under reference Z8721312.<br />

10.2. The Company will collect personal information from the Client(s) and relevant third<br />

parties for the purposes of providing the services set out in this agreement.<br />

10.3. Where the Company needs to obtain personal information from a third party, the<br />

Company will obtain the Client(s) express consent before doing so.<br />

10.4. The Company will not use the information for the purpose of unsolicited marketing<br />

unless the Client(s) has expressly consented to this.<br />

10.5. The Company will not release the information to any other source for the purposes of<br />

unsolicited marketing.<br />

10.6. The Company will share personal information with other financial product providers<br />

only where necessary for the purposes of providing the services set out in this agreement.<br />

10.7. The Company will make reasonable endeavours to keep up to date any personal<br />

information it holds regarding the Client(s) during the period this agreement is in force.<br />

10.8. The Company will continue to hold personal information after this agreement has<br />

terminated to comply with F<strong>CA</strong> regulations or as long as necessary to reasonably indemnify<br />

the Company against the risk of claims.<br />

11. Access to records<br />

11.1. The Client(s) may inspect copies of contract notes, vouchers and entries in our records<br />

relating to transactions undertaken on their behalf, provided that reasonable notice is given,<br />

and such access does not affect the confidentiality of other clients.<br />

11.2. On request by the Client(s), the Company will provide details of any personal data it<br />

holds regarding the Client(s) in accordance with the requirements of the Data <strong>Protection</strong> Act<br />

2018.<br />

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11.3. The Company will use reasonable endeavours to comply with requests from or on<br />

behalf of the Client for copies of documents and information not covered under data<br />

protection regulations. The Company reserves the right to levy a charge relative to the<br />

costs involved in preparing and forwarding such information.<br />

12. Registration of financial products<br />

12.1. The Company will arrange and register financial products in the name of the Client(s).<br />

12.2. The Company will forward to the Client(s) all title documents relating to financial<br />

products as soon as practicable after receipt. Where a number of documents relating to a<br />

series of transactions is involved, the Company will normally hold each document until the<br />

series is complete and then forward them to the Client(s).<br />

13. Conflicts of interest<br />

13.1. Occasions can arise where the Company, or another client for whom it may be acting,<br />

may have some form of interest in the business being transacted for the Client(s). If this<br />

happens, or the Company become aware that its interests’ conflicts with those of the Client(s),<br />

it will obtain written consent from the Client(s) before carrying out that transaction.<br />

13.2. Where the Client(s) have been introduced to the Company by a third party with whom<br />

the Company has an agreement to cede part of any fees payable by the Client(s), the Company<br />

will disclose the name of the third party and the amount of any ceding that will be paid. In<br />

relation to the Client(s), the current status is:<br />

Name of Introducer<br />

Percentage or amount<br />

of fees to be ceded<br />

14. Client money<br />

14.1. The Company is not authorised by the F<strong>CA</strong> to hold or control client money. This<br />

means that it cannot accept payment from the Client(s) where this is intended to be passed<br />

on to a third party, or payments from a third party to be passed on to the Client(s).<br />

15. Services<br />

15.1. The Company will use reasonable endeavours to provide the following services to the<br />

Client(s):<br />

15.1.1. Information collection:<br /> The Company will obtain the following information from the Client(s) and<br />

relevant third parties:<br /> The legal arrangements established by the Client(s) relating to the<br />

distribution of the Client(s) estate on death or incapacity, including wills,<br />

trusts and powers of attorney.<br />

Page 6 of 16 Customer Agreement <strong>Protection</strong> Services 22/1/2022 The nature and value of relevant investments, insurances, entitlements,<br />

and other provisions established by or to which the Client(s) beneficiaries may<br />

have an entitlement.<br /> The Client(s) relevant personal circumstances, including health and medical<br />

history.<br /> The Client(s) relevant financial affairs, including assets, liabilities, income,<br />

and expenditure.<br /> The Client(s) relevant ethical and philosophical views, religious beliefs, and<br />

political affiliations.<br /> The Client(s) relevant future goals and objectives.<br /> The Client(s) previous experience of relevant financial matters.<br />

