Village Raw - ISSUE 1

Village Raw is a magazine that explores cultural stories from Crouch End, East Finchley, Highgate, Muswell Hill and the surrounding areas. The magazine is created by the community, for the community. If you like this issue you can support the project through a subscription or donation. See the links below. The first issue of Village Raw magazine includes: WOMEN ONLY - Female artists explore the role women have played in Highgate’s history. CRAFTING THE FUTURE - Local crafters championing handmade products. VILLAGE SOUNDS - Q&A with local musicians Gabriella Swallow and Luke Eira. CREATIVITY IS POWER: Rickardo Stewart discusses youth provision and outreach. IN LIMBO: Photographer Dan Bridges captures the essence of Hornsey Town Hall. AN UNDERTONE OF HARMONY - Chriskitch’s Chris Honor discusses harmony. WALK AND TALK (AND EAT) – The Walk and Talk Club. THE HERBAL HOME - The herbal essentials that every home’s medicine chest should have. THE LAST STRAW - N8’s war on single-use plastic. NOT YOUR USUAL SALAD - A recipe from the Sustainable Supper Club. VILLAGE ESSAY - Mina Aidoo writes On Being Human: Learning to Feel Again. AND MORE…

Village Raw is a magazine that explores cultural stories from Crouch End, East Finchley, Highgate, Muswell Hill and the surrounding areas. The magazine is created by the community, for the community. If you like this issue you can support the project through a subscription or donation. See the links below. The first issue of Village Raw magazine includes:

WOMEN ONLY - Female artists explore the role women have played in Highgate’s history.
CRAFTING THE FUTURE - Local crafters championing handmade products.
VILLAGE SOUNDS - Q&A with local musicians Gabriella Swallow and Luke Eira.
CREATIVITY IS POWER: Rickardo Stewart discusses youth provision and outreach.
IN LIMBO: Photographer Dan Bridges captures the essence of Hornsey Town Hall.
AN UNDERTONE OF HARMONY - Chriskitch’s Chris Honor discusses harmony.
WALK AND TALK (AND EAT) – The Walk and Talk Club.
THE HERBAL HOME - The herbal essentials that every home’s medicine chest should have.
THE LAST STRAW - N8’s war on single-use plastic.
NOT YOUR USUAL SALAD - A recipe from the Sustainable Supper Club.
VILLAGE ESSAY - Mina Aidoo writes On Being Human: Learning to Feel Again.


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(AND EAT )<br />

London is such a sprawling<br />

metropolis that it’s easy to get<br />

distracted. But when was the<br />

last time you took a step back<br />

from the never-ending chase<br />

and took a moment to breathe?<br />

Words by Aimee Charalambous.<br />

Photos by David Reeve.<br />

The Walk and Talk Club offers a way for people to get mobile,<br />

make new friends and, most importantly, take a much-needed<br />

break from the rat race.<br />

Walk and Talk Club is about health and meditation. Research<br />

has demonstrated the overall benefits walking has on our<br />

health: not only can it help you shed those extra pounds, but<br />

it can reduce the risk of heart disease and other health conditions,<br />

keep your mind sharp, and promote a good night’s sleep.<br />

The meditative aspect comes from the walks, which are undertaken<br />

in silence, with the social side happening afterwards.<br />

I joined the club on one of their healthy living events: a Sunday<br />

walk to the farmer’s market to buy fresh produce, followed<br />

by a Tuesday walk to a restaurant where the produce was prepared<br />

for lunch. A small group had already formed by the time I<br />

arrived for the walk, and they were quick to make me feel welcome,<br />

as well as tell me why the club was so popular. Flora, one<br />

of the club’s founders, spelled it out: “People spend their whole<br />

lives living in an area, but never take the time to discover all it<br />

really has to offer. Spend a few hours with us and we’ll show you<br />

a different side to the place you call home.”<br />

Initially, as a renowned chatterbox, I struggled with the<br />

‘no talking’ rule but after a few minutes (and a few whispered<br />

questions) it was easy to see why the silence is enforced. It<br />

gives you a new perspective, both on what’s going on around<br />

you and also what’s going on in your head. This isn’t a voyage of<br />

self-discovery though - these guys walk fast, and if you spend<br />

too much time musing you’ll find yourself playing catch up with<br />

an 80-year-old in hiking boots (and from experience that’s not<br />

as easy as you’d think).<br />

After the 30-minute walk we stopped to refresh at the Grove<br />

Café, where we were permitted to break the silence. Booming<br />

out of the open doors came the first few bars of We No Speak<br />

Americano quickly followed by Ciro (the café’s thoroughly Italian<br />

owner), who was carrying an inflatable guitar and giving out funny<br />

hats and novelty sunglasses. His personality was infectious<br />

and within seconds everyone was clapping, singing and laughing<br />

so hard it hurt. This is the kind of ridiculousness that most<br />

adults rarely indulge in - a joy for the soul.<br />

Brimming with positive energy, we set off for the last part<br />

of the walk to Alexandra Palace Farmers’ Market where the final<br />

activity of the day (apart from pondering how to get our hips<br />

to move like Ciro’s) was to hunt down some fresh seasonable<br />

produce. After hearing from some of the traders about their approach<br />

to bio-dynamic farming (where the ecological, spiritual,<br />

social and ethical combine), we left laden with a cornucopia<br />

of seasonal veg, plus some locally produced eggs and goat’s<br />

cheese thrown in for good measure.<br />

It was on a slightly damp Tuesday that we found ourselves<br />

arriving at Chriskitch - the perfect spot for sharing food, coffee<br />

and stories. The chef, Chris Honor, arrived with a selection<br />

of platters, overflowing with our farmers’ market finds, transformed<br />

from a collection of muddy roots into a healthy feast.<br />

Chris’s creations were fresh and packed full of flavour, drawing<br />

on influences from around the world. Mushrooms grilled and<br />

dressed with chilli and lime. Squash, dripping with tahini, sumac<br />

and honey blossom. Celeriac, roasted with capers, topped with<br />

gloriously oozy poached eggs and hard goat’s cheese. And the<br />

show stopper? A towering plate of raw beetroot salad. Sliced thinly,<br />

then prepared as a quick pickle, the crunchy bites of beet were<br />

complemented by crisp green apples, dill and pomegranate.<br />

Accompanied by new friends and interesting conversation<br />

(did you know honey goes through the stomachs of three bees<br />

before it reaches us?), Walk and Talk Club well and truly proved<br />

to me that being healthy shouldn’t be a chore, no matter what<br />

age you are. Bringing mind and body together to create a sense<br />

of wellbeing and belonging is not just enjoyable, but once you<br />

get going it is pretty easy - particularly when you’re part of the<br />

Walk and Talk community.•<br />

Find out more at: www.walkandtalkclub.com<br />

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