15.1.2. Research and assessment<br /> The Company will research and assess the following:<br /> The Client(s) understanding of relevant financial matters.<br /> The extent to which the Client(s) can afford to make provision for<br />

insurance.<br /> The statistical mortality and morbidity of the Client(s).<br /> The ‘insurable interest’ of the Client(s) and any other relevant<br />

individual.<br /> The amount of any insurance cover required by the Client(s) initially,<br />

and extent to which this may change in future.<br /> The term over which insurance cover is likely to be required by the<br />

Client(s).<br /> The range of eventualities for which cover is required, ie death,<br />

incapacity, health.<br /> The appropriate type of financial product through which the Client(s)<br />

should provide necessary cover.<br />

NB – consideration of financial products will exclude medical expenses and<br />

accident and sickness insurance products.<br /> The appropriate arrangement of lives assured on relevant financial<br />

products.<br /> The appropriate options and features the Client(s) should select on any<br />

recommended financial product.<br />

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15.1.3. Advice<br /> The appropriate legal arrangements the Client(s) should make<br />

regarding the ownership of relevant financial products and ultimate payments<br />

to chosen beneficiaries.<br /> An estimate of the potential exposure to inheritance tax charges on the<br />

Client(s) estate and recommendations for appropriate plan for mitigation.<br /> The appropriate product provider with whom relevant financial<br />

products insurance cover should be arranged, taking account of:<br /> The options and features required by the Client(s).<br /> The cost of the product relative to the wider market for similar<br />

products.<br /> The financial strength of the product provider.<br /> The servicing standards of the product provider.<br /> The Company will:<br /> prepare and issue a written report to the Client(s) setting out:<br /> The Company’s professional recommendations.<br /> The rationale on which the Company’s recommendation is<br />

based.<br /> The initial cost and future costs arising from the Company’s<br />

recommendations.<br /> The risks to which the Client(s) may be exposed through<br />

following, or not following the Company’s recommendations.<br /> Following receipt and consideration by the Client(s) of the report, the<br />

Company will:<br /> Meet with the Client(s) or make such other arrangements as are<br />

reasonable to allow the Client(s) to consider the Company’s professional<br />

recommendations and reach an informed and objective decision on how to<br />

proceed.<br /> Determine the Client(s) instructions regarding the arrangement of any<br />

necessary transactions.<br />

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15.1.4. Transactions<br /> Where the Client(s) wish to proceed with the Company’s recommendations, or<br />

any reasonable modification, the Company will arrange for the relevant<br />

transactions to be carried out.<br />

Please note - The Company reserves the right to decline to undertake any<br />

transaction which it reasonably believes may expose the Client(s) to significant<br />

and unwarranted risk.<br />

15.1.5. Forwarding and monitoring<br /> The Company will forward to the Client(s) all important communications<br />

received from product providers in relation to relevant financial products<br />

established by the Client(s).<br /> The Company will monitor changes in relevant legislation and notify the<br />

Client(s) in circumstances where these may affect the aims, objectives, attitude to<br />

risk, or personal circumstances of the Client(s).<br />

15.1.6. Periodic review<br /> The Company will undertake annual reviews of the original advice covering<br />

relevant changes in the following:<br /> The Client(s) goals, objectives and needs.<br /> The Client(s) personal circumstances.<br /> The Client(s) financial situation.<br /> The continued suitability of relevant strategies, financial product types,<br />

and product providers, previously recommended to the Client(s) by the<br />

Company.<br /> Relevant legislation and taxation matters.<br /> Following the review, the Company will prepare and issue a report to the<br />

Client(s) setting out recommendations for:<br /> Those relevant areas of previous advice that should be updated.<br /> The rationale on which the Company’s recommendation is based.<br /> The charges paid by the Client(s) to the Company and product provider<br />

over the previous twelve months.<br /> The risks to which the Client(s) may be exposed through following, or<br />

not following the Company’s recommendations.<br /> Following receipt and consideration by the Client(s) of the report, the<br />

Company will:<br />

Page 9 of 16 Customer Agreement <strong>Protection</strong> Services 22/1/2022 Meet with the Client(s) or make such other arrangements as are<br />

reasonable to allow the Client(s) to consider the Company’s professional<br />

recommendations and reach an informed and objective decision on how to<br />

proceed.<br /> Determine the Client(s) instructions regarding arranging any necessary<br />

transactions.<br />

15.2. Bereavement support<br />

15.2.1. In the event of the death of the Client(s), the Company will offer the following services<br />

to the executor and/or survivor of the deceased Client(s):<br /> Immediate direction on what necessary steps to take directly after the death.<br /> Advice on obtaining the death certificate, where to register the death, and the<br />

timescale needed to avoid incurring statutory penalties.<br /> Where required, recommending, and arranging introductions, to local funeral<br />

directors.<br /> Where required, support and direction on how to locate the deceased Client(s)<br />

will via the National Will Register and other relevant sources.<br /> Where required, support and direction in notifying relevant Government<br />

Departments, including the Office of the Public Guardian where the deceased has<br />

been subject to a ‘power or attorney’.<br /> Where required, assisting with notifying claims to relevant life insurance,<br />

pension, or investment product providers.<br /> Where required, assisting with notifying banks, building societies and other<br />

deposit takers.<br /> Where required, recommending and arranging introductions to local solicitors<br />

for support with obtaining probate and distribution of the estate.<br /> Where required, assisting with registering the deceased Client(s) details with<br />

the ‘Deceased Preference Service’ to stop unwanted mail.<br /> Where required, recommending and arranging introductions to local venues<br />

able to host post funeral gatherings<br /> Where required, recommending and arranging introductions to local house<br />

clearance services and charitable institutions to whom clothes and other minor<br />

chattels can be gifted.<br /> Where required, assisting with obtaining valuations of investments for the<br />

purposes of establishing the value of the Deceased’s estate.<br />

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16. Charges<br /> Where required, recommending and arrange introductions to bereavement<br />

counsellors.<br /> Where required, recommending and arranging introductions to local estate<br />

agents for the purposes of the sale or valuation of property.<br /> Advising on the investment of the proceeds of the deceased Client(s) estate to<br />

meet the income and other financial needs of survivors and dependents.<br /> Advising on opportunities available to the Executor and beneficiaries of the<br />

deceased Client(s) estate to reduce exposure inheritance tax liability.<br /> Advising dependents of the deceased Client(s) on opportunities to transfer ISA<br />

and other tax allowances from the deceased Client(s) to beneficiaries of the estate.<br /> Preparing a formal record of relevant information and documents relating to<br />

the arrangements made to settle the deceased Client(s) affairs.<br />

16.1. Initial services<br />

16.1.1. This will include<br /> ‘Information collection’,<br /> ‘Research’,<br /> ‘Advice’,<br /> ‘Transactions’,<br /> ‘Forwarding and monitoring’ for the first 12 months following the date of this<br />

agreement.<br /> ‘Periodic review’ for the first 12 months following the date of this agreement.<br />

16.1.2. The charge for the services will be assessed at outset of this agreement based on an<br />

estimate of the value of the Client(s) estate on death.<br />

16.1.3. Where further information gathered during the ‘Research and Assessment’ service<br />

indicates that the initial estimate of charges is materially incorrect, the Company reserves<br />

the right to withdraw from this agreement and offer the Client(s) amended terms. If the<br />

Client(s) then decline to take up those amended terms, no further charge will be payable.<br />

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16.1.4. The ‘initial services’ will be charged at the following tariff:<br />

Value of Client(s) estate in the event of death<br />

Charge Rate<br />

£1 - £499.999 £750<br />

£500,000 - £999,999 £1,500<br />

£1,000,000 - £2,999,999 £2,500<br />

£3,000.000 - £4,999,999 £3,500<br />

£5,00,0000 – By arrangement<br />

16.2. Ongoing services<br />

16.2.1. This will include:<br /> ‘Forwarding and monitoring’.<br /> ‘Periodic review’.<br /> ‘Bereavement support’.<br />

16.2.2. The charge will be assessed at outset of this agreement based on an estimate of the<br />

value of the Client(s) estate on death.<br />

16.2.3. Where further information gathered during the ‘Research and Assessment’ service<br />

indicates that the initial estimate of charges is materially incorrect, the Company reserves<br />

the right to withdraw from this agreement and offer the Client(s) amended terms. If the<br />

Client(s) then decline to take up those amended terms, no further charge will be payable.<br />

16.2.4. The ‘ongoing services’ will be charged at the following tariff:<br />

Value of the Client(s) estate in the event of death<br />

Charge rate<br />

£1 - £499.999 £250pa<br />

£500,000 - £999,999 £750pa<br />

£1,000,000 - £2,999,999 £1,250pa<br />

£3,000.000 - £4,999,999 £1,750pa<br />

£5,000,0000 – By arrangement<br />

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17. Payment of charges<br />

17.1. Where available, the Company will provide the Client(s) with the option to pay<br />

charges by either:<br />

17.1.1. Collection via the product provider:<br /> Charges will be deducted from the Client(s) financial products by the product<br />

provider and passed on to the Company.<br /> In the case of ‘initial services’, payment will be made by the product provider<br />

after completion of any related transactions. If there are no related transactions<br />

arising from the Company’s advice, or if the amount of payment from the product<br />

provider is insufficient to cover the agreed cost of services, the Company will then<br />

invoice the Client(s) directly.<br /> In the case of ‘ongoing services’ payment will be made by the product provider<br />

in arrear over the period determined by the product provider’s terms for payment<br />

of adviser charges. Where the amount of payment from the product provider is<br />

insufficient to cover the agreed cost of services, the Company will then invoice the<br />

Client(s) directly.<br />

17.1.2. Direct payment:<br /> Charges will be invoiced for payment by the Client(s) within thirty days.<br /> In the case of ‘initial services’ the invoice will be issued following the<br />

provision of advice or, where related transactions are to be arranged by the<br />

Company, following completion of those transactions.<br /> In the case of ‘ongoing services, the invoice will be issued annually in<br />

advance on those services being provided.<br /> In the event the Client(s) decline to pay charges for ‘ongoing services’, the<br />

Company will not issue further invitations for annual review.<br />

NB - where charges are paid directly, this will reduce the ongoing cost of related<br />

financial products.<br />

17.1.3. Offset by commission<br /> The Company will account to the Client(s) for any relevant commission<br />

received by the Company over the period during which commission is payable<br /> Where the amount of initial commission received exceeds the cost of the<br />

‘initial services’, the balance will be held and applied against the cost of ‘ongoing<br />

services’.<br /> The Company will continue to provide ‘ongoing services’ to the Client(s) until<br />

the balance of any commission received has been utilised.<br />

Page 13 of 16 Customer Agreement <strong>Protection</strong> Services 22/1/2022 If the Client(s) decline to take up the invitation for review, the ‘ongoing<br />

service’ charge will continue to be offset from the balance of any commission<br />

received.<br /> At such point as the balance of commission no longer covers the cost of<br />

‘ongoing services’, the Company will invite the Client(s) to pay charges directly.<br /> If the Client(s) decline to pay charges for ‘ongoing services’, the Company<br />

will cease providing further ongoing services’ and will not issue further invitations<br />

for annual review.<br /> Where cancelling of financial product results in the product provider<br />

reclaiming a commission payment, the Company will invoice the Client(s) for the<br />

reclaim less any remaining balance due to be offset against ‘ongoing services’.<br /> The balance of any commission remaining at the cancellation of ongoing<br />

services will not be transferred or refunded.<br />

18. Cancellation of ongoing services<br />

18.1. The future provision of ongoing services may be cancelled by the Client(s) at any time<br />

subject to payment of any outstanding charges.<br />

19. Special Agreements<br />

Special arrangements and modifications to our usual terms<br />

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20. Estimate of actual personal costs<br />

If you are a new customer:<br />

The cost of initial services based on an estate value of £[ ] will be: £<br />

The cost of future ongoing services will depend on changes in the value of<br />

the estate. At the current tariff rate:<br />

If the estate value remained level, the cost would remain at:<br />

Where the value increased above £1,000,000, the cost would increase to:<br />

Where the estate value reduced below £500,000, the cost would reduce to:<br />

£<br />

£<br />

£<br />

If you are an existing customer who has previously received advice and now requires ongoing<br />

services:<br />

The cost of initial services based on an estate value of £[ ] will be: £<br />

The cost of future ongoing services will depend on changes in the value of<br />

the estate. At the current tariff rate:<br />

If the estate value remained level, the cost would remain at:<br />

Where the value increased above £1,000,000, the cost would increase to:<br />

Where the estate value reduced below £500,000, the cost would reduce to:<br />

£<br />

£<br />

£<br />

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21. Agreement to proceed<br />

21.1. The Company will consider the terms of this agreement as binding once signed by the<br />

Client(s) and on behalf of the Company by one of its directors:<br />

Name of Client(s):<br />

Date<br />

Signature(s):<br />

On behalf of Leabold Financial Management Limited:<br />

Director<br />

